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Converse of the Archimedean property of the sphere

In his remarkable book On the Sphere and Cylinder, where he came tantalizingly close to discovering calculus, Archimedes showed that the area of the portion of the sphere contained between a pair of ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
36 votes
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Two-convexity ⇒ Lefschetz?

Assume that $\Omega$ is an open simply connected set in $\mathbb R^n$ (two-convexity) if 3 faces of a 3-simplex belong to $\Omega$ then whole simplex in $\Omega$. Is it true that any component of ...
Anton Petrunin's user avatar
28 votes
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Can every 3-dimensional convex body be trapped in a tetrahedral cage?

Can every 3-dimensional convex body be trapped in a tetrahedral cage? Although the question is fairly unambiguous, I give all relevant definitions: $\bullet$ A subset $C$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$ is an $n$-...
Wlodek Kuperberg's user avatar
20 votes
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Is the dodecahedron flexible (as a polytope with fixed edge-lengths)?

Consider the (regular) dodecahedron $D\subset\Bbb R^3$. I want to continuously deform it so that throughout the deformation it stays a convex polytope, it stays a combinatorial dodecahedron (i.e. its ...
M. Winter's user avatar
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19 votes
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Talagrand's "Creating convexity" conjecture

We say a subset $A$ of $\mathbb{R}^N$ is balanced if \begin{equation} x \in A, \lambda \in [-1,1] \implies \lambda x \in A. \end{equation} Given a subset $A$ of $\mathbb{R}^N$, we write \begin{...
Samuel Johnston's user avatar
19 votes
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Is there a simpler proof of the key lemma in the paper by Hiroshi Iriyeh and Masataka Shibata on the 3D Mahler conjecture?

In this remarkable paper 30 pages are occupied by the proof of the following innocently looking lemma: Let $K$ be an origin-symmetric convex body in $\mathbb R^3$. There exist three planes through ...
fedja's user avatar
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14 votes
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Dividing a convex region to minimize average distances

Let $C$ be a convex region in the plane with area 1 that contains distinct points $p_1,\dots,p_n$. Say I'd like to divide $C$ into $n$ pieces $C_1,\dots,C_n$, each of area $1/n$, and I'd like to ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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How large are the smallest-area projections of a high-dimensional convex body?

Let $B$ be a convex body in $\mathbb{R}^d$, equipped with its standard Euclidean form, and assume that $$\intop_B x \, dx = 0$$ $$\frac{1}{|B|_d} \intop_B x_i x_j \, dx = \delta_{ij},$$ a ...
Alexander Shamov's user avatar
14 votes
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Does every convex polyhedron have a combinatorially isomorphic counterpart whose angles between edges are rational multiples of $\pi$?

After reading these very interesting questions, I came up with another one: Does every convex polyhedron have a combinatorially isomorphic counterpart whose angles between all pairs of edges meeting ...
Piotr Shatalin's user avatar
14 votes
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Minimum tiling of a rectangle by squares

Given the $n\times m$ rectangle, I want to compute the minimum number of integer-sided squares needed to tile it (possibly of different sizes). Is there an efficient way to calculate this?
didest's user avatar
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What are the known convex polyhedra with congruent faces?

Note: I originally asked this question on math.SE here, where I posted a bounty on the question but received no answers after a week despite apparent interest in the problem. I'm hoping MathOverflow ...
RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
13 votes
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Unit ball of smallest volume in a Hilbert geometry

In a letter to Felix Klein published in Mathematische Annalen 1895 (see here), Hilbert generalized the Cayley-Klein model of hyperbolic geometry by defining a metric on the interior of a convex body ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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13 votes
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Does there always exist a self dual polytope that contains a given polytope contained in its dual?

Suppose a polytope $P$ is contained in its dual polytope $\tilde{P}$. Does there always exist a polytope $Q$ that contains $P$ and is self dual $Q=\tilde{Q}$? Is there any bound on the minimal number ...
Huangjun Zhu's user avatar
13 votes
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Constructive aspects of Caratheodory's theorem in convex analysis

Let me paraphrase Caratheodory's theorem in a probabilistic setup: Let $X$ be a real-valued random variable. For $k = 1, \ldots, m$, let $f_k: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function such ...
gondolier's user avatar
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11 votes
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John-type theorems: trading structure for accuracy?

Given two symmetric convex bodies $B, B'$ in ${\bf R}^d$, define the Banach-Mazur distance $d(B,B')$ between them to be the least constant $\tau \geq 1$ such that $$ B \subset TB' \subset \tau B$$ for ...
Terry Tao's user avatar
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Plank invariant measures on convex bodies

Let $K\subset R^2$ be a convex body, i.e., a compact convex set with interior points. A plank $P$ is the region between a pair of parallel lines in $R^2$. Let us say that $P$ intersects $K$ properly ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
10 votes
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Fractional Matching version of Hall's Marriage theorem

Let $G=(S,T,E)$ be a bipartite graph, $|S|=|T|$. Then the following are equivalent: 1) there exist a perfect matching in $G$; 2) there exist non-negative weights on edges such that the sum of ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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Bang's open question strengthening Tarski's planks problem

Tarski's Planks problem, solved by Thøger Bang in 1951, says (in a simplified $\mathbb{R}^2$ version) that it requires "planks" (parallel strips) of total width $\ge d$ in order to completely cover a ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Isoperimetric inequality, isodiametric inequality, hyperplane conjecture... what are the inequalities of this kind known or conjectured?

I duplicate here a question I asked on math.stackexchange. Question: Which inequalities similar to the famous isoperimetric inequality is known? conjectured? I recently learned about some ...
10 votes
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How aspherical can a Gömböc be?

A Gömböc is a homogeneous massive convex solid that can rest on a horizontal plane in just two positions of equilibrium under gravity: one stable and the other unstable. How small a proportion of the ...
John Bentin's user avatar
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A self-isometry of the sphere of a strictly convex Banach space that does not move basic vectors

Problem. Let $n\in\mathbb N$, $X$ be a strictly convex $n$-dimensional real Banach space, $S_X=\{x\in X:\|x\|=1\}$ be the unit sphere of $X$, and $e_1,\dots,e_n\in S_X$ be linearly independent points. ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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9 votes
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Existence of barycenter

Let $(X,d)$ be a metric space. A barycenter of a Borel probability measure $\mu$ on $X$ is a minimizer of the function \begin{equation} \begin{split} f \colon X & \to \mathbb{R}\\ x &\mapsto \...
seub's user avatar
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An affine invariant of convex bodies

The following invariants of "pointed" convex bodies (i.e., pairs consisting of a convex body and a distinguished point in its interior) roughly measure how many of its linear images fit between the ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Defining convex sums locally on the sphere?

$S^1$ and the torus $T^2$ are spaces in which convex combinations don't make sense globally but do locally. Despite their standard representations in $\mathbf{R}^2$ and $\mathbf{R}^3$ respectively not ...
aleph2's user avatar
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Minkowski's convex body theorem for ellipsoids

Minkowski's theorem states that if $K\subseteq\mathbb{Z}^n$ is a convex compact set, $K=-K$, and $\mathrm{volume}(K)\geq 2^n$, then $K$ contains a nonzero integral vector. Can this bound be improved ...
Marcel Celaya's user avatar
8 votes
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Infinite Linear Programming

I'm trying to prove optimality for a continuous linear program. That is, I have a linear program with an uncountable number of variables and constraints. I'm not sure how to demonstrate feasibility ...
Carrie Nuttall's user avatar
7 votes
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Sandwiching ellipses between planar convex bodies

Let $K$ and $L$ be planar convex bodies which are not ellipses. Does there exist an affine image $K'$ of $K$ such that $K' \subset L$ No ellipse $E$ satisfies $K' \subset E \subset L$ I am also ...
Guillaume Aubrun's user avatar
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(geodesic) smoothness of f-divergence with respect to the Wasserstein metric

We consider the f-divergence, which takes the form $$ D_f(P \| Q) = \int_\Omega f\left(\frac{dP}{dQ}\right) dQ. $$ For example, when $f(t) = t \log t$, we obtain the KL-divergence. My question is ...
Minkov's user avatar
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Geometry of level sets of a convex function

EDIT: Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be an open subset. Let $f\colon \Omega\to\mathbb{R}$ be a function such that for some $\lambda$ the function $f(x)+\lambda |x|^2$ is convex. Assume that the ...
asv's user avatar
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Closed-form solution of a linear programming question

Among all the probability matrices \begin{equation*} P = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} p_{00} & p_{01} & \ldots & p_{0,J-1} \\ p_{10} & p_{11} & \ldots & p_{1,J-1} \\ \vdots & \...
Jerry Jiannan Lu's user avatar
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Almost Isodiametric Sets

Hi, The isodiametric inequality tells us that, of all sets of diameter $r$, the one with the largest Lebesgue measure is the ball of radius $r/2$ - and this holds regardless of norm. Let $\tau(r)$ be ...
user29374's user avatar
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Strengthening the Kovner-Besicovich theorem: Does every unit-area convex set in the plane contain a centrally symmetric hexagon of area $2/3$?

The Kovner-Besicovich theorem states that every convex set $S$ in the plane contains a centrally symmetric subset $C$ of at least $2/3$ the area of $S$, and that this bound is sharp for triangular $S$....
RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
6 votes
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A sufficient condition for being the boundary of one's convex hull?

Let $A\subset\mathbb R^n$ be such that: every non-zero linear functional is maximized by a unique point of $A$ every point of $A$ is a point where some linear functional achieves its maximum over $A$...
Alexander Pruss's user avatar
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What inequalities for convex sets are known since the work of Scott and Awyong?

In 2000, Paul R. Scott and Poh Way Awyong published the paper Inequalities for Convex Sets, which nicely collates the known results relating various natural geometric functionals (diameter, area, etc.)...
RavenclawPrefect's user avatar
6 votes
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"Moduli space" of isotropic convex bodies?

A lot of questions in convex geometry revolve around the geometry of isotropic convex bodies in $\mathbb{R^n}$. To my knowledge there is no, or very little study of a space such as : $$C_n = \{...
Gericault's user avatar
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Convex hull of the orbit of a matrix under permutations

Let $P$ be a generic permutation matrix on $\mathbb{R}^n$. For any vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$, the convex hull of the set $\{ Px : \; \text{$P$ is a permutation matrix}\}$ is the set of vectors ...
passerby51's user avatar
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Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality for sets of positive reach

If $E$ is a convex subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ with $|E| = |B_1|$, then one consequence of the classical Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities from convex geometry is that $$\int_{\partial E} H_{\partial E} \,...
Connor Mooney's user avatar
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Measure-minimizing simplex with fixed inradius

Let $\Delta^n$ be an $n$-simplex in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let $V$ be the volume and $r$ the inradius (radius of the inscribed sphere) of $\Delta^n$. There is a well-known result that $$ V \geq \frac{n^{n/2}(...
user108's user avatar
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Finding the optimal mixture of two convex functions

I am trying to find an efficient way to solve the problem $$\min_{p,x_1,x_2} p\cdot f(x_1)+ (1-p) \cdot f(x_2)~~~~~ s.t.\\p\cdot g_1(x_1) + (1-p)\cdot g_2(x_2)\leq 1 \\ 0\leq p \leq 1$$ where $x_1,x_2\...
Robert Lowell's user avatar
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Looking for the correct version of a wrong statement from Barvinok's book on convex polyhedra

The book I'm concerned with is "Integer Points in Polyhedra" by A. Barvinok, which, I must say, is turning out to be highly fascinating. A real finite-dimensional vector space $V$ defines the ...
Igor Makhlin's user avatar
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Norms and distributions

Question 1. Is there a nice or explicit way to describe the class of all distributions (generalized functions) $\mu$ on the $n$-sphere $S^n \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ for which the function $$ F(v) := \...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Variant of orthogonal Procrustes problem

The orthogonal Procrustes problem seeks a matrix $M$ that minimizes $||AM-B||_F$ subject to $M^TM=I$, where $M$ is $d\times d$ and both $A$ and $B$ are $n\times d$. Geometrically, $M$ rotates a set of ...
Matt's user avatar
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Variations on a problem of S. Mazur

In problem 76 of the Scottish Book Mazur asked Given a convex body $K$ in three-dimensional space and a point $o$ in its interior, consider the surface $S$ formed by all points $p$ such that the ...
alvarezpaiva's user avatar
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Generalization of the non-existence of a monostatic planar body

Domokos, Papadopulos, and Ruina showed that there does not exist a convex planar rigid body of uniform density which has only one orientation of stable equilibrium and one orientation of unstable ...
Yoav Kallus's user avatar
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Local minimum from directional derivatives in the space of convex bodies

I have a function $f(K)$ defined on the space of three-dimensional convex bodies for which I want to show that the unit ball $B$ is a local minimum. I have been able to show if $K$ is not homothetic ...
Yoav Kallus's user avatar
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A conjecture (or theorem?) on unit vectors in a Euclidean space

I have heard (if I am not mistaken) that there exists the following conjecture (or theorem?). Let $u_1,\dots,u_n$ be unit vectors in an $n$-dimensional Euclidean vector space. Then there exists ...
asv's user avatar
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Triangulations of convex surfaces

Let $M$ be a smooth closed positively curved surface in Euclidean 3-space, $T$ be a geodesic triangulation of $M$, and $E$ be the edge graph of the convex hull of vertices of $T$. It is easy to see ...
Mohammad Ghomi's user avatar
5 votes
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Are there convex polyhedrons that can be cut into mutually congruent connected pieces only if pieces are non-convex?

This is the 3D (and higher D) version of A claim on partitioning a convex planar region into congruent pieces Is there a 3D convex polyhedral solid that can be cut into 2 mutually congruent non-...
Nandakumar R's user avatar
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Log Sobolev inequality uniform in parameters

Fix a positive integer $N$. For $\theta \in [0,2\pi]$, set $\sigma_k(\theta) :=(\cos(k\theta),\sin(k\theta)) \in S^1$ for each integer $1\leq k\leq N$. Now for vectors $x_1,\ldots,x_N\in \mathbb{R}^2$,...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Reference request for convex geometry?

I am looking for a reference for an elementary convex geometry. In Appendix A (page 1810) of this paper by Green and Tao, they cover some basic results from elementary convex geometry. The results ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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