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Questions tagged [gamma-convergence]

Any question related to the concept of Gamma-convergence. The Gamma-convergence embodies the notion of convergence of minimizers of functionals.

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Gamma convergence via density argument: Looking for references

I am looking for a reference or result dealing with Gamma via density argument. Let me elaborate more my wish. I am actually trying to establish the Gamma convergence (precisely only the liminf) of a ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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How to prove the convergence of the following series involving Gamma function?

Consider the following result($d$ denotes the dimensions and $0<t<T$) $$c\left(\sum_{j=0}^\infty\frac{\Gamma^j(1-\kappa)}{\Gamma((j+1)(1-\kappa))}t^{j(1-\kappa)-\kappa}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\leq ...
Y. Li's user avatar
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Equi-coercivity of functionals on a metric space

Definition: A family of functionals $\{F_n: X\to\bar{\mathbb R}\}$ on a metric space $X$ is said to be equi-coercive if, for every $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}$, there is a compact set $K_\alpha$ of $X$ ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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How do people prove $\Gamma$-convergence in more complicated settings?

This is a soft question, I guess. $\Gamma$-convergence is a notion of convergence of functionals so that if $F_n$ $\Gamma$-converges to $F$, then cluster points of $\arg\inf F_n$ are minimizers of $F$....
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