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A possible generalization of the exponential map

Let $M$ be a $n$-dimensional Riemannian Manifold, fix $p\in M$, and $1<k<n$. Do we know if the following is true? For any $k$-dimensional subspace $V$ of $T_p M$, there exists a minimal ...
JSCB's user avatar
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Steiner's inequality reference request

I remember seeing somewhere that for every connected compact set $\Omega$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$ with piecewise $C^1$ boundary we have $$A(\Omega_r)\leq A(\Omega)+L(\partial \Omega)r+ \pi r^2,$$ where $$\...
Michael's user avatar
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Asymptotic Expansion of Seiberg-Witten Differential?

Nekrasov & Okounkov proved ( that the Seiberg-Witten prepotential can be given by \begin{equation} \mathcal{F}(\mathbf{a},\Lambda) = \lim_{\hbar\rightarrow ...
user113988's user avatar
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How much smoothness does the tennis ball theorem need?

The tennis ball theorem states that a smooth-enough curve that bisects the surface area of a sphere must have at least four inflection points. There are plenty of sources on this but most of them are ...
David Eppstein's user avatar
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Reference request: normal form of k-differentials and flat surfaces at a puncture

Let $f(z)$ be a holomorphic function defined on a punctured neighborhood of $z=0$ with non-essential singularity of degree $d$ at $0$ (namely, $f(z)=z^dh(z)$, where $h(z)$ is a holomorphic function ...
Xin Nie's user avatar
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Classification of compact globally symmetric spaces

It is known that any connected compact Lie group $G$ is a finite quotient of the product of a compact simply connected semisimple Lie group $\tilde{G}$ and a torus $\mathbb{T}^n$ (see for example ...
shrinklemma's user avatar
8 votes
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Closed geodesics on constant positive Gauss curvature surfaces

Can we show that geodesics with a rational radius $ r_{mid-equator} =a q/p \,(p>q ) $ at mid-equator on a spindle type surface of revolution of constant Gauss curvature $ (K=1/a^2 \, $in $\, \...
Narasimham's user avatar
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Continuity of the differential flow under a perturbation of the vector field

Suppose $v$ is a (possibly time-dependent) vector field on a compact manifold $M$. Its flow is a mapping $g: M \times \mathbb{R} \rightarrow M$, where $g$ satisfies the following conditions (written ...
Asya Rorschach's user avatar
6 votes
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Where to find the results of Onishchik?

I would like to have a good reference where the results in "Inclusion relations between transitive compact transformation groups" can be ...
Babs's user avatar
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Existence of geodesic convex functions

By a result of Shing-Tung Yau [1974, Mathematische Annalen 207: 269-270], there are no non-trivial continuous geodesic convex functions on complete manifolds with finite volume. What happened if we ...
Mahdi - Free Palestine's user avatar
2 votes
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Reference for connection of a Hessian metric

Let $(M,\langle \cdot,\cdot\rangle)$ be a pseudo-Riemannian manifold and $f: M \to \Bbb R$ be a smooth function. One can consider the covariant Hessian $\nabla ({\rm d}f)$. Some time ago I had seen a ...
Ivo Terek's user avatar
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The uniqueness of Poincaré metric

The Poincaré metric $ds=\frac{\sqrt{dx^2+dy^2}}{y}$ has the proprety that the action of the group $PSL(2,\mathbb{R})=SL(2,\mathbb{R})/\{\pm I_{2}\}$ on $\mathbb{H}$ preserves the hyperbolic distance. ...
geometer13's user avatar
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A cohomology associated to a Riemannian manifold

Let $N$ be a compact Riemanian manifold and $G$ be its isometry group. Let $M=\chi^{\infty}(N)$ be the space of smooth vector fields on $N$. There is a natural right action of $G$ on $M$ with $X.g=g^*(...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
12 votes
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Rigidity of doubled convex caps

Suppose that we have a convex cap, i.e., a convex surface in $R^3$ homeomorphic to a disk whose boundary lies in a plane. Reflect the cap through the plane of its boundary and glue it back to the ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
3 votes
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matrix-valued differential forms on complex manifolds

I'm pretty clear in my understanding of scalar-valued differential $(p, q)$-forms (resp. holomorphic $(p,0)$-forms) on a complex manifold $M$ and the related Hodge theory. What I'm not sure about is ...
Libertron's user avatar
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What are good Morse Theory lecture notes and books?

Searching on the net I couldnt find any recent lecture/course notes on Morse Theory. I found an old set of notes ( by Mike Hutchings and these ...
gradstudent's user avatar
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Approximation of a continuous function by a smooth one on an open set

I'm interested in the following kind of theorems : Let $M$ be a real analytic manifold and $U$ an open set of $M$. Let $f : U \to \mathbb{R}$ a continuous function. Then, there is a $C_{\infty}$ ...
Noether's user avatar
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The bundle of symmetric affine connections as quotient of the second-order frame bundle

This post is not about finding an answer to a certain problem - because the answer already exists - but rather about finding the simplest possible answer. The problem is: how to define the bundle $C(...
Giovanni Moreno's user avatar
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How can I prove that $(n-1)$-dimensional manifold is not contained in a $(n-2)$-dimensional affine variety?

I am having trouble proving the following statement, which I think is true (and possibly very basic). Let $M$ be a real differentiable manifold of dimension $(n-1)$ sitting inside $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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An estimate on deviation of two smooth tangent $J$-holomorphic curves

Take $\mathbb C^2$ with coordinates $(z,w)$. Suppose that $J$ is a $C^{\infty}$ almost complex structure on $\mathbb C^2$ such that the line $w=0$ is $J$-holomorphic and $J(0,0)$ is given by $(z,w)\to ...
aglearner's user avatar
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16 votes
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References on Gerbes

I am looking for some references related to gerbes and their differential geometry. Almost every article I have seen that is related to gerbes there is a common reference that is Giraud's book ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
10 votes
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Two smooth tangent almost complex curves in a $4$-manifold

I would like to know if following is correct. Statement. Suppose we have a smooth (i.e., $C^\infty$) almost complex structure on $\mathbb R^4$ and $C_1, C_2$ are two $J$-holomorphic curves passing ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Reference for Weyl's law for higher order operators on closed Riemannian manifolds

I am looking at page 32 (beginning of Chapter 5) here. We are given a formally self-adjoint, metrically defined differential operator $A$ on $(M^n,g)$ of order $2l$ with positive definite leading ...
kt77's user avatar
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Notation and geometry facts in a paper on the Diederich-Fornæss index

I am reading this article by Bingyuan Liu on the Diederich-Fornæss index. I am having some problems with both the notation and the geometrical side. 1)I don't know what kind of objects $N,L$ are ...
Joe's user avatar
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Is the square root of curl^2-1/2 a natural (Dirac-)operator?

In current computations on a particular $3$-dimensional Riemannian manifold, a first order differential operator $D:\Gamma^\infty(TM,M)\to \Gamma^\infty(TM,M)$ acting on vector fiels shows up, with ...
B K's user avatar
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What is the status of the smooth version of bellows conjecture

Bellows conjecture for polyhedra was setteled in 1997. How about the smooth version of it, ie bending of closed 2D submanifolds in $\mathbb{R}^3$ while preserving the Riemannian structure/intrinsic ...
Amr's user avatar
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Flows commuting with Anosov flows and further reference request

Hello respected members of Mathoverflow. I was reading the paper "Flots d’Anosov dont les feuilletages stables sont différentiables" by Etienne Ghys and there was a statement which he remarked was ...
hakunamatata's user avatar
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Different components of real sections for twistor spaces of hyper-Kähler manifolds

A hyper-Kähler manifold is a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$ equipped with 3 complex structures $I,J,K$ obeying the quaternionic relations and such that $g$ is a Kähler metric for each complex structure. ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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What’s the limit of a vector bundle?

In geometric measure theory, there’s an answer to the question “what’s the limit of a family of submanifolds”, namely there’s some kind of object called an integral current. In the geometric ...
Vivek Shende's user avatar
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A boundary for integrals of eigenfunctions over geodesics?

Let $X$ be a compact hyperbolic surface, and $\gamma$ a closed geodesic on it. Consider the integral $$\int_\gamma f(x)\, dl(x)$$ where $f$ is a (normalized) Laplace eigenfunction on $X$. ...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
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Prerequisites for reading characteristic classes

Can some one tell me what are the prerequisites for learning characteristic classes as they are in book Foundations of Differential geometry by Kobayashi and Nomizu. I only read first two chapters of ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
11 votes
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Length decreasing homotopies of curves

Let $M$ be smooth compact riemannian manifold with boundary and $\varphi_0: S^1\to M$ be a rectifiable curve (or a smooth one). I would like to find a reference to the following statement: Statement. ...
aglearner's user avatar
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9 votes
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Proofs that the conformal group in dimension $\ge 3$ is a Lie group

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold of dimension $\ge 3$, equipped with a conformal structure (or a Riemannian metric). Then, the group of conformal diffeomorphisms is a finite dimensional Lie group. A ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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Duistermaat and Kolk's lost chapters on Lie groups

In Duistermaat and Kolk's book Lie Groups, it is written in the preface that "the text contains references to chapters belonging to a future volume". I could not find this second volume anywhere. Has ...
wer's user avatar
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Variational computations using the moving frame

I'm attempting to learn how to do variational calculus using the method of moving frames, similar to Robert Bryant's answer found here: Variation of curvature with respect to immersion? To that end, ...
MathIsArt's user avatar
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A vector field over a complex riemannian manifold

Let be a complex riemannian manifold $(M,g,J)$. Is the following canonical vector field studied ? $$ X_J = \sum_{i=1}^{2n} \nabla^{LC}_{e_i}e_i +\nabla^{LC}_{Je_i}Je_i+ J[e_i,Je_i], $$ with the $(e_i)...
Antoine Balan's user avatar
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Riemannian metrics on a manifold with corners

For a smooth manifold with corners (although maybe there is no universally agreed definition of it), is there always a Riemannian metric making every face totally geodesic? Is there any reference ...
UVIR's user avatar
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Textbooks in differential geometry that treat $C^k$ manifolds

I am looking for textbooks in differential geometry that treat $C^k$ manifolds right from the start. Ideally, the textbook should maintain this general point of view through all chapters and ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Where was $I_x/I_x^2$ first introduced? (DG or AG)

Cotangent space appears in both differential geometry (DG) and algebraic geometry (AG). In DG, given a smooth manifold $M$ and $x\in M$ one has an isomorphism $I_x/I_x^2 \cong T^*_xM$, where $I_x$ is ...
Fallen Apart's user avatar
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Gromov-Hausdorff relative compactness without curvature restrictions

A famous theorem of Gromov says that the set of compact Riemannian manifolds with $Ric \geq c$ and $\text{diam} \leq D$ is relatively compact in the Gromov-Hausdorff metric. Chapter 10 of the book by ...
SMS's user avatar
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Smale's theorem for $C^1$ diffeomorphisms of the sphere

In 1926 Kneser showed that homeomorphisms of $\mathbf{S}^2$ admit a retraction into the orthogonal group $O(3)$. Smale extended this result to Diffeomorphisms of $\mathbf{S}^2$ in 1958; however, in ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
11 votes
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Equivariant sections of fiber bundles

One of the fundamental facts in fiber bundle theory is the following result for existence and extension of sections (see Thm. 9 in this paper of Palais, and compare with Thm. 12.2 in Steenrod's book):...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
10 votes
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Curvature of the boundary vs. normal derivative of the first eigenfunction

Disclaimer. I posted this question in Math.SE, but it haven't received enough attention. Let $\varphi_1$ be the first eigenfunction of the zero Dirichlet Laplacian in a planar bounded domain $\Omega$....
mathqestion's user avatar
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One-dimensional harmonic map flow with low regularity

My question is the following: What is the minimum regularity for a continuous loop $\gamma: S^1 \rightarrow M$ in a Riemannian manifold $M$ to have short-time existence for the harmonic map flow in ...
Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
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References on principal G bundle and connections

I am trying to understand about principal G bundle given a Lie group $G$. For that, I started with the action of Lie groups on manifold $M$ and convinced myself that if the action is smooth, proper, ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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References on differential geometry and low-tech surveying

Apologies if this is a duplicate question, putting the word "surveying" into a search on this site is not very effective. I'm interested in science education, and I was recently reminded of the old ...
Xander Flood's user avatar
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Deforming a non-positively curved Riemannian manifold into a negatively curved one

Cheeger deformations can be used to deform some non-negatively curved Riemannian manifolds into positively curved manifolds (e.g., sectional curvatures strictly positve), see What is a Cheeger ...
B K's user avatar
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Is there a book on differential geometry that doesn't mention the notion of charts?

What are some books/texts that use chart free coordinate free language for things otherwise written in a coordinate based formulation? I would like to learn about covariant differentiation, curvature, ...
Tyson's user avatar
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17 votes
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Rigidity of convex polyhedrons in $\mathbb R^3$ with faces removed

Take a convex polyhedron $P$ in $\mathbb R^3$ and remove all the faces, i.e. leave only the edges. Call this graph $E$. Let us now try to continuously deform $E$ in $\mathbb R^3$ so that all the edges ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Varying a $J$-holomorphic sphere in a symplectic $4$-manifolds

I am certain that the following result holds, but was not able to find a reference. Do you know one? Or maybe you can give a short proof? Statement. Let $(M^4,\omega)$ be a compact symlectic manifold ...
aglearner's user avatar
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