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Existence for $-\Delta u + (g(x)-\Delta u)^+\varphi(u) = f(x)$

Let $\Omega$ be a smooth bounded domain. Consider the equation $$-\Delta u + (g(x)-\Delta u)^+\varphi(u) = f(x)$$ $$u|_{\partial\Omega} = 0$$ where $f,g$ are smooth functions on $\Omega$ and $\varphi$...
C_Al's user avatar
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description of dual space of space of Radon measure equipped with topology of weak convergence

Let $\mathcal{M}(\mathbb R)$ be the space of Radon measures, equipped with topology $\tau$ generated by the following "weak convergence": $$ \mu_n \rightarrow \mu \quad \text{iff} \quad \int f d\mu_n ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Araki's proof of simple connectedness of the restricted orthogonal group

I am trying to understand Araki's proof of the statement that the restricted orthogonal group of a Hilbert space with a unitary structure is simply connected. This proof starts on page 114 of these ...
Peter's user avatar
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Certain limits of normal completely positive idempotents

Suppose $L_n$ is a sequence of normal completely positive mappings of $B(H)$ into itself of norm strictly less than one with the property that $L_n(L_m(A)) \to L_m(A)$ in the strong operator topology ...
Bob Powers's user avatar
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Is the Banach space $C(K)$ a $1$-Lipschitz comp-extensor?

Given a real number $c\ge 1$ let us say that a metric space $X$ is a $c$-Lipschitz comp-extensor if each Lipschitz self-map $f:K\to K$ of a compact subset $K\subset X$ extends to a Lipschitz self-map $...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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When is a minimal immersion holomorphic?

Let $(X,g_X)$ be a Riemann surface and $(Y,g_Y)$ a Kahler manifold. Let: $\phi\colon X\to Y$ be a minimal immersion, that is, a conformal harmonic smooth map with respect to $g_X$ and $g_Y$. If I am ...
Bilateral's user avatar
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Approximating $1_I$, $I\subset \lbrack 0,1\rbrack$, by trigonometric polynomials

Let $I$ be a subinterval of $\lbrack 0,1\rbrack$. How well can one hope to approximate it in the $L_1$-norm (on $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$) by a trigonometric polynomial of degree $\leq R$, that is, a ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Unitary dual of the complex motion group $\mathbb C^2 \rtimes SU(2)$?

The real motion group of $\mathbb R^2$, $M(2)$ is the semi-direct product of $\mathbb R^2$ with the special orthogonal group $K = SO(2)$. A well known fact is that the unitary dual $\hat{G}$, of $G$ ...
Z. Alfata's user avatar
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Radial Poincare inequality for Gaussian measures

Let $\mu$ be a zero mean Gaussian probability measure on $\mathbb{R}^n$ whose covariance is less than the identity. If $f$ is a $1$-Lipschitz real function on $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that there exists a ...
alesia's user avatar
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Why c.p.c order zero maps induce morphism between cuntz semigroups

Maybe a naive question: Right now I am reading the paper ``Completely positive maps of order zero'' written by Wilhelm Winter and Joachim Zacharias. I do not quite understand the last corollary when ...
Targaryen's user avatar
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Classical subspaces of non-atomic Banach lattices

Tsirelson's space was the first example of a Banach space which does not have a subspace isomoprhic to any of the classical spaces $\ell_p$, $1\leqslant p<\infty$, or $c_0$. As this space has a $...
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Prove a certain function maps to upper half plane

Suppose $M$ is a bounded self-adjoint operator on space of complex valued functions on the real line $S_1=L^2(\mathbb{R},a(x)dx)$, where $a(x)$ is a nice real positive analytical function ( I have in ...
try123's user avatar
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Isometries between subspaces of finite-dimensional vector spaces

I would like to characterise the subspaces of $\ell_p^n(\mathbb{R})$ that are isometric (for $p$ an even integer). In the literature, I have found few results related to this. Taking $n \le m$, one ...
Dave's user avatar
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Discrete Lions Peetre interpolation

In S. Heinrich's "Closed operator ideals and interpolation," Heinrich describes two equivalent descriptions of Lions-Peetre interpolation space $(X,Y)_{\theta, p}$ for $0<\theta<1$ and $1\...
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Is every weakly Lindelof Banach space a $D$-space?

An open neighbourhood assignment for a topological space $(X, \tau)$ is a map $U: X \to \tau$ such that $x \in U(x)$, for every $x \in X$. A space $X$ is called a $D$-space if for every open ...
Santi Spadaro's user avatar
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Questions on "The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix"

This question is about the two vectors $w'$ and $y$ that are necessary for the argument in section $7$ (page 6) of this paper by Terence Tao and Van Vu, (that ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Schur property for a sum of Banach spaces

Suppose we have two Banach spaces X and Y each of them having the Schur property (weakly convergent sequences are norm convergent). Does it follows that X+Y has the Schur property? Note that this is ...
Eduard's user avatar
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About optimizing decay rate of Fourier transforms?

Suppose we have a density function $f(t)$ of a random variable and $f \in C^1(R)$. If characteristic function of $f$ is $\phi_f(x) \asymp O(x^{-\beta})$ and $f$ satisfies some restrictive conditions ...
CC95's user avatar
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Max-Plus algebra and hyperplane arrangements

Given an expression in the Max-Plus algebra is it possible to recognize if it represents a continuous piecewise linear (CPWL) function whose polyhedral complex is a hyperplane arrangement? Or ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Zak transform and VMO

The Zak transform of a function $f\in L^1(\mathbb R)\cap L^2(\mathbb R)$ is defined as follows: $$ Zf(x,\omega) := \sum_{k\in\mathbb Z}f(x+k)e^{-2\pi i k\omega},\quad (x,\omega)\in Q_0 :=(0,1)^2. $$ ...
Friedrich Philipp's user avatar
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Proving the existence of a continuous function that satisfy a certain property from a finite version of this property

Let $M \subseteq [0,1] \times \mathbb{R}^n$ be a compact semialgebraic set. In particular, $M$ can be described by a finite set of polynomial equalities and inequalities. Let $\delta_0 > 0$ be a ...
Eilon's user avatar
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Inner Product on tensor product of Hilbert spaces is unique?

Given two Hilbert Spaces $H$ and $K$, a natural inner product on $H\otimes K$(= vector space tensor product of $H$ and $K$) is given by $\hspace{.5in}\langle h_1\otimes k_1,h_2\otimes k_2\rangle=\...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Asymptotic stability of eigenvalues by compact perturbations

I need some references concerning the asymptotic stability of eigenvalues by compact perturbations. In [T. Kato, Perturbation theory for linear operators] there are some results concerning stability ...
Appliqué's user avatar
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Reference on semigroup theory and fractional heat equation

Consider the Dirichlet problem associated to the classical heat equation $\partial_t u - \Delta u = 0$ and to the fractional heat equation $\partial_t u + (- \Delta)^s u = 0$. Where can I find a ...
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Seminorms on tensor products of affinoid algebras

Let $A \leftarrow C \rightarrow B$ be affinoid $K$-algebras, where $K$ is a non-archimedean field with non-trivial absolute value. Equipping $A$, $B$, $C$ with the supremum seminorms, there is a ...
user114125's user avatar
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essential norm versus invertibility

Let $X$ be an infinite dimensional Banach space and $T:X\rightarrow X$ be a bounded linear operator. If $T$ is invertible and $\lVert T\rVert_e=\lVert T\rVert$, is it true that (or when is it true ...
Uğur Gül's user avatar
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Identifying a Banach space-valued functions' integral notion

In Teschl's book on Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics ( in section 4.1 a notion of an integral for Banach space-valued functions ...
jacques's user avatar
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Interchanging direct sum and direct integral

I am interested in the concept of direct integrals. The definition I am concerned with can be found in Hall, "Quantum Theory for Mathematicians" (p. 146). Short version: We have a family of separable ...
MrUser's user avatar
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Is the shift operator continuous on the real Hardy spaces?

Is the shift operator (or the translation operator) continuous on Hardy spaces $H^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ (with $0<p\leq 1$)? i.e. given $f\in H^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$, is the following map \begin{align} \tau:&...
Rocío's user avatar
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Partial regularity for transmission problem in corner domains

Let $n=2$ or $3$ and $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be an open bounded domain. Let suppose that $\Omega$ is divided in two subdomains $\Omega_1$ and $\Omega_2$ and we define $\Gamma = \partial \Omega_1 ...
PeteAgor's user avatar
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Families of unbounded operators

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, $X$ a topological space, and $\{A_t\}_{t\in X}$ a continuous family of bounded, invertible operators on $H$. Continuous here in the sense that the corresponding map $X\...
Joey's user avatar
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Who defined the term "Carleman-matrix" and also their properties as they are?

Working for a couple of years with "Carleman-matrices" I became aware that it is difficult to trace down who actually introduced the name for this type of matrices. Wikipedia lets you alone with this ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
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An identity of operator norms and de Leeuw's theorem

Let $$Hf(x_1,x_2)=p.v.\int_{-\infty}^\infty f(x_1-t,x_2-S(x_1,x_1-t))\frac{dt}{t},$$ $$T_\lambda f(x)=\lim_{\epsilon\to0}\int_{|x-y|\ge\epsilon}e^{i\lambda S(x,y)}(x-y)^{-1}f(y)dy, $$ where $S(x,y)$ ...
Right's user avatar
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Weak convergence of series representing the log characteristic function

Disclaimer. I already asked this question on without any answers or comments as of yet. In which weak sense does the series representation of the log-characteristic function ...
whz's user avatar
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Commutative discrete cyclic operator groups on topological vector spaces

Let $V$ be a complex Hausdorff separable topological vector space of infinite dimensions. Does there exist a commutative discrete subgroup $A\subset\mathcal{L}(V)$ of continuous operators on $V$ with ...
Bedovlat's user avatar
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Integral estimate in the Levitan's paper "On expansion in eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator"

Let $D \subset R^m$ be a domain in a $m$-dimensional Euclidean space, $P \in intD$, and $t > 0$ so small that the sphere of radius $t$ centered at the point $P$ sits in $intD$. Let $\phi : D \...
user109413's user avatar
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Trace of a weighted composition operator on Bergman space

I am reading a series of papers by Pollicott, Jenkinson and coauthors which make use of the following type of result: Theorem: Let $\mathbb{D} \subset \mathbb{C}^d$ be a bounded, connected open set. ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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Is the collection of Schur convex functions sequentially compact?

We know in ROCKAFELLAR's convex analysis chap 10 that the collection of uniformly bounded convex functions on compact set is sequentially compact. I wonder if it is still true for the collection of ...
Sung-En Chiu's user avatar
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Fractional sobolev spaces

On the whole space $\mathbb R^d$, the fractional Sobolev space $H_s(\mathbb R^d)$ of order $s\in \mathbb R$ can be defined as the subspace of tempered distributions $T$ such that $\mathcal F T \in L^...
Thomas's user avatar
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Error term in the Euclidean Weyl law

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^n$ be an open bounded set with smooth boundary. The Laplacian on $\Omega$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions has discrete spectrum $\lambda_1\le \lambda_2\le \ldots$ that ...
Dario's user avatar
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A constraint satisfaction problem on matrix sum involving symmetric group

Given $n\in\Bbb N$ what is the smallest with $m>n$ we need such that there is a non-negative $\epsilon<1$ and $\Phi_i,\Psi_j\in\Bbb C^{m\times m}$ at every $i,j\in[n]$ ($[n]=\{1,\dots,n\}$) such ...
Turbo's user avatar
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Meromorphic continuation of resolvent of free Laplacian on homogeneous Sobolev space

Let $n \ge 2$. Set $\dot{H}^1(\mathbb{R}^n)$ to be the homogeneous Sobolev space, defined as the Hilbert completion of $C_0^\infty(\mathbb{R}^n)$ with respect to the norm $\| \varphi \|^2_{\dot{H}^1} \...
JZS's user avatar
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Extension of Paley-Wiener-Schwartz theorem to vector-valued distributions

Let $H_{j} := (H_{j}, \| \cdot \|_{H_{j}} ), j=0,1$ be a Hilbert space, and set \begin{equation*} {\mathscr S}'(\mathbb{R}^{n}, H_0; H_1) := {\mathscr L}( {\mathscr S}(\mathbb{R}^{n}, H_0), H_1) \end{...
Alex Pereira's user avatar
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Finite dimensional representation of tensor product

Let $A$ and $B$ be $C^*$ algebras, and let $\pi:A \odot B \to B(H)$ be a $*$-representation of the algebraic tensor product on a finite dimensional Hilbert space $H$. Let $x \in A \odot B$. Since $H$ ...
burtonpeterj's user avatar
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A spanning set for an annihilator set on a Banach space

Let $(z_n)$ be a $H^\infty$-interpolating sequence on the open complex unit disc $\mathbb D$. If $A$ is some Banach space of analytic functions on the disc, denote by $X$ the closed subspace of all ...
user106480's user avatar
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Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition

I have a question regarding a decomposition of a vector field. So fix $ 1<p<\infty$ and let $ \Omega$ denote a smooth bounded domain in $ R^N$. Now let $ F $ denote a smooth vector field $F:\...
Math604's user avatar
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The numerical range of a composition of two operators

For a problem I'm working on, I need the following implication. $A,B$ are two closed densely defined operators on a Hilbert space $H$. I'll be a bit vague about the setting, add assumptions at will as ...
Piero D'Ancona's user avatar
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Extension of the Gagliardo Inequality

The Gagliardo Inequality generalizes Fubini's Theorem: let $f_j$ be $d-1$ non-negative measurable functions over ${\mathbb R}^{d-1}$. Let us form the function $$f(x)=\prod_{j=1}^df_j(\widehat{x_j}),$$ ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Integration of Weyl operators multiplied by quasifree state over a symplectic space

I am reading the book "An invitation to the Algebra of Canonical Commutation Relations" by Denes Petz. It is freely available for download here. In Chapter 9, he defines the Lebesgue measure on a ...
Tiju Cherian John's user avatar
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Is flatness of Wigner Ville Distribution of error function in Fourier Approximation possible? Is it required?

For a real valued function $f(t)$ I want to check the information left, after taking a Fourier partial sum/integral. Let $\hat{f}$ be its Fourier transform and let $$e_{\omega}(t) = f(t) - \int\...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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