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Minimizing the Frobenius norm of a quadratic matrix expression

Given matrices $R \in \mathbb R^{m \times n}$ and $Y \in \mathbb R^{p \times n}$, where $R$ is full rank, how can I solve the following optimization problems? $$\min_{X \in \mathbb R^{p \times m}} \| ...
见得哆啦's user avatar
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Algorithm for the nilpotence of matrix polynomials

Let $P$ be a multivariate polynomial of real-valued $N \times N$ matrices. Given $X_1, X_2, ..., X_M \in \mathcal{M}_N\{\mathbb{R}\}$, is there any optimal algorithm to determine whether the result of ...
Andrei Coman's user avatar
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Parameter of Brauer algebra

Let $O(V)$= the set of orthogonal transformation from the vector space $V$ to $V$ where $\dim V=n$. We know that the centralizer algebra of $O(V)$ on the tensor space $V^{\otimes{f}}$ is Brauer ...
noone 's user avatar
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Reference request concerning splitting fields for groups that are related to special symmetric groups

Denote the symmetric group of order $n!$ by $S_n$. Let $H:=S_p$ for an odd prime $p$. Every finite field $k$ is a splitting field $(^*)$ for $kH$, in particular $k:=\mathbb{F}_p$. Questions: Is $k:=\...
Stein Chen's user avatar
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Weakening s-unitality

Recall that a (non-unital, non-commutative) ring $R$ is left s-unital if for every $r\in R$, we have $r\in Rr$. Consider the following conditions: There is a nonzero integer $m$ such that for all $r\...
tomasz's user avatar
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Extension of closed-form solvability of polynomial equations of x and exp to rational expressions?

Is my conjecture below true? It's a new conjecture. It's an extension of Lin's theorem in [Lin 1983] which is cited in [Chow 1999] - see both references at the bottom of this page. It seems that Ferng-...
IV_'s user avatar
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When every localization of the polynomial ring over a ring has finitely many idempotents

Let $R$ be a commutative ring such that every localization ring $R_r$ has finitely many idempotents for each non nilpotent element $r\in R$. Why dose every localization ring $R[x]_{f(x)}$ have ...
Bazara's user avatar
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Field theory, Abel-Ruffini theorem, technical question

Let me put the question first. Let $F,K$ be subfields of $\mathbb{C}$. Suppose that $t,\rho\in \mathbb{C}$ are algebraic over $F$ and $\rho \in K$. If $F(t)\cap K\subset F$, is it true that $F(t,\rho)\...
J.X.Mo's user avatar
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Solve linear overdetermined system from subsystems that compose it

This is my first MathOverflow post: I apologize if my message is lacking of something. I also posted this question in Mathematics Stack Exchange, but as I haven't seen an answer I post it here. ...
Julian David Villegas Gutierre's user avatar
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Can an orderless set of inner product between N vectors determine unique structure of the vectors?

Suppose we have n vectors {a1,a2,a3,...,an} such that the sum of them is zero vector a1+a2+a3+...+an=0 Now, we compute the inner product of each two vectors of them, i.e. we compute the Gramian matrix ...
DNQZ's user avatar
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Symmetric functions for multidimensional variables

I have $N$ variables (let's call them $X$) of dimensionality $D$, that I want to make permutation invariant. For $D=1$ I know I can use e.g. the elementary symmetric polynomials to accomplish this. ...
Nolf's user avatar
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When localization is indecomposable

We know that if $R $ is a domain then any localization of $R $ at any multiplicative subset of $R $ is indecomposable, that is, has no non trivial idempotents. Now let $R $ be a commutative ring with ...
My. A's user avatar
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Phase angles of a complex eigenvector

I have the following system for $\lambda \in \Bbb C, \lambda \neq 0$ and $\pmb{p},\pmb{q} \in \Bbb C^n$, $(\pmb{p}^T, \pmb{q}^T)\neq0$: $$\begin{cases} F(\lambda) \pmb{p} - g(\lambda) \pmb{q} - \...
Andrey Gorbunov's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of symmetric tridiagonal matrices with identical off diagonal elements

Is there a simple analytical solution to obtain eigenvalues (and eigenvectors) for this type of tridiagonal matrices ? ( Off diagonal elements are identical and the matrix is symmetric) $$ \begin{...
Stef1611's user avatar
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Diagonally similar to submatrix of orthogonal matrix

Given $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times n}$, with $0 < |\det(A)| < 1$. Does a diagonal matrix $D$ exist such that $$ B = D^{-1} A D $$ is the principal submatrix of an $(n+1)\times(n+1)$ orthogonal ...
Jiro's user avatar
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Fastest way to calculate the eigenvalues of a product of two Toeplitz matrices

I have the following problem: I need to find the fastest way to calculate the eigenvalues of a matrix that is the product of two Toeplitz matrices. $B = A U$. The first is a regular Toeplitz matrix $A$...
Enea Olati's user avatar
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Compatibility with multiplication of a cyclic order on a ring

I am copying my question from here: Is it correct that $\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z$ and $\mathbb Z/4\mathbb Z$ are the only rings with three or more ...
Alex C's user avatar
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Probability of marking at least one row in given matrix

Let there be a matrix $\alpha=(a_{i,j})_{i\in [m], j\in [n]}$, where $a_{i,j}\in\{0,1\}$ And every row has exactly $r\le n$ ones. We independently with probability $p$ choose some columns from this ...
mkultra's user avatar
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Universal bimodule for homotopy biderivations

Recall the commutative story: for a commutative algebra $A$, its module of differentials $\Omega (A)$ is characterized by the universal property that any derivation $\delta \colon A \to M$ is in a ...
Dasha Poliakova's user avatar
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Algebraic relation given by a 3x3 determinant

I just encountered a very curious relation in an algebra. A bit simplified, I am working in a (particular) non-commutative algebra, with some relations. One particular relation is the following: For (...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
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Minimum rank of a product of two block diagonal matrices with an arbitrary matrix

Let us assume that we have an arbitrary full-rank $l\cdot b \times l\cdot p$ matrix, $\boldsymbol{H}$, with no specific structure (e.g., a realization of a Gaussian i.i.d. random matrix), an $m \times ...
Juan's user avatar
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Abelian subgroup of maximal order

Let $\mathbf{F}_q$ be a finite field of order $q$ ($q$, an odd prime, or a power of the same). I know that for the matrix algebra $M(n,\mathbf{F}_q)$ (or $gl(n,q)$), the maximal dimension for a ...
Uday Bhaskar's user avatar
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Simplicial differential graded algebra and a filtration

Let $A$ be a simplicial differential algebra, i.e. for each $n \in \mathbb{N}$ a differential graded algebra $(A_n,d_n)$ and for each weakly increasing map $f \colon [n] \to [m]$ a morphism $f_* \...
Roberto Pagaria's user avatar
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When a finite codimensional subalgebra contains a finite codimension ideal?

What is a classification of all algebras $A$ (purely algebraic algebras, Banach or $C^*$ algebras or Lie algebras) with the following property: Every finite codimensional subalgebra $B$ of $A$ ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Full-rank Hadamard product given a certain structure

Let us assume that we have a full-rank randomly chosen $k\times (m\cdot l)$ matrix, $\boldsymbol{H}$, with $l \leq k \leq (m\cdot l)$ and no specific structure (e.g., a realization of an IID complex ...
Juan's user avatar
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Property of a semisimple Lie algebra over complex number field

Is the following property true? Let $L$ be a finite-dimensional Lie algebra over $\mathbb{C}$. Then $L$ is semisimple if and only if for every $x \in L$, there exists $y, z\in L$, such that $x=[y, z]...
user11090426's user avatar
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Construct $A_\infty$ bimodules maps from dg-maps

Let $ A $ be a dg-algebra. Let $U,V,W$ and $Z$ be dg-bimodules over $A$-$A$. Suppose I have cofibrant replacements $\pi_U : Up \rightarrow U$ (as right dg-module) and $\pi_W : pW \rightarrow W$ (as ...
G. Naisse's user avatar
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$S$ subring of $R$ implies $\mathrm{rank}_R M\leq \mathrm{rank}_S M$?

This is a question that I've posted in MSE but I've got no answers. The statement is as follows: Let $R$ be a ring with identity, and $S$ be a subring with $1_S=1_R$. Let $M$ be a free unitary $R$-...
Alejandro Tolcachier's user avatar
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formal smoothness and McQuillan formal schemes

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, $A\rightarrow B$ be a continuous map of weakly admissible topological $k$-local algebras. We assume that it is formally smooth and topologically of finite ...
prochet's user avatar
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Minimax optimization of diagonal entries of function of matrix

Let $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{U}$ be arbitrary complex $M\times N$ and $N\times M$ matrices, respectively. Let denote superscript $(\cdot)^{\dagger}$ and $(\cdot)^{\mathrm{H}}$ as pseudo-inverse and ...
Math_Y's user avatar
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Smallest eigenvalue for large kernel matrix

I am interested in the the asymptotics of the minimum eigenvalue $\lambda_n^n$ of a class of kernel matrix $P = [ K(x_i - x_j) ]_{i,j}$, with $x_i$ equally spaced in the unit cube of $\mathbb{R}^d$. ...
KDD's user avatar
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About means of positive definite matrices

This question is related to this recent one. Recall that on the cone $SPD_n$ of $n\times n$ symmetric positive definite matrices, there are various notions of means, which extend the same notions ...
Denis Serre's user avatar
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Matrix factorizations over $GL_2$ of a real quadratic ring of integers

tl;dr: The groups $GL_2(K)$, or $SL_2(K)$, where $K = \mathbb{C,R}$ admits several factorizations (the polar decomposition, the KAN decomposition, the Schur triangular form, etc). Those ...
Adrián González Pérez's user avatar
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Integral of matrix determinant with respect to Lebesgue measure

$\newcommand\norm[1]{\lVert#1\rVert} \newcommand\opnorm[1]{\norm{#1}_{\text{op}}} \newcommand\Frnorm[1]{\norm{#1}_{\text F}}$Define \begin{align*} S_t=\{ (A,B)\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\times\...
neverevernever's user avatar
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Permutation of eigenvalues induced by a loop

A friend of mine just mention me what I think is a very fun phenomena and I would be very interested to learn more about it: Let $A,B\in \mathbb{C}^{n\times n}$ two matrices. And let $\lambda_1(z), \...
RaphaelB4's user avatar
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Transformations preserving the number of distinct eigenvalues

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ be an $n\times n$ symmetric, invertible matrix with nonnegative real entries, $\mathbf{1}$ be the all one $n$-dimensional vector, and $\mathrm{diag}(v)$, $v=[v_1,v_2,\...
Ludwig's user avatar
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solving a non-linear Matrix equation

I am working on a problem of optimization of wireless sensor networks in order to achieve the optimal power allocation in the network. I find an equality matrix problem that can be written as ...
hichem hb's user avatar
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Completion of a ring and the canonical map

Given a noetherian ring $R$ and an ideal $I$. Questions: Can $R$ be isomorphic to the $I$-adic complection $\hat{R}$ of $R$ without the canonical map $R \rightarrow \hat{R}$ being an isomorphism? A ...
Mare's user avatar
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Application of cup-product for Leibniz cohomology

In 1995, Loday introduced a cup-product operation on the graded cohomology of Leibniz algebra and showed that the cup-product operation satisfies the graded Zinbiel relation. My question is how this ...
Ripan Saha's user avatar
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Controlling the rank of a Matrix product

Let $\bf{Q}$ be an $(m-k)\times m$ matrix satisfying $\bf{QQ}^H=\bf{I}$, $\bf{W}$ an $m\times m\ell$ matrix of the form $$\bf{}W=\left[\begin{array}{ccccc}{\bf{w}}_1 &\bf{0} &\bf{0}&\...
Fredrik Rusek's user avatar
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Weakly reflexive algebra vs proper (residually finite-dimensional) algebra

Currently I am reading the book "Hopf Algebras. An Introduction" by S. Dascalescu, C. Nastasescu, S. Raianu. There is a Definition 1.5.20 on page 44 (boldface is mine): An algebra $A$ is called ...
Nik Bren's user avatar
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Conjugacy classes and normal form of $O_n$ and $U_n$

I'm interested in characterizing conjugacy classes inside $O_n$ and $U_n$ over local fields of positive characteristic ($\neq 2$). I need this for my research on representation theory of these groups. ...
D.M.'s user avatar
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Attractivity of a system with state-dependent transitions

Let $A\in\mathbb{R}^{n\times n}$ and consider the following dynamical system: $$ \frac{\mathrm{d}x(t)}{\mathrm{d}t} = -x(t)+\max\{0,Ax(t)\}, \ \ \ \ x(0)\in\mathbb{R}^n, $$ where $\max\{\cdot\}$ acts ...
Ludwig's user avatar
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Generators for Ideals in ring of multivariate Laurent Polynomials

Consider the following problem: Find an ideal $I \subset \mathbb{Q}[x^{\pm}_1,x^{\pm}_2,x^{\pm}_3]$ such that $I_{aff} \subset \mathbb{Q}[x_1, x_2, x_3] = I \cap k[x_1, x_2, x_3]$ requires more ...
b_dobres's user avatar
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When does a matrix with high rank have a minor with disjoint rows and columns and high rank?

This is a somewhat open-ended followup question to Does an antisymmetric matrix with high rank have a minor with disjoint rows and columns and high rank? and Does a non-singular matrix have a large ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Pseudo-inverse of a column partitioned matrix

Given a $nm \times m$ matrix $A = \begin{pmatrix} A_1 \\ A_2 \\ \vdots \\ A_n\end{pmatrix}$ over $\mathbb{C}$, where $A_i$'s are $m \times m$ and $rank(A) = m$, is there an expression for the pseudo-...
Jinhui Wang's user avatar
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Question about Local Henselian Rings

I have a question regarding properties/characterizations of local Henselian rings exploited in M. Artin's article "On Isolated Rational Singularities of Surfaces": Here the relevant excerpt: Remark: ...
user267839's user avatar
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Does $AA^{-1}$ have the unique product property?

Let $A$ be a finite subset of a torsion free group $G$ with $|A|\geq3$. Does the set $AA^{-1}$ have the "unique product" property (i.e. there exist an element $c\in AA^{-1}$ that is uniquely written ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Bound for Expectation of Singular Value

In my case, $X_{\boldsymbol{\delta}}\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times M}$ is a function of Rademacher variables $\boldsymbol{\delta}\in\{1,-1\}^M$ with $\delta_i$ independent uniform random variables taking ...
lee's user avatar
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How exactly to adapt Brown's collapse from monoids to algebras?

In The Geometry of Rewriting Systems (Springerlink behind paywall), Kenneth Brown describes a method to collapse the bar resolution of a monoid. Roughly: Given a simplicial set $X$ equipped with a ...
Hilario Fernandes's user avatar

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