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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

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Homotopy quotient of groups

Suppose $0\to A \stackrel{\iota}{\to} B \stackrel{\pi}{\to} C \to 0$ is a short exact sequence of groups. We have an induced map $k[\iota] : k[A] \to k[B]$ of group algebras over a field $k$. What ...
Lukas Woike's user avatar
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Does the Approximation Property (AP) pass to quotients by amenable subgroups?

Given a countable group $G$ with the AP, and an normal, amenable subgroup $N$ of $G$, does $G/N$ have the AP? In particular, does there exist a group $G$ with the AP and a surjective group ...
Hannes Thiel's user avatar
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Groups whose finite index subgroups are isomorphic

I am looking for examples of the following situation: $G$ is an infinite group. Every two finite index proper subgroups of $G$ are isomorphic. The only examples that I have now are (1) $\mathbb{Z}^...
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Doubly primitive groups with simple socle

The classification of doubly transitive groups with simple socle is known. A good account of such classification can be found for example in this paper: Cameron, Peter J. Finite permutation groups ...
Leandro Vendramin's user avatar
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Semisimple compact Lie group topologically generated by two finite order elements

Edit: I'm specializing this question to the compact case I'll ask about the noncompact case as a new question. Let $ G $ be a compact connected semisimple Lie group. Do there always exist two finite ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Is there a subgroup of a non-abelian $p$-group $G$ with a large nilpotency class?

Let $G$ be a non-abelian $p$-group ($p\ne2$). Does there exist a group $H\subset G$ such that both 1, 2 are satisfied? $|H| = |G|/p$. $c(H)\geq c(G) - 1$.
solver6's user avatar
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Groups whose centralisers are finite

Let $G$ be an infinite group such that the centraliser of any non central element is finite (and bounded). Is there any structure theorem known about $G$ ? Such a group seems to be at the other ...
Drike's user avatar
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More on Moonshine for the Thompson group and weakly holomorphic weight one half modular forms

This question is a follow-up to Monstrous Moonshine for Thompson group $Th$? and is based on various comments to that question, in particular S. Carnahan's mention of the connection to known ...
Jeff Harvey's user avatar
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Relations between relations in the positive braid monoid

The positive braid monoid on $n$ strands is the monoid with generators $s_1$, $s_2$, ..., $s_{n-1}$ and relations $$s_i s_{i+1} s_i = s_{i+1} s_i s_{i+1} \qquad s_i s_j = s_j s_i \text{for}\ |i-j| \...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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The Tits classes of simply connected simple real groups

Let $G$ be a simply connected semisimple group over a perfect field $k$ (at the moment I am interested in the case $k=\mathbb R$). Then $G$ is an inner form of a quasi-split $k$-group $G_{\rm qs}$: ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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If $G \times G \cong H \times H$, then is $G \cong H$? [duplicate]

Let $G,H$ groups. Suppose that $G \times G \cong H \times H$. Then is necessarily $G \cong H$? I know that if $G,H$ are finite groups then it is true (you show that the map $FinGrp \rightarrow \...
yoav's user avatar
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Dynkin diagram of the centralizer of a semisimple element in a Levi subgroup

Let $G$ be a connected reductive group over an algebraically closed field and consider a semisimple element $s \in G$ and let $L$ be a Levi subgroup containing $s$. My question is about the two ways ...
Matthias Klupsch's user avatar
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Discrete central subgroup of a connected Lie group is finitely generated

Every discrete central subgroup of a connected Lie group is finitely generated. This result was alluded to without comment in a book I was reading (Lie Group Actions in Complex Analysis by D. ...
Calamardo's user avatar
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Split powers of the multiplicative group of a field

Let $K$ be a field, $K^\times$ its multiplicative group and $I$ an infinite set. Is then $(K^\times)^{(I)} \subseteq (K^\times)^I$ a direct summand? If not, is it possible to characterize the fields ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
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Duality between conjugacy classes and irreducible characters for finite monoids?

Qiaochu's answer to this question suggests that the proper way to view the bijection between conjugacy classes and irreducible complex representations of a finite group is via a duality. My question ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Do doubly-transitive actions give rise to indecomposable representations for infinite groups?

This is a follow-up to this question. Let $G$ be a group acting doubly-transitively on a set $X$. Then the vector space $V_X$ of functions $f\colon X\to\mathbb C$ with finite support such that $\sum_{...
Kenta Suzuki's user avatar
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The highest degree of a polynomial on a finite group

This question is motivated by the comments and the answer to this MO-question. First let us recall some definitions. A function $f:X\to X$ on a group $X$ is called a polynomial if there exists $n\in\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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What are the matrix coefficients associated with the irreducible representations of compact real linear algebraic groups?

What are the matrix coefficients associated with the irreducible representations of a compact real linear algebraic group $G$? Peter-Weyl tells us that $L^2(G)$ is the (closure of) $\bigoplus_\pi A_{\...
Andrew NC's user avatar
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a balanced presentation of a cyclic-by-cyclic group?

Let $p>2$ be a prime, $C_p$ be the additive group of integers mod $p$. Then the multiplicative group $\{1,...,p-1\}$ of units in the field $Z/pZ$ is cyclic of order $p-1$, it acts on $C_p$ by left ...
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Adjoint identity on finite nilpotent groups

Let $G$ be a finite nilpotent group. Consider the following (adjoint) identity from [BuPa, Theorem 9.6]: $$\left(\prod_{\chi \in \mathrm{Irr}(G)} \frac{\chi}{\chi(1)} \right)^2 =\frac{|Z(G)|}{|G|}\...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Fixed points on boundary of hyperbolic group

Let G be a word-hyperbolic group with torsion and let ∂G be its boundary. Do there exist criteria that imply that all non-trivial finite order elements of G act fixed-point freely on ∂G?
user68316's user avatar
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Converse of Schreier theorem

I know that every subgroup of a free group is free (Schreier theorem). I'm wondering that a (non-trivial) converse is true, that is, if every proper subgroup of an infinite group $G$ is free, then $G$ ...
Wonyong Jang's user avatar
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Modular reductions of simple characters

Given a (splitting) $p$-modular system $(K, \mathcal{O}, k)$ for a finite group $G$, any given simple character $\chi$ is afforded by some $KG$ module $V_\chi$, and there in general many non-...
user26223's user avatar
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How large can abelian subgroups of class 2 nilpotent groups or simple groups be?

If $G$ is a finite simple group then is it true that an abelian subgroup $H$ of $G$ of maximal order has order $|H| < |G|^{\frac{1}{3}}$? If so, could you please point me to a reference for this, ...
ramius's user avatar
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Quotient groups obtained by quotienting $G^n$ by $G^{n-1}$

Notation: For a group $G$, we write $G^n$ to denote the $n$-fold direct product of $G$ with itself. Problem set up: Consider, for a finite group $G$, and $n > 1$, the set $Q(G)_n$ of all ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Action of a profinite group

Let $G$ be a finitely generated profinite group, $p$ a prime number. Put $$ V = \prod_{i \in I} \mathbb{Z}_p$$ a (profinite) group equipped with the product topology (for convenience, $I$ may be ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Non-trivial extension of representations have same central character

Let $\pi_1, \pi_2$ be two irreducible complex representations of $G=\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{Q}_p)$ and assume that there exists a non-split extension $0\to\pi_1\to \pi\to\pi_2\to0$ of representations ...
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On progress towards inverse Galois problem over rationals

I have heard that Progress towards the Inverse Galois problem over $\mathbb{Q}$ is very well documented for sporadic groups ($M_{23}$ is the only case open) and for $PSL_n(q)$. From where I can read ...
Tensor_Product's user avatar
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Spectral sequence construction of Euler class of group extension

Let $A$ be an abelian group equipped with an action of a group $G$ and let $$1 \longrightarrow A \longrightarrow \Gamma \longrightarrow G \longrightarrow 1$$ be an extension of group inducing the ...
Lauren's user avatar
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In the literature on infinite graphs, are there results on "periodizable" graphs?

Let $G=(V,E)$ be a connected countably infinite $k$-regular simple graph (no loops or multiple edges). For $A$ a finite subset of $V$, let me denote by $G_A=(A,E_A)$ the induced subgraph with vertex ...
Abdelmalek Abdesselam's user avatar
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Finitely generated solvable groups all of whose abelian normal subgroups are finite

Is there a classification for infinite finitely generated solvable groups all of whose abelian normal subgroups are finite? I mean by classification something like presentation. Edited: Is there an ...
Alireza Abdollahi's user avatar
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Which groups have undetectable third U(1)-cohomology?

Let $G$ be a finite group. A categorical Schur detector for $G$ is a set $\mathcal{S}$ of proper subgroups $S \subsetneq G$ such that the total restriction map $$ \mathrm{rest}_{\mathcal{S}} : \mathrm{...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
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Projective representations of a finite abelian group

Projective representations of a group $G$ are classified by the second group cohomology $H^2(G,U(1))$. If $G$ is finite and abelian, it is isomorphic to the direct product of cyclic groups $$ G\cong ...
Andrea Antinucci's user avatar
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Words which are not inverted by any endomorphism

Let $w$ be a word in a free group $F_2$ of two generators $x_1, x_2$ such that there does not exist any endomorphism of free group which takes $w$ to $w^{-1}$. Let $w_1, w_2$ be two words in the same ...
Shri's user avatar
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Variation of centraliser in $\operatorname{GL}(n,\mathbb{Z})$

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}$Let $n$ be a positive integer $\geq 2$. The setting is that $K \in \GL(n,\mathbb{Z})$, and people are interested in understanding the centralizer: $$ C(K)=\{ B \in \GL(n,\...
en kuo's user avatar
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Finding a basis for the (linear combinations) span of a matrix group, efficiently?

I have an algorithm whose bottleneck is the following task: Let $\mathbb{F}$ be a finite field. Given a set of $k$ invertible matrices $g_1,\dots,g_k\in GL_n(\mathbb{F})$, let $G=\langle g_1,\dots,...
Boaz Tsaban's user avatar
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Special automorphisms of extraspecial groups

Let $G$ be an extraspecial group of order $p^{2r+1}$ (where $p$ is an odd prime), and let $V$ be a faithful representation of $G$. Consider the normal subgroup $H$ of $Aut(G)$ consisting of all ...
John Terry's user avatar
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Groups (not) quasi-retracting onto $\mathbb{Z}$

Let $X$ and $Y$ be metric spaces, with metrics $d_X$ and $d_Y$ respectively. A function $f\colon X\to Y$ is coarse Lipschitz if there exist constants $C,D>0$ such that $d_Y(f(x),f(x'))\le C d_X(x,x'...
Matt Zaremsky's user avatar
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A class 3 group of order 243

Let G be a group of order $243=3^5$. We denote by $(G_i)$ its lower central series and assume that $G$ has class $3$ and that $|G:G_2|=|G_3|=9$. We assume moreover that the cubing map factors as a (...
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Relations between boundaries of groups acting on hyperbolic spaces with WPD elements

Let $(X,d)$ be Gromov-hyperbolic space and let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated group acting on $\Gamma$ by isometries. Recall the following two definitions. Say that the action is acylindrical if ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Reference Request: Derived group of $\mathscr R_u(B)$

Let $G$ be a connected, reductive group over an algebraically closed field $k$. Let $B$ be a Borel subgroup with maximal torus $T$ and unipotent radical $U$. Let $\Phi^+ = \Phi(B,T)$ and $\Delta$ ...
D_S's user avatar
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Generalized pure braid groups

Generalized braid groups are by definition obtained from finite Coxeter groups after removing some of its relations. For example the Coxeter group $H_3=< a_1, a_2, a_3 | a_i^2=1, a_1a_3=a_3a_1, ...
Raja's user avatar
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Is it known whether there is a non-coherent group with a two- or three-relator presentation?

To the best of my knowledge, whether 1-relator groups are coherent is still an open question. The group $F_2 \times F_2$ (where $F_2$ is the free group of rank $2$) is well-known to be non-coherent ...
Ian Sutherland's user avatar
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The generalized word problem on groups

Given some group $G$ that is generated by $a$ and $b$, each of which has infinite order, and some free subgroup $N$ generated by $a^k$ and $b^k$, is there any algorithm that tells me if some $x \in G$ ...
user8253417's user avatar
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Field with one element look at counting index-$n$ subgroups in terms of Homs to $S_n$, generalization to $F_{1^k}$?

Main idea shortly: As we discussed recently MO272045, there is beautiful fomula which counts index-n subgroups in terms of homomorphisms to $S_n$. Let me give "field with one element" interpretation ...
Alexander Chervov's user avatar
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Generalized identities of (soluble) groups

Let $G$ be a group. Let us say that $G$ satisfies a generalized identity of degree $n$ if there exist $a_1,a_2,\dots a_n \in G$ such that $$x^{a_1}x^{a_2}\dots x^{a_n}=1,$$ for all $x\in G$. Assume ...
Yassine Guerboussa's user avatar
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Restriction map between spaces of automorphic forms

Hello, Let $H \subset G$ be reductive groups defined over $\mathbb{Q}$. I consider the spaces of automorphic forms of $G$ and $H$. One has a restriction map from the space of automorphic forms of $G$ ...
Jeremy Daniel's user avatar
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Maximal subgroups of semisimple Lie groups

The problem of finding and classifying the maximal subgroups of simple Lie groups like $SU(3)$ is well known and solved in the literature. What about maximal subgroups of semisimple groups like $SU(3) ...
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Root system automorphisms as inner automorphisms of extended Chevalley group

For each automorphism $\sigma$ of a root system $\Phi$ there is a unique automorphism of the Chevalley group $G(\Phi,R)$ such that $\sigma(x_\alpha(t))=x_{\sigma\alpha}(t')$. While conjugating by ...
Andrei Smolensky's user avatar
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Can we classify all finite 2-generated groups $G$ such that if $x,y$ generate $G$, then so does $x,yxy^{-1}$?

Can we classify finite 2-generated groups $G$ satisfying the following property: For any pair $x,y$ which generate $G$, the pair $x,yxy^{-1}$ also generates $G$. By the comments, no nontrivial ...
Will Chen's user avatar
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