Let $(X, \lVert \cdot \rVert)$ be a separable normed space. Can we always guarantee that there is a nonempty compact set $K \subseteq B_X$, where $B_X$ is a closed unit ball in $X$ such that:
$$\forall \Lambda \in S_{X^*} \quad \sup_{k \in K} \Lambda(k) > 0,$$
where $S_{X^*}$ denotes the unit sphere in the dual space $X^*$? If not, is it possible to do so, if instead of $S_{X^*}$ we would take some weak* dense subset of $S_{X^*}$?
In the case when $\mathrm{dim}X < \infty$ the answer is yes, since we can just take a closed unit ball for $K$, however, I'm not sure whether this result could be generalized to any separable normed space.