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Questions tagged [classical-mechanics]

Mathematics of classical mechanics, including Hamiltonian mechanics, Lagrangian mechanics, applications of symplectic geometry to mechanics, deterministic chaos, resonance etc.

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32 votes
2 answers

Gently falling functions

I wonder if it is possible to characterize the class of gently falling functions, which I would like to define as follows. Let $g(x)$ be a $C^2$ function defined on an interval $R \subseteq \mathbb{R}$...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Calculating the geodesic equation for a particular set of phase-space coordinates

Let $g$ be a Riemannian metric on the $d$-dimensional flat space $\mathbb R^d$, and consider the usual Lagrangian $$L(x, \dot x) = \tfrac 1 2 g_{ij}(x) \dot x^i \dot x^j.$$ Let $\hat g := \sqrt g$ ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Billiard dynamics for multiple balls

I am interested to learn to what extent results on billiards in polygons have been extended to multiple balls. Assume the balls have equal radii and the same mass, the same initial speed, and all ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Which convex bodies roll along closed geodesics?

An ellipsoid could be rolled (without slippage) on a horizontal plane so that its point of contact traces out a closed geodesic on its surface:           ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Equations for an algebraic gömböc

A gömböc is a $3$-dimensional convex body (having uniform density) which has exactly one stable and one instable equilbrium position (see Such a convex ...
Roland Bacher's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Herpolhode equation

Poinsot’s construction describes the motion of a freely rotating rigid body in terms of an ellipsoid rolling on a plane. (, and the path of ...
quantropy's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Minimal surface which divides a convex body into two regions of equal volume

Question. Given a convex body $\Omega$, what is the shape of a surface $\Gamma$ of minimal area which divides $\Omega$ into two regions of equal volume? Background/motivation. A 2D version of the ...
Andrey Rekalo's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Billiards with incompatible regions

An existing question asks whether "almost every" two-dimensional billiard possesses at least one orbit that is dense in its interior. My question is about the following set of strong counter-examples:...
mjqxxxx's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Dense orbits in billiards

This should be true in a more general setting, but for simplicity consider billiards that are connected, compact subsets of the plane with boundary $C^2$ except at finitely many points. A ball (or a ...
Zatrapilla's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

On the non-rigorous calculations of the trajectories in the moon landings

In a paragraph written by a person emphasizing that rigour is not everything in mathematics (I wish I had written down the details), it was stated that the moon landings would have been impossible ...
teil's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Bertrand theorem - central forces

Here is a version of Bertrand theorem. Let us consider a force $F(r)$ which depends only on the distance to a given point. If all trajectories which remain bounded are closed, then either $F(r)=ar$ ...
camomille's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Floating polyhedra with fair equilibria

Is there a homogeneous convex polyhedron which floats so that some subset (perhaps all) of its faces is distinguished as "up" (above the water line) in stable equilibrium, each face with equal ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Which motion is exclusive in 3D or higher dimensions?

Hi guys, I have a simple question Linear movement can be found in 1D, 2D and 3D world objects Rotation can be found in 2D and 3D world objects. Now, are there any kind of motion can only be found ...
est's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

turbulence as an unsolved problem of classical mechanics

Why is it that turbulence is considered to be an unsolved problem of classical mechanics? What is meant by "unsolved"? Don't the Navier-Stokes equations apply to turbulent flows? It's difficult to ...
user11284's user avatar
63 votes
8 answers

Fair but irregular polyhedral dice

I am interested in determining a collection of geometric conditions that will guarantee that a convex polyhedron of $n$ faces is a fair die in the sense that, upon random rolling, it has an equal $1/n$...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Poincaré Recurrence and Dense Sets

This is kind of a spin-off of the question asked here. Take the interval $X:=[0,1]$ with $\mu$ being standard Lebesgue measure. Let $f$ be a measure preserving map $f:[0,1]\rightarrow [0,1]$. The ...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How quickly will billiard trajectories cluster?

Suppose you launch $n$ point-particles on distinct reflecting nonperiodic billiard trajectories inside a convex polygon. Assume they all have the same speed. Define an $\epsilon$-cluster as a ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What are the canonical and earliest references to trivial symmetries in gauge systems?

I am trying to find canonical references and the history of trivial symmetries. The earliest text book reference I can find is on page 69 of Quantization of Gauge Systems by Henneaux and Teitelboim. ...
Simon's user avatar
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33 votes
4 answers

Does there exist a shot in ideal pocket billiards?

Assume you have one shot with the cue ball in pocket billiards (a.k.a. pool), with the game idealized in that no spin is placed on the cue ball in the initial shot, all collisions between billiard ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
25 votes
1 answer

Hanging a ball with string

What is the shortest length of string that suffices to hang a unit-radius ball $B$? This question is related to an earlier MO question, but I think different. Assume that the ball is frictionless. ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

Newton equations, second order equation and (im)possible motions

I am am currently studying Newtonian mechanics from a conceptional and axiomatic point of view. Now, if I am not mistaken, one (but surely not all) statement of Newtons second law about nature is, ...
student's user avatar
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34 votes
6 answers

Is symplectic reduction interesting from a physical point of view?

Do you think that symplectic reduction (Marsden Weinstein reduction) is interesting from a physical point of view? If so, why? Does it give you some new physical insights? There are some possible ...
student's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Two interacting bodies in an external field

Hope, MO is the right place for this question (if not so: where would you pose it?). Consider a two-body system in classical mechanics. As long as the interaction depends only on the distance of the ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

2- and 3-body problems when gravity is not inverse-square

Suppose that gravity did not follow an inverse-square law, but was instead a central force diminishing as $1/d^p$ for distance separation $d$ and some power $p$. Two questions: Presumably the 2-body ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Differential equation of line tangent to caustics

This problem (or rather, statement that I cannot understand) has arisen in a paper I have been reading "Geometry of Integrable Billiards and Pencils of Quadrics" by Dragovic and Radnovic. I'd be most ...
A B's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Polygonal billards programs

I'm looking for software that will give billiard trajectories in arbitrary plane polygons. After much work I was able to produce this figure. (source) It was a good exercise, but at this point I ...
john mangual's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Angle Maximizing the Distance of a Projectile

It is well-known that to maximize the horizontal distance traveled by a projectile fired from the ground at a given speed, one should fire it at a $45^\circ$ angle. What's less-known, though not too ...
David Corwin's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Rolling a convex body: Geodesics vs. rolling curves

What are the curves of contact on a convex body $B$ rolling down an inclined plane? Assume $B$ is smooth, and there is sufficient friction to prevent slippage. Certainly, one can develop a geodesic ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
39 votes
3 answers

On linear independence of exponentials

Problem. Let $\{\lambda_n\}_{n\in\mathbb N}$ be a sequence of complex numbers . Let's call a family of exponential functions $\{\exp (\lambda_n s)\}_{n\in\mathbb N}$ $F$-independent (where $F$ is ...
Andrey Rekalo's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

Parabolic envelope of fireworks

The envelope of parabolic trajectories from a common launch point is itself a parabola. In the U.S. soon many will have a chance to observe this fact directly, as the 4th of July is traditionally ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Functional Analysis and its relation to mechanics

Hi I'm currently learning Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Mechanics (which I think also encompasses the calculus of variations) and I've also grown interested in functional analysis. I'm wondering if there ...
user7223's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Generalizing square wheels rolling on inverted catenaries

It is not uncommon to see in a science museum a bicycle with square wheels that rides smoothly over a washboard-like surface made from inverted catenary curves (e.g., at the Münich museum). The square ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

When sticks fall, will they weave?

Imagine $n$ $z$-vertical sticks uniformly spaced around a unit-radius circle in the $xy$-plane. At $t{=}0$, each is randomly $\epsilon$-perturbed from the vertical, and they fall under the influence ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Catenary curve under non-uniform gravitational field

The catenary curve is the shape of a chain hanging between two equal-height poles under the influence of gravity. But the derivation of the (hyperbolic cosine) curve equation from the physics ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Classical mechanics motivation for poisson manifolds?

Suppose I want to understand classical mechanics. Why should I be interested in arbitrary poisson manifolds and not just in symplectic ones? What are examples of systems best described by non ...
Jan Weidner's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

How to calculate the rolling resistance of a wheel over an obstacle? [closed]

Imagine a bicycle travelling at speed, and then rolling over a log. What are the principles behind calculating the force that is required to roll a wheel over an obstacle?
user6764's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Fastest Rolling Shape?

The following questions occurred to me. This is not research mathematics, just idle curiosity. Apologies if it is inappropriate. Suppose you have a fixed volume V of maleable material, perhaps clay. ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

How can I conclude that I live in a solar system?

Well, this is an awkward question and I don't know if it is mathematical enough for MO (I'm sorry if not) but I'll try it: What observations in the coordinate system centered in my fixed position on ...
user717's user avatar
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101 votes
1 answer

Dropping three bodies

Consider the usual three-body problem with Newtonian $1/r^2$ force between masses. Let the three masses start off at rest, and not collinear. Then they will become collinear a finite time ...
Richard Montgomery's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Do there exist small neighborhoods in a classical mechanical system without pairs of focal points?

The question I will ask makes sense in much more generality, but I will leave the translation to the experts, since I'm only looking for a special case (and it would not surprise me if the answer does ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Surfaces that are 'everywhere accessible' to a randomly positioned Newtonian particle with an arbitrary velocity vector

Consider an idealized classical particle confined to a two-dimensional surface that is frictionless. The particle's initial position on the surface is randomly selected, a nonzero velocity vector is ...
Mensen's user avatar
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