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How to prove the reverse Hölder inequality for Laplace equations?

Let $ u\in H^1(2B) $ be a weak solution of $ \Delta u=0 $ in $ 2B $, where $ B=B(0,1) $ is a ball with center $ 0 $ and radius $ 1 $. Then there exists some $ p>2 $ such that \begin{eqnarray} \left(...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Determine the sign (positive or negative) of an integral with the fractional Laplacian

Let $u,v:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ and $\phi: \mathbb R \to \mathbb R_+$ be smooth bounded functions. Assume also $\phi' \ge 0$. Assume that $u(0) - v(0) = 0$ and that $0$ is a strict global minimum of ...
Riku's user avatar
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Averaging and fractional Laplacian

Let $u,\phi:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be smooth functions and $\Omega_\epsilon$ be a bounded domain in $\mathbb R$ with diameter $\epsilon>0$ (consider for exaple the ball $B_{\epsilon/2}(0)$). Is ...
Riku's user avatar
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Is there a generalization of the Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg regularity theorem for elliptic equations to domains with corners?

The Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg theorem(s) state(s) that whenever $f\in W^{m,p}(\Omega)$ where $\Omega$ is a bounded open set of class $C^{m+2}$, then there is a unique solution $u\in W^{m+2,p}(\Omega)$ ...
UserA's user avatar
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$L^\infty$ solutions for parabolic Neumann problem (heat equation)

Consider the heat equation on a (smooth) domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with homogeneous Neumann BCs: $$u_t - \Delta u = f$$ $$\partial_\nu u = 0$$ $$u|_{t=0} = u_0$$ where $f \in L^p(0,T;L^r(\Omega))$ and $...
soup's user avatar
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Application of Green function for non linear PDE [closed]

In the case of linear PDE, say $$Lu=0$$ if we have its green function say $G(x,y)$ then using that one can give solution of non homogenous PDE i.e. $Lu_f=f$ where $u_f=G*f$. Is the same thing hold for ...
Curious student's user avatar
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Regularity of solution to first order time dependent variational problem

Consider the following first order evolution problem over some regular bounded domain $\Omega\subset\Bbb R^d$ $$\frac{\partial\phi}{\partial t}(\mathbf{x},t) +\vec V(\mathbf{x},t)\cdot \nabla\phi(\...
demlevi33's user avatar
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Algebra properties regarding Gevrey spaces: closed under multiplication

In page 24 of the paper Landau Damping: Paraproducts and Gevrey Regularity, the authors claimed an algebra property of Gevrey spaces, the formula (3.14), without giving a proof. So I'm asking for a ...
Feng's user avatar
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Must a Schauder basis for $W^{1,p}_0(\Omega)$ be oscillatory?

Suppose that $\Omega \subset \Bbb R^d$ is a sufficiently nice domain. From the examples of orthogonal bases in Hilbert space cases (or looking at a wavelets basis), it seems natural to me that one may ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Contractivity of Neumann Laplacian

I have an intriguing and probably simple question: reading the articles and books of Wolfgang Arendt on semigroups of linear operators, I found on many places properties of the Neumann Laplacian. In ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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From some priori estimates can we estimate higher Sobolev norm?

Suppose $u$ is a smooth function on bounded set $\Omega$ with smooth boundary such that $$\|u\|_{W^{1,p}(\Omega)}\le C\|\phi\|_{W^{1-1/p,p}(\partial\Omega)}$$ where $u|_{\partial\Omega}=\phi$. Can we ...
Curious student's user avatar
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Regularity results for non uniform elliptic equation

I have seen some regularity result for ellptic PDE but all of them consist of uniform elliptic one. For instance, $$\nabla \cdot (\gamma(x) \nabla u)=F \text{ in } \Omega\qquad u=\phi \text{ on }\...
Curious student's user avatar
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Spectrum of matrix involving quantum harmonic oscillator

The quantum harmonic oscillator relies on two classical objects, the so-called creation and annihilation operator $$a ^* = x- \partial_x \text{ and }a = x+\partial_x.$$ Fix two numbers $\alpha,\beta \...
Kung Yao's user avatar
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A sequence of functions solving $-\Delta u_n + V u_n = u_{n-1}|_{\partial M}$

Let $M = \mathbb R^3 \setminus B_1$ where $B_1$ is the unit ball. Let $ h \in C^{\infty}(\partial M)$ and let $u_0$ be the unique function that vanishes at infinity and solves $$\begin{cases} -\Delta ...
Laithy's user avatar
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Dimension of critical set of p-harmonic function

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a smooth domain and $u\in W^{1,p}(\Omega)$ a non-constant $p$-harmonic function, for some $1<p<n$. Question: What is the Hausdorff dimension of the critical ...
cork_twist's user avatar
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Lax-Milgram and the existence of solution to parabolic equation

I think it is standard and common to use Lax-Milgram theorem to prove the existence of solution to elliptic equation. However, can we use it to establish the existence of parabolic equation? I do not ...
mnmn1993's user avatar
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Density of invariant measure of stochastic differential equation

I have a question: is it possible that an SDE has a "nice" density, but its invariant measure does not have a "nice" density? I asked this question at math.stackexchange but ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Plummer and Coulomb kernel for the Poisson equation

Consider the $d$-dimensional Coulomb "kernel" defined by: \begin{equation} x \in \mathbb{R}^{d} \mapsto g(x):=\left\{\begin{array}{ll} \log \frac{1}{|x|} & \text { if } d=2 \\ \frac{1}{|...
Titouan Vayer's user avatar
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uniform convergence of $H^r$ projectors on compact sets?

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^d$ be a smooth, bounded domain. Let $(e_n)_{n\geq 0}\subset L^2(\Omega)$ be the Hilbert basis generated by the Dirichlet-Laplacian eigenfunctions, i-e $-\Delta e_n=\...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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Linear transport equation with Lipschitz conditions

Given the equation here, I would like to ask the following relaxed question: Consider the PDE $$\partial_t f(x,t) = \langle q(x), \nabla \rangle f(t,x) + p(x),$$ with Schwartz initial data $f(0,x) = ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
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Linear transport equation with unbounded coefficients

Consider the PDE $$\partial_t f(x,t) = \langle q(x), \nabla \rangle f(t,x) + p(x),$$ with Schwartz initial data $f(0,x) = f_0(x) \in \mathscr S(\mathbb R^n).$ I am wondering then if $q$ and all its ...
Pritam Bemis's user avatar
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Regularity of a Fokker-Planck PDE with unbounded coefficient

Let $A$ be a positive definite symmetric matrix, let $b\in C^1(\mathbb R^d\!\times\!(0,\infty))\cap C(\mathbb R^d\!\times\![0,\infty))$ taking values in $\mathbb R^d$. Consider the parabolic PDE $$ \...
tituf's user avatar
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Finiteness of Schatten $p$-norm of truncated free resolvent

Consider the resolvent operator $ R(z) := (-\Delta - z)^{-1}$ of the Laplace operator on $L^2(\mathbb R^d)$, where $z\in \rho(-\Delta) = \mathbb C \setminus \mathopen [0, \infty)$. For $p \geq 1$, let ...
user271621's user avatar
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Nonlinear variation of constants formula

Suppose that we wish to solve $x'(t)=f(x(t))+g(x(t)), \; x(0)=x_0\in X,$ where $X$ is an infinite dimensional Banach space and $f , g : X \rightarrow X $ are two nonlinear functions. Furthermore, ...
Rabat's user avatar
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Does the weak formulation of a parabolic PDE applies to a (good) non-test function?

Let $\rho:\mathbb R^d\times[0,\infty)\to(0,\infty)$ such that $\int \rho_t(x)\,dx=1$ for all $t\geq0\,$, $\rho$ is Holder-continuous (in both variables) and $\rho_t\in W^{1,1}(\mathbb R^d)$ for a.e. $...
tituf's user avatar
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Regularity up to boundary of a solution $u\in W^{1,p}\cap W^{2,2}(\Omega;\Bbb R^m)$ to $\Delta^2 u = -\text{div}\, F$

Let $\Omega\subset \Bbb R^n$ be a $C^{2}$ domain (open and bounded) and let $p\in(1,\infty)$. Suppose $u\in W^{1,p}\cap W^{2,2}(\Omega;\Bbb R^m)$ is a weak solution to the fourth-order elliptic system ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Connecting PDE notions for functions $[0,T] \to (\Omega \to \mathbb{R})$ to related notions for functions $[0,T] \times \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$

Fix $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^N$ a bounded domain (of whatever smoothness you end up needing, let's say $C^1$ domain for definiteness) and fix some $0 <T < \infty$. In considering evolution ...
Keefer Rowan's user avatar
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Mean value formula for fractional heat equation

For the solution $u(z) = u(t,x)$ of the heat equation $u_t -\Delta u = 0$ we have $$u(z_0) = \int_{\Omega_r(z_0)}u(z) K_r(z_0-z) dz,$$ where $$\Omega_r(z_0) = \left\{z \in \mathbb{R}^{N+1}: \Gamma(z_0-...
Zac's user avatar
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Convergence of a level set when $f^n\to f$ in $C^1$ sense

Let $f^n$ be a family of $C^1$ functions and $f(x)=-|x|^2+1$ such that $$f^n\to f$$ in $C^1$ sense as $\varepsilon\to 0$. I want to ask that does the level set $\{f^n=0\}$ converges to $\{f=0\}$ in ...
W.J.'s user avatar
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Poincare Inequality for $H^2$ function satisfying homogeneous Robin boundary conditions

Let $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^3$ be a bounded smooth domain. In general, for a Poincare inequality of the type $$\|u\|_{L^2}\le C \|\nabla u\|_{L^2}$$ to hold for all $u\in X\subset H^1(\Omega)$ and $C$...
Fozz's user avatar
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Determining a space of differentiability

I have a questions and maybe you are able to assist with this? Let us consider the space $X:=\mathrm{L}^2[0,\pi]$. On $X$ we consider the family of operators $(P(t,s))_{t\geq s}$ defined by $$ P(t,s)f:...
Daniella Dannell's user avatar
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$\int_{\mathbb{R}^{N}\setminus\Omega}\vert x-z\vert^{-N-\alpha} dz = c \ \forall x\in\partial U$ implies $dist(x,\partial\Omega)=c, x \in \partial U$?

Let $\alpha \in \mathbb R_+$, $\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N$ and $U \subset \Omega$. Is it true that if $$\int_{\mathbb R^N \setminus \Omega} |x - z|^{-N-\alpha} dz = \text{constant} \quad \text{for all ...
user175203's user avatar
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If theorem valid for compactly supported distribution then is it also valid for tempered distribution?

I have seen many theorem which Author wanted to prove for tempered distribution, but without saying anything proves for compactly supported distribution. For instance, Theorem: Any $A \in \Psi^{m}$ ...
Curious student's user avatar
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Norms in Sobolev space $W^{1,\infty}$

Let $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and consider the Sobolev space $W^{1,\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n)=\lbrace u\in L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n):\partial_iu\in L^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^n) \rbrace$. A function is in $W^{1,\infty}$ ...
Oliver Watt's user avatar
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Initial-boundary value problem for transport equation with $W^{1,p}$ velocity

Let us consider $v:\mathbb R_+ \times \mathbb R \to \mathbb R_+$ such that $v \in L^1(0,\infty, W^{1,p}(\mathbb R))$ and the transport equation $$ \begin{cases} u_t + v(t,x) u_x = 0 \qquad & (...
user175203's user avatar
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Fundamental Theorem of Gamma-Convergence

Let $(X, d)$ be a metric space and $F_\varepsilon, F\colon X\to [-\infty, \infty]$. Suppose $F_\varepsilon$ is an equicoercive sequence of functions on $X$, i.e. for all $t\in\mathbb{R}$ there exists ...
Chee Han's user avatar
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Mittag-Leffler function

Let the Mittaq-Leffler function be defined by the expression $$ E_{\mu,\nu}(z) = \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{z^k}{\Gamma(k\mu+\nu)}\quad \text{$\mu>0$ and $\nu\in \mathbb R$}$$ Now let $n\in \mathbb ...
Ali's user avatar
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Reference request: Is if possible to estimate the local behaviour of the solution of $\nabla \cdot a(x) \nabla f=g$ via constant coefficients?

Consider the divergence form uniformly elliptic operator $\nabla \cdot a(x) \nabla$ where the coefficient $a$ are smooth and bounded and $D$ is a bounded and smooth domain of $\mathbb R^d$ $$ \begin{...
Kernel's user avatar
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Fourier transform without characters (Eigenfunctions of an operator)

Let's consider a very simple problem in quantum mechanics: We have, in $\mathbb R,$ a potential barrier of the form $$ V(x) = V_0 \mathbf 1_{[-a,a]}(x), $$ where $\mathbf 1_{[-a,a]}$ denotes the ...
Ma Joad's user avatar
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Lavrentiev phenomenon between $C^1$ and $C^2$

Does there exist a (onedimensional) functional that exhibits the Lavrentiev phenomenon between $C^1$ and $C^2$ that is $$ F(y)=\int_a^b f(t,y(t),y'(t))\,dt \quad\text{or possibly}\quad F(y)=\int_a^b f(...
Florian Gruen's user avatar
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Convergence of operator in norm resolvent sense and their eigenvectors

Let $\{T_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ and $T$ be (unbounded) self-adjoint operators and $T_n\to T$ in norm resolvent sense, that is, for some $z\in \mathbb{C} \setminus \mathbb{R}$, $\|(zI- T_n)^{-1}- (zI- T)^{-...
user270619's user avatar
16 votes
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How to generalize the various vector calculus theorems to distributions?

Here is a list of vector calculus identities; in the proof of these identities, we all assume that these functions are $𝐶^𝑘$ in an open set, and we usually use these identities to calculate ...
YuerWu's user avatar
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Green function of symmetric stable process in dimension 1 and 2

Are the results in this paper on the Green function of a symmetric stable process available also in space dimension $d =1$ and $d=2$? The main theorems here are stated only for $d \ge 3$.
user173196's user avatar
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Reference request for semilinear PDEs in dimension 2

I am interested in the study of the (semi-linear, I suppose) equation $$\begin{cases}-\Delta u(x,y)+q(x)u(x,y)+h(x)=f(u(x,y)-kx),\;\;(x,y)\in\Omega,\\ u=g,\;\;\;\text{on }\partial\Omega.\end{cases}$$ ...
UserA's user avatar
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Homotopy, contraction mapping and the inverse function theorem on Banach spaces

We all know the "open mapping" part of the inverse function theorem on Euclidean spaces can be proved by either contraction mapping (iterations), or homotopy methods (degree theory / ...
Iza_lazet's user avatar
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Derivative and Green function of Fractional Laplacian in a bounded domain: $(-\Delta)^s\nabla_x G(\bar x,z) = 0 \text{ in } \Omega $?

Let $G$ be the Green function of the Fractional Laplacian $(-\Delta)^s$ in a domain $\Omega$ (which is known explicitly for the special case of the ball: link). Let $\bar x \in \Omega$ be fixed. Does ...
Jun's user avatar
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A continuity argument for a dispersive $gKdV$ estimate

I'm learning about the gKdV equation, following Schlag & Muscalu vol II. We're looking at $$\begin{cases} u_t + u_{xxx} + F(u)_x = 0 \\ u_0 = g\end{cases}$$ where $F(u) = u^5$ (for example). The ...
David Bowman's user avatar
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The relationship between the first eigenfuntions and the second eigenfuntions on sphere [closed]

Recently I considered the following question: If we give a second eigenfuntions $g$ on sphere, then can we construct a first eigenfuntions $f$ by $g$? Is there any relationship between the first ...
管山林's user avatar
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Regularity of semilinear parabolic PDE in the whole space

I need regularities in Holder space of the following parabolic PDE: $$\partial_t v = \partial_{xx} v + \partial_{yy} v + \rho \partial_{xy} v - v \partial_x v + \partial_y v + F, \forall (x, y, t) \...
kenneth's user avatar
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Convergence of discrete Laplacian to continuous one

I make the following observation: Let $\Delta^{(n)}$ be the discrete Laplacian on $\mathbb{C}^n$ (ie the $n\times n $ matrix with diagonal $-2$ and upper/lower diagonal $1$.) This one has eigenvalues ...
Sascha's user avatar
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