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Questions tagged [ap.analysis-of-pdes]

Partial differential equations (PDEs): Existence and uniqueness, regularity, boundary conditions, linear and non-linear operators, stability, soliton theory, integrable PDEs, conservation laws, qualitative dynamics.

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1 answer

Well-posedness of the linear parabolic equations with respect to the inhomogeneous term as well as the initial data

I already asked the question on MSE, and have tried to figure it out myself. But the problem seems trickier than expected, so I guess MO is a better place to ask.. For the sake of completeness, I ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Comparison of solutions of Hamilton–Jacobi equations with different initial conditions

Consider a Hamilton–Jacobi equation: $$u_{t} + f(u_{x}) = 0 \quad (x,t) \in \mathbb{R}\times [0,+\infty)$$ with two possible initial conditions $u(x,0) = g_{i}(x)$ for $x \in \mathbb{R}$ and $i=1,2$. ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Compactly-supported harmonic tensors

Let $({M},g)$ be a connected and non-compact Riemannian manifold without boundary. If $L:\Gamma^{\infty}(E)\to \Gamma^{\infty}(E)$ is a linear second order elliptic operator on some smooth $\mathbb{R}$...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Exponential map for tangent space of space of distributions $\mathscr{P}_2(X)$

In Chapter 8 of the book Gradient Flows In Metric Spaces and in the Space of Probability Measures by Ambrosio et al., the tangent space to the space of distributions on $X$ (let's say $X=\mathbb{R}^d$)...
Juno Kim's user avatar
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Solutions of a Gauss–Codazzi-like system of nonlinear PDEs

Consider the following system of PDEs for the dependent variables $\tau=\tau(u,v)$ and $\gamma=\gamma(u,v)$, with $(u,v)\in [0,a]^2$. $$ \begin{cases} \tau_u&=F\left( \gamma,\gamma_u,\gamma_v,\...
Daniel Castro's user avatar
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Periodic solution for linear parabolic equation - existence, regularity

I am interested in proving the existence and regularity of solution to the following problem: $$\begin{cases} \dfrac{\partial y}{\partial t}(t,x)-\Delta y(t,x)+c(t,x)y(t,x)=f(t,x), & (t,x)\in (0,T)...
Bogdan's user avatar
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$L^2$ regularity theory for elliptic equations: Is there another method other that the difference quotient method? Reference request

So i'm interested in the following classical theorem or similar variants. Consider the following elliptic PDE $$ -D_\alpha(a^{ij}D_\beta u) = f. $$ If we assume that the coefficients $a^{ij}$ are ...
Franlezana's user avatar
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Heat kernel of left-invariant metric on 3-sphere

This post concerns the heat equation on $S^3 (\simeq \mathrm{SU}(2))$ endowed with an arbitrary left-invariant metric. We think of $S^3$ as the space of unit quaternions, and its Lie algebra $\...
o0BlueBeast0o's user avatar
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How is this interpolating curve well-defined in the minimizing movement scheme?

Let $\Omega$ be a compact domain of $\mathbb R^d$. Let $\mathcal P (\Omega)$ be the space of probability measures on $\Omega$. For each $\tau >0$, let $(\varrho^\tau_{(k)})_{k \in \mathbb N} \...
Akira's user avatar
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A question on biharmonic functions

Let $w$ be a function $\mathbb R^n\to \mathbb R$ with the following properties: $w$ is globally $\alpha$-Hölder continuous, $\alpha \in (0,1)$; $w$ is biharmonic on $\{w>0\}$; $w$ is subharmonic ...
Evelina Shamarova's user avatar
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Question about the ''crater'' in mountain-pass theorem while reading a paper of solving mean-field equation by mountain-pass theorem

Actually, I'm reading a paper which finds the saddle point of a functional, of course the unbounded below energy functional will suggest a potential saddle, but the structure of mountain pass is the ...
Elio Li's user avatar
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How to prove $\operatorname{Id}-K$ is a proper map when $K$ is a $C^1$ compact operator?

Assume $X$ is a Banach space, $\Omega \subseteq X$ is an open set, $K\in {C}^{1}( \overline{\Omega}, X)$ is a nonlinear compact map, Is $\operatorname{Id}-K$ a proper map? I think maybe it has ...
boundary's user avatar
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Global existence for large data in $H^{-1/2}(\mathbb R)$ of viscous Burgers' equation with external forcing

First, a quick summary of what to know about viscous (or dissipative) Burgers' equation $$ u_t-u_{xx}=(u^2)_x. \tag{1}\label{1}$$ Recall that $\dot H^{-1/2}(\mathbb R)$ is a scaling-critical Sobolev ...
Lorenzo Pompili's user avatar
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Nature of a certain invariant on smooth field of positive definite matrices

I initially asked on math.stackoverflow but have since come to understand this forum may be more appropriate, as this is indeed a question that arose in writing a research article. Denote $g$ a ...
Sardine's user avatar
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Any solution of an evolution problem tends to a steady state in $L^2$?

I have a general question. Suppose that we have the following simple evolution problem $\begin{cases} \dfrac{\partial u}{\partial t}-\Delta u=f(u), & (t,x)\in (0,\infty)\times\Omega\\ \dfrac{\...
Bogdan's user avatar
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13 answers

Counterexamples in PDE

Let us compile a list of counterexamples in PDE, similar in spirit to the books Counterexamples in topology and Counterexamples in analysis. Eventually I plan to type up the examples with their ...
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1 answer

A priori estimates to $u_t - \Delta u = u^2$ [closed]

My research is now considering the a priori estimates on the equation $$ \begin{cases}u_t - \Delta u = u \min(u,c) \\ u(0,y) = u(1,y)\\ u_x(0,y) = u_x(1,y)\\ \partial_n u(x,0) = \partial_n u(x,1) = 0 \...
mathdoge's user avatar
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Question on the modelling of (viscous) fluid in a bag with holes

Consider some fluid (as nice as possible) in a plastic bag with holes illustrated by the image below (of course no holes have been drawn in this picture) What is the corresponding PDE to model the ...
GJC20's user avatar
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$L^p$ estimates for critical heat equation on $\mathbb{R}^n$

Background: Let $u:\mathbb{R}^n\times [0,T_+)\to \mathbb{R}$ be a solution to $$\partial_t u = \Delta u + |u|^{p-1}u$$ where $p=2^{*}-1=\frac{2n}{n-2}-1=\frac{n+2}{n-2}$, $n\geq 3$ and $T_+>0$ ...
Student's user avatar
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Nash–Moser–De Giorgi differences

The names of Nash, Moser and De Giorgi are associated to elliptic and parabolic regularity theory. But what are the differences in the approach between the three contributions? Can you briefly sketch ...
zelda's user avatar
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3 answers

What is dispersive estimate?

Consider free NLS: $i\partial_tu+\Delta u=0, \quad u(0, x)=u_0$ The solution of this IVP, can be written as $$u(x,t)=e^{it\Delta}u_0(x)$$ It is clear to me that how to prove following estimate: $$ \|e^...
 Analyst 's user avatar
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Solution of $\Delta f -\frac{1}{2}hf = 0$ behaves asymptotically as $f(x) = 1 - C/|x|$

Let $f: \mathbb{R}^{3} \to \mathbb{R}$ be the solution of the following PDE: $$\Delta f -\frac{1}{2}h f = 0$$ where $h \in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{3})$ (compactly supported an smooth) and $f$ ...
JustWannaKnow's user avatar
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Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg-type inequality with nonradial weight

The Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities are a set of inequalities generalizing the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities and are of the form $$\||x|^\gamma u\|_{L^p} \leq C\||x|^\alpha \nabla u\|_{L^q}^...
Keefer Rowan's user avatar
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Reversing heat transfer with respect to time

Fact: One can easily compute heat dispersion in a plane using the heat equation. Question: Has any research been done on computing the process in the reverse time direction? That is, given a heat map $...
Snared's user avatar
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Lee-Parker Yamabe problem proposition 4.6

I believe there may be a gap towards the end of the proof of proposition 4.6 in the Bulletin of the AMS paper The Yamabe Problem by Lee and Parker :
Marc's user avatar
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Convergence of spectrum

Let $M$ be a compact manifold and $g_k$ be a sequence of Riemannain metrics smoothly converging to another Riemannian metric $g$. Let $\{\lambda^k_j\}$ be the spectrum of the Laplacian of the ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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What is the infinite Morse index solution?

I'm reading the celebrated paper written by Congming Li and Wenxiong Chen, Classification of solutions of some nonlinear elliptic equations, which considered $$\Delta u = -e^u \ \ in \ \ \mathbb{R}^2.$...
Elio Li's user avatar
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On a Poincaré inequality with weight

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded convex (non-empty) open subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ ($\Omega$ can be as smooth as you like). Let also $p, q > 1$ be conjugate exponents. Is it true that there exists a ...
Romain Gicquaud's user avatar
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Why don't we study hyperbolic equations as elliptic and parabolic equations?

In the research of elliptic and parabolic equations, the Schauder estimate is one of the most important issues for them. In this topic, we always bound the norm of higher regularity in the small ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Existence of solution to Cauchy boundary value problem in Lipschitz class of functions

For a research question I have run into the following problem that seems intuitively true but I do not know how to prove it and am not sure in which generality. Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^2$ be a ...
Bobby Nik's user avatar
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Any formula or estimates the Green function for the Laplacian in $3D$ periodic box?

Let $\mathbb{T}^3=(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z})^3$ be the three-dimensional torus with sides identified. That is, I am considering the unit box $[0,1]^3$ with periodic boundary conditions. In this case, I ...
Isaac's user avatar
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When is $W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ a Banach algebra?

Let $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ be bounded and open with $\partial\Omega$ Lipschitz, $1<p<\infty$. My question: knowing that $f,g\in W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ for what $p$ can we conclude that $f\...
Bogdan's user avatar
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Hodge decomposition in elliptic complexes

EDIT: In the book "Principles of Algebraic Geometry" by Griffiths and Harris the authors prove the Hodge decomposition for the Dolbeault operator $\bar\partial$ on differential forms on a ...
asv's user avatar
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$L^{p}$ estimate for $\Delta|\nabla u|$ on a manifold with bounded Ricci curvature

This is a more advanced question than Estimates of $\Delta|\nabla u|$ for harmonic function $u$ . The Bochner formula and refined Kato inequality tells us that on a Riemannian manifold $(M^{n},g)$, if ...
Xin Qian's user avatar
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Show $v(x,t) \in L^2([0,T];H^2(\mathbb{R}))$ when $v(x,t)$ is a transformation of a $L^2([0,T];H^2(\mathbb{R}))$ function

Context: I am reading a paper on Long-Time Asymptotics of the thin film equations, in which the authors consider the strong solutions of the thin film equation in 1-D and transform them using a time-...
alia's user avatar
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Integrability of Schroedinger's equation

Consider the periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equation $$-i \partial_t u + \Delta u = f(|u|)u, \qquad u=u(t,x) \in \mathbb{C}, \; t\in \mathbb{R}, \; x\in \mathbb{T}^n,$$ where $\mathbb{T}:= \mathbb{R}/\...
kvicente's user avatar
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Estimative for Hessian of Heat Kernel in $\mathbb{R}^d$

We consider the heat kernel $$ g :\mathbb R_{>0} \times \mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R, (t, x) \mapsto \frac{1}{(4\pi t)^{d/2}} \exp \bigg ( - \frac{|x|^2}{4t} \bigg ). $$ The inequality (2.3) in this ...
Ilovemath's user avatar
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Higher integrability for Sobolev functions

Let $u \in W^{1,2}(\mathbb{R}^2)$ be a given function satisfying $$\frac{1}{|B_r|}\int_{B_r(x)} |\nabla u|^2 dy \leq \frac{1}{r^{\delta}}$$ for all $r \leq 1$, $x \in \mathbb{R}^2$ and some fixed $\...
Adi's user avatar
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Zeroth-order term in elliptic estimates

When solving an elliptic equation $$ Lu = f \ \text{in} \ \Omega $$ $$ u = 0 \ \text{on} \ \partial \Omega $$ for an elliptic operator $L$ of order $m$ on a bounded open set $\Omega$, one has the a ...
Chris's user avatar
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Decompositions of $\partial_i$ to the radial direction and rotations in higher dimensions

We know in dimension $3$, \begin{align} \partial_{i}= \frac{x_i}{r} \partial_{r} - \varepsilon_{ijk} \frac{x^j}{r} \frac{R^k}{r} , \end{align} where $\varepsilon_{ijk}$ are Levi-Civita symbols ...
lsb's user avatar
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Is the principal eigenvalue of the clamped plate minimized by the equilateral triangle among all triangles of a given area?

Let $\Omega$ be a ``nice'' domain in $\mathbb{R}^2$ (bounded and with piecewise smooth boundary). Consider the clamped plate eigenvalue problem, given by $$\Delta^2 u = \lambda u $$ $$ u|_{\partial \...
Ritwik's user avatar
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Moser iteration in dimension $6$

Let $M$ be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension $6$. We have a function $f\geq 0$ on $M$ satisfying \begin{align*} \Delta f \leq gf-\frac{3}{4}f^2 \end{align*} Where $g$ is another smooth ...
Partha's user avatar
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PDE coupled with the pronic numbers (related to triangular numbers)

I am studying the linear PDE: $$ t^2\frac{\partial^3}{\partial t^3}\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Psi_n(t,s)=s^2\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Psi_n(t,s)+\sum_{n=2}^\infty b(n)\frac{\partial}{\...
John McManus's user avatar
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Question on Cauchy problem on manifolds

Let $(M,g)$ be a globally-hyperbolic manifold, i.e. $M=\mathbb{R}\times\Sigma$ and $g=-\beta^2 \, dt^2+h_{t}$. Furthermore, let $E$ be a vector bundle over $M$ and $\square$ a normally-hyperbolic ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Functional of fully nonlinear equations

Let $\left(\mathcal{M}, g_0\right)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n>2$ and denote by 'Ric' and $R$ respectively the Ricci tensor and the scalar curvature. The $k$-Yamabe problem is ...
Davidi Cone's user avatar
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A question on the maximum principle of second order elliptic equations

Let $Lu=a^{ij}u_{ij} + b^i u_i$ be an elliptic operator of second order in a bounded domain $\Omega$. Assume that $a^{ij}$ is uniformly elliptic. Then it's well known that the following maximum ...
gaoqiang's user avatar
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Reference request: inverse of differential operators

I have asked a similar question on MSE but I did not receive any replies, so I am reposting here in case it is more appropriate (though I have slightly generalized the question). As an example ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Elliptic regularity and Sobolev spaces

Consider a linear partial differential operator $D:C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{d})\to C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{d})$, i.e. $$D=\sum_{\alpha\in\mathbb{N}^{d}}a^{\alpha}(x)\partial^{\alpha}_{x}$$ where $a$ are ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Some questions about the concept of stable solution of elliptic PDE

For $$ -\Delta u=f(u) \quad \text { in } \Omega, $$ we call a solution is stable if $$ Q_u(\varphi):=\int_{\Omega}|\nabla \varphi|^2 d x-\int_{\Omega} f^{\prime}(u) \varphi^2 d x \geq 0, \quad \forall ...
Elio Li's user avatar
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$H^s$-mild solution for Navier–Stokes : why do we restrict attention to the function spaces "without Fourier zero mode"? (Related to Terence Tao blog)

This question has been triggered by the Definition 32 and Remark 33 in the blog of Terence Tao. There, every function space is restricted to ones without the Fourier zeroth mode. And the Remark 33 ...
Isaac's user avatar
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