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$f, \hat{f} \in L^{p}\cap L^{\infty} \implies f\in B(\mathbb R)$ (algebra of Fourier- Stieltjes transforms )?

For a bounded complex Borel measure $\mu$ on $\mathbb R$, we define, its Fourier-Stieltjes transform, $\hat{\mu}(y)= \int_{\mathbb R} e^{-2\pi ix\cdot y} d\mu(x); (y\in \mathbb R).$ Let $1\leq p \leq ...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Is the space of $C^r$ vector fields inducing locally uniformly bounded trajectories Baire?

Let $\mathcal{V}$ be the space $C^r$ vector fields on a non-compact (smooth) manifold $M$. Being a subspace of $C^r(M, T M)$, it inherits the natural $C^r$ topology (i.e. the strong topology) of that ...
Mehmet Ozan Kabak's user avatar
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Special elements in $L^{\infty}(G)^*$

Let $G$ be a locally compact group. Let $M(G)$ denote the measure algebra and $L^1(G)$ denote the group algebra on $G$. Then $M(G)$ acts on $L^1(G)$ by convolution. So by duality $M(G)$ acts on $L^1(G)...
Bob's user avatar
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Do all $L^{\infty}(\mu)$ spaces have the Grothendieck property?

Consider $L_{\infty}(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$, where $(\Omega,\Sigma,\mu)$ is any measure space. Does it it have the Grothendieck property? If the measure space is localizable, then it is true. The ...
user44155's user avatar
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When is an inner derivation a Fredholm operator?

Let $\mathcal{B}(H)$ denote the algebra of bounded operators on a Hilbert space $H$. I'm interested in inner derivations acting on the Schatten ideals $L^p\subseteq\mathcal{B}(H)$ (defined by ...
Joakim Arnlind's user avatar
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Groups of operators between local unitaries and full unitaries

Consider the group $U(d_1) \otimes U(d_2)$ of "local unitary" operators acting on the complex space $\mathbb{C}^{d_1} \otimes \mathbb{C}^{d_2}$ (i.e., $U(d_1) \otimes U(d_2)$ is the group of unitary ...
Nathaniel Johnston's user avatar
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Error of midpoint method for differentiable functions

Is it the case that for every differentiable function $f$ on $[0,1]$ (with finite one-sided derivatives at the endpoints), the midpoint method of estimating $\int_0^1 f(x) \: dx$ has error $o(1/n)$? ...
James Propp's user avatar
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Strictly convex renormings making power bounded operators into contractions

Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $T$ be a power bounded linear operator on $X$ (i.e. $\sup_{n\ge0}\|T^n\|_{op}<\infty$). We can of course define an equivalent norm $\|\cdot\|'$ on $X$ so that $\|T\...
Lois Moxon-Holt's user avatar
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construction of heat kernels for non-compact manifolds with boundary

Recently, I am studying heat semigroup for noncompact manifolds with boundary. In Issac Chavel's book "eigenvalues in Riemannian geometry". "Given a noncompact Riemannian manifold, it need not be ...
wang mu's user avatar
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Fourier analysis for the discrete cube in CAT(0) spaces?

Is there a meaningful Fourier analysis of mappings from the discrete cube into CAT(0) spaces? Examples for what I have in mind: Fix a CAT(0) space $X$, a mapping $f:\{-1,1\}^n \to X$, and $\...
Manor Mendel's user avatar
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converse of Weyl criterion

Let $f∈L^1([0,1))$,suppose for all equi-distributed sequence $\{a_n\}^∞_{n=1}$ in $[0,1)$,we have $$\lim_{N\rightarrow \infty} \frac{1}{N}\sum_{k=1}^Nf(a_k)=\int_0^1f.$$ Do we have that $f$ is Riemann ...
Ben's user avatar
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"Contraction mapping principle"

Are there any applications of the following fact?: Let $X$ be a complete Hausdorff semi-metric space with a collection of semi-metrics $\{d_\alpha(\cdot,\cdot)\}_{\alpha\in A}.$ Further let $f:X\to ...
cuckoo's user avatar
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Series representation for unbounded perturbations of semigroup generators

Let $A$ generate an analytic $C_0$-semigroup on a Banach space $X$ and $B$ be a relatively compact perturbation, i.e., $B$ is compact as an operator from $D(A)$ (with the graph norm) to $X$. Then $A+B$...
Delio Mugnolo's user avatar
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Argmax of random walk vs of Brownian motion

Consider a random walk on $\mathbb{Z}$ with triangular drift and jumps that are standard normals. That is, $$ \begin{cases} RW_{t+1} = RW_t - d + \epsilon_t, \quad t \geq 0,\\ RW_{t-1} = RW_t - d + \...
Elena Yudovina's user avatar
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Is there an appropriate weighted Sobolev space to include exponential map and projection map?

Observe that given a non negative function $\omega: \mathbb{R^2} \rightarrow [0, \infty)$, we can define the weighted $L^{p}(\mathbb{R}^2, \omega) $ spaces. They are measurable functions $f: \...
Ritwik's user avatar
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Moduli of smoothness, Besov spaces, and Sobolev spaces

For $1\leq p\leq\infty$, the $r$-th order $L^p$-modulus of smoothness is \begin{equation} \omega_r(u,t,\Omega)_p=\sup_{|h|\leq t}\|\Delta_h^ru\|_{L^p(\Omega_{rh})} \end{equation} where $\Omega_{rh}=\{...
timur's user avatar
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Reference request: The relationship between norm and trace forms on an Albert algebra

I am interested in either a nice reference, or some clarification. Overview: I am considering $J_3(\mathbb{O})$, the Jordan algebra of $3\times 3$ self adjoint octonionic matrices. This algebra is a ...
SMF's user avatar
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Do the banded operators check the invariant subspace problem?

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space and $B(H)$ the algebra of bounded operators. Invariant subspace problem: Let $T \in B(H)$. Is there a non-trivial closed $T$-invariant ...
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almost projective Banach space, complex scalars

It is well-known that if a real Banach space $E$ is "almost metrically projective" then $E$ is isometrically isomorphic to some $\ell^1(\Gamma)$. We say $E$ is "almost metrically projective" if ...
Fred Dashiell's user avatar
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Quasicompactness of transfer operators associated to IID matrix products

Let $P^1$ denote one-dimensional real projective space, and for each $A \in GL(2,\mathbb{R})$ let $\overline{A}$ denote the homeomorphism of $P^1$ induced by $A$. I am currently reading a paper which ...
Ian Morris's user avatar
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Constructing a Sobolev space containing the differential k-forms of a Riemannian manifold

I am currently writing a paper about the Hodge theorem for an algebraic topology course. The specific formulation I am proving can be stated thus. Let $M$ be a compact, orientable n-dimensional ...
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unitary equivalence

Let $U$ be the bilateral shift operator in $l^2(Z)$, and let $V$ stand for a rotation on an irrational angle $\alpha$ in $L^2(T, \mu)$, where $T$ is a circle with a rotation-invariant Lebesgue measure ...
Pavel Kalouguine's user avatar
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On a differential inequality

The question has probabilistic origins, but it would take too long to elaborate. $\newcommand{\ii}{\boldsymbol{i}}$ $\newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}}$ $\newcommand{\eS}{\mathscr{S}}$ Fix a nonnegative ...
Liviu Nicolaescu's user avatar
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Find a lower bound for a pre-invariant $Fol(L(F_m), X_m)$

In the paper of Bannon and Ravichandran, A Folner invariant for type $\rm{II}_1$ factors, they defined an invariant $Fol(M)$ for a separable type $\rm{II}_1$ factor $M$, especially for the free group ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Reflexive-saturated Banach spaces

Say that a Banach space $X$ is strongly saturated by reflexive subspaces if every closed subspace $Y\subset X$ contains a further reflexive subspace $Z\subset Y$ with $\mbox{dens }Y=\mbox{dens Z}$. If ...
Bojan Kwitek's user avatar
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Containment of an element to an operator system

This question will probably appeal to people in operator systems theory as it is very much related. However, I'm interested in down-to-earth concrete systems with finite dimensional Hilbert space ...
Alex Monras's user avatar
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Regularity of simplices, part deux

This question is directly inspired by Pietro Majer's question and my answer to it. One can define a simplex, and the dihedral angles thereof in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space (one has to take ...
Igor Rivin's user avatar
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Linear ODEs in a locally convex vector space

Let $X$ be a complete, locally convex, Hausdorff topological vector space over $\mathbb{C}$. Let $J \subset \mathbb{R}$ be an open interval. Consider the space $M = C^\infty(J,X)$ of smooth ...
Allan Yashinski's user avatar
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reference for perturbation of projection result

Let $A$ and $B$ have the same rank and dimensions. If $P_A$ denotes the projection onto the range space of $A$, then $$ \|P_A - P_B\|_2 \leq \|A - B\| \cdot \min (\|A^\dagger\|_2, \|B^\dagger\|_2). $$ ...
AatG's user avatar
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Functional calculus for vector-valued holomorphic functions?

Good afternoon, I would like to ask a question on the functional calculus of several commuting operators. If someone knows some good/standard references, could you please tell me about them. Firstly,...
Đức Anh's user avatar
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Diffusion processes in wide generality

It is common knowledge among schoolchildren that one may define jump diffusion processes in wide generality. Hard question: What are the most general structures on which one may define something ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Generalized Stone Weierstrass theorem

Given a smooth function $f$ on some compact $K$ in the euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, does exist a sequence of polynomial functions $p_n$ such that $p_n$ and all of its derivatives converge uniformly ...
mostafa's user avatar
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Fourier theory of characteristic functions

Here is a question which (up to some translation) I have been asked by an electrical engineer. Let $f:\mathbb{R}\to[0,1]$ be a smooth function with $f(x+1)=f(x)$. I would like to approximate $f$ in ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
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Lebesgue measure on Frechet space?

It is well known that there are no Lebesgue measures on infinite-dimensional Banach spaces (see e.g. However, I couldn'...
Vanessa's user avatar
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Conditional probabilities in Banach spaces

This is the infinite-dimensional sequel to my question, Conditional probabilities are measurable functions - when are they continuous?. Let $\Omega = \Omega_1 \times \Omega_2$ be a probability space ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Direct integrals and fields of operators

Suppose we have a measure space $(X,\mu)$ and a measurable field of Hilbert spaces $H_x$ on it. We can form the direct integral ${\cal{H}} = \int H_x \ d \mu$, which is a Hilbert space. Suppose now ...
Łukasz Grabowski's user avatar
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Inverse marginal property of a collection of $\sigma$-algebras

In my paper "On the inverse best approximation property of systems of subspaces of a Hilbert space" I introduced the Inverse marginal property (IMP) for a collection of $\sigma$-algebras. Let $(\...
Ivan Feshchenko's user avatar
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Sufficient criteria for $X \subset \mathcal{H}$ to be a Lipschitz (or unif. cont.) retract of $\mathcal{H}$

I am interested in sufficient criteria which ensure that a subset $X$ of a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ is a Lipschitz (or at least uniformly continuous) retract of $\mathcal{H}$. Under which ...
PhoemueX's user avatar
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Hölder stability of the PDE $\partial_t u (t, x) = \operatorname{div} \{ a (t, x) \nabla u(t, x) \}$

$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\bE}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\bT}{\mathbb{T}} \newcommand{\bP}{\mathbb{P}} \newcommand{\bF}{\mathbb{F}} \newcommand{\cF}{\mathcal{F}} \newcommand{\eps}{\...
Akira's user avatar
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There is only one reasonable $\sigma$-algebra on the space $\mathcal D'$ of distributions

Consider the space $\mathcal D'(M)$ of distributions on a manifold $M$. Is there a ready reference for the fact that the Borel $\sigma$-algebra (for the strong dual topology) coincides with the weak ...
Pierre PC's user avatar
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Weakly compact sets forced to contain $0$

Let $E$ be an infinite-dimensional real normed space and let $K\subset E$ be a weakly compact set such that, for each $\varphi\in E^*\setminus \{0\}$, there exists a unique $\tilde x\in K$ such that $$...
Biagio Ricceri's user avatar
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Interpolation-extrapolation scales of H. Amann

I am currently reading H. Amann's notes titled "Nonhomogeneous linear and quasilinear elliptic and parabolic boundary value problems", and I have a question regarding the abstract ...
Michelangelo's user avatar
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Some questions on Hardy's spaces

In the paper, the authors have asked in Page 285 whether the Hardy space $H^p$ embeds isometrically into the Hardy space $H^q$ for $1\leq q<p<...
A beginner mathmatician's user avatar
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Condition under a function is uniquely identifiable by the supremum values

Let $f(x),g(x)$ be two real-valued functions on $\mathbb{R}$ and $h(x,y)$ be a real-valued function on the plane. We can assume continuity (maybe piecewise differentiability also) of these functions. ...
mukhujje's user avatar
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Book recommendation in functional analysis and probability

I am interested by functional analysis and probability. I would like to know if you have any books that deal with these two subjects (at a graduate level) to recommend? I'm looking for a book that has ...
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Colimits of locally convex spaces in the categories of topological vector spaces vs locally convex spaces

Let $S$ be a set and let $V_s$ be a family of locally convex topological vector spaces (LCSs) indexed by $s \in S$. Let $V$ be a vector space (without topology) and let $T_s:V_s \to V$ be a family of ...
James Tener's user avatar
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Singularity of singularities and second microlocalization: a question that come from the stabilization of damped wave equation

In the paper [2], the Authors introduce a tool called second microlocalization, which is difficult for me. Although I have searched a lot of papers on the internet, nevertheless the material that I ...
monotone operator's user avatar
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Larger possible chain of closed subspaces in the dual of a Banach space

In this question, is demonstrated that a separable space can have a chain (ordered by inclusion) of closed subspaces with uncountable many subspaces. My question is the following. If $X$ is an ...
Emerick's user avatar
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Measurability of $L^{p}(L^{q})$ integrable functions

Let $ F: \mathbb{R}^n \times (0,\infty) \to \mathbb{R}$ be a function with the property that $ \int_{\mathbb{R}^n} \big[ \int_0^\infty |F(x,r) |^q \, dr \big]^{p/q} \, dx < \infty $ In addition we ...
User091819's user avatar
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Spectrum of ring in algebraic geometry vs spectrum of Banach algebra

For a commutative unital Banach algebra $A,$ and $x\in A,$ we have $\lambda \in \sigma_A(x)$ if and only if $\phi(x) = \lambda$ for some algebra homomorphism $\phi:A \to \mathbb C.$ The set of all ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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