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14 votes
7 answers

A special type of generating function for Fibonacci

Notation. Let $[x^n]G(x)$ be the coefficient of $x^n$ in the Taylor series of $G(x)$. Consider the sequence of central binomial coefficients $\binom{2n}n$. Then there two ways to recover them: $$\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Question about a lesser-known "class number formula" of Gauss

My question refers to article 301 of section 5 of Gauss's D. A. - there Gauss gives an asymptotic formula for the mean number of classes of forms with positive discriminant ($D>0$): $$h(D) = \frac{...
user2554's user avatar
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Relation between elliptic curve and Fermat's last thereom

I am looking for a elaborate explanation how the elliptic curve $E (a, b) := y^2=x(x-a)(x-b)$ is associated with the solution of $a^n+b^n=c^n$. In 1969 Hellegouarch performed the elliptic curves $E (a,...
Consider Non-Trivial Cases's user avatar
5 votes
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On Exercise 2.5.10 in Ram. M. Murty's book, "Problems in Analytic Number Theory."

I have just been told about this result, available as Exercise 2.5.10 in Ram. M. Murty's book, "Problems in Analytic Number Theory (2nd edition)". It says: Let $\alpha>0$. Suppose $a_n \ll n^{\...
Q_p's user avatar
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Is there a clear criterion or rule about when one can use the heuristic given by Cramér random model for prime numbers?

I don't know if I have misunderstood the information from the section about the heuristic related to Cramér's conjecture and the known facts about Maier's theorem, from the Wikipedia Cramér's ...
user142929's user avatar
5 votes
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Research work on $ax^n-by^m=1$

I am looking for results on the equation $$ax^n-by^m=1 \tag 1 $$ where $\gcd(m,n)=1$ and $a,b,n,m$ are constants. I found literature for $ax^n-by^n=1$ (R. A. Mollin, D. T. Walker) but couldn't ...
Consider Non-Trivial Cases's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is the $\mathbb{Z}_p$-corank of $\operatorname{Sel}_{p^\infty}(E/\mathbb{Q})$ finite?

I'm interested on the Mordell-Weil rank of an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. I read that the $\mathbb{Z}_p$-corank of the $p^\infty$-Selmer group $\operatorname{Sel}_{p^\infty}(E)\doteq\...
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11 votes
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Are the L-functions of a normalized newform and the corresponding cuspidal representation equal?

Let $f \in S_k(\Gamma_0(N))$ be a normalized newform with Fourier expansion $$f(z) = \sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n e^{2\pi i z n}$$ and $a_1 = 1$. Then $f$ is an eigenfunction of all Hecke ...
D_S's user avatar
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Rankin-Selberg convolution and product of degrees as of Christmas 2019

Almost 5 years ago (time flies), I asked in Rankin-Selberg convolution and product of degrees whether the Rankin-Selberg convolution of two automorphic representations of respectively $\operatorname{...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
8 votes
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Quick reference for general Weyl's inequality in number theory

I would like a reference for the result here. Having that $t$ there makes me happy. I would prefer not to have to, in my paper, run through and (not trivially but not too greatly) alter the proof of ...
mathworker21's user avatar
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A weaker version of the Brocard's Conjecture

Brocard's conjecture states that: If $p_{k}$ and $p_{k+1}$ are consecutive prime numbers greater than $2$, then between $p_{k}²$ and $p_{k+1}²$ there are at least four prime numbers. I know that is ...
Safwane's user avatar
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Approximation of a square with an irrational arithmetic progression

Let $\alpha \in \mathbb{R}\setminus \mathbb{Q}$ be irrational. Does the arithmetic progression $(n\alpha )_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ becomes arbitrarily close to squares? More precisely, what can be said ...
Amir Sagiv's user avatar
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Counting multiples in short intervals

Has anyone seen a problem like this in the literature? There are likely more generalized versions in sieve theory, which I am willing to tackle, but I would prefer a more elementary approach if ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
9 votes
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Tamagawa numbers

Let $K$ be a finite extension of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ with absolute Galois group $G_K$. Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over $K$. The (geometric) Tamagawa number is defined as the order of the ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Why was the factor $\frac12$ introduced in the Riemann $\xi$ function?

The factor $\frac12$ in the Riemann $\xi$ function: $$\xi(s)=\frac12 s(s-1)\,\pi^{-s/2}\,\Gamma(s/2)\,\zeta(s)$$ was introduced by Riemann, however appears to be redundant. Once he had arrived at: ...
Agno's user avatar
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Sidon sets of $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$

A set $S \subseteq \mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ is called a Sidon set if given $a, b, c, d \in S$ and $a+ b = c+ d$, then $\{a, b\} = \{c,d\}$. I was interested in knowing about the largest possible Sidon ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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Dirichlet series of powers of the prime omega function

Let $\omega(n)$ denote the number of distinct prime factors of a positive integer $n$. I was wondering what is known about the dirichlet series $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\omega(n)^k}{n^s},$$ in ...
bryanjaeho's user avatar
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Show that, If $a-1\mid S(a-1,2m)$ and $a-1>2m+1$ then $(f(a,2m))_a\in X_a$

Define $X_a$ be the set as, namely$\{ x=(\ \underbrace{ 1\ 1\cdots\ 1\ 1}_{\text{$n$ terms}}\ \ 0 \ \ \underbrace{ \alpha_t\ \alpha_{t-1} \cdots \alpha_1 \ \alpha_0}_{\text{$k$ terms, k=t+1}})_a \mid\ ...
Pruthviraj's user avatar
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Size of parities in counting partitions into odd parts

Let $p_{odd}(n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into odd parts (see here). For instance, one has the generating function $$\prod_{k\geq1}\frac1{1-q^{2k-1}}.$$ QUESTION. What is the size of this ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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show that sequence $\{(-1)^n\Upsilon_n\}$ is convergent and strictly decreasing

Edit: Few years ago, I have posted my claim on $\Upsilon$ function regarding prime number but recently I have observed, last observation turns false that's way, (by putting $\Upsilon$ value in ...
Pruthviraj's user avatar
7 votes
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A good reference to the Gauss result on the structure of the multiplicative group of a residue ring

I need a good reference (desirably some textbook in Number Theory) to the following known result, attributed to Gauss in Wikipedia. Theorem (Gauss). Let $p$ be a prime number, $k\in\mathbb N$ and $\...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
2 votes
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Sum of the digits in base $p+1$

Definition Let $W$ be the function , defined as $W(a,b)=r$ given $a,b\in \mathbb{Z_+}$ and $a>1$ Take $m$ to be the integer s.t. $a^{m+1} \ge b > a^{m}$, i.e. $m = \...
Pruthviraj's user avatar
3 votes
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Approximation of $\sum_{\rho}\frac{1}{|\rho|^2}$, over the non-trivial zeros of the Ramanujan's zeta function

I would like to know if it in the literature an approximation for $$\sum_{\rho}\frac{1}{|\rho|^2}\tag{1}$$ where the sum is over all of the non-trivial zeros of the Ramanujan's zeta function (also ...
user142929's user avatar
11 votes
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Proving a group with two generators is not free that uses the Brahamagupta-Pell equation

Hello I encountered the following while reading a set of notes on free groups. It's not a homework question. "Does there exist a rational number $\alpha$ with $0 <|\alpha| < 2$ such that the ...
user727041's user avatar
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Different solution of power Diophantine equation based on constant term

Let us define a power Diophantine equation by 2 algebraic functions $f,g$ (having different degree) and by integers $k, l >0$ where, there are finite solutions for $f(x)+k=g(y)$, but there exists $...
Michael's user avatar
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Kronecker limit formula for antiperiodic boundary conditions

The celebrated Kronecker limit formula gives the $\zeta$-reguralized determinant of the Laplacian on the torus $\mathbb{R}/(\mathbb{Z}\omega_1+\mathbb{Z}\omega_2)$ in terms of Dedekind eta function of ...
Kostya_I's user avatar
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How to estimate the sum $\sum_{n\le x} \frac{n}{\tau(n)}$?

Let $\tau(n)$ be the number of positive divisors of $n\in \mathbb{N}$. Is it possible to get some good estimate for the sum $\sum_{n\le x} \frac{n}{\tau(n)}$? I know that the sum is $\mathcal O(x^2)$...
Konstantinos Gaitanas's user avatar
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Alternative reference to Davenport's Analytic Methods for geometry of numbers?

I was wondering if someone would be willing to suggest an alternative reference to Davenport's book Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Equations. I like the book but I would ...
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5 votes
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Divisibility of certain polynomials

Consider the finite sums $$F_n(q)=\sum_{k=1}^nq^{\binom{k}2}$$ with exponents the triangular numbers $\binom{k}2$. When $n$ is odd, it appears that $F_n(q)$ does not factorize over $\mathbb{Z}[q]$. On ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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The $p$-adic valuation of powers of consecutive integers

Let $n > 0, K > 0$ integers and, for $i \in \{1,...,n\}$, let $k_i$ and $l_i$ be integers such that $k_i + l_i = K$. Assume that for some $i,j \in \{1,...,n\}$ we have $k_i \neq k_j$. Claim: ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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Lower bound on Carmichael Function

What is the tightest lower bound currently known for the Carmichael function? I imagine it must grow much more slowly than the Euler's totient function which according to here is bounded as $$ \phi(...
Sidharth Ghoshal's user avatar
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$B(\chi), L'(1,\chi)/L(1,\chi),\dotsc$

Let $\chi$ be a primitive Dirichlet character of modulus $q>1$. Write, as is customary, $B(\chi)$ for the constant in the expression $$\frac{\Lambda'(s,\chi)}{\Lambda(s,\chi)} = B(\chi) + \sum_\rho ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Is it a known property of positive integers $n> 2 $ that one must have $n < \mathrm{rad}(n(n-1)(n-2))$?

Let $P(n)$ be the statement that $$n < \mathrm{rad}(n(n-1)(n-2)),$$ where $\mathrm{rad}$ is the radical of an integer, that is defined as $$\operatorname{rad}(m)=\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
4 votes
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Squares in Lucas sequences

Good night, everyone! According to a celebrated result by J. H. Cohn, the only perfect squares in the Fibonacci sequence are $F_{0}=0$, $F_{1}=F_{2}=1$, and $F_{12}=144$. It is also known that the ...
Jamai-Con's user avatar
-2 votes
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Published articles in journals about the Firoozbakht's conjecture, whose main goal or focus is the study of this conjecture

I would like to know what articles are in the literature about the known as Firoozbakht's conjecture, see the Wikipedia Firoozbakht's conjecture. Question. What articles have been published in ...
user142929's user avatar
6 votes
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Decay of matrix coefficients of non-tempered representation

A theorem of Cowling--Haagerup--Howe gives an effective decay rate of the matrix coefficients of a tempered representation $\pi$ of a semi-simple algebraic $G$ in terms of Harish-Chandra $\Xi$ ...
Subhajit Jana's user avatar
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What about an alternative formulation for different prime constellations in the spirit of Suzuki's theorem for twin primes?

It is known that the twin prime conjecture is a special case of the $k$-tuple conjecture. See if you want the article with title k-Tuple Conjecture from the encyclopedia Wolfram MathWorld. On the ...
user142929's user avatar
6 votes
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Reduction to Lie algebra version of fundamental lemma?

Ngo famously proved the Langlands-Shelstad fundamental lemma for Lie algebras using the geometry of the Hitchin fibration. For the purposes of the trace formula, one actually needs the fundamental ...
Spencer Leslie's user avatar
13 votes
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Is $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{S(n)}{n!}$ an irrational, where $S(n)$ denotes the sum of remainders function?

For each integer $n\geq 1$ we consider the arithmetic function $$S(n)=\sum_{k=1}^n n\text{ mod }k,\tag{1}$$ the sum of remainders function, the arithmetic function A004125 from the OEIS. Example. We'...
user142929's user avatar
9 votes
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How many ways are there to teach class field theory?

I will soon have to teach class field theory (I do not know whether it will be local or global yet:)) to postgraduate students. I wonder, which approaches to this subject(s) exist now. I definitely ...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
21 votes
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Applications of number theory in dynamical systems

I am looking for references (or ways to find references) on significant and/or recent applications of techniques in number theory to problems in the areas of dynamical systems and nonlinear dynamics. ...
J W's user avatar
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Using the Hilbert symbol to find nice field extensions

Let $p$ and $q$ be (not necessarily distinct) odd primes and let $F=\mathbb{Q}_p(\mu_q)$. The $q^{th}$ Hilbert symbol induces a non-degenerate alternating form $$(\cdot,\cdot)_q:F^\times/(F^\times)^q\...
Spencer Leslie's user avatar
1 vote
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Chinese Remainder Theorem for Remainder Intervals

Given $n$ natural numbers $m_1,\dots,m_n$ and $n$ remainder intervals $[a_1,b_1],\dots,[a_n,b_n]$ holding $a_i < b_i$ for all $i\leq n$ the task is to search for the smallest natural number $x$ ...
MaxPower's user avatar
4 votes
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Simple trace formula with different spectral footprint?

A standard idea when dealing with the Arthur-Selberg trace formula (or a relative trace formula, for that matter) is to impose local conditions on the test function $f=\prod_vf_v$ to obtain a simple ...
Spencer Leslie's user avatar
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Reference request for Euler products in positive characteristic

Let $K$ be a global field with ring of integers $O$, and let $f$ some integer valued function whose domain is the set of ideals of $O$ (e.g. $f(I)=|O:I|$). Extending the ordinary definition from the ...
kneidell's user avatar
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Max order of an isogeny class of rational elliptic curves is 8?

I am looking for a reference for the proof of the following question following Theorem 5 in Mazur's Rational Isogenies of Prime Degree. Theorem 5 There is a constant $C$ such that every elliptic ...
ABarrios's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a conjecture similar to Mandl's conjecture for a different arithmetic function of number theory, mainly related to primes?

I'm curious to know if are in the literature analogous conjectures to the conjecture due to Mandl, I ask about these analogous conjectures for different sequences playing an important role in number ...
user142929's user avatar
4 votes
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The sign of an interesting sum involving a Dirichlet character

Let $\chi_{q}$ be a primitive Dirichlet character with modulus $q$ (see definition at wikipedia ). For example for $q=5$ we have \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \chi_{5,1}&=(1, 1, 1, 1, 0),\\ ...
mike's user avatar
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A theorem by Harald Cramér?

In the paper “On the order of magnitude of the difference between consecutive prime numbers” by Harald Cramér there is the following statement: Suppose $\{X_n\}_{n=2}^\infty$ is a sequence of ...
Chain Markov's user avatar
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Density of twin square-free numbers

It is well-known how to compute the density of square-free numbers, to get $$ \lim_{N\to\infty} \frac{\#\{ n \leq N : n \text{ square-free}\}}{N} = \frac{6}{\pi^2}.$$ What is the density of numbers ...
Harry Richman's user avatar

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