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Questions about the branch of algebra that deals with groups.

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Prime index subgroups of $\langle Q^{i}(\mathbb Z^{2}) \mid i \in \mathbb Z \rangle$ that is invariant under matrix $Q$

Let $Q $ be a matrix in $ \operatorname{GL}(2, \mathbb{Q}) $ and consider the group $G = \langle Q^{i}(\mathbb Z^{2}) \mid i \in \mathbb Z \rangle := \langle Q^{i}(v) \mid i \in \mathbb Z, v \in \...
ghc1997's user avatar
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Hopf algebra of representative k-valued functions of an abstract group

Let $G$ be an abstract group. If we can embed $G$ into a group $H$, in a way that we had $G$ and $H$ of the same Hopf algebra of representative $k$-valued functions ($R(G)\sim R(H)$ as Hopf algebras). ...
user502786's user avatar
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Intersection of identity components

Let $e_{1}$ and $e_{2}$ be involutions in the algebraic group $G=\operatorname{PGL}_{n}(\mathbb{C})$. Do we have $$C_{G}(\langle e_{1},e_{2}\rangle)^{\circ} = C_{G}(e_{1})^{\circ}\cap C_{G}(e_{2})^{\...
user488802's user avatar
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A Newton identity and the primes--the Faber partition polynomials and modular arithmetic

[Edit, July 6, 2022: Removed erroneous characterization of Faber polynomials as an Appell sequence.] Dress and Siebeneicher in their tale of the Burnside family express an opinion (1.2) that, if I ...
Tom Copeland's user avatar
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Computationally intractable orbit of a monoid action on a finite set

Suppose for each integer $n\geq 1$ we have a submonoid $M_n\subset \mathrm{Self}(\{1, \dots, n\})$ of self-maps of $\{1, \dots, n\}$. A characterization of $M_n$ is an algorithm that takes an integer $...
westlon's user avatar
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Examples of infinitely presented non-LEF groups

A group is LEF (locally embeddable in the class of finite groups) if it embeds into an ultraproduct of finite groups. Residually finite groups are LEF and finitely presented LEF groups are residually ...
frafour's user avatar
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Group algebras and group automorphisms

Say, we have a countable ICC group $G$, a Hilbert space $H$ with a basis indexed by the group elements, the group algebra generated by the left regular representation of $G$ on this Hilbert space, and ...
Chilperic's user avatar
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A certain class of representations

Let $g$ be a non-identity element in a torsion-free amenable group, does there exist a finite-dimensional unitary representation $\pi$ with $\pi(g)\neq 1$? (The word "finite-dimensional" was ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Does every character from group factor through largest central subgroup?

Let $G$ be a coonected reductive algebraic group over $\mathbb{Q}$ and $A_G$ its largest $\mathbb{Q}$-split central torus over $\mathbb{Q}$. Let $X(G)_{\mathbb{Q}}$ be the addtive group of ...
Monty's user avatar
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Complements in $\text{Sub}(\text{Sym}(\omega))$

For any group $G$, we let $\text{Sub}(G)$ be the complete lattice of subgroups of $G$. Let $\text{Sym}(\omega)$ be the group of all bijections $f:\omega\to\omega$. What is an element of $U\in\text{...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Harmonicity of the Martin kernels

Let $\Gamma$ be a finitely generated group and let $\mu$ be a probability measure on $\Gamma$. Consider the Green function $G(x,y)=\sum_{n\geq 0}\mu^{*n}(x^{-1}y)$, where $\mu^{*n}$ is the $n$th ...
M. Dus's user avatar
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Finite group cohomology with roots of unity as coefficients

Let $G$ be a finite group of order $n$, and let $L := (\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z})^d$ be a (not necessarily trivial) $G$-module (we assume that $d$ is finite). By a direct limit argument, there must be a ...
Pablo's user avatar
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locally compact abelian normed group

Why is locally compact abelian normed group always complete? It seems to be something very simple, but I'm unable neither to prove it, nor find any references in the literature.
user106929's user avatar
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about maximal subgroup of p-groups [closed]

Thanks for any help or comments. Suppose $G$ is a meta cyclic p-group, i.e. $G$ is an extension of cyclic by cyclic group, Is it true that every nonabelian maximal subgroup of $G$ is meta cyclic?
Maryam's user avatar
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Question about finite G-sets [closed]

Let G be a finite group with subgroups H and K. Then the set of not necessarily equivariant maps from G/H to G/K is itself a finite G-set under the conjugation action. Is there a good description of ...
user3837336's user avatar
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Different computation methods to determine the conjugacy classes of a finite extension group N.G

I am looking for methods to compute the conjugacy classes of any finite extension group N.G from the classes of G.
A.L. Prins's user avatar
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About $c(A)$ in $c(A)|A|\leq |A^{-1}A|$

Let $G$ be a finite group, $\emptyset\neq A\subseteq G$, $A^{-1}:=\{ a^{-1}:a\in A\}$, and put $$c(A):=\max\{t\in \mathbb{Z}: t|A|\leq |A^{-1}A|\}$$ It is clear that $1\leq c(A)\leq \frac{|G|}{|A|}$, ...
M.H.Hooshmand's user avatar
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All $2$-designs arising from the action of the affine linear group on the field of prime order

Let $p$ be a prime and $\mathbb{Z}_p$ denote as usual the field of order $p$. Let $AL(p)$ be the affine linear group $\{x\mapsto ax+b \;|\; a\in \mathbb{Z}_p\setminus \{0\}, b\in\mathbb{Z}_p\}$. For a ...
Alireza Abdollahi's user avatar
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Goldbach-type problem: the valuation of irreducible elements of a subgroup of $\mathbb{Q}_{> 0}$

Let $\phi : \mathbb{Q}_{>0} \to \mathbb{Z}$ be the group morphism defined by $\phi(p) = p$ for $p$ a prime number. It follows that $\phi(\prod_i p_i^{n_i}) = \sum_i n_i p_i$, with $p_i$ a prime ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Semi direct product group

Suppose $G=V \rtimes M$, is a semi product group of an elementary abelian p-group of size $|V|=p^e$ and $M$ is a subgroup of $G$. If $f$ is the natural projection from $G$ onto $M$. $C_x=\{x^G\}$ is ...
haval's user avatar
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Direct limit of primitive integral matrices

I'm interested in computing the direct limit of an arbitrary $2\times 2$ primitive matrix over $\mathbf{Z}$. That is for a fixed primitive matrix $M$, the colimit $\displaystyle\lim_{\stackrel{\...
Dan Rust's user avatar
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Why are all involutions conjugate in the special linear group of degree 2?

It appears to be standard that the set of non-identity involutions in $SL(2, 2^n) = PSL(2, 2^n)$ forms a single conjugacy class. What is the best reference for this? I note that https://math....
user94741's user avatar
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Isometry group of an integer as of the corresponding $\Omega(n)$-parallelotope

Let $\prod_{i}p_{i}^{a_{i}}$ be the prime factorization of a positive integer $n$ and let's consider the $\Omega(n)$-parallelotope built with, for all $i\in I$, $a_{i}$ pairwise orthogonal vectors of ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Centralizer of derived subgroup

In all questions suppose $G$ metabelian p-group such that G is not regular ( so $cl(G) \geq p$ ), G is not a wreath product; $Z(G) \leq \phi(G)$. 1) Let $M$ normal abelian subgroup of $G$ such that ...
Marco Ruscitti's user avatar
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Negated varieties and their relatively free algebras

During the past days, I asked some questions in order to gain a clear understanding of the notion of "free algebras". I suppose that the question below is the most clear image of the concept I have ...
Sh.M1972's user avatar
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For any n and some prime p there is an elemnet in Zp* of order n [closed]

How can I prove, that for any positive integer $n>0$ there is a prime $p$, such that the multiplicative group of the residue ring $Z_p^*$ contains an element $a$ of order $n$? No ideas at all...
Milena's user avatar
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Embedding a semigroup into a divisible semigroup

The following is motivated by the fact that I'd like to have a way, much better if canonical, to isometrically embed a normed group into a normed divisible group. But semigroups are a much more ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Dual concept for the p-primary component

Is there a dual concept for the p-primary component of an abelian group? Please name some books/papers where it is studied.
Rogelio Fernández-Alonso's user avatar
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subgroups of a $p$-solvable group and complete reducibility

1. Let $G$ be a $p$-solvable group and $V$ be a finite dimensional faithful $kG$-module, where the characteristic of $k$ is $p$. But $V$ is not a semisimple $kG$-module. For every $n\geq 0$, we ...
sife's user avatar
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Can the order of a rational number in Z/pZ be as large as we want

Suppose $d_1, d_2$ are two fixed coprime integers, $\frac{d_1}{d_2} \neq \pm 1$. Given any $n > 0$, can we find a prime number $p$ such that the order of $d_1d^{-1}_2$ in the multiplicative group ...
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Action of Isometries on a Line in the Plane

I'm trying to determine the stabilizer of a line in a plane when acted upon by the group of isometries of the plane. Please note that I'm using the notation found in the Wikipedia article on Euclidean ...
MiamiMath's user avatar
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Question about the proof of the fact that IR is not quasi-isomtric to IR^2 [closed]

Hello. Yesterday we proofed, that $\mathbb{R}$ is not quasi-isometric to $\mathbb{R}^2$ (both endowed with the standard Euclidean metric). Step 1.: $\mathbb{R}$ is q.i. $\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{R}^...
Eric's user avatar
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Relative invariants of prehomogeneous vector space

Let $(G,\rho,V)$ be a prehomogeneous vector spaces with $f_1,\dots,f_N$ the basic irreducible relative invariants. Suppose that $(G',\rho',V')$ is a second prehomogeneous that is in the same castling ...
Michele Torielli's user avatar
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Is the direct product of two primitive unitary groups necessarily a primitive unitary group?

Let $G$ and $H$ be two primitive unitary groups, is $G\times H$ necessarily a primitive unitary group? If not, is there any counterexample?
Huangjun Zhu's user avatar
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Find elements $\rho_i$ such that $H < B : [\langle H, \rho_i \rangle : H ] = 2$

Let $\Gamma (G;(G_i)_{i \in I})$ be a coset geometry (in the sense of Buekenhout) firm, residually connected and flag transitive with Borel subgroup $B$. Consider $H$ any subgroup of $B$. I want to ...
Thomas Connor's user avatar
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Sequences, semigroups, addition formulae.

I am interested in the efficient computability of sequences. Is it possible some ``interesting sequences'' be computed via addition formulae/semigroup operation? Here is an artificial example. ...
joro's user avatar
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Calculating norms over a finite field (orthogonal groups).

I'm trying to work through calculating the order of orthogonal groups in characteristic $\neq 2$. However there is one proof by induction used that i can't quite follow. Could someone help me ...
Leigh Bell's user avatar
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Subgroup Groups and Coordinate Algebra Subalgebras

Let $G$ be a (complex algebraic) group, $H$ a subgroup, and ${\cal O}(G)$ and ${\cal O}(H)$ the coordinate algebras of complex regular functions of $G$ and $H$ respectively. Can ${\cal O}(H)$ ever ...
user4409's user avatar
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Intersection/Union of Rectangles as a Group (or Monoid or...?)

In a computer graphing library, a rectangular region of the Cartesian plane may be defined by {x, y, w, h} (where w,h are width and height). Intersection (lets say '^') is defined as the overlapping ...
tony's user avatar
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Co-boundary crossed homomorphism & "sign" preserving. Why 2-valued components is special?

Suppose $h_{g}: \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}^{n-1}$ be a coboundary crossed homomorphism with action $g$ as a cyclic permutation of coordinates on $\mathbb{R}^n$ vectors. So, the acting group is a ...
Nartoo Meon's user avatar
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What are the automorphisms of finite commutative groups? [migrated]

What are the automorphisms of finite commutative groups?Is there a relatively complete conclusion? Although it can be decomposed into the direct product of cyclic groups, this question still seems ...
user530909's user avatar
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Class multiplication coefficients of symmetric groups

My question is that I was working with some counting problems, and finally the answer should be $$ \nu_{\mu_1,\mu_2,\mu_3}=\#\{(\sigma_1,\sigma_2,\sigma_3): \sigma_1\sigma_2\sigma_3=1, \sigma_1\in C_{\...
user545662's user avatar
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Defining rank of an abelian subgroup using the second centralizer

I recently posted this on MSE, but didn't receive any feedback; so I'm posting it on MO. I recently came across this article which explored the maximal abelian subgroups of the symmetric group $S_n$. ...
dbossaller's user avatar
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Higher-order obstructions in thin group orbits

Let $G$ be a finitely generated group acting on the integers $\mathbb{Z}$. Let $O_a = \{g \cdot a : g \in G\}$ be the orbit of an integer $a$ under this action. Assume that $O_a$ is a thin orbit, ...
Albert Essel's user avatar
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Question on definition of closed embedding of affine group schemes

$\DeclareMathOperator\Hom{Hom}$I am reading Introduction to affine group schemes by Waterhouse. In the second chapter he defines a closed embedding in the following way. Let $G = \Hom_k(A,-)$ and $H'= ...
Melon_Musk's user avatar
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Which finite group schemes over positive characteristic have projectivity detected by a set of (generalized) cyclic subgroups?

A finite algebra $B$ over a field $K$ has projectivity detected by a set $S = \{f_i : A \to B \mid i \in I\}$ of maps into $B$ from a fixed algebra $A$ if for any finite module $M$, $M$ is projective ...
Justin Bloom's user avatar
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A reference for this statement (representations of universal central extensions)

Let $G$ be a connected Lie group with universal cover $\tilde{G}$. I would really appreciate if someone could give me a reference for the proof of the following fact: "Every projective unitary ...
Mahtab's user avatar
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Model-theoretic construction of Gromov boundaries on groups

For context, I'm only a second year undergraduate mathematician, so I won't know much. For third year, I'm hoping to do a research project. I met up with a professor who might be my supervisor today, ...
CatsAndDogs's user avatar
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A stronger(?) notion than uniform contractibility

Let's call a metric space $ X $ strongly contractible if there exists a function $ \rho : \mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}_+ $ such that for every ball $ B(x;r) $ around a point $ x \in X $ we have: $ B(x;...
Aditya De Saha's user avatar
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When $G$ is amenable is true that for a set $A \in p$ which is left piecewise syndetic then $\{ x: Ax^{-1} \in p \}$ is both sided syndetic?

Let be $G$ be a discrete group. I recall the definition of syndetic sets, thick sets and piecewise syndetic sets. Definitions: A set $A$ is left syndetic if there exist a finite $H \subset G$ such ...
3m0o's user avatar
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