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Recontruction of the weak topolgy from the scalar product on a subset of a Hilbert Space

Let $M$ be a set a let $K:M\times M\to\mathbb{C}$ be a positive definite kernel. By a version of Moore-Aronszajn Theorem, there is a unique (up to the unitary euivalence) Hilbert Space $X$, and a map $...
erz's user avatar
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Lebesgue dimension of closures satisfying the Z-set condition

Given any subspace $A\subset X$ of a topological space with Lebesgue dimension $\le N$. Let $\bar{A}$ denote the closure of $A$. Assume, that the pair $(\bar{A},A)$ satisfies the Z-set condition, i....
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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Invertible elements in monoid rings of unital monoids without non-trivial invertible elements

This question is somewhat related to Tilmans notorious problem in this post. Let $(M,\cdot)$ be a monoid with unit $1$ and set $$(M,\cdot)^{\times} := \lbrace x \in M \mid \exists y \in M : xy=yx=1 \...
Andreas Thom's user avatar
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(The Homotopy type of the) lifting of homeomorphism of Grassmanian

For $k<n$ put $FM_{k\times n}$ for the space of all $k\times n$ full rank matrices with real or complex entries. Note that the permutation group $S_{n}$ has an obvious action on this space ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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question about the tightness of probability measures for a general topological space

Let $(E,\mathcal{X})$ be a topological space and denote by $\mathcal{F}$ its collection of Borel subsets referred to $\mathcal{X}$. Now let $\mathcal{P}$ be the set of all probabilities on $(E,\...
CodeGolf's user avatar
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The proper name for a kind of ordered space [closed]

I'm trying to find the correct term for a specific kind of totally ordered space: Let $S$ be a totally ordered space with strict total order $<$. Property: For any two $s_{1}$ and $s_{2}$ in $S$ ...
user1998's user avatar
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Action on a compact group

If $G$ is an infinite compact group, how many orbits can $G$ have under the group action of its continuous automorphisms ?
Drike's user avatar
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Baire category theorem

Let's call the following conditions (1): $X$ is a complete metric space with metric $d$, $X = \cup_{n=1}^\infty A_n$. Let $\bar{A}$ denote the closure of $A$. Let's call the following statement (2): ...
has2's user avatar
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Equivalence of boundedness and total boundedness

Compact subspaces of metric spaces are totally bounded. In some spaces, however, this is equivalent to just being bounded. This (supposedly) holds in finite dimensional Banach spaces. Can we ...
Miha Habič's user avatar
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Metrizable implies hemicompact

In the paper R. Arens: A Topology for Spaces of Transformations, Ann. of Math. 47(1946), 480-495 the author states in the introduction that if $B$ is a metric space and the space of continuous ...
Ralph's user avatar
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A noncommutative analogy of the tube lemma

Assume that $A$ and $B$ are two unital commutative Banach algebras. Assume that $\phi \in \mathcal{M} (A)$ is an element of the maximal Ideal space. Define $\alpha: A\hat{\otimes} B \to \mathbb{C}\...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Triviality of finite fiber bundles [closed]

Hello, I suspect the following is true and easy but I am unable to prove. Suppose (E, B, π, F) is a fiber bundle, where E,B are compact and F is finite, prove that E is a trivial fiber bundle. Any ...
Adam Toth's user avatar
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Relating Euler characteristic, intersection product, Morse theory (plus SU(2) and 3-manifolds)

Suppose we have a (closed, oriented) 3-manifold M with a Heegard surface F of genus g. Let F* denote F with a puncture. Then the space H of representations of pi_1(F*) on SU(2) is just SU(2)^2g, and ...
Sam Lewallen's user avatar
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on $F_\sigma$-discrete space

A space is $F_\sigma$-discrete space if it is the countable union of closed discrete subspaces. Is it true that every subset of an $F_\sigma$-discrete space is of the type $G_\delta$?
Paul's user avatar
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Properties of the weak-$*$ topology

Let $X$ be a topological affine space over a complete base field $\mathbb S := \mathbb C$, $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb Q_p$. Let $X^*$ be the dual space of continuous affine functionals equipped with the ...
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Product of Topological Measure Spaces

Def. A Radon measure $\mu$ on a compact Hausdorff space $X$ is uniformly regular if there is a countable family $\mathcal{A}$ of compact $G_\delta$-subsets of $X$ such that for every open set $U\...
Ameen's user avatar
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Number of k-generated semigroups

Given some $k>1$, I am interested in the number of $k$-generated semigroups of order $n$ (either up to isomorphism or all associative binary operations on an n-element set). At first I thought $3$-...
alexbailey's user avatar
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Infinite closed partition of the real line with no closed infinite unions

Is there a partition of the real line into infinitely many closed subsets so that no infinite union of these subsets (except the whole space) is closed? This question was asked also at math....
LostInMath's user avatar
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Lebesgue dimension of images

Given a map of topological spaces $f:X\rightarrow Y$. Assume, that $X$ has finite Lebesgue dimension. I am wondering, what dim$(f(X))$ might be. Of course, if $f$ is a homeomorphism onto its image, ...
HenrikRüping's user avatar
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Does the "measure-preserving property" commute with ultralimits ?

Let $(X, \mathcal{B}, \mu, T)$ be a measure-preserving system, with $T$ invertible, where the $\sigma$-algebra $\mathcal{B}$ is a Borel algebra arising from a topology which makes $T$ continuous, and ...
js21's user avatar
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A question on countably compact space

A regular space $X$ is star compact (which implies pseudocompact) with $G_\delta$-diagonal star countable first countable $e(X)\le \aleph_0$ ( in fact it implies star countable) $|X|=\aleph_1$ Cech-...
Paul's user avatar
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Does pushforward preserve outer regularity?

(ZF + Countable Choice) Let $\langle A,\mathcal{S} \hspace{.02 in} \rangle$ and $\langle B,\mathcal{T} \hspace{.06 in} \rangle$ be second-countable Hausdorff spaces. Let $\Sigma$ be a sigma-algebra ...
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Lebesgue covering dimension

Roughly from wikipedia: The covering dimension of a topological space $X$ is defined to be the minimum value of $n$ such that every finite open cover of $X$ has a finite open refinement in which no ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
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Existence of half-planes with respect to regular open sets of the Euclidean plane

I initially asked this question at but there was no reaction, so I thought this may be a good idea to transfer it to Let $\langle\mathrm{r}\mathscr{O},\mathord{...
Rafał Gruszczyński's user avatar
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The mathematics in understand anyons [closed]

I've been about particles called anyons which exist within a two dimensional framework. I've also found out that these particles can have an angular momentum equal to any real number. Normally, in ...
Integral_Machine's user avatar
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Topological space associated to a real or complex scheme

Hi, consider a scheme $X$ of finite type over $\mathbb{R}$ (or $\mathbb{C}$). In Hartshorne's appendix B on 'transcendental methods' it is shortly mentioned how to assign a reasonable topological ...
user14310's user avatar
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Topological Groups and Families of Pseudometrics

The topology on a topological group is generated by a family of pseudometrics. The only proof I know passes through uniform spaces (by which I mean the entourage definition): A topological group has ...
arsmath's user avatar
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Do continuous maps give continuity in the 'topology' of Hausdorff distance?

I was reading this question: limiting behaviour of converging loops on a torus And I wanted to be able to give an argument along the lines of: "If your loops are converging in your torus, their ...
Tom Boardman's user avatar
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Equicontinuity of $\{f_{2n}\circ f_{2n-1}\}$

Let $(X,D)$ be a compact metric space and $\{f_n\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of homeomorphisms of $(X,d)$. It is easy to see that if $\{f_n\}$ is uniformly convergent then $\{g_n\}$ defined by $...
Ali Barzanouni's user avatar
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Cosets of the fixer of an action of a monoid on a finite set

Let $M$ be a monoid that acts transitively from the right on a finite set $X$. Assume furthermore that the action of $M$ on $X$ induces for every $m \in M$ a bijection on $X \to X, x \mapsto x.m$. Let ...
skew41's user avatar
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Name for condition on map of cancellative monoids

Let $M,N$ be cancellative monoids with identity $\epsilon$ and suppose that $k\colon M\rightarrow N$ is a function such that $k(\epsilon)=\epsilon$ for all $a,b\in M$, there exists $v\in N$ such that ...
David Pokorny's user avatar
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Berkovich Analytification of the transseries

I am looking for references to articles about the following subjects: Connections from the field of (real) transseries to the field of surreal numbers (mentioned very briefly in the introduction of ...
Willem's user avatar
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determine if a toric variety is Gorenstein

Let $G$ a simply connected group over $k$ and $car(k)=0$. Let $T_{+}=(T\times T)/Z_{G}$ we consider the closure $\overline{T}_{+}$ of the torus $T_{+}$ in $\prod End(V_{\omega_{i}})\times\prod\...
prochet's user avatar
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Sections of an etale space

In R.O.Wells book "Differential Analysis on Complex Manifolds" p. 44 proof of Theorem 2.2 part b) the author claims that any two sections of an etale space which agree at a point agree in some ...
noname's user avatar
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some trouble over the cardinality of the cantor set(middle one-thirds) [closed]

firstly i thank you for taking interest in my post but i am new here so if i have made some mistakes or done something which is out of place please point problem is- we know that the cantor ...
riddhiman 's user avatar
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On compactness in $C(X)$

Let $X$ be a Tychonoff space. It is well known, that for a family of scalar functions equicontinuity + pointwise boundedness imply relative compactness in $C(X)$ (with compact-open topology). It is ...
erz's user avatar
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How to see such space is Lindelof?

Let $R$ denote the set of all real numbers. $B$ is any Bernstein set of $R$. Bernstein Set: A subset of the real line that meets every uncountable closed subset of the real line but that contains ...
Paul's user avatar
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Assumptions on a commutative C*-algebra to get a nice C(X) - space

I have the following question, Is it possible to get somehow a compact Hausdorff space $X$ which is second-countable from a unital commutative C*-algebra. If it is possible, what should we assume ...
Celeban's user avatar
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Do strict pro-sets embed in locales?

It is well-known that the category of profinite groups (by which I mean Pro(FiniteGroups), i.e. the category of formal cofiltered limits of finite groups) is equivalent to a full subcategory of ...
Mike Shulman's user avatar
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Cardinality of the set of countable dense subgroups of the reals up to isomorphism.

Joel David Hamkins in an answer to my question Countable Dense Sub-Groups of the Reals points out that "one can find an uncountable chain of countable dense additive subgroups of $\mathbb{R}$ whose ...
George Lazou's user avatar
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Methods to tell if a magma has idempotents

(Disclaimer: below, when I say "compact" I mean "compact Hausdorff.") I asked a version of this question on math stackexchange (
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Is it true that a topology space X with a zeroset diagonal is first countable? what if X is additionally CCC?
Paul's user avatar
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Can I detect the point of impact without looking at it?

I'm going to postpone the motivation for this question because the question itself involves no complicated maths and may well have a very simple solution so I don't want to put anyone off with high ...
Andrew Stacey's user avatar
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Separating Differences of Open Sets

Has anyone ever considered something like the following separation axiom? $(*)$ For any pair of open sets $O$ and $N$, there exist disjoint open sets containing $O\setminus N$ and $N\setminus O$. ...
Tristan Bice's user avatar
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What do you call the product of a circle and an annulus?

What would you call the product of an annulus and $S^1$ (a 'thickened' torus like 3-manifold)? More generally, is there an archive or list online of names assigned to various (non-standard) manifolds ...
Mark Bell's user avatar
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Does the $D$-property have universal objects?

A space $(X,\tau)$ is called a $D$-space if whenever one is given a neighborhood $N(x)$ of $x$ for each $x\in X$, then there is a closed discrete subset $D\subseteq X$ such that $\{N(x): x\in D\}$ ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Topological systems of imprimitivity

Let $G$ be a group acting by homeomorphisms on a topological space $X$. $G$ is topologically transitive if every open $G$-invariant subset of $X$ is empty or dense. Here is an attempt to define ...
Colin Reid's user avatar
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A space with countable tightness which is not a Fréchet space?

I need a space with countable tightness which is not a Fréchet space. In this space, I am searching for a point with no deleted neighborhood consisting entirely of P-points. (A P-point is a point $x \...
Vahideh Bagheri's user avatar
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Correspondence between numerical semigroups and polynomials?

A numerical semigroup $A$ is defined as a subsemigroup of the semigroup $(\mathbb{N},+)$ of the positive integers such that the set $\mathbb{N}\setminus A$ is finite. Equivalently (for a subsemigroup) ...
Miroslav Korbelar's user avatar
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Relation on the set of connected components of the $\mathbb{C^*}$-fixed points locus coming from the Bialynicki-Birula decomposition

Let $X$ be a smooth variety with an action of $\mathbb{C}^*.$ One has the so-called Bialynicki-Birula decomposition of $X$ given by stable manifolds: $$X=\bigcup_N X^+(N),$$ where $N$ varies in the ...
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