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Maximal length vector under constraints

Consider a criculant symmetric $M$ an $n \times n$ matrix with $0$ and $1$ entries and $r$ entries of $1$ in each row with the diagonal values taken as $1$. I am looking for a $0-1$ vector $v$ with ...
user16007's user avatar
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cokernels of semi-Fredholm operators

I did not find a reference for the following question, so I will pose it here. I think the answer should be elementary. Let $F:X\rightarrow Y$ be a semi-Fredholm operator between Banach spaces, i.e. $...
Orbicular's user avatar
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General form of a symplectic map

A symplectic automorphism of a Hilbert space has the form $T=U(\cosh S+J\sinh S)$ for a unitary $U$, an antilinear involution $J$ and a positive operator $S$. In fact a version of this goes through in ...
Ollie's user avatar
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High dimensional beta integral (question following the previous post)

Hello, This post is a question following the previous post. In one dimensional case, we have $$ \int_0^x |y|^{1-\alpha} |x-y|^{1-\beta} d y = \frac{\Gamma(\alpha)\Gamma(\beta)}{\Gamma(\alpha+\beta)} |...
Anand's user avatar
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Global index of convexity/concavity of a function

We are looking for a global index of the convexity/concavity of a function. For concreteness, how can I formalize the intuitive notion that a function $f$ is more convex than $g$ where $f,g:[0,1]\...
VitoshKa's user avatar
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When are operators extended by linearity bounded?

Greetings. Suppose that $H$ is a separable infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and that $M$ is an infinite dimensional closed subspace of $H$. Suppose that {$v_{n}: n\ge 1$} is an infinite linearly ...
Adam Azzam's user avatar
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Lifting of product of a Banach algebra

Let $A$ be a non unital Banach algebra. The product induces a bounded linear map $T:A \otimes_{\gamma} A\to A$ where $\otimes_\gamma$ denotes the Banach projective tensor product. A lifting of $T$ is ...
BigBill's user avatar
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Linear Mapping and integration

I have been reading the paper - "Introduction to Quantum Fisher Information". In section 1.2 the author talks about the linear map $\mathbb{J}_D$, which he defines as follows: Let $D \in M_n$ be a ...
Shishir Pandey's user avatar
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Gradient of the energy functional in $H^{1,2}$-norm

I have to use estimates for the gradient of the energy functional on the free loop space of a fixed compact manifold $Q$. As such, one considers $H^{1,2}$-maps of the circle into $Q$. The energy ...
Orbicular's user avatar
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A result about Fredholm operator

When I read the article "Index Theory" in Handbook of global analysis, I meet a result as below(Corollary 2.13): If every $F_0\in \mathcal {F}(H_1,H_2)$, there is an open neighborhood $U_0\subseteq \...
Chen's user avatar
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Subspaces of $H^{\infty}(\mathbb{D})$ which contains a nontrivial weak* closed subalgebra

Let $H^{\infty}(\mathbb{D})$ denotes the Banach space of bounded holomorphic functions in the unit disc. Consider the weak* topology on $L^{\infty}(\mathbb{T})$ that it inherits as the dual of $L^{1}(\...
vikram's user avatar
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Nonnegative Matrix

Let $A=E+\sqrt{-1}B$, where $E=diag\{0,1,\cdots,1\}$, $B$ is a real symmetric matrix. Let $A^*$ denote the adjoint matrix of $A$, i.e. $AA^*=\det A\cdot I$. I hope the real part of adjoint matrix ${\...
Yiyan's user avatar
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Variation on Fatou's lemma for Sobolev norms

Recall that Fatou's Lemma says that for every sequence $f_n$ of non-negative measurable functions $$\int \liminf_{n\to \infty} f_n \ d\mu\leq \liminf_{n\to \infty} \int f_n\ d\mu \ .$$ If I am not ...
analyst's user avatar
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Sort-of extension of Young inequality to arbitrary measures

Hello folks, Suppose we're working in ${\mathbb T}^q$, the $q$-times Cartesian product of $[-\pi,\pi]$ with the endpoints identified. So, $ L^p := L^p({\mathbb T}^q) $. The Young inequality may be ...
Seaking's user avatar
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The grail of functional analysis?

Does $g\in C([0,1],[0,1])=A$ exist such that $\{g^n ,n\in\mathbb N\}$ is dense in $A$ provided with the uniform norm? with $g^2=g \circ g $ If we can find $g$ then $F$ a closed of $A$, $id \in F$ ...
Dattier's user avatar
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$X$ is Polish and $N$ is countable. Is $N^X$ Polish? [closed]

$X$ is a separable, completely metrizable topological space equipped with its sigma algebra of Borel sets. $N$ is a countable space. $X^N$ is the collection of all mappings from $N$ to $X$. It is ...
High GPA's user avatar
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$p$-norm of random variables and weighted $L^p$ space resemblance

I noticed a very similar relationship between weighted $L^p$ space (denoted $L_w^p$) and normed vector space of random variables. I want to unify these two spaces but there always seems to be a ...
Mark Ren's user avatar
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Determining if $\|f\|_\infty \leq C\, \|f\|_{2}^{2/3} $ holds under $f(0) = f(1) = 0$, $\|f'\|_2 \leq 1$

Suppose $f \colon [0, 1] \to \mathbb{R}$ is continuously differentiable, and satisfies $f(0) = f(1) = 0$ and $\|f'\|_2 \leq 1$. I am wondering if it there is a constant $C > 0$ such that for all ...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Interpolation inequality $\int_{\mathbb R} u^3 dx \le \int_{\mathbb R} (u')^2 dx + \int_{\mathbb{R}} u^2 dx$ [closed]

Let $u \in C^\infty(\mathbb R)$. Is it true that the following interpolation inequality holds? $$\int_{\mathbb R} u^3 dx \lesssim \int_{\mathbb R} (u')^2 dx + \int_{\mathbb{R}} u^2 dx$$
Lao's user avatar
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inequivalent norms [closed]

I am thinking about the following question: Let $X$ be a Banach space, say separable, e.g., $l_p$ or $c_0$. When can I say that there exist inequivalent complete norms on $X$?
user92646's user avatar
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Solving the integral identity $ \int_{a}^{b} f(x)dx = \int_{a}^{b} f(x)g(x)dx. $ [closed]

We know that 0 is the additive identity and 1 is the multiplicative identity. In the same spirit let us define the integral identity as follows. Definition: Let $f(x)$ be integrable in $(a,b)$. If ...
Nilotpal Kanti Sinha's user avatar
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Necessity of Lebegue's convergence criterion? [closed]

the well-known Lebesgue’s dominated convergence theorem states that pointwise convergence of a sequence of functions implies convergence of the sequence of integrals if an integrable function ...
Defaulta Horst's user avatar
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$L^1$ convergence

Setting For $i \in \mathbb{N}$, consider two sequences $f_i,g_i \in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ such that $$ f_i \rightarrow_{L^1} f \in L^1(\mathbb{R}) $$ and also $$ g_i \rightarrow_{L^1} g \in L^1(\mathbb{R})...
Anthony's user avatar
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Conditional expectation: commuting integration and supremum

Let $X$ and $A$ be compact Polish spaces endowed with Borel $\sigma$-algebras. Let $\mathcal{A} = X\times \mathcal{B}(A)$ be the $\sigma$-algebra consisting of cylinders whose projections on $A$ are ...
Vokram's user avatar
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Is the unordered sum of measurable functions measurable?

Let $E$ be a normed $\mathbb R$-vector space and $I$ be a nonempty set. Remember that $(x_i)_{i\in I}\subseteq E$ is called summable if there is a $x\in E$ such that for all $\varepsilon>0$, there ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Are local diffeomorphisms Fredholm maps with index zero? [closed]

Does this statement correct? if it does how we can prove it. In Banach spaces a map is local diffeomorphism if and only if it is a Fredholm map of index zero with no critical points?
Richard Kim's user avatar
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Invariance of spectrum under conjugation

Let $T$ be a self-adjoint invertible operator on $\mathcal{H}$ with a continuous spectrum, means the spectral measure is nonatomic. For which class of invertible operators $V$( with continuous ...
user136400's user avatar
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How bad could $\|A^k\|$ be when $\rho(A) < 1-\delta$ [closed]

(Sorry, I do hate editing this many many times but let me try the last time) Gelfand's formula says that $$\lim_{k\rightarrow \infty} \|A^k\|^{1/k} = \rho(A)$$ I am wondering whether there is any ...
Alex Wenxin Xu's user avatar
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What conditions imply that a function over $\mathbb{Z}$ is a polynomial? [closed]

How would one prove that a function is a polynomial? I can't seem to find anything about this on the internet. I would like to know if there are any unique properties that only polynomials can satisfy....
Halbort's user avatar
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$\ell^q$ analog of square function

It is a classical result in harmonic analysis that $$ \|\|P_kf\|_{\ell^2_k}\|_{L^p_x}\approx\|f\|_{L^p} $$ for $p\in(1,\infty)$, where $P_k$ is the Littlewood-Paley decomposition onto frquency $\...
Fan Zheng's user avatar
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Almost isometric subspaces of $\ell_p$

1) Given $p\in (1,\infty)$. 2) Let us fix two, non-isometric subspaces $X,Y\subseteq \ell_p$ isomorphic to $\ell_p$. 3) Are there an $\varepsilon\in (0,1)$ and an isomorphism $S\colon X\to Y$ such ...
Jan Veselý's user avatar
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Spectrum of sum of positive and negative operators

Let $(\mathscr{H}, \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle)$ be a separable complex Hilbert space, and let $\mathscr{D}$ be a dense subset of $\mathscr{H}$. Let $P: \mathscr{D} \to \mathscr{H}$ and $N: \mathscr{...
d'Alembert's user avatar
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Space of distributions on $[0,1]^2$: weakly compact or not?

Let $X_1,X_2$ be distributions on $[0,1]$ and let $X=(X_1,X_2)$ be the joint distribution of $X_1,X_2$. Let $\mathcal{X}$ be the set of all such joint distribution $X$. Question 1: Does $\mathcal{X}$ ...
tom jerry's user avatar
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A question in functional analysis about selfadjoint operator [closed]

In Hilbert space $u$, Let $T_1$,$T_2$ is selfadjoint operator, if exit $c>0$ such that $cI\le T_1\le T_2$, prove $T_1$,$T_2$ have a bounded inverse operator and $c^{-1}I\ge T_1^{-1}\ge T_2^{-1}$. I ...
luyao's user avatar
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Density of normal elements in a C*- algebra [closed]

Let $A$ be a unital C*-algebra. I wanted to know if there is a necessary and sufficient condition for normal elements to be dense in $A$?
user531706's user avatar
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Solving a fully nonlinear first order PDE

given a symmetric matrix of Holder continuous functions $A(x)$ such that $$ \frac{1}{C} |\xi|^2 \leq \langle A(x)\xi,\xi \rangle \leq C |\xi|^2 $$ find a vector field $\Phi$ such that $$ D \Phi(x)^t D ...
Harish's user avatar
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Is it true that $\nabla_x \int_0^\infty f(t,0) dt = 0 \implies \nabla_x f(t,0) = 0 \ \forall t>0$? [closed]

Let $f:\mathbb R_+ \times \mathbb R^N \to \mathbb R$ and $$F(x) = \int_0^\infty f(t,x) dt.$$ If $\nabla_x F(0) = 0$ do we have that $\nabla_x f(t,0) = 0$ for all $t \in \mathbb R_+$? If not, which ...
Hiro's user avatar
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Is it possible for all of the smooth/continuous curves in $R^3$ to form a Hilbert space? [closed]

Under which condition can it form a Hilbert space? Or what space can it form? You can write down certain condition to make it to be a Hilbert space, e.g., Let $$p(t)=[x(t),y(t),z(t)]^T\in \text{R}^3$$ ...
Nan Zhang's user avatar
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$A\geq B\Rightarrow A^{-1}\leq B^{-1}$ entrywise for pos.def. symmetric matrices?

My question follows from Suppose we assume that $A$ and $B$ are two positive definite matrices with positive ...
user812951's user avatar
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Dense linear span implies closed convex hull has non-empty interior

Let $X$ be a Fréchet space and let $Y\subseteq X$ such that $\overline{\operatorname{span}(Y)}=X$. It seems intuitive to me that $\operatorname{int}\big(\overline{\operatorname{co}(Y)}\big)$ is a non-...
ABIM's user avatar
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Approximation of function in general measure space

Let $\mu$ be a $\sigma$-finite measure on $R^n$ ($n\geq 1$) and $(E,d)$ be a complete metric space. For any measurable function $f: R^n\to E$ with $$ \int_{R^n}d(f(x),f(x_0))\mu(dx)<\infty,\quad \...
Wenguang Zhao's user avatar
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Prove that Cartesian composition $c_0 \times c_0$ is not isometric isomorphic [closed]

Prove that Cartesian composition $c_0 \times c_0$ with rate $ \Vert (x_1 ,x_2)\Vert = \Vert x_1 \Vert_{c_0} + \Vert x_2 \Vert_{c_0} $ is not isometric isomorphic to space $c_0$.
Gera Slanova's user avatar
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Riesz representation theorem for Hilbert-to-Hilbert mappings [closed]

Assume $\phi:\mathbb{H}_1\rightarrow \mathbb{H}_2$ is a continuous linear mapping between two real Hilbert spaces $\mathbb{H}_1$ and $\mathbb{H}_2$. If $\mathbb{H}_2=\mathbb{R}$, then the Riesz ...
epsilone's user avatar
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Determinant of $Z^TZ$ [closed]

If one is looking at the characteristic polynomial of the $m \times m$ dimensional matrix $Z^TZ$ then apparently the coefficient of $(-1)^{m-k}$ in it can be written as, $\sum_{U \subset [m], V \...
gradstudent's user avatar
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How to show the square root function of a positive semidefinite matrix is differentiable? [closed]

How to show the square root function of a positive semidefinite matrix is differentiable? In this context PSD means symmetric PSD.
Hao S's user avatar
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Theorem with an example [closed]

i have this theorem in the paper they gives an example: but here $H_1$ is not satisfied ! How to correct it please?
Vrouvrou's user avatar
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Showing there is a unique spectral measure

All the books I have seen have proved that, for a normal bounded operator $T$, there is a unique spectral measure $E$ such that $\int_{\sigma(T)}^{}\lambda\,dE=T$ by first proving in it for a general ...
user108605's user avatar
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Applications and motivations of resolvent for elliptic operator

Let $ A(x)=(a_{ij}(x)):\mathbb{R}^d\to\mathbb{R}^{d\times d} $ be a matrix satisfying ellipticity condition, that is \begin{align} \mu^{-1}|\xi|^2\geq \sum_{i,j=1}^da_{ij}(x)\xi_i\xi_j\geq\mu|\xi|^2 \...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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"Large" compact sets in separable normed space

Let $(X, \lVert \cdot \rVert)$ be a separable normed space. Can we always guarantee that there is a nonempty compact set $K \subseteq B_X$, where $B_X$ is a closed unit ball in $X$ such that: $$\...
Kacper Kurowski's user avatar
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Continuous surjection of $\mathbb{R}^{n-1}$ onto the interior of the $n$-simplex with continuous right inverse

Let $n$ be a positive integer. Clearly $\mathbb{R}^{n-1}$ and the interior of the $n$-simplex $ \delta_n := \{x \in [0,1]^n:\,\Sigma_k x_n =1, (\forall i)\,x_i>0\} $ are homeomorphic. What I'm ...
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