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Questions tagged [noncommutative-algebra]

Non-commutative rings and algebras, non-associative algebras. Can be used in combination with ra.rings-and-algebras

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Concerning $(x,y) \mapsto (x^{\frac{n}{r}+1}y + A,\mu x^{-\frac{n}{r}}+B)$

Let $r \in \mathbb{N}-\{0\}$. Commutative case: Let $f : (x,y) \mapsto (p,q)$ be a map from $\mathbb{C}[x,y]$ to $\mathbb{C}[x^{1/r},x^{-1/r},y]$ satisfying the following two conditions: (i) $\...
user237522's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

What is the precise relationship between groupoid language and noncommutative algebra language?

I have sitting in front of me two 2-categories. On the left, I have the 2-category GPOID, whose: objects are groupoids; 1-morphisms are (left-principal?) bibundles; 2-morphisms are bibundle ...
Theo Johnson-Freyd's user avatar
12 votes
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Hopf-Galois extensions where the "extension" is a module?

For $H$ a Hopf-algebra, an $H$-Hopf-Galois extension is a map of rings $\phi\colon\thinspace A\to B$ such that $H$ coacts on $B$ over $A$, $B\otimes_AB\cong B\otimes H$, and the cofixed points, or the ...
Jonathan Beardsley's user avatar
4 votes
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If $\{f\in R[x]\:|\:f\text{ monic}\}$ is a right denominator set, is $\{f^i\:|\:i\geq 0\}$ a right denominator set also?

Let $R$ be a right (and left) Noetherian ring and $T=R[x]$ its polynomial ring. It was shown by Stafford that the set $S=\{f\in T\:|\:f\text{ monic}\}$ is a right denominator set. So my question is, ...
Sam Williams's user avatar
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Nonnegatively graded algebra $A$ finitely generated as $k$-algebra iff $A_0$ finitely generated, $A_{>0}$ finitely generated as $A$-module?

This is related to my question here. My question is as follows. How do I see that a nonnegatively graded algebra $A$ is finitely generated as a $k$-algebra if and only if $A_0$ is finitely generated ...
Jakob W's user avatar
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Why is $\operatorname{nr}_{F[G]}:K_1(F[G])\to Z(F[G])^\times$ a bijection?

Let $A$ be a finite dimensional semisimple $F$-algebra and $K_1(A)$ the Whitehead group of $A$. By splitting $A$ into its Wedderburn components, the reduced norm map $\operatorname{nr}_A:K_1(A)\to Z(...
eddie's user avatar
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15 votes
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Graded commutativity of cup in Hochschild cohomology

I am trying to get used to Hochschild cohomology of algebras by proving its properties. I am currently trying to show that the cup product is graded-commutative (because I heard this somewhere); ...
darij grinberg's user avatar
13 votes
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Left and right eigenvalues

A quaternionic matrix $A$ gives rise to a function $\mathbb{H}^n \to \mathbb{H}^n$ given by $x \mapsto A \cdot x$. This is real linear, but not complex- or quaternionic-linear (in general) if we ...
Jeff Strom's user avatar
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What quantum groups admit quantum topography space structure?

Quantum topography space is a pair $(A,M)$ consisting of a $C^*$-algebra $A$ and an abelian sub algebra $M\subset A$ with approximate identity. The intuition is to take $M$ be the smallest abelian ...
Rauan Akylzhanov's user avatar
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Which groups can occur as the group of units of finite-dimensional noncommutative algebras?

This is a continuation of a previous question: Connectedness of groups of units in finite-dimensional commutative algebras. Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Which ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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von Neumann regular ring homomorphisms

Let us call a ring homomorphism $f\colon R\rightarrow S$ von Neuman regular if it has the property that for every left $S$-module $M$, the left $R$-module $f^*M$ is flat. In particular, $\mathrm{id}...
nikola karabatic's user avatar
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CAS implementing free algebras with involution

Is there any software that easily allows to make symbolic computations with involutions and homomorphisms? I need to define a product in an associative algebra with an (abstract) involution and ...
Jose Brox's user avatar
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Do almost commutative flat degenerations induce equality in K-theory? (Or: Is the characteristic variety actually a support of a class in $K$-theory?)

I intentionally phrased the title to match a different question which is almost identical to the one i'm asking. However similar, the answer there, which uses commutative algebraic geometry, is not ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Finitely generated skew-fields

There is a well known theorem saying that a commutative field that is finitely generated as a ring has to be finite (Kaplansky). Is the same true for non-commutative "fields" (usually called ...
Miroslav Korbelar's user avatar
14 votes
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Do torsion-free groups give projectionless group ($C^\ast$) algebras?

One of the reasons I study von Neumann algebras is that they always have plenty of projections. There are many projectionless $C^\ast$-algebras ($0$ and possibly $1$ are the only projections), but the ...
Dave Penneys's user avatar
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Is $T(V) \rtimes T(V^* \otimes V)$ a bialgebra?

Let $V$ be a vector space and $V^*$ the dual vector space. Let $T(V)$ be the tensor algebra of $V$. The algebras $T(V)$ and $T(V^* \otimes V)$ are bialgebras. I am trying to find some bialgebra ...
Jianrong Li's user avatar
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Why $k[x,y]$ is not a formally smooth algebra?

We could talk about the formal smoothness of an algebra. See for example Ginzburg's lecture notes For an associative algebra $A$ over a field $k$ we define $$ D(A)=T(A+\bar{A})/(\bar{ab}=a\bar{b}+\bar{...
Zhaoting Wei's user avatar
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Inverses in convolution algebras

Let $G$ be a locally compact totally disconnected group, and to make life easy let's suppose its Haar measure is bi-invariant. Let $C_c(G)$ be the space of locally constant complex functions on $G$ ...
D. Savitt's user avatar
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Language representation problem regarding non-commutative, non-associative algebras

Consider a sentence as a series of words with an associated set of labels that tell one how information is passed through the sentence - examples include combinatory categorical grammars or Lambek ...
East's user avatar
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Finitely generated submodules of projectives lie inside f. g. projectives?

Let $R$ be a (not necessarily commutative) ring. If $M$ is a finitely generated submodule of a projective module $P$, is there a finitely generated projective submodule $P'$ such that $M \subseteq P'...
user124388's user avatar
15 votes
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A Non-Commutative Nullstellensatz

In studying presentations of pro-$p$-groups via generators and relations, one is led (via the so-called Magnus embedding) to questions involving power series in non-commuting variables. Results from ...
Cam McLeman's user avatar
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Discriminants of Clifford algebras

I have a Clifford algebra defined over a field of characteristic not equal to $2$. Is there a formula for its discriminant in terms of the corresponding symmetric bilinear form (or in terms of its ...
John Palmieri's user avatar
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A variation on Dixmier's counterexample concerning centralizers in $A_1$

This question asks the following: "Suppose $k$ is a field of characteristic zero and $P$ and $Q$ are commuting elements of the first Weyl algebra. Is it true that $P$ and $Q$ are polynomials in some ...
user237522's user avatar
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Trivial algebras given by generators and relations

Let $V$ be a finite dimensional vector space over a field $K$ of characteristic zero. Assume that we are given a set of (not necessarily homogeneous) elements $f_1,\ldots f_n$ in the tensor algebra $T(...
Ehud Meir's user avatar
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Hochschild homology of quiver algebras

Let $K$ be a field and $\Gamma$ a quiver (=multidigraph) and $K[\Gamma]$ its quiver algebra (free $K$-module on the set of all paths of length $\geq0$ where multiplication is concatenation if ...
Leo's user avatar
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m-systems and n-systems in topological rings

Note that throughout rings have a multiplicative identity and are not necessarily commutative Definition: Let $R$ be a ring and let $M\subseteq R$. Then, $M$ is an m-system iff for every $x,y\in ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
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Upper triangular $2\times2$-matrices over a Baer *-ring

Let $A$ be a Baer $*$-ring. Let us denote $B$ by the space of all upper triangular matrices $\left(\begin{array}{cc} a_1& a_2 \\ 0 & a_4 \end{array}\right)$ where $a_i$'s are in $A$. Is $B$ ...
ABB's user avatar
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construct scheme from quivers?

I heard from some guys working in noncommutative geometry talking about the idea that one can construct the noncommutative space from quivers. I feel it is rather interesting. However, I can not image ...
Peter Lee 's user avatar
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How big can a commutative subalgebra of Weyl algebra be?

Consider the smallest Weyl algebra $A_1=\{q,p; qp-pq=1\}$. It is known that there exist pairs of commuting elements, say $L$ and $M$, that obey various polynomial relations, e.g. elliptic curves. I ...
John's user avatar
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Why Jacobson, but not the left (right) maximals individually?

I firstly asked the following question on MathStackExchange a couple of months ago. I did not receive any answers, but a short comment. So, I decided to post it here, hoping to receive answers from ...
Kaveh's user avatar
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Projectives in the category of discrete G-modules

If $G$ is a profinite group, then the category $Mod(G)$ of discrete $G$-modules has sufficiently many injectives (Neukirch, Schmidt, Wingberg: Cohomology of Number Fields, 2.6.5). Since the cited ...
KBuck's user avatar
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Notation and reference for polynomials with coefficients not commuting with the indeterminates

Let $R$ be a noncommutative ring (with unit). Then a "fully noncommutative" (for a lack of better wording) monomial over $R$ in the single noncommutative indeterminate $X$ of degree $d$ is given by a ...
M.G.'s user avatar
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Tensor product of simple modules

Let $M$ a right simple module and $N$ be a left simple module over a ring $R$. I'm seeking a kind of Schur's lemma, with $\mathrm{Hom}_R (M,N)$ replaced by $M \otimes_R N$. So my questions are: Can ...
Alexander Shamov's user avatar
15 votes
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Geometry of numbers for three by three matrices?

While trying to use Minkowski's theorem to calculate the (left) class number of a noncommutative ring, I ran into the following problem: What is the volume of the largest symmetric convex subset $S$...
zeb's user avatar
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Transmission of finite projections

Let $A$ be a Baer*-ring. Let us denote $L(x)$ by the left projection of $x$ (the smallest projection with $L(x)x=x$). Let $p$ be a finite projection in $A$. Is $L(xp)$ a finite projection for every $...
ABB's user avatar
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Rings all of whose torsion modules are cyclic

Let us call a (possibly non-commutative) ring $R$ "very good" if every finitely generated torsion left $R$-module is cyclic. Here is an example of such a ring: Let $k=\mathbb{C}((t))$ and let $R=k[\...
Dr. Evil's user avatar
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what is the definition of the Picard group of a (non necessarilly commutative) Ring?

Hi. I have only able to find the definition of $Pic(R)$ for a commutative ring $R.$ Which is the isomorphism classes of projective $R$-modules of rank $1,$ and the product given by $[A][B]=[A\otimes_R ...
Hector Pinedo's user avatar
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If $R$ is generated by idempotents, then $\text{Ann}(R)=0$?

Let $R$ be a ring (not necessarily commutative or unital) that is generated by idempotents. I'd like to know if $\text{Ann}(R)=0$ must hold. Here I use $\text{Ann}(R)$ to denote the set of all ...
Censi LI's user avatar
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Separable and finitely generated projective but not Frobenius?

Let R be a commutative ring, and $A$ an $R$-algebra (possibly non-commutative). Then $A$ is separable if it is finitely generated (f.g.) projective as an $(A \otimes_R A^{\mathrm{op}})$-algebra. ...
Chris Schommer-Pries's user avatar
21 votes
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Noncommutative arithmetic mean geometric mean inequality and symmetric polynomials

While analyzing convergence speed of stochastic-gradient methods for convex optimization problems, Recht et al (2011) posed a tantalizing conjecture. It seems quite tricky, so after having struggled a ...
Suvrit's user avatar
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Filtered Colimit of associative $k$-algebras that are domains

Let $C$ be a filtered subcategory of the category of commutative algebras over a fixed field $k$ whose objects are all integral domains. Then the colimit of the obvious diagram is an integral domain. ...
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15 votes
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when are algebras quiver algebras ?

Good Morning from Belgium, I'm no stranger to the mantra that quiver-algebras are an extremely powerful tool (see for example the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras). But what is a ...
louis de Thanhoffer de Völcsey's user avatar
6 votes
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Simple Ore extensions

Let $R[x;\sigma,\delta]$ be an Ore extension, where $R$ is an associative and unital ring and $\sigma : R\to R$ is a (not necessarily injective!) ring endomorphism. (In the literature it is often ...
Johan Öinert's user avatar
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Injectivity criterion for surjective coalgebra maps: does it hold in full generality?

Let $\mathbf{k}$ be a commutative ring. Let $C$ be a filtered $\mathbf{k}$-coalgebra. This means a $\mathbf{k}$-coalgebra equipped with an increasing $\mathbf{k}$-module filtration $C^0 \subseteq C^1 \...
darij grinberg's user avatar
10 votes
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NCG with all noncommutativity in a nilpotent ideal

While in general non-commutative geometry behaves rather differently from commutative geometry when it comes to local-to-global properties (descent), there are versions of "mild" noncommutative ...
Urs Schreiber's user avatar
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Is there a name for this algebraic structure?

I found myself "naturally" dealing with an object of this form: X is a complex vector space, with a "product" (a,b) → {aba} which is quadratic in the first variable, linear in the second, and ...
AndreA's user avatar
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Is the ring of quaternionic polynomials factorial?

Denote by $\mathbb{H}[x_1,\dots,x_n]$ the ring of polynomials in $n$ variables with quaternionic coefficients, where the variables commute with each other and with the coefficients. Two polynomials $P,...
mikhail skopenkov's user avatar
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Is $x \in A_1$ left algebraic over the subalgebra generated by $p$ and $q$, $[q,p]=1$?

Let $A_1:=A_1(x,y,k)$ be the first Weyl algebra over a field $k$ of characteristic zero, namely, the $k$-algebra generated by $x$ and $y$ with relation $yx-xy=1$. Let $f:(x,y) \mapsto (p,q)$ be a $k$-...
user237522's user avatar
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Free module over $H$-module algebra

Let $H$ be a finite dimensional Hopf algebra, $R$ be a $H$-module algebra and $V$ be a finite dimensional $H$-module such that $R\otimes_{k} V$ is a finitely generated $R$ module under the action: $r.(...
Sam's user avatar
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Is a central simple algebra necessarily cyclic if it splits after a cyclic Galois extension?

Let $A$ be a central simple algebra of degree $n$ over $k$, $\dim_kA=n^2$, let $K/k$ be a cyclic galois extension of degree $n$. Suppose $A\times_kK\cong M_n(K)$, does this imply that $A$ is a cyclic ...
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