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Reference Request for global Hölder continuity of solutions to elliptic PDEs

This is question that was also posted on MathStackExchange Link, where it was suggested I post this question on MathOverflow. Please note that the answer given in Link does not help as I do not have ...
DarkViole7's user avatar
-1 votes
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Asking for some references on correlations of joint optimization problems

Here are two problems that I am trying to understand, and it would be nice if someone could provide references on whether there is some structure theorem for these problems that have been studied in ...
Aaradhya Pandey's user avatar
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High order parabolic PDEs on manifolds: Reference request

I recently became interested in parabolic PDEs of order 4 on surfaces. However, I have a very little background in parabolic PDEs. I discovered Lunardi's book (Analytic semigroups and optimal ...
Dorian's user avatar
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Projection of a gaussian random vector onto a convex body

Let $K \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ denote a convex body. Let $\Pi_K$ denote the projection onto $K$, $$ \Pi_K(y) = \mathrm{arg\,min}_{x \in K} \|y - x\|, $$ where $\|\cdot\|$ denotes the usual Euclidean ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Gamma convergence via density argument: Looking for references

I am looking for a reference or result dealing with Gamma via density argument. Let me elaborate more my wish. I am actually trying to establish the Gamma convergence (precisely only the liminf) of a ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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16 votes
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CH in non-set theoretic foundations

I asked this question on stack exchange and got little attention, barring a nice example I intend to look into. The original post can be found here: I ...
Joseph_Kopp's user avatar
3 votes
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Reference request: generalized Jacobian variety for higher dimensional variety

Let $X\subset \mathbf{P}^n$ be a hypersurface such that the singular locus of $X$ consists of a single ordinary double point. I'm trying to find a reference to the "generalized" intermediate ...
Jooh's user avatar
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A necessary and sufficient condition for three diagonals of a hexagon to be concurrent

When talking about the condition for the three diagonals of a hexagon to be concurrent, we will think of Brianchon's theorem. Using software, I discovered a necessary and sufficient trigonometric ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
7 votes
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Bounded geometric morphisms, origin and motivation for the terminology

Bounded geometric morphisms serve as a generalization of Grothendieck topoi; $T$ being a Grothendieck topos iff global section $T \rightarrow Set$ is bounded. I managed to only track this down to the ...
Ilk's user avatar
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Number of indecomposable modules over representation-finite hereditary algebras

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $K$-algebra over a field $K$ that is hereditary and of finite representation type. It is well known that they are classified by Dynkin diagrams. For algebraically ...
Mare's user avatar
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Concentration of sample median for iid Gaussians

Let $X_1, \dots, X_n$ be iid according to $\mathcal{N}(0, 1)$, and let $M_n$ be the median of the $X_1, \dots, X_n$. I recall reading a concentration inequality for $M_n$ that was (roughly) as follows:...
Capybara's user avatar
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Reference about the semiabelian variety associated to a stable curve

If a stable curve $C$ of genus $g$ is such that its dual graph has Betti number $1$, then the Jacobian of $C$ is a semiabelian variety of torus rank $1$. It is described by Mumford that the data of a ...
Aitor Iribar Lopez's user avatar
11 votes
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Number of odd-dimensional irreducible representations of $S_n$

In this paper the structure of odd-dimensional irreducible representations of the symmetric group is described, but what is the asymptotic behaviour of the number of such representations? (Or, if it ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
2 votes
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Number of binary matroids of rank $r$ on a ground set with $n$ elements

How many simple binary matroids are there, up to isomorphism, of rank $r$ on an $n$-element ground set, where $r \le n < 2^r$? Write this number as $a_r(n)$. Is there somewhere where I can get this ...
Colin Tan's user avatar
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optimal regularity for the Neumann heat equation on Lipschitz domains

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Let $\Omega\subset\R^d$ be a bounded Lipschitz domain, possibly non-convex (but not too nasty either, whatever that means). I am looking for well-posedness and optimal ...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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Random time change and ergodicity

I guess it is a standard question in ergodic theory but I failed to find any reference to similar problems and I have no clue on how to tackle it. Let $(B_{t})_{t\in \mathbb{R}}$ be a standard ...
Sauciton's user avatar
55 votes
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Is it known? A sum over lattice parallelograms of area one is equal to $\pi$

I recently discovered a formula, my proof is really a high school proof in three lines. $$4\sum_{x, \, y \, \in \, \mathbb Z_{\geq 0}^2, \, \det(x \ \ y) = 1} \frac{1}{\lVert x\rVert^2\cdot\lVert y\...
Nikita Kalinin's user avatar
3 votes
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Polarities for intuitionistic linear logic formulas inside classical linear logic (without linear implication)

In the article on intuitionistic linear logic on the LLWiki, it is stated that a polarization of formulas in classical linear logic is enough to make it equivalent to intuitionistic linear logic, ...
paulotorrens's user avatar
7 votes
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Topological rigidity of cartesian product with $\mathbb{R}$

It seems that the following is true : if $V$ and $W$ are compact differentiable manifold of the same dimension, and $\mathbb{R} \times V$ is diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R} \times W$, then $V$ and $W$ ...
Christophe Raffalli's user avatar
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Convergence of gradient descent to critical point

Does there exist a generalization of this theorem by Yurii Nesterov in Introductory Lectures on Convex Optimization (2004) which relaxes the convexity assumption and shows that gradient descent ...
Kyle's user avatar
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How many non-trivial solutions can a semilinear elliptic equation have on a smooth star-shaped bounded domain with 0-Dirichlet boundary conditions?

I am not an expert in elliptic partial differential equations, but while studying the attractor structure of evolutionary PDEs, I frequently encounter problems related to elliptic equations. ...
monotone operator's user avatar
4 votes
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Notion of a finite generator in an abelian category

Let us say that an abelian category admits a generator $g$, if for every object $x$ in the category there is an epimorphism $g^{\oplus I} \to x$ for some index set $I$. I am interested in weakening ...
Jannik Pitt's user avatar
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On subfields of the cyclotomic field $\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_p)$

Let $p$ be an odd prime. Let $\zeta_p=e^{2\pi{\bf i}/p}$ and let $1\le k\le p-1$ be a divisor of $p-1$. Recently, when I learnt algebraic number theory, I met the following problem. If we let $$U_k=\{...
Beginner's user avatar
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Original references for Cordes-Nirenberg estimates

Cordes-Nirenberg estimates look like: Let $u \in H^1(B_1)$ a weak solution of \begin{equation} - \operatorname{div}(a_{ij}(x)\nabla u(x)) = 0 \quad \text{in} \quad B_1 \end{equation} Then, for any $0&...
Clara Torres-Latorre's user avatar
5 votes
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Differential equations analogue of fundamental theorem of symmetric functions

In Gian-Carlo Rota's article "Ten Lessons I Wish I Had Learned Before I Started Teaching Differential Equations", at the end of the third lesson he states a theorem: "Every differential ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Lax morphism classifiers via lax-idempotentification

Let $T$ be a 2-monad on a nice 2-category $\mathcal K$, so that the inclusion $T\text{-}\mathbf{Alg}_s \to T\text{-}\mathbf{Alg}_l$ of the 2-category of (strict) $T$-algebras and strict $T$-algebra ...
varkor's user avatar
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Ind-completion commutes with category product

$\def\A{\mathcal{A}} \def\C{\mathcal{C}} \def\D{\mathcal{D}} \def\ind{\operatorname{Ind}} \def\op{\mathrm{op}} \def\Hom{\operatorname{Hom}}$I am trying to understand the following result from ...
Elías Guisado Villalgordo's user avatar
2 votes
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What is weak convergence of random permutons?

In various papers on permutons you can find statements similar to this (see Maazoun's thesis) For any $n$ let $\sigma_n$ be a random permutation of size $n$. TFAE: $(\mu_{\sigma_n})_n$ converges in ...
Stefan Perko's user avatar
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Ordering the elements of a semigroup by $a \le b$ iff $a=b$ or $b=ab=ba$

Let $S$ be a semigroup, written multiplicatively. The binary relation $\le$ on (the underlying set of) $S$, whose graph consists of all pairs $(a,b) \in S \times S$ such that $a = b$ or $b = ab = ba$, ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Characterising rank-$2$ lattices $\Lambda$ and conjugate-linear translate $g \sigma(\Lambda)$, given elementary divisors

Let $E/F$ be a quadratic unramified extension of local fields with $\operatorname{char} F = 0$. Let $\Lambda \subseteq E^2$ be an $O_E$-lattice of rank $2$. Let $g \sigma \in \operatorname{GL}_2(E)$ ...
Gargantuar's user avatar
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How to study the convergence of the sample mode for arbitrary probability spaces

(This is not the problem I actually care about, but an analogy with similar issues to the problem I'm actually considering.) Consider a probability space with i.i.d. random variables $X_i$ producing ...
cgmil's user avatar
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13 votes
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How algebraic can the dual of a topological category be?

(I'm going to try to use definitions from Abstract and Concrete Categories: The Joy of Cats by Adámek, Herrlich, and Strecker, since both of the adjectives in the title of my question seem to have at ...
James E Hanson's user avatar
5 votes
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Primes generated by cyclotomic polynomials

Let $p$ be an odd prime, and let $f=\Phi_p$ be the $p$-th cyclotomic polynomial. Denote by $S_p$ the set of primes $q$ such that there exists a sequence of primes $p_1,\dots, p_g$ such that $p_1=f(1)=...
Maurizio Moreschi's user avatar
2 votes
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On local Galois deformation rings

Let $p,\ell$ be two different primes. Let $K$ be a finite field extension of $\mathbb{Q}_{\ell}$ and $ \bar{\rho}:G_{K}\to {\rm GL}_{n}(\mathbb{F}_p) $ be a continuous mod $p$ representation of the ...
stupid boy's user avatar
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Canonical decomposition as wedge sum up to homotopy equivalence

I am curious: is there a canonical way to decompose a finite simplicial complex into a wedge sum up to homotopy equivalence? More formally: Let $X$ be a finite simplicial complex. Is $X$ homotopy ...
AGenevois's user avatar
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When should the empirical measure of an infinite sequence be defined?

Let $(x_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be a (deterministic) sequence of nonnegative reals, possibly even with $x_n \in \mathbb{N}$ if you prefer. Then we'd like to define the empirical measure of such a ...
Tobias Fritz's user avatar
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Computing spectrum of very simple Schrödinger operator

I asked this question recently on a thread in math stack exchange, but with no real answers suggested. I think this is a relatively simple variation on the classical free Laplacian spectrum, so I ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
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Inertia Action on Kummer Sheaves

In 7.0.2 of Katz's book "Gauss Sums, Kloosterman Sums, and Monodromy Groups", Katz states the following (when $x=0$). Let $\chi:\mathbb{F}_q^\times\to\mathbb{Q}_\ell^\times$ be a ...
Hasan Saad's user avatar
7 votes
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Quotient topoi as quotient objects

In Lawvere's Open problems in topos theory; quotient topoi are treated as connected geometric morphisms of Grothendieck topoi. Is there a good reference for where these come from? Is there any sense ...
Ilk's user avatar
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11 votes
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On the convex cone of convex functions

$\newcommand\R{\Bbb R}$Let $F$ be the set of all functions of the form $\max(a,b,c)$, where $a,b,c$ are affine functions from $\R^2$ to $\R$ and the maximum is taken pointwise. Let $G$ be the set of ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Singular cohomology as a sheaf of $\infty$-categories

In several expositions of $\infty$-categories, I read that singular cohomology of a topological space with integral coefficients is a sheaf valued in $D(\mathbb{Z})$, if we consider Top and $D(\mathbb{...
Henry Badhead's user avatar
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References on the claims of moduli spaces of additive compactifications by Hassett-Tschinkel

I am considering the classification problem of Artinian local $\mathbb{C}$-algebras, and notice the paper Hassett, Brendan; Tschinkel, Yuri, Geometry of equivariant compactifications of (\mathbb{G}^...
Yikun Qiao's user avatar
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What is $\left[ \begin{array}{c} K_i;0\\ \ell\\ \end{array} \right] _{\varepsilon _i}$ in the restricted specialization in QUE algebras?

I have a question about the book A Guide to Quantum Groups written by Vyjayanthi Chari and Andrew Pressley. It comes from section $9.3$ on page $300$ of this book In Section 9.1, the authors define ...
fusheng's user avatar
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Has a computer search for inconsistency of large cardinals been carried out before?

In discussion about the consistency of large cardinals, a justification which occasionally appears is that despite years of work, no inconsistency has currently been discovered. For example, here are ...
C7X's user avatar
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What textbooks/papers should I read to try to make this rigorous?

Consider a surface of revolution $S$ and an embedding $e:S \hookrightarrow X^3$ for $X^3=[0,1]^3$ with cone points $p,q$ elements of $\partial X^3$ where $\partial X^3=X^3-(0,1)^3$ for $\mathrm {sup}~ ...
John McManus's user avatar
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Is there a non-semistable simple sheaf?

Let $C$ be a smooth projective (irreducible) curve over an algebraically closed field $k$. A sheaf is said to be simple if its endomorphism algebra is isomorphic to $k$. It is known that a stable ...
LOCOAS's user avatar
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References on a variant of Geometric Calculus

Geometric algebra and (standard) calculus, when synthesized, give rise to geometric calculus, a very powerful formalism. I have read a bit about fractional calculus and time-scale calculus, both very ...
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Dimension from Hilbert series with variable-weighted grading?

Suppose $R = F[x_1,...,x_n]/I$ is a finitely generated ring over the field $F$, and suppose there is a function $d:[n] \to \mathbb{Z}$ such that defining the degree of a monomial $x_1^{e_1} ... x_n^{...
Joshua Grochow's user avatar
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Distance between a Hölder function and a Sobolev ball

Let $\Omega$ denote $[0, 1]^n$ and let $\|\cdot\|_{k, p}$ and $|\cdot|_{m, \alpha}$ denote norms of Sobolev space $W^{k,p}(\Omega)$ and Holder space $C^{m, \alpha}(\Omega)$, respectively. My question ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
8 votes
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The state of the art on topological rings - the Jacobson topology

I was recently studying the Jacobson density theorem and I found it quite interesting. Most textbooks I've seen, including Jacobson's own Basic Algebra, only spend a few lines about the reason why it ...
Melanzio's user avatar
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