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Dirac delta composed with absolute value [closed]

I hope this question is well suited for this site; please excuse me if not. I recently read that the value of $\delta(x^2)$ is an open question [1], with $\delta(x)$ the Dirac delta. Now I'm trying ...
bers's user avatar
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Property of Mrowka

A topological space $X$ satisfies Property $K_1$ (Property of Mrowka) if the closure of the union of arbitrarily many $G_\delta$ sets of $X$ coincides with its sequential closure (the sequential ...
um Haitham's user avatar
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Unitary with full spectrum

I have a unitary element $u\in C(\mathbb{T},M_{n}(\mathbb{C}))$ such that $Spec(u)=\mathbb{T}$. Does there exist a unitary $v\in C(\mathbb{T},\mathbb{C})$ such that $Spec(uv)\subsetneqq\mathbb{T}$?
David's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition function [closed]

Once I met a notation of "spectral decomposition function" (for a self-adjoint operator). No definition was given. Could someone give me a clue what can that be, cause I can't find this exact phrase ...
haijo's user avatar
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The pth power of a distance function is twice continuously differentiable, for $p>2$?

Suppose $\mathcal{O}$ is an open convex connected strict subset in $\mathbb{R}^n$ and define $\beta(x)=dist(x, \mathcal{O})$, for each $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$. Is $\beta^p$, $p>2$ a twice continuously ...
Xi LIN's user avatar
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Does there exist a topology for a set X which is compact and Hausdorff? [closed]

For every set $X$ and every topology $\tau$ over $X$ we have that $\tau$ contains the trivial topology $\{ X, \emptyset\}$, which is compact, and is contained in the discrete topology $\{ S: S \...
user33024's user avatar
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Can we generalize the result of Urysohn's lemma to countable collection of pairwise disjoint closed subsets of a normal space..?

Suppose X is a normal topological space. Suppose some metric space for example. If {$A_n$}$_{n=1}^{\infty}$ is a collection of pairwise disjoint closed subsets of X, can we find a continuous function ...
Janson A.J's user avatar
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Norms agreeing on dense subspace [closed]

Suppose $(B,\|\cdot\|)$ is a Banach space, $V\subset B$ a dense subspace, and $V$ is equipped with a norm $\|\cdot\|_V$ such that $\|x\|_V = \|x\|$ for all $x\in V$. Is $(B,\|\cdot\|)$ a completion ...
Nemis L.'s user avatar
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injection with sobolev space

Let $\Omega $ be a bounded open subset of $R^n,\; n\ge 1.$ I m asking about the existence of a subregion $\omega\subset \Omega$ such that the map $y\to y|_\omega $ from $H^2(\Omega)$ into $L^\infty(\...
reseacher's user avatar
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Integral inequality

Let $X$ be the d-dimensional hypercube $X=[0,1]^d$ and let $f$ and $g$ be such that $f(x) = 1$ if $x \in A$ and $0$ otherwise, $g(x)=1$ if $x \in B$ and $0$ otherwise, where $A$ and $B$ are generic ...
QuantumLogarithm's user avatar
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Relation between the wave front set and the semiclassical frequency set

I need to prove that the wave front set of a distribution (as defined in Hormander's "The analysis of linear partial differential operators I") is equal to the semiclassical frequency set of an h-...
user26477's user avatar
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Derivable functions & Sobolev spaces [closed]

Is a C^1-function in a bounded domain $\Omega\subset R^n;$ an element of the Sobolev space $W^{2,\infty}(\Omega)$ ?
hardy's user avatar
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Schrodinger Operators with diverging Potential

Is it well known that if $ H = -\bar{\Delta} + V$ (which is defined over $ L^2( \mathbb{R} ^n $ ) and $ lim_{|x| \to \infty } = + \infty $, then $ H$ has compact resolvent? Does someone know of any ...
Jason Mraz's user avatar
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Pointwise limit at Lebesgue's point

Dear MOs, I am sorry if this problem is too elementary for someone. I just want to get confirmation. Suppose $f\in L^1(R^d)$. Since almost all points are Lebesgue points by the Lebesgue ...
Anand's user avatar
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Can we construct a Hilbert space where the operator following differencial operator is symmetric?

I'd like to know if one can define a pertinent Hilbert space where the operator $$A_p v := -\frac{1}{2} v" + (vF + v\int_\mathbb{R} Sp + p\int_\mathbb{R} Sv )'$$ is symmetric. Here, $p$ satisfies ...
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Frames and completeness

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space. A sequence $\{f_{n}\}$ is a frame for a separable Hilbert space $H$ if there exists $A,B>0$ such that for all $f$ in $H$ $$ A\|f\|^2 \leq \sum |\langle f, ...
David's user avatar
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weak convergence in Sobolev spaces and pointwise convergence?

I encounter a problem when reading Struwe's book Variational Methods (4th ed). On page 38, it is assumed that $\|u_m\|$ is a minimizing sequence for a functional $E$, i.e. $E(u_m)\rightharpoonup I$...
Changjing Zhuge's user avatar
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Hölder continuity of uniform limit of piecewise constant functions

Consider a piecewise constant function $v: [a,b] \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ defined by a finite partition $a=t_0 < t_1 < t_2 < ... < t_s=b$ of the interval $[a,b]$, and constants $m_1,m_2,...,...
Euplio M.'s user avatar
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Locally compact, 0-dimensional, pseudocompact space

Is a 0-dimensional, locally compact and pseudocompact space $X$ necessarily strongly 0-dimensional? I.e., must $\beta X$ be 0-dimensional? It is known that a 0-dimensional locally compact space which ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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Norm functionals of $B(H)$ restricted to sub ven-Neumann algebras [closed]

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, we know that weak topology over $B(H)$, operator algebra of bounded linear operators from $H$ into $H$, is the topology generated by $\{\langle \cdot \xi,\eta\rangle:\; \...
Mahmood Alaghmandan's user avatar
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some questions on Lindelöf property

I have several questions on Lindelöf property. If every point countable open cover of $X$ has a countable subcover (Condition A), does $X$ have Lindelöf property? How far is having Condition A from ...
Paul's user avatar
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Jordan form of compact operator [closed]

Let $X$ be Banach space over a field $\mathbb{C}$. Consider the Banach space $L_c$ of compact operators in $X$. Let $A^0\in L_c$ be fixed and $\lambda^0\neq 0$ his eigenvalue with algebraic ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Weak star separable and separable quotient problem

My first question is the following: Q1: Let $X$ be a Banach space. If its dual $X^\ast$ is weak* separable, does $X$ admit an infinite-dimensional and separable quotient $X/M$? To the best of my ...
Qingping Zeng's user avatar
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Codimension of $J(\omega_1)$ in its bidual

I am reading the paper G. A. Edgar, A long James space, in: Measure Theory, Oberwolfach 1979, Lectures Notes in Math. 794, Springer-Verlag (1980) pp. 31-37. and I am pretty confused by the remarks ...
Briannon's user avatar
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On generalized ordered spaces

Let X be a Go space. If G is open in X, why is every convex component of G open? ( It is well known that any non-void subset G of X can be uniquely represented as a union of its maximal convex ...
Paul's user avatar
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homeomorphism of topological group

Let G be a topological group and a be an element of order 2 in G. Further suppose the element a does not belong to center of G. Then is it true that only homeomorphism f of G such that $f(ax)=f(x)a$ ...
jasp's user avatar
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Schwartz space inequality

Let $g$ be a function in the Schwartz space $\mathscr S (\mathbb R)$. Show that for any $l \ge 0$, we have $\sup_x |x|^l |g(x-y)|\le A_l (1+|y|)^l$ by considering separately the cases $|x|\le 2|y|$ ...
Feynmaniac's user avatar
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Is this (interpolation) inequality right?

Suppose that $\Omega$ is a bounded domain in $\mathbb{R}^3$, $F$ is bounded in $L^\infty (\Omega \times (0,T))\cap (\cap_{k=1}^\infty L^{5/3}(0,T;C^k(\bar{\Omega})))$. Question: Can we say that $F$ ...
jack's user avatar
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HOW TO Generate Equation of a Curve Given (x,y) pairs - algorithm? [closed]

Hi, How can I generate the equation of a curve that matches all arbitrarily given (x,y) pairs? I would like a polynomial of nth degree, where n does not matter, as long as the curve passes thru all ...
Murat's user avatar
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A property of "Schwartz" quadratic forms

Consider $K(x, y)$, $f(x)$ Schwartz functions and $g(y)$ a tempered distribution. Suppose $$K(x, y) = K(y, x)$$ Define $$h(t) = \int f(x - t) K(x, y) g(y - t) dx dy$$ It appears to me $h(t)$ is a ...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Hilbert space automorphisms realized as induced by transformations of some base-spaces

Following question may be soft. Fix abstract hilbert space H and consider any automorphism A in banach-spaces sence (i.e. no conditions on metric). Call A is realizable if exist measure space $(X,\mu)$...
Bad English's user avatar
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fundamental solution of radial wave equation

i am trying to find resources on the derivation of the fundamental solution to the radial wave equation. any suggestions of or links to books, papers, and/or notes would be much appreciated. i have ...
nikofeyn's user avatar
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Sobolev norm and Beppo-Levi norm

I've asked this question on but I'm not satisfied by the answers I got, so I've decided to ask here instead. As always I apologize if my notation is not precise enough. I am a ...
Olumide's user avatar
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Topological Properties of Non-Smooth Functions [closed]

I am interested to know what topological properties are possessed by non-smooth functions. I suspect this is well known, but I can't find what I am looking for from google. Is there a topological "...
Matt Calhoun's user avatar
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Weak convergence of $f(x,e^{itx})$

This is the desired result (what I want to prove): $$f(x,e^{itx})\overset{t\to\infty}{\rightharpoonup}\frac{1}{2\pi i}\oint_{|z|=1}\frac{1}{z}f(x,z)dz \tag{1}$$ Given that $f\in C([a,b]\times\{e^{i\...
Quý Nhân's user avatar
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Can we describe open cover compactness of a space in how the space relates to other spaces?

I've seen two definitions of connectedness of categorical flavour which I present below: (Maps into two point set): A topological space $X$ is connected iff the only continous functions $f:X \to \{ 0,...
Brian's user avatar
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Proving a Fourier transform inequality for functions with mixed variable bounded support

I'm working on a problem involving the Fourier transform and have encountered an inequality that I am unsure how to prove. I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance you can provide. Let $\gamma\...
Julian Bejarano's user avatar
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"Locally compact"-ly generated topological spaces

Let $P$ be a property of topological spaces - here I am interested in "compact" and "locally compact". A topological space $X$ is $P$-ly-generated if, for any topological space $Y$,...
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Ball in separable Banach space has positive Gaussian measure

I have (presumably non-degenerate) Gaussian $\mu$ over separable Banach space $X$. I would like to prove that for any ball of radius $r$ centered at $x$, $\mu(B_r(x))$. I know how to prove this in ...
user2379888's user avatar
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Strict positive definite function gradient tuple

I have a (Gaussian) random function (aka "stochastic process" or "random field") $(f(t))_{t\in \mathbb{R}^d}$. I now want to consider the vector valued random function $g=(f, \...
Felix Benning's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of the minimum point over a product space

Let $f(\theta, \epsilon)$ be smooth on $[0,2\pi] \times [0,\infty)$ such that $f(\theta, \epsilon)$ converges to $f(\theta, 0)$ uniformly as $\epsilon \rightarrow 0$. $f(\theta, \epsilon) > 0$ for ...
MathLearner's user avatar
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Is the space $C_0^{k}(\Omega)$ a Montel space?

I asked this question in the MathStackExchange, but I think I'm not get any answer. I'm trying to find a reference for the following result: Theorem: Let $\Omega$ be a open subset of $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ ...
Math's user avatar
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Let K be a compact set in a surface, U component of S-K, K'=S-U. K has finitely many components. Does every component of K' contains a component of K? [closed]

Let $S$ be a compact connected surface. Let $K$ be a compact subset of $S$ and suppose that $K$ has a finite number of connected components. Let $U$ be a connected component of $S \setminus K$ and ...
Fernando Oliveira's user avatar
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Lower bounds for truncated moments of Gaussian measures on Hilbert space

Let $\mu_C$ be a centered Gaussian probability Borel measure on a real separable Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ with covariance operator $C$. Denote the ball with radius $r$ in $\mathcal{H}$ centered at ...
S.Z.'s user avatar
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Necessary conditions for convergence of convolution

In math.SE, I've asked a question about the convergence of convolution of two functions which have bilateral Laplace transform and also have disjoint Region Of Convergence (ROC) but the question didn'...
S.H.W's user avatar
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Construct next polynomial from predecessor and resulting GCD

I have a sequence of polynomials built from an interpolation derived in a combinatorial problem. For each integer value of a parameter $n$ there is a different polynomial. After trying to find a way ...
Cardstdani's user avatar
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If we don't care about uniqueness, can we relax the coercivity condition in Lax-Milgram theorem?

Let $(H, \langle \cdot, \cdot \rangle)$ be a real Hilbert space and $\|\cdot \|$ its induced norm. Let $a: H \times H \to \mathbb R$ be a bilinear form. We say that $a$ is coercive IFF there is $C>...
Akira's user avatar
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Spectrum of a product of a symmetric positive definite matrix and a positive definite operator

Let $\mathbf H$ be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. I want to find an example of a $2\times 2$ real symmetric positive definite matrix $M$ and a positive definite bounded operator $A : \mathbf H ...
SAKLY's user avatar
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An integral Minkowski inequality for the quasi-Banach case?

The so called integral Minkowski inequality claims that for suitable positive functions $f$ defined on the product of two measure spaces $ (X\times Y, \mu \times \nu) $ and $p\geq 1$ we have that $$ \...
an_ordinary_mathematician's user avatar
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Infimum of norms of elements in a hyperplane

In a Banach space X, given a norm one bounded linear functional $f$ and $c\in \mathbb{C}\backslash \{0\}$, define $H = \big\{ x\in X \,\vert\, f(x) = c\big\}$ and $\inf H$ = $\inf_{h\in H} \|h\|$. Is ...
Sanae Kochiya's user avatar

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