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Ramification behavior of field given by adjoining $p$-torsion point on formal group of abelian variety

Setup. Let $p > 2$ be a prime, let $K$ be the completion of the maximal unramified extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, and fix an algebraic closure $\overline{K}$ of $K$. Let $A/K$ be an abelian variety ...
Jackson Morrow's user avatar
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The image of a curve under the multiplication endomorphism of its Jacobian

Let $X$ be a complex smooth projective curve of genus $g\geq 2$. Embed $X$ in its Jacobian ${\rm{J}}(X)\cong{\rm{Div_0}}(X)/{\rm{Div_p}}(X)$ where ${\rm{Div_0}}(X)$ is the group of degree zero ...
KhashF's user avatar
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algebraic de Rham cohomology of toric varieties (reference request)

I haven't been able to find anything workable yet, but I'm looking for a reference on the de Rham cohomology of toric varieties, where as many as possible of the following conditions are handled: ...
Somatic Custard's user avatar
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Jacobian fibration of an abelian fibration

Let $f \colon S \rightarrow C$ be a minimal elliptic surface and let $g \colon J \rightarrow C$ be its jacobian fibration. In this case, we know that the fibers of $g$ are better behaved that the ones ...
Stefano's user avatar
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A functor on Abelian varieties corresponding to this operation on Weil numbers

Let $A/\mathbb F_q$ be an abelian variety over a finite field with Weil numbers $q^{1/2}\alpha_1,\dots,q^{1/2}\alpha_n$. Consider the numbers $q^{d/2}\alpha_1,\dots,q^{d/2}\alpha_n$. These are still ...
Asvin's user avatar
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Is $h^1(X,O_X)$ always equal to the dimension of the Albanese?

Let $X$ be a projective integral scheme over $\mathbb{C}$. If $X$ is smooth, then $\mathrm{h}^1(X,\mathcal{O}_X)$ is the dimension of the Albanese variety of $X$. Probably, even if $X$ is normal, ...
Harry's user avatar
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Polarization type of the complement abelian subvariety

Assume that $P$ is a Prym variety of a ramified double cover (hence not principally polarized). Let $A,B\subset P$ a complementary pair. Assume that the type of the polarization of $A$ is given by $\...
Z.A.Z.Z's user avatar
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Exact differential forms in characteristic $p>0$

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p>0$. Suppose $1< e_i <p$ for $i=1,2, \ldots, n$ are integers ($n \ge 2$). What are the conditions on the $e_i$'s so that the ...
Huy Dang's user avatar
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Intermediate Jacobian of abelian varieties

Is the intermediate Jacobian of an abelian variety again an abelian variety?
Chen's user avatar
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Principally Polarized CM Abelian Variety

I am interested in considering examples of abelian varieties that are principally polarized with CM in dimension three. However, I am struggling to construct or find even a single instance. In ...
KTT30's user avatar
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Semisimplicity of the p-adic étale Tate module over $F_p(t)$

Let $k$ be a finitely generated field of positive characteristic p. Let $A$ be an abelian variety over $k$ and write $T_p(A)$ for the $p$-adic étale Tate module of $A$. Is it known if the natural ...
Emiliano Ambrosi's user avatar
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Real endomorphism algebra of abelian surface is never $\mathbb{C}$?

I'm reading about the Sato Tate conjecture for genus 2, and I came to the paper here. This breaks the conjecture into 6 different parts, based on the real endomorphism algebra of the surface, or the ...
Bob Jones's user avatar
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Map associated to linear system onto curve is morphism

In Mumford's first paper on Surfaces in char $p$ [1], part 2 Step (II), he wants to show that, given an indecomposable curve of canonical type $D$ on a smooth projective surface $F$ with $p_g(F)=0, ...
numberjedi's user avatar
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Eisenbud-Goto conjecture in Positive Characteristic

Eisenbud-Goto conjecture predicted that the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity ${\rm reg}(X)$ of a non-degenerate projective variety $X\subset \mathbb{P}^N$ is bounded by the $\deg(X)-{\rm codim}(X,\...
Joaquín Moraga's user avatar
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Reduction of torsion points on Neron Model

Let $K/\mathbb{Q}_p$ be a finite extension with ring of integers $R$ and residue field $k$. Let $A/K$ be an abelian variety with Neron model $\mathcal{A}/R$. We denote by $\tilde{\mathcal{A}}/k$ the ...
Jędrzej Garnek's user avatar
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Line bundles of characteristic $0$ on abelian varieties

Maybe what I'm asking is well-known to the experts, however I was not able to find a suitable reference. Any pointer to the literature will be appreciated. For the notation and teminology, I refer ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Real field of definition of an abelian variety of CM-type?

Question 0. Can a field of definitions (without automorphisms) of an (almost arbitrary) abelian variety of CM-type, originally defined over ${\mathbb{C}}$, be chosen to be a totally real number ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Is a Kummer surface over an finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$ supersingular iff $\mathbb{F}_q$-unirational?

Let $A$ be an abelian surface over an finite field $\mathbb{F}_q$. In particular, I am interested in the case when $A$ is a Jacobian variety. Is the Kummer surface $K_A/\mathbb{F}_q$ Shioda-...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Symplectic leaves in positive characteristic

I am currently considering a family of filtered algebras over an algebraically closed field of positive characteristic with the property that the associated graded algebra is a finitely generated ...
Lewis Topley's user avatar
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Simplicity of a rank 2 vector bundle over a principally polarized abelian surface

Let $A := \textrm{Jac}(C)$ be the Jacobian of a genus $2$ curve $C$, with principal polarization $\Theta$. Studying some branched covers of $A$, I was led to consider some rank $2$ holomorphic ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
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Is there an excplicit number field of definition for an Abelian Variety $A/\mathbb{C}$ with CM?

Consider a simple abelian variety $A/\mathbb{C}$ with sufficiently many CMs by $\mathcal{O}$, where $\mathcal{O}$ is an order in a CM field $K$. Specifically, $K$ is a CM field of degree $2g$, where $...
John Binder's user avatar
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Nori fundamental group and etale fundamental group in positive characteristic

Let $X$ be a smooth projective surface over an algebraically closed field of char $p > 0$. Suppose that $\pi_{1}^{et}(X) = \{1\}$. Can Nori fundamental group scheme of $X$ be non-trivial?
AlekseiG's user avatar
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Effect of Hecke transform on the Mumford-Tate group

Let $Sh_{K}(G,X)$ be a Shimura variety and $Z\subset Sh_{K}(G,X)$ be a special subvariety. $Z$ is given by a Shimura sub-datum $(H,Y)$ with $H\subset G$ an algebraic subgroup which I call the $Mumford-...
Darius Math's user avatar
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Semiabelian actions appearing in the toroidal campactification of a degenearting abelian varieties

Given a totally degenerated abelian variety $A_K$ (to make it easier) over a complete discrete valuation field $K$ with $R$, $\pi$ and $k$ the corresponding discrete valuation ring, uniformiser and ...
Heer's user avatar
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Are these empirical discoveries about the Serre Swinnerton-Dyer ring of prime level modular power series actual theorems?

In this question Joel Bellaiche constructed an algebra, M, of modular forms for gamma_0 (N) in finite characteristic (which he called p, but I'll call ell) and asked to know its structure. Matt ...
paul Monsky's user avatar
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false elliptic curves and principal polarizations

Hi, Let $\Delta$ be a quaternion algebra over $\mathbf Q$ and let $\mathcal O_\Delta$ be a maximal order in $\Delta$. Recall that a false elliptic curve over a field $K$ is a pair $(A/K,i)$ ...
Nicolás's user avatar
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If $p=0$ and $df=0$, is $f$ a $p$th power?

This question is a follow-up to When does the relative differential $df=0$ imply that $f$ comes from the base?. There it was asked, for an $A$-algebra $B$, under what conditions does $df=0$ (in the ...
Jared Weinstein's user avatar
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Modular reduction of exceptional complex reflection groups

I am interested in reducing reflection representations of complex reflection groups modulo a prime $p$. For the infinite family $G(m,r,n)$, it is straightforward to get "good reduction" provided that $...
Steven Sam's user avatar
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Why is Pic^0(C) of a curve C a variety?

Let $C$ be an abstract non-singular curve. I'm having a hard time finding a reference for why $\text{Pic}^0(C)$ is a variety. Any pointers towards a reference would be appreciated.
andre's user avatar
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global units on moduli spaces of abelian varieties

This is a question from a colleague. Let $A_{g,d,n}$ be the coarse moduli space over $\mathbb Z$ (of the moduli stack, or assume $n\ge3$ if you like) of abelian schemes of relative dimension $g,$ ...
shenghao's user avatar
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Given two linear operators A and B over a finite field, is there a third operator C whose kernel is the intersection of kernels of A and B?

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional linear space over a finite field $k$. Let $A$ and $B$ be two endomorphisms of $V$. Question 1. Is there an endomorphism $C$ of $V$, which is expressed in terms of ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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Factorization of symplectic isomorphisms of abelian varieties

Background Let $A$ and $B$ be two abelian varieties with dual Abelian varieties $\widehat A$, $\widehat B$. An isomorphism of Abelian varieties $f\colon A\times\widehat A\to B\times\widehat B$ ...
user6319's user avatar
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p-divisible groups of superspecial abelian varieties

Let $p$ be a prime and $F$ be an algebraic closure of the field with p elements. I will consider abelian varieties over F up to prime-to-$p$ isogeny. Principal polarizations will be $Q$-homogeneous ...
david's user avatar
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Shafarevich conjecture for Abelian varieties over global function fields

Let $S$ be a finite set of places of a global function field $K$. Are there finitely many Abelian varieties over $K$ with good reduction outside $S$? What if we exclude isotrivial families?
TCiur's user avatar
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Nilpotent orbits in characteristic $0$ vs. positive characteristics

Let $G_\mathbb{C}$ be a connected reductive group over $\mathbb{C}$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}_{\mathbb{C}}$. For any algebraically closed field $k$, let $G_k$ denote the connected reductive group ...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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Characters of finite fields - Reference request

Let $\mathbf{F}_q$ ($q=p^f$) be a finite field. We are interested in the characters $\chi: \mathbf{F}_q\rightarrow \mathbf{K}$ ($\chi(0)=0$) where the $ \mathbf{K}$ is an alg.closed field of ...
Grad Student's user avatar
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Road map for learning about the computational/general theory of modular curves/isogenies of abelian varieties for cryptography

I am a graduate math/crypto student. So I've had some free time last year and I heard about elliptic curves in cryptography and how a resilient cryptosystem got demolished by a spectacular attack ...
Rayane B.'s user avatar
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Do rational maps to abelian varieties extend across rational singularities?

Let $X$ be a normal proper variety with only rational singularities and $A$ an abelian variety. Does a rational map $X \supset U \to A$ extend to a morphism $X \to A$? If not, what is a ...
Ben C's user avatar
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Boundary divisor of an equivariant compactification of a non-trivial twist of $\mathbb{G}_a^n$

Let $K$ be a non-perfect field of positive characteristic. Then there exist non-trivial forms of $\mathbb{G}_a^n$ which split over finite purely inseparable extensions of $K$, i.e., algebraic groups $...
Abdulmuhsin Alfaraj's user avatar
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Matrix description for automorphisms of genus $2$ curve split into two copies of an elliptic curve

Consider a genus $2$ curve $C$ and its Jacobian $J$ (for simplicity, over the field $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ or $\mathbb{C}$). Assume that $J$ is $(2,2)$-isogenous to the direct square $E^2$ of an ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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The coarse moduli schemes of the "Shimura stacks" are the canonical models of the corresponding Shimura varieties

Let $F$ be a number field, $B$ a central simple algebra over $F$, $*$ a positive involution on $B$ which fixes $F$, and $O_B$ a maximal $O_F$-order of $B$ which is stable under $*$. Assume that $(B, *)...
k.j.'s user avatar
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Conjugacy of cocharacters from conjugacy of labelled diagrams

Everything to follow is over some fixed algebraically closed field $k$. Although all the definitions make sense regardless of characteristic, the meat of the question is about small positive ...
LSpice's user avatar
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An analog of a BGG resolution in subregular case in positive characteristic

Consider representations of $\mathfrak{sl}_n$ in positive characteristic with a subregular nilpotent central character $\chi$. For every regular weight $\lambda$ of $\mathfrak{sl}_n$, we have the ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
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modularity of elliptic curves over function fields in positive characteristic

Let $F$ be a global function field over a finite field, and $E$ be an elliptic curve over $F$. Much like the number field case, it is natural to study the Galois representation on the Tate module of $...
Anwesh Ray's user avatar
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de Rham Witt complex vs. de Rham complex of the Witt ring

I am reading the paper "Revisiting the de Rham-Witt complex" by Bhatt-Lurie-Mathew and I am a bit confused about the difference between $W\Omega_R^*$ and $\hat{\Omega}^*_{W(R)}$. Let $\...
Jun Koizumi's user avatar
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Explicit description of wonderful compactification for PGL_3

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of positive characteristics. Let $X$ be the wonderful compactification of $PGL_3$ (see for example section 6 of "Frobenius Splitting Methods in Geometry ...
Asav's user avatar
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Reference request: Radicial morphisms & Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence

My name is Chemy (Przemysław). I am a PhD student at UvA (Amsterdam), and I work on projects related to foliations in algebraic geometry in positive characteristic. Therefore I am avidely reading two ...
P. Grabowski's user avatar
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𝔾ₘ extensions vs line bundles over abelian varieties

Given a complex polarized abelian variety $V$, we can define a map $$\operatorname{Ext}^1\left(V, \mathbb{G}_m\right) \to \operatorname{Pic}\left(V\right)$$ by viewing an extension as a $\mathbb{G}_m$-...
E. KOW's user avatar
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How big are small inverse powers of 2 mod powers of 3?

Let $a \bmod b$ take value as an integer in $[0, b)$. For any $T \ge 1$, for what $R \in [0, 3^n)$ is $$\min \{2^{-t}\bmod 3^n: t =1, \dotsc, T\} := \min A_T > R?$$ When $T$ is fixed as $n$ ...
SorcererofDM's user avatar
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If the Frobenius endomorphism of a characteristic $p$ ring is epimorphic, is it surjective?

MO question 19282 is about integral epimorphisms of commutative rings, and a counterexample is given to surjectivity. What about the case of the Frobenius endomorphism of a commutative, characteristic ...
Matthieu Romagny's user avatar

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