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Questions tagged [examples]

For questions requesting examples of a certain structure or phenomenon

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2 votes
0 answers

Actions on spaces with measured walls

In geometric group theory, the question of whether or not a group acts nicely on a CAT(0) cube complex, or equivalently on a median graph, is of interest. The same question for actions on spaces with ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is a successor to a successor to the trivial group topology on an Abelian group, totally bounded?

Is there an example of an Abelian group $G$ and group topologies $\cal S$ and $\cal T$ on it such that $\cal S$ is an immediate successor to the trivial topology on $G$ (i.e there is no other group ...
9 votes
6 answers

Examples of naturally occurring Quadratic forms or quadrics.

I am always fascinated when a quadratic form (or a quadric) arises naturally. I have some elementary examples, but most of all, I want to learn more examples. I hope this question isn't considered too ...
4 votes
1 answer

Example of a specific manifold

I want to find a example of a manifold that has positive scalar curvature but is not half conformally flat. Does there exists such manifolds? Thanks.
6 votes
1 answer

Satellite knot example

Can someone provide me with an example of a satellite knot with symmetry group which is neither cyclic nor dihedral?
8 votes
1 answer

Example of a triangulable topological manifold which does not admit a PL structure

I know there are some examples of manifolds which don't admit a PL structure (combinatorial triangulation), and that it has been recently proven that in dimension $n\geq5$ there are manifold which are ...
11 votes
2 answers

Good examples of random variables whose image is not a measurable set?

Are their simple/natural examples of real-valued Borel-measurable random variables whose image is not a Borel set? Something that occurs "naturally"? I am teaching Doob's lemma (for two real-valued ...
1 vote
0 answers

system with solutions $\{x-a:0\leqslant a\leqslant z-1\}$ [closed]

What must be $F$ there where $0=F(1,x,0)=F(x-0,x,z)=F(x-1,x,z)=F(x-2,x,z)=F(x-3,x,z)=$ $\dots$ $=f(x-z-1,x,z)=0$? Define $F$ in the domain where a continuous function exists that behaves so for $x\...
14 votes
5 answers

Is the long line paracompact?

A manifold is usually defined as a second-countable hausdorff topological space which is locally homeomorphic to Rn. My understanding is that the reason "second-countable" is part of the definition is ...
13 votes
1 answer

What's the role of $H^{p}(\mathbb{R}^{n})$ in modern (harmonic) analysis?

The classical theory of $H^p$,due to it's heavy dependence on the complex function theory(such as Blaschke products), seemed to have an insurmountable obstacle barrying its extension to several ...
7 votes
0 answers

Linear vs smooth actions of finite groups on spheres, euclidean spaces and closed disks

I would like to know examples (with references, if possible) of the following: (1) a finite group $G$ acting effectively and smoothly on a sphere $S^n$ (any $n$) but admitting no effective linear ...
2 votes
1 answer

Images of interval edge coloring

I found out the definition of interval edge colorings, concept put by Kamalian in various papers but could not find a graph depicting an example. Where can I find pictures of explicit examples of ...
6 votes
0 answers

Example of a torsionfree group satisfying a cohomological condition

Let us call a finitely generated group $G$ cohomologically rich if for each $k \geq 0$, we can find a subgroup $G'$ and a prime $p$ such that $H^k(G';\mathbb F_p) \neq 0$. Examples which come to mind ...
3 votes
2 answers

Examples of TVS with no non-trivial open convex subsets

I give here the classical example of the space $E = L^p([0,1])$ which has no open convex subsets apart from $\emptyset$ and $E$. Consequently, there is no non-trivial continuous linear form on $E$. ...
3 votes
2 answers

Variation of Hodge structures associated to a hermitian symmetric domain

Let $D$ be an irreducible hermitian symmetric domain. Then there exists a variation of Hodge structures $(h_s)_{s\in D}$ on a vector space $V$ satisfying specific conditions which depend on $D$ such ...
3 votes
2 answers

Example s.t. the unbased loop-space is not $\Omega X \times X$

For a connected pointed CW-complex $X$, let us write (as usual) $\Omega X$ for the space of based loops at $X$. I am looking for an example where the space $\Omega' X$ of all (unbased) loops in $X$ is ...
8 votes
3 answers

Is $\mathbb{A}²$ the universal smooth scheme which is a finite cover of $\mathbb{A}²/μ₂$?

One very handy (counter)example I often think about is the scheme $Spec(k[a,b,c]/(ab-c^2))$ (where $k$ is a field), which you may also know as $Spec(k[x^2,xy,y^2])$, as $\mathbb A^2/\mu_2$, or as the $...
0 votes
3 answers

Intuitions/connections/examples for "eigen-*"

There are many concepts in mathematics that begin with the German word "eigen": eigenvector, eigenvalue, eigenspace, eigenstate, eigenfunction, eigensystem etc. (to name just the most important (?) ...
37 votes
3 answers

Are there pairs of highly connected finite CW-complexes with the same homotopy groups?

Fix an integer n. Can you find two finite CW-complexes X and Y which * are both n connected, * are not homotopy equivalent, yet * $\pi_q X \approx \pi_q Y$ for all $q$. In Are there two non-...
1 vote
1 answer

A Hausdorff atom in lattice of group topologies

Do you have an example of an infinite Hausdorff nonabelian topological group $(G,\mathcal T)$ such that for any nontrivial group topology $\mathcal S$ on $G$ with $\mathcal S\subseteq \mathcal T$ we ...
9 votes
2 answers

An example of two cofibrant dg categories whose tensor product is not cofibrant

I have been reading the paper by Toën "The homotopy theory of dg categories and derived Morita theory" where in chapter 4 it is stated that the tensor product of two cofibrant dg categories $C$ and $D$...
9 votes
1 answer

Can one check formal smoothness using only one-variable Artin rings?

Let $f:X\rightarrow Y$ be a morphism of schemes over a field $k$. Can one check that $f$ is formally smooth using only Artin rings of the form $k^{\prime}\left[t\right]/t^{n}$, where $k^{\prime}$ is ...
6 votes
0 answers

An example of a simple infinite 2-group

I've asked this question before on Mathematics, and they suggested me to ask here (Link). Is there an example of a simple infinite $2$-group? Informations If a $2$-group is Artinian I know that it ...
13 votes
12 answers

On proving that a certain set is not empty by proving that it is actually large

It happens occasionally that one can prove that a given set is not empty by proving that it is actually large. The word "large" here may refer to different properties. For example, one can prove that ...
3 votes
1 answer

Looking for interesting, natural models of this algebraic theory in which $x^\dagger$ is not always the multiplicative inverse of $x$

It is easy to think up interesting, natural models of the algebraic theory presented as follows, such that in these models, $x^\dagger$ is always the multiplicative inverse of $x$. Question. What ...
0 votes
1 answer

Example of a polycyclic group which is not of polynomial growth? [closed]

The title already says everything: What is an example of a polycyclic group $G$ which is not of polynomial growth (equivalently, by Gromov's theorem, which is not virtually nilpotent)?
2 votes
1 answer

Divergence invariant lifting of a vector field via a submersion

What is an example of a smooth submersion $P:S^{3}\to S^{2}$ for which the following statment is Not true: For every vector field $X$ on $S^{2}$ there is a non vanishing vector field $\tilde{X}$...
4 votes
3 answers

An example where GCD depends on the domain

First some notation. Given a domain $R$ and $x,a,b \in R$, I write $x=gcd(a,b)_R$ to mean that $x$ is one gcd of $a$ and $b$ in $R$. I want to find an example of an GCD-domain $R$, a subdomain $S \...
26 votes
4 answers

Recent, elementary results in algebraic geometry

Next semester I will be teaching an introductory algebraic geometry class for a smallish group of undergrads. In the last couple weeks, I hope that each student will give a one-hour presentation. ...
6 votes
5 answers

Existence of orientation preserving, finite order self homeomorphism on a genus 2 surface without fixed point

Let $M$ be a compact 2-manifold of genus 2. Does there exist an orientation preserving homeomorphism $f:M\to M$, so that $f^n=id$ for some integer $n$, and $f$ doesn't have fixed points? Using ...
11 votes
2 answers

A sequence of subsets of an infinite group

Is there an infinite group $G$ such that there is not any sequence $(A_n)$ of its subsets such that always $$A_n=A_n^{-1}, \quad A_{n+1}A_{n+1}\subsetneqq A_n$$ ? link
4 votes
0 answers

Examples of unproven but likely true existential sentence (in the sense of incompleteness)

Some examples of universal statements that are unproven but likely true include the Riemann hypothesis (all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function have real part 1/2) and the Goldbach conjecture (all ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a smooth rationally connected, proper variety $M$ over $\mathbb{C}$ such that c_1(L)([A]) = 1 which is not projective space?

Is there a smooth, rationally connected, projective variety $M$, which is not a projective space and is equipped with an ample line bundle $L$, such that the homology class of the curves $[A]$ which ...
0 votes
0 answers

Examples of functions with natural boundary that do not satisfy Fabry or Hadamard gap theorem condition

there are examples of lacunary functions with natural boundary that do not satisfy Fabry or Hadamard gap theorem condition.I want to know more examples of those functions,the more the better,...
3 votes
1 answer

Mumford-Ramanujam examples in characteristic p [and in Arakelov geometry]

For a compact Riemann surface $B$ of genus $\geq 2$, it is a consequence of the Narasimhan-Seshadri theorem that there exist rank-$2$ vector bundles $E \to B$ of degree zero, all of whose symmetric ...
1 vote
1 answer

Examples of nontrivial local systems in Decomposition Theorem

There is a proper map $f: X \rightarrow Y$ of projective varieties. The Decomposition Theorem of Beilinson–Bernstein–Deligne-Gabber states that $$Rf∗IC_X \cong \oplus_a IC_{\bar{Y_a}}(L_a)[shifts]$...
9 votes
2 answers

How weird can Modular Tensor Categories be over non-algebraically closed fields?

I am trying to understand better the behaviour and character of modular tensor categories over non-algebraically closed fields. How weird can they be? The reason I am interested in this is that my ...
14 votes
3 answers

Are all vector-space valued functors on sets free?

Let $\mathbf{Set}$ be the category of finite sets and functions between them, and let $\mathbf{Vect}$ be the category of finite-dimensional complex vector spaces and linear transformations between ...
10 votes
1 answer

Nondifferentiability set of an arbitrary real function

A theorem by Zygmunt Zahorski states that a necessary and sufficient condition for a subset of $\mathbb{R}$ to be the nondifferentiability set of a continuous real function is that it is the union of ...
5 votes
2 answers

smooth affine surfaces over algebraically closed fields with trivial l-torsion of the Brauer group

I am looking for examples of smooth affine surfaces over algebraically closed fields with trivial $\ell$-torsion of the Brauer group. Related questions: Schemes with trivial brauer group and Brauer ...
2 votes
2 answers

Example(s) of monoidal symmetric closed category with NNO without infinite coproducts?

The question is in the title, here is my motivation: $\require{AMScd}$Let $(\mathcal C,\otimes,I)$ be a monoidal symmetric closed category. Then, the tensor product commutes with colimits, and if $\...
7 votes
10 answers

Examples of "Unusual" Classifications

When one says "classification" in math, usually one of a handful of examples springs to mind: -Classification of Finite Simple Groups with 18 infinite families and 26 sporadic examples (assuming one ...
6 votes
0 answers

Homeomorphisms of product spaces: an example

In the first of these lectures ( given by M. Freedman he says that there exists (compact metric) spaces $X$ and $Y$ such that $X\times S^{1}$ is homeomorphic to $...
8 votes
6 answers

Do you have examples of such "transitive" elements?

(I've asked the same question at the MSE, so far with no answers, so I thought I'd try it here as well. If there's some clash with any site rules, please let me know and I'll abide.) Let $A$ be a set ...
4 votes
1 answer

Unravelling some hypotheses on a variety

In Le group de Brauer II, Grothendieck states Proposition 1.4.- Soit $X$ a préschéma noetherien. Supposon que les anneaux hensélisés stricts des anneaux locaux de $X$ soient factoriels, [...] Alors ...
4 votes
3 answers

A model with $\kappa$ many automorphism and a rigid element.

The following should be known, but I could not find an example. Let $\kappa$ be an uncountable cardinal. Find a model $M$ of size $\kappa$ which has $\ge\kappa$ many automorphisms, but for some $m\in ...
0 votes
1 answer

Simple but topologizable [closed]

Do you have an example of an infinite simple group with at least 3 distinct group topologies on it‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌?
18 votes
7 answers

Simple show cases for the Yoneda lemma

I've been given a very simple motivating and instructive show case for the Yoneda lemma: Given the category of graphs and a graph object $G$, seen as a quadruple $(V_G,\ E_G,\ S_G:E\rightarrow V,\ ...
0 votes
1 answer

Examples of groups such that order isomorphism of the subgroups of $G\times G$ and $H\times H$ does not imply isomorphism of $G$ and $H$

Let $G$ and $H$ be groups, $\operatorname{Sub}(G\times G)$ be the set of all subgroups of $G\times G$ and $\operatorname{Sub}(H\times H)$ be the set of all subgroups of $H\times H$. Assume there ...
5 votes
1 answer

Measures which exhibit the "uncorrelated implies independent" property

Let $X$ be a topological linear space, and let $X^*$ be its dual space. Suppose that $X$ is complete and Hausdorff, and $X^*$ separates points. Let $Y$ be another such space, and let $f : X \to Y$ be ...

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