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Questions tagged [lie-groups]

Lie Groups are Groups that are additionally smooth manifolds such that the multiplication and the inverse maps are smooth.

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Derivative of the projection map $\pi: G \times \mathfrak{g} \rightarrow G \times_K \mathfrak{g}$

Let $G$ be a compact Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{g}.$ Let $K$ be a closed subgroup of $G$ with Lie algebra $\mathfrak{k}.$ We define the manifold $$\mathcal{E}:= G \times_K \mathfrak{g}$$ to ...
Mira's user avatar
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Learning from unsuccessful attempts at the Poincaré conjecture

This is reposted from MSE, but perhaps it is more appropriate to post it here. Let me know if I'm wrong. Among the many unsuccessful attempts at solving the Poincaré conjecture, I'm wondering if there ...
Paul Cusson's user avatar
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A duality of finite groups coming from a surjective homomorphism with finite kernel of algebraic tori

$\newcommand{\Hom}{{\rm Hom}} \newcommand{\Gm}{{{\mathbb G}_{m,{\Bbb C}}}} \newcommand{\X}{{\sf X}} $ I am looking for a reference for the following lemma (for which I know a proof): Lemma. Let $\...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Is the manifold of complex points of a quotient of compact groups just the tangent bundle?

In great generality a Lie group mod its maximal compact subgroup is contractible (for example this is true for all connected Lie groups). Whenever this is true then the Lie group $ D $ is ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Gauge groupoid of Lorentz group & complexification

I'm learning about Lie groupoids and was inspired (by Mackenzie's book) to consider the following problem. Consider first a principal bundle $P\xrightarrow G M$; we can construct the quotient manifold ...
Žan Grad's user avatar
3 votes
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Almost free Lie group action

It's known that if a compact Lie group $G$ acts freely on a compact manifold $M$, then the orbit space $M/G$ is a manifold. If we only assume that $G$ acts almost freely (i.e. $G_x$ is finite for any $...
Mjr's user avatar
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Real Representation ring of $U(n)$ and the adjoint representation

I have two questions: It is well known that the complex representation ring $R(U(n))=\mathbb{Z}[\lambda_1,\cdots,\lambda_n,\lambda_n^{-1}]$, where $\lambda_1$ is the natural representation of $U(n)$ ...
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8 votes
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The "canonical fibration" for the Lie group $G_2$

$\DeclareMathOperator\SO{SO}$At the very begining of Akbulut and Kalafat - Algebraic topology of $G_2$ manifolds, the authors stated that there is a "canonical fibration" for $G_2$ of the ...
Xing Gu's user avatar
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Compact Lie groups are rational homotopy equivalent to a product of spheres

According to [1] and [2], it is “well-known” that a compact Lie group $G$ has the same rational homology, and according to [2] is even rational homotopy equivalent, to the product $\mathbb{S}^{2m_1+1} ...
Gro-Tsen's user avatar
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Relation between weight spaces of fixed loci of Hamiltonian $S^1$-actions

Consider an almost Kähler manifold $(M,\omega,I)$ with a $I$-(pseudo)holomorphic $\mathbb{C}^*$-action, whose $S^1$-part is Hamiltonian and the fixed locus $F=M^{S^1}$ is compact. Then, it breaks $F=\...
Filip's user avatar
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5 answers

What are Lie groupoids intuitively?

I am trying to understand about Lie groupoids but not able to get feeling for what it actually is. So, question here is, What are Lie groupoids? How similar are they to Lie groups, Groupoids and ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
6 votes
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What is known about the discrete group cohomology $H^2(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb C), \mathbb C^\times)$?

The cohomology ring of $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb C)$ as a topological group is straightforward (it's generated by a Chern class), but what is known in the discrete case? I'm particularly interested in $H^...
Calvin McPhail-Snyder's user avatar
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Does the set of matrices with bounded recursive products form a fractal?

We are given three matrices $A,B,C$ which have determinant 1, are not unitary and that their size is the same. Consider the following process. On each step we take three words $W_1,W_2,W_3$ consisting ...
Станислав Крымский's user avatar
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Choice of generators to make the centralisers connected

In $G=\operatorname{PGL}_{2n}(\textbf{C})$, WLG, we assume all the toral elementary abelian 2-subgroups in discussion are in $T$, the image in $G$ of the group of diagonal matrices in $\operatorname{...
user488802's user avatar
4 votes
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A Fréchet space characterization of smooth structures on topological spaces?

For a compact manifold $M$ the space of smooth functions $C^{\infty}(M)$ is a Fréchet space where the seminorms are the suprema of the norms of all partial derivatives. Is there some way to ...
Sven Mortenson's user avatar
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Riemannian homogeneous equivalent to linear group orbit

Let $ M $ be a smooth manifold. Recall that a manifold $ M $ is smooth homogeneous if there exists a Lie group acting transitively on $ M $. Recall that a manifold $ M $ is Riemannian homogeneous if ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Does every locally compact, simply connected group admit enough finite dimensional representations?

Given a simply connected locally compact group $G$, is it true that $G$ admits enough finite dimensional representations (over any field and not necessarily continuous) to separate points in $G$, what ...
Rick Sternbach's user avatar
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Is every homogeneous space Riemannian homogeneous?

A manifold $M$ together with a transitive $G$-action is always diffeomorphic a quotient $G/H$ for $H < G$ Lie groups. On the other hand, there might be a proper subgroup of $G$ that also acts ...
Lezkus's user avatar
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Question regarding semistability of a point of GIT quotient

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$I am currently looking at the paper titled "$\SL(2,\mathbb{C})$ quotients de $(\mathbb{P^1})^n$" by Marzia Polito. The author has considered diagonal action of $\...
tota's user avatar
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Is a manifold paracompact? Should it be?

We will say that a Hausdorff topological space $X$ is a smooth manifold if there is an open cover $(U_{\alpha})$ of $X$ and a corresponding collection of homeomorphisms $\varphi_{\alpha} : U_{\alpha} \...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Homogeneous representations of compact manifolds

There is a classification of effective transitive groups actions on the sphere by compact connected Lie groups, compare Besse "Einstein manifolds" 7.13 Examples. Are there similar results ...
Julian Seipel's user avatar
18 votes
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What is known about the "unitary group" of a rigged Hilbert space?

Suppose that $(E,H)$ is a rigged (infinite dimensional, separable) Hilbert space, i.e. $H$ is a Hilbert space, and $E$ is a Fréchet space, equipped with a continuous linear injection $E \rightarrow H$ ...
Peter's user avatar
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Classification of "homogeneous" submanifolds of ℝⁿ

I define a subset $M$ of $\mathbb R^n$ to be a "homogeneous Euclidean manifold" if: it is a closed connected smooth submanifold of $\mathbb R^n$, for every $p, q$ in $M$, there is a ...
Andrea Aveni's user avatar
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How do I detect whether a representation is (or is not) the adjoint representation?

Let $(\mathfrak{g},[\cdot,\cdot])$ be a Lie algebra. There is a God-given representation of $\mathfrak{g}$, namely, the adjoint representation $\operatorname{ad} : \mathfrak{g} \to \operatorname{Der}(\...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Multiplicative invariants of non-reduced root systems

It is a well known fact (cf. [1] VI.3.4 Thm. 1) that if $\Phi$ is a (reduced) root system with weight lattice $P$ and $W$ is the Weyl group of this root system, then the algebra of invariant ...
G. Gallego's user avatar
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A Lie-theoretic question regarding $B\ltimes \mathfrak{g}/\mathfrak{b}$

I am stuck on a seeming elementary Lie-theoretic question arising from a study of components of affine Springer fibers. Will be very grateful if somebody would like to share some insight, or ...
Cheng-Chiang Tsai's user avatar
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Fundamental group of compact globally symmetric spaces

The fundamental group of a globally symmetric space $M$ of compact type is known (see Loos [1], Borel [2]). The result can be formulated as follows: it is isomorphic to the quotient $$(*) \quad \pi_1(...
Lucas Seco's user avatar
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Homogeneous metrics on compact Lie groups

Given a differentiable manifold $M$, a Riemannian metric $g$ on $M$ is called homogeneous if its isometry group acts transitively on $M$. In that case, given any group $G$ acting transtitively on $(M,...
emiliocba's user avatar
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Integrals of the type $\delta(g^{n})$ on $\mathrm{SU}(2)$

I posted this question previously to MathSE. However, I have still not solved it, so lets try to ask it here. When doing some calculations with spin-foam models for 3d quantum gravity for some ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Weakening of orbit type stratification to non-proper Lie group actions

I am working in a setting where I am thinking about effective, fixed-point free actions of $\text{PSL}(2; \mathbb{R})$ on compact three manifolds by homeomorphisms. I'm not sure if this is relevant ...
hazelnb's user avatar
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The normalizer of $\operatorname{Spin}(2N)$ in $\operatorname{U}(2^{N-1})$?

$\DeclareMathOperator\U{U}\DeclareMathOperator\Spin{Spin}$ I can show that $$ \U(2^{N-1})\supset \Spin(2N) $$ when $2N > 4$ or a positive integer $N > 2$, so $\Spin(2N)$ can be embedded in $\U(2^...
wonderich's user avatar
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Cartan decomposition of loop group

Let $G$ be a complex reductive group. Let $LG$ and $L^+ G$ denote the formal loop spaces given by maps from the punctured formal disk and the formal disk, respectively, to $G$. The quotient $LG/L^+ G$ ...
G. Gallego's user avatar
9 votes
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Number of reduced decompositions of the longest element of the Weyl group

Let $R$ be a reduced root system, $W$ the associated Weyl group, and $w_0 \in W$ the longest element of $W$. In general $w_0$ admits more than one reduced decomposition into a product of reflections, ...
Bas Winkelman's user avatar
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Almost two-point homogeneous spaces

I define a NICE space to be a connected Riemannian manifold $M$ such that for any two distinct points $p,q\in M$, there exists an isometry $R_{p,q}$ exchanging these two points (that is such that $R_{...
Andrea Aveni's user avatar
24 votes
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Lie groups vs Lie monoids

Does there exist a well developed theory of a class of objects which might rightfully be called Lie monoids? By this I mean with axioms similar to those of Lie groups, but with the axiomatic existence ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Question about adjoint orbits

I am looking for a proof or a reference of the following claim: Let $G$ be a real connected semi-simple Lie group and let $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{k}+\mathfrak{p}$ be the Cartan decomposition for its ...
Mira's user avatar
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Parabolics and simple roots for a special unitary group: reference request

I am looking for a reference where the relative root system, the relative system of simple roots, and parabolic $\Bbb R$-subgroups for the real algebraic group ${\rm SU}(p,q)$ are explicitly computed. ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
4 votes
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A pseudo-Riemannian version of a theorem by Fubini

Guido Fubini, ``Sugli spazii che ammettono un gruppo continuo di movimenti,'' Annali di Mat., ser. 3, 8 (1903) 54.: Let $M$ be a Riemannian manifold of dimension $d\ge 3$. Its isometry group cannot be ...
Thomas Schucker's user avatar
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Origin of Laguerre geometry?

Laguerre geometry is described as either the geometry of oriented lines and circles in the Euclidean plane, equipped with a certain unusual symmetry group (see
wlad's user avatar
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Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro generalization to $U(n) \to ({Spin(2n) \times U(1)})/{\mathbf{Z}/4}$ for $n=2k+1$

Atiyah, Bott, and Shapiro paper on Clifford Modules around page 10 shows two facts. 1 - There is a lift $U(n) \to Spin^c(2n)$ from $U(n) \to SO(2n)\times U(1)$. Also an embedding (injective group ...
Марина Marina S's user avatar
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Double coset decomposition for compact Lie groups

The starting point of my question is the following fact: suppose $G$ is a finite group and let $H,K \leq G$ be arbitrary subgroups, then there exists an isomorphism of $G$-sets as follows \begin{...
N.B.'s user avatar
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Are nearby crossed homomorphisms from compact Lie groups crossed-conjugate?

Charles Rezk had highlighted in MO:q/123624 that "Nearby homomorphisms from compact Lie groups are conjugate", and in consequence -- further highlighted in Remark 2.2.1 of his Global ...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Getting the "salient" geometric objects out of an abstract congruence group

I'm not entirely sure what I'm trying to ask. According to my understanding of the Erlangen programme, each "geometry" (in the sense of Euclidean or hyperbolic or elliptic geometry) is ...
wlad's user avatar
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Integral of elements of random unitaries

It is known how to calculate the integral of elements of $N\times N$ Haar random unitaries using the Weingarten function: $$\int \prod_{k=1}^n U_{i_kj_k} U_{m_kr_k}^* \mathrm d U = \sum_{\sigma,\tau} \...
user50394's user avatar
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Symplectic orbits in projective Hilbert spaces are simply connected

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group and let $(\pi, \mathcal{H})$ be an irreducible unitary representation of $G$ on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. Denote by $\mathcal{H}^{\infty}$ ...
jvnv's user avatar
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Fusion rules for the Lie algebra $\frak{so}_{2n+1}$

For the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{so}_{2n+1}$ where can I find a description of the fusion rules of it fundamental representations? In more detail: For $\pi_i$ and $\pi_j$ two fundamental weights of $\...
Boris Henriques's user avatar
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$\pi_{2n-1}(\operatorname{SO}(2n))$ element represents the tangent bundle $TS^{2n}$, not torsion and indivisible for $n>1$?

Question: Is the element $\alpha$ in $\pi_{2n-1}(\operatorname{SO}(2n))$ representing the tangent bundle $TS^{2n}$ of the sphere $S^{2n}$ indivisible and not torsion? My understanding so far — An $\...
wonderich's user avatar
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Non-isomorphic direct products of a solvable and a semisimple Lie algebra

Given a solvable Lie algebra $\frak{a}$ and a semisimple Lie algebra $\frak{g}$ we can take their semidirect product $\frak{a} \rtimes \frak{g}$, with respect to a Lie algebra map $\frak{g} \to \...
Boris Henriques's user avatar
35 votes
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$G_2$ and Geometry

In a recent question Deane Yang mentioned the beautiful Riemannian geometry that comes up when looking at $G_2$. I am wondering if people could expand on the geometry related to the exceptional Lie ...
Sean Tilson's user avatar
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Is the representation of finite simple groups fully understood?

Is the representation of finite simple groups fully understood? To clarify, I mean have all the simple representations (even finite dimensional) been classified in terms of some classifying set, such ...
Dick Johnson's user avatar

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