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Maximal sub-$\mathbb{C}$-algebras of $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$

After asking this question and finding this relevant paper, I would like to ask the following question: For every $a,b \in \mathbb{C}$, denote: $A_{a,b}=\mathbb{C}[(x-a)(x-b),x(x-a)(x-b),y]$ and $B_{a,...
user237522's user avatar
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Boolean rings with many automorphisms

Does there exist an infinite Boolean ring $R$ (not assume unital, only associative) with the property that for any nonzero $x,y\in R$, there is a ring automorphism $\varphi\colon R\to R$ such that $\...
Greg Oman's user avatar
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In dimension $n=5$, does a subgroup of $O(n)$ satisfying these properties exist?

I asked a question where @YCor provided a construction that seems to enable a group construction satisfying some properties when $n\ne 5$. However, in the case $n=5$, I am starting to think no such ...
Quoka's user avatar
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Why are there so few irreducible admissible representations of $\text{GL}(n,\mathbb{R})$ (up to infinitesimal equivalence)?

Studying Langlands's classification of irreducible admissible representations, I have been rather stunned by the following: Theorem Up to infinitesimal equivalence, all irreducible admissible ...
Daniel Miller's user avatar
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On a possible generalization of heat kernel semigroups on Lie groups

Let $G$ be a compact matrix Lie group with Haar measure $\mu$. Then the heat kernel $\rho: G\times (0,\infty) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ satisfies (1) $\rho(g_1g_2,t)=\rho(g_2g_1,t)$ for all positive $t$,...
S.Z.'s user avatar
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True or false? Every left or right cancellative, duo semigroup is cancellative

A semigroup $S$ is duo if $aS = Sa$ for all $a \in S$, where $aS := \{ax: x \in S\}$ and similarly for $Sa$; for instance, every commutative semigroup is duo, and so is every group. On the other hand, ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
5 votes
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Is this ring isomorphic to a quotient of a group algebra?

Consider the quotient of the free algebra $\mathbb{Q}\langle \alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta, \varepsilon, \zeta \rangle$ by the two-sided ideal $I$ subject to the relations $$ \alpha\delta=\delta\alpha=...
Bumblebee's user avatar
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Are algebras with rational structures dense in varieties of real Lie nilpotent algebras?

One says that a real nilpotent Lie algebra has $\mathbb Q$-structure if it has a basis with rational structure constants. It is well known that there are nilpotent Lie algebras without $\mathbb Q$-...
Lev Glebsky's user avatar
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Reference for Gröbner-Shirshov algorithm in free restricted Lie algebras

I am searching for a reference on the Gröbner-Shirshov algorithm specifically for free restricted Lie algebras. I have already consulted the textbook by Bokut et al (Gröbner–Shirshov Bases Normal ...
gualterio's user avatar
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Does every cancellative duo semigroup embed into a group?

Prompted by the comments to a recent answer by YCor to a related question (here), I'd like to ask the following: Q. Does every cancellative duo semigroup embed into a group? A (multiplicatively ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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The difference between two description of affine Weyl groups

I have a question about the difference between two description of affine Weyl groups. Let me write two descriptions of affine Weyl groups: Let $\mathfrak{g}=\mathfrak{g}(A)$ be affine Lie algebras ...
fusheng's user avatar
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The base group of a wreath product of an abelian group by $ {\mathbb{Z}}$ is a characterstic subgroup

I've copied over this question from what I asked on Mathematics Stack Exchange, in the hope that some experts here can direct me to some relevant results. Let $A$ be a finitely generated abelian group,...
ghc1997's user avatar
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If a semigroup embeds into a group, then is it a subdirect product of groups?

The title has it all: Q. If a semigroup $S$ embeds into a group, then is $S$ (isomorphic to) a subdirect product of groups? If yes, then $S$ is a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible groups,...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
5 votes
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Lifting a morphism between quasi-projective varieties

Let $\mathcal{V}$ be an affine algebraic variety over $\mathbb{R}$, $G$ be a finite group acting freely on $\mathcal{V}$. Consider the quotient space $Y:=\mathcal{V}/G$, which itself is a quasi-...
Math_Newbie's user avatar
15 votes
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Pairs of matrices for which traces of powers are independent of the order

Let $A,B$ be $n\times n$ matrices over ${\mathbb C}$ such that, for all $m,k$ and all partitions $(i_1,\ldots ,i_r)$ of $m$ and $(j_1,\ldots ,j_r)$ of $k$ (perhaps with some zero parts), $${\rm tr}\, (...
Paul Levy's user avatar
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Is every cancellative semigroup a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible cancellative semigroups?

By a classical result of Birkhoff (that is, Theorem 2 in [G. Birkhoff, Subdirect unions in universal algebra, Bull. AMS, 1944]) and the trivial fact that the class of semigroups is closed under the ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
9 votes
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Multiplication in Peter-Weyl theorem

$\DeclareMathOperator\SL{SL}$It is known that the coordinate algebra $\mathcal O(\SL_n(\mathbb C))$ decomposes as direct sum of $V \otimes V^*$ for $V$ finite-dimensional irreducible representations ...
Yellow Pig's user avatar
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If $\mathbb{C}[a,b,c] \subsetneq \mathbb{C}[x]$, then there exist $f,g$ s.t. $\mathbb{C}[a,b,c] \subseteq \mathbb{C}[f,g] \subsetneq \mathbb{C}[x]$

I ran into this MSE question and would like to ask about its answer and plausible generalizations. The quoted MSE question asks if the following claim is true or false and why: Claim: Let $a,b,c \in \...
user237522's user avatar
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An application of the Gleason-Montgomery-Zippin Theorem

In the book How groups grow by Avinoam Mann, the author cites the following theorem attributed to Gleason-Montgomery-Zippin. Theorem 6.4 (Gleason–Montgomery–Zippin: solution of Hilbert’s Fifth ...
Canno's user avatar
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On the Irreducibility of Cyclotomic polynomials

Let $F$ be any field with $\operatorname{Char} F=q$. Let $p$ be a prime such that $p\neq q$. Suppose $F$ has no $p$-th root of unity except $1$. Is it true that the cyclotomic polynomial $X^{p-1}+\...
S.D.'s user avatar
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Group of diffeomorphisms and its tangent space i.e. its Lie algebra

So I feel like there are many questions and also many sources on what I am asking, but I still don't understand what I think is a very basic thing in my head: It is known, that for a Lie group $G$ (...
supervamp's user avatar
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How large can the normalizer of $\mathrm{Ad}(G)$ in $\mathrm{GL}(\mathfrak{g})$ be?

$\DeclareMathOperator\GL{GL}\DeclareMathOperator\Ad{Ad}$Let $G$ be a real Lie group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ (say reductive/semisimple if it makes the question easier). I am interested in ...
B K's user avatar
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Completion of a local ring is noetherian (under some hypothesis)

I was reading the proof of Lemma 10.12 in this paper. In the second sentence, the following fact is used implicitly: Let $(R,\mathfrak{m})$ be a commutative local ring. Let $\widehat{R}$ be its $\...
Don's user avatar
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Invertible matrix with group ring coefficient

Before asking the question I do need some notations. $G$ a (torsion-free) group, $\mathbb{Z}^{´}=\mathbb{Z}[\frac{1}{2}]$ $R:= \mathbb{Z}[G]$, $R^{´}=\mathbb{Z}^{´}[G]$ group rings. $Mat_{n}(R)$ the ...
GSM's user avatar
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Are idempotents in a nonnegatively graded algebra conjugate to homogeneous idempotents?

Let $k$ be a field (assume algebraically closed and $\operatorname{char}(k) = 0$ if it helps) and $R = \bigoplus_{i \geq 0} R_i$ a (unital associative) non-negatively graded $k$-algebra. Furthermore, ...
Darius Dramburg's user avatar
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Cohomology of representation varieties and the Hochschild cohomology

Let $k$ be a field, $A$ a $k$-algebra, and $V$ a $k$-vector space. Then we can consider the representation varieties of $A$ on $V$: $\mathrm{Hom}_{k\textrm{-alg}}(A, \mathfrak{gl}(V))$ and $\mathrm{...
Qwert Otto's user avatar
3 votes
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Roots of polynomial $\sum_{\sigma \in W} x^{l(\sigma)}$

Let $W$ be Weyl group of a root system $\Phi$ (of finite dimensional simple Lie algebra). For $\sigma\in W$, $l(\sigma)$ be the its length. Consider the following polynomial $$P_\Phi(x) = \sum_{\sigma ...
pisco's user avatar
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A question on groups having a subgroup which fixes a vector in every irreducible representations

Given a finite group $G$, I am interested in finding a non-trivial proper subgroup $H$ of $G$ such that $\mathrm{Ind}_H^G\mathbf{1}$ contains all the irreducible representations of $G$, that is, ...
Soumyadip Sarkar's user avatar
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Sum of derivative of polynomial over its simple roots

Let $P$ and $Q$ be polynomials over $\mathbb C$, and $n\in\mathbb N$ be a positive integer. I'm interested in the root sums of the form $$ \sum_{P(x)=0}\frac{Q(x)}{P'(x)^n},$$ where the sum runs over ...
El Rafu's user avatar
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K-types of a representation of the minimal Gelfand-Kirillov dimension

Let $G$ be a noncompact real simple Lie group not of Hermitian type, and $\mathfrak{g}_0$ its Lie algebra. Fix a maximal compact subgroup $K$ in $G$ with its Lie algebra $\mathfrak{k}_0$. Write $\...
Hebe's user avatar
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Algebraic groups and formal group laws in characteristic p

In characteristic zero, there is a well-known equivalence between Lie groups, formal group laws and Lie algebras. Let $p$ be a prime. The equivalence between Lie groups and Lie algebras has an ...
Moinsdeuxcat's user avatar
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Embedding flag manifolds of real semisimple lie group

I want to know given a connected (maybe we can assume it to be simply connected or linear) real semisimple lie group $G$ and one of its maximal parabolic group $P$, how can we embed the flag variety $...
fffmatch's user avatar
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Does a dual basis for $U_h(\mathfrak{sl}_2(\mathbb{C}))$ exist?

Let $\mathcal{F}_h(\operatorname{SL}_2(\mathbb{C}))$ be the $\mathbb{C}[[h]]$-algebra generated by $a, b, c, d$ subject to the following relations: \begin{align*} & ac = e^{-h}ca, \quad bd = e^{-h}...
yohei ohta's user avatar
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Is being graded commutative a necessary condition on $A$ such that $H^*(A)$ is commutative?

If we consider any differential graded algebra $A^\bullet$, then its homology is a graded algebra, since the tensor product interacts well with homology. A sufficient condidtion for the homology to be ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Semi-direct decomposition of a solvable Lie group

(This is a cross-post from this MSE question) I am searching for a reference or proof to the following fact (asserted at the top of page 2 here). Let $G$ be a connected, solvable Lie group. Then $G = ...
Noah Caplinger's user avatar
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Let $ G $ be a Lie group and $ H $ a connected subgroup of $ G $. If $ N_G(H)/H $ is finite does that imply $ H $ must be closed in $ G $?

Let $ G $ be a Lie group and $ H $ a connected subgroup of $ G $. If $ N_G(H)/H $ is finite does that imply $ H $ must be closed in $ G $? The assumption that $ N_G(H)/H $ is finite cannot be weakened ...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Question about action of exponential of Lie algebras (Faraut and Koranyi's book)

I'm trying to understand a statement on page 49 in the book "Analysis on Symmetric Cones" by Faraut and Koranyi. The situation is as follows. Let $\Omega$ be a symmetric cone in $V$ and ...
Mark Roelands's user avatar
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When is a bimodule that is projective as a right and as a left module also projective as a bimodule

Are there practical criteria for determining when a bimodule that is projective as a right and as a left module is projective as a bimodule? Some illustrative examples of what goes wrong and what goes ...
Gheorghe Bucătaru's user avatar
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Questions about the quotient of extended Weyl group and the isomorphism of extended Weyl group

When I am reading a paper An Algebraic Characterization of the Affine Canonical Basis by Beck, Chari, and Pressley, and I have some questions about some notations. In the paper, we assume that $\...
fusheng's user avatar
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Serre functors and global dimensions

Let $k$ be a field. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be an abelian category (over $k$). We say that $\mathcal{C}$ has a finite global dimension if there exists integer $n > 0$ such that $$ \operatorname{Ext}^i(M,...
YkMz's user avatar
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Ordering the elements of a semigroup by $a \le b$ iff $a=b$ or $b=ab=ba$

Let $S$ be a semigroup, written multiplicatively. The binary relation $\le$ on (the underlying set of) $S$, whose graph consists of all pairs $(a,b) \in S \times S$ such that $a = b$ or $b = ab = ba$, ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Efficient computation of $x^n \bmod g(x)$ in $\mathbb{F}_2[x]$

Related to this question. I wish to compute $x^n \bmod g(x)$ in $\mathbb{F}_2[x]$ for some fixed and known upfront $g$. This problem pops up in computing the 'pure' CRC function of a bit sequence of ...
Kamila Szewczyk's user avatar
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Which sigma-ideals in a sigma-algebra are contained in an ideal of null sets?

Let $X$ be a Polish space and $\mathcal{B}(X)$ be the $\sigma$-algebra of Borel subsets of $X$. Given a Borel probability measure $\mu$ on $X$, we write $\mathcal{N}(\mu) := \{ B \in \mathcal{B}(X) : \...
Stefan Schrott's user avatar
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Bimodule endomorphisms of a bimodule over a noncommutative ring

Let $R$ be a noncommutative ring and $M$ an $R$-$R$-bimodule that is projective as left $R$-module. We know that the bimodule of left $R$-module endomorphisms ${}_REnd(M)$ is isomorphic to the tensor ...
Gheorghe Bucătaru's user avatar
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Shape of convex invariant sets in symmetric spaces

Let $G$ be a semisimple Lie group of rank one and let $\Gamma$ be a convex-cocompact, Zariski dense subgroup. Let $X=G/K$ denote the symmetric space and $\partial X$ its visibility boundary. Let $\...
Antonius's user avatar
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Normalizer of connected subgroup contained in the Weyl group?

Let $ G $ be a simple Lie group. Let $ H $ be a connected subgroup of $ G $ such that $ N(H)/H $ is finite. In such a case, is $ N(H)/H $ always a subgroup of the Weyl group of $ G $? For $ G=\...
Ian Gershon Teixeira's user avatar
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Does a representation of the universal cover of a Lie group induce a projective representation of the group itself?

Suppose that $G$ is a connected Lie group, $\tilde{G}$ its universal cover, $p:\tilde{G}\to G$ the covering map. Does a representation $\rho$ of $\tilde{G}$ on a finite-dimensional vector space $V$ ...
Iian Smythe's user avatar
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Non-vanishing of a "push-forward" Fourier–Harish-Chandra transform on a compact set

Let $G \subset \operatorname{GL}_d(\mathbb{R})$ be a non-compact semi-simple Lie group and $K \subset G$ a maximal compact subgroup. Let $\mathfrak{g}$ (resp. $\mathfrak{k}$) be the Lie algebra of $G$ ...
Sentem's user avatar
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The state of the art on topological rings - the Jacobson topology

I was recently studying the Jacobson density theorem and I found it quite interesting. Most textbooks I've seen, including Jacobson's own Basic Algebra, only spend a few lines about the reason why it ...
Melanzio's user avatar
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If a map between unital rings preserves multiplication and successor, does it preserve addition?

Welcome to my first MathOverflow posting! This is a question about rings, all of them assumed to be both unital and associative. Let $f\colon R\to S$ be a map between rings such that $f(xy)=f(x)f(y)$ ...
Fred Wehrung's user avatar