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For any $\beta>0$, there is a constant $c>0$ such that $\left\|(1-\Delta)^{\frac{\beta}{2}} f\right\|_{\infty} \leq c\|f\|_{C_b^\beta}$

For any $n \in \mathbb{Z}^{+}$, let $C_b^n\left(\mathbb{R}^d\right)$ be the class of real functions $f$ on $\mathbb{R}^d$ with continuous derivatives $\left\{\nabla^i f\right\}_{0 \leq i \leq n}$ such ...
Akira's user avatar
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What do $\gamma$-radonifying operators radonify?

In the second volume of their Analysis in Banach Spaces, Hytönen et al. introduce the notion of $\gamma$-radonifying operator more or less as follow. Let $(\gamma_j)_{j\in\mathbf N}$ be a sequence of ...
P. P. Tuong's user avatar
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Estimator for the conditional expectation operator with convergence rate in operator norm

Let $X$ and $Z$ be two random variables defined on the same probability space, taking values in euclidian spaces $E_X$ and $E_Z$, with distributions $\pi$ and $\nu$, respectively. Let $L^2(\pi)$ ...
Caio Lins's user avatar
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Injective envelopes of 1-extensible spaces

Please read this post as a naive follow up on a previous question. Let $X$ be a Banach space and let $(I(X),\alpha)$ denote its injective envelope (e.g., CohenLacey1969). A low hanging fruit is the ...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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PDE coupled with the pronic numbers (related to triangular numbers)

I am studying the linear PDE: $$ t^2\frac{\partial^3}{\partial t^3}\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Psi_n(t,s)=s^2\frac{\partial}{\partial s}\sum_{n=1}^\infty \Psi_n(t,s)+\sum_{n=2}^\infty b(n)\frac{\partial}{\...
John McManus's user avatar
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Residues of analytic operators

Suppose we have analytic operators $P_{z}: C^1[0,1]\to C^1[0,1]$, where $z \in \mathbb{C}$, and the spectrum of $P_{z_0}$ possesses an isolated eigenvalue $1$ (assuming multiplicity is 1 and $I-P_z$ ...
opera's user avatar
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Existence for a nonlinear evolution equation with a monotone operator that is not maximal

We consider the nonlinear evolution equation $$ \dot{u}(t) + Bu(t) = 0, \quad u(0)=0 $$ with $$ A: \mathcal{C}(\Omega)\to \mathcal{M}(\Omega),\; p \mapsto \arg\min_{\mu\in\partial\chi_{\{||\...
ChocolateRain's user avatar
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Reference on spectral theory of self-adjoint operators

I am reading this paper on comparing different moments of independent random variables. A initial step in their approach is designing an operator $L$ over smooth functions (and extended to an self ...
listener's user avatar
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Error estimates for inhomogeneous semidiscrete PDE

I have the following semidiscrete problem on a meshed domain $U_h$. Let $V_h$ be linear finite elements on $U_h$, $V_{h0}\subset V_h$ have zero trace on $\partial \Omega_h$, and $V_{h\partial}$ be ...
Lilla's user avatar
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Representation formula for the continuity equation on a separable Hilbert space

The following is an informal question for which I'd like to (ideally) find a reference. I'm quite a novice in this area but would be happy to find a reference to a theorem along the following lines (...
Gregor Samsa's user avatar
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Solution to $u_t = A(t)u + f(t)$ on bounded domain

I am dealing with the problem \begin{align}u_t &= \nabla \cdot (a(x,t) \nabla u) + f(x,t) &\text{ on } \Omega \times (0,T)\\ \partial_{\nu} u &= 0 &\text{ on } \partial \Omega \...
Maschadi's user avatar
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Schrödinger equation approximation – continuity of eigenvalues with respect to potential

The question has been crossposted from Stackexchange after receiving no answers. Setup: the time-independent Schrödinger equation (eigenvalue problem): $(-\frac{\hbar^2}{2m}\Delta +V)\psi = E\psi$ (On ...
Rohan Didmishe's user avatar
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Surjectivity of perturbed linear operators

Consider two Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ and two linear bounded operators $A,B:Y\rightarrow Y$. Suppose the following: (1) Y is reflexive (or even uniformly convex); (2) $X\cap Y$ is dense in $X$ and $Y$...
Eddy's user avatar
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"N-waves" (source-type solutions) for Hamilton-Jacobi equation $v_t + (v_x)^2 = 0$

Let us consider the Burgers equation $$u_t + (u^2)_x = 0$$ In Liu, Tai-Ping; Pierre, Michel, Source-solutions and asymptotic behavior in conservation laws, J. Differ. Equations 51, 419-441 (1984). ...
Riku's user avatar
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Sherman-Davis type inequalities for non-negative operator in a Hilbert space with trivial kernel

Recently I read Rupert L. Frank's paper "Eigenvalue Bounds for the Fractional Laplacian: A Review". For a domain $\Omega\subset\mathbf R^n$, there are two different definitions of ...
sorrymaker's user avatar
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N-wave solution of conservation law $u_t + (u - u^2)_x = 0$

How can we compute the "N-wave" source-solution of the conservation law $$u_t + (u - u^2)_x = 0, $$ that is, the entropy solution of this conservation law with the initial data $u(0,\cdot) = ...
Riku's user avatar
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Scaling limit of transport equation with double-well potential

Let us consider the transport PDE $$ u^\epsilon_t + u^\epsilon_x= -\frac{1}{\epsilon} W'(u^\epsilon) $$ where $W$ is a double-well potential -- for example, $W(x)=\frac{1}{4}(x^2-1)^2$ so that the PDE ...
Riku's user avatar
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Banach algebras satisfying $pq=qp=q \Rightarrow \|q\|\leq\|p\|$ for all idempotents $p$ and $q$

This question could be way below the level of MO, so apologies in advance. I posted the same question in MS about 10 days ago without a definitive answer so far. Let $A$ be a Banach algebra with the ...
Onur Oktay's user avatar
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BMO estimates of singular integral operators on torus

I have the following elliptic problem: $$ \Delta u = \operatorname{div}\operatorname{div}S, $$ where $S=(S_{i,j})\colon \mathbb{T}^n\to \mathbb{R}^{n\times n} $ is bounded and $\mathbb{T}^n$ is the $n$...
M_S's user avatar
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Primes as the extrema of a functional

I'd like to write down a functional on sequences for which the prime numbers are an extrema. One generally thinks of the natural numbers first as an ordered set, and then you discover unique ...
Jackson Walters's user avatar
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Properties of Sobolev spaces $W^{k,p}(\Omega, E)$ where $E$ is a Banach space

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}$Let $E$ be a Banach space with norm $\|\cdot\|_E$ and let $\Omega\subset \R^n$ be an open set. For $k\geq 0, p\geq 1$ we define $W^{k,p}(\Omega, E)$, the Sobolev space of ...
Overflowian's user avatar
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Uniformly continuous semigroups are analytic

Reposting from stackexchange. I know that every analytic $C_0$-semigroup is differentiable and then every differentiable semigroup is norm continuous. I want to know where uniform continuity fits in ...
Guest's user avatar
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Reference for smoothness of Nemytskii operator on fractional Sobolev spaces

Let $\varphi:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be smooth and bounded (together with all of its derivatives). Define the operator $$ \big(N_\varphi x\big)(t)=\varphi\big(x(t)\big) $$ for $x\in H^s(T^d)$, the ...
julian's user avatar
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Smooth approximation in Sobolev spaces for surfaces with boundary

Let $\mathbb{D}$ be the unit disk in $\mathbb{C}$ with closure $\overline{\mathbb{D}}$, and let $\varphi:\partial \mathbb{D}\to \partial \mathbb{D}$ be any continuous homeomorphism. Let $\mu$ be a ...
user158773's user avatar
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A formula involving the heat kernel on the universal cover of a punctured plane

I am looking for the earliest reference to the following formula: $$ \int_0^\infty\tilde{P}(1,e^{i\alpha},t)\frac{dt}{t}=\frac{1}{\pi \alpha^2},\quad \alpha>0, $$ where $\tilde{P}(x,y,t)$ is the ...
Kostya_I's user avatar
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A question on Gaussian small ball probability

Consider the random variable $$ G = \sum_{j=1}^{\infty} \lambda_j Z_j^2 $$ where $Z_j \sim_{\substack{i.i.d}} N(0,1)$ and $\lambda_j$ some non increasing sequence of positive numbers with $\sum_{j=1}^{...
Exc's user avatar
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On a core for Neumann Laplacians

Let $D \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ be a bounded smooth domain. We consider the Neumann semigroup $\{T_t\}_{t>0}$ on $C(\overline{D})$. In other words, $\{T_t\}_{t>0}$ is the semigroup of the normally ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Reference request: Optimal controls can be assumed to take values in a convex set

Consider the deterministic controlled system: $$\dot x(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), \ t \in [0, T]$$ $$x(0) = x_0$$ where $x: [0, T] \to \mathbb R^n$ is the controlled state process, $A \in \mathbb R^{n \times ...
Nate River's user avatar
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Invariant on C*-algebras-number of closed unbounded derivation it admitted

In working of the unbounded derivation of C*-algebras. I observed the following: For topological manifold $M$, the number of closed, linear independent, unbounded derivation it admitted on $C(M)$ is ...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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Duality of maps on bounded vs trace-class operators (Schrödinger-Heisenberg dual)

$\newcommand\calH{\mathcal H} \newcommand\calK{\mathcal K} \newcommand\tr{\operatorname{Tr}}$I am looking for a (citable) reference for the following fact: Bounded linear maps $g:T(\calH)\to T(\calK)$...
Dominique Unruh's user avatar
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Can we construct non-closable unbounded derivation in abelian C* algebras?

Can we construct an unbounded derivation on abelian C* algebra which is not closable? One of possible construction may be found in the paper by Bratteli and Robinson(Unbounded derivations of C*-...
Ken.Wong's user avatar
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Dual of essentially compactly supported functions on a hemi-compact Radon space

Let $X$ be a hemicompact Radon space and fix a $\sigma$-finite Radon measure $\mu$ on $X$. Let $L(X_n)$ denote the subspace of $L_{\mu}^1(X)$ of "functions" which are $\mu$-essentially ...
Catologist_who_flies_on_Monday's user avatar
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Derivative and Green function of Fractional Laplacian in a bounded domain: $(-\Delta)^s\nabla_x G(\bar x,z) = 0 \text{ in } \Omega $?

Let $G$ be the Green function of the Fractional Laplacian $(-\Delta)^s$ in a domain $\Omega$ (which is known explicitly for the special case of the ball: link). Let $\bar x \in \Omega$ be fixed. Does ...
Jun's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness for fractional parabolic equation with transport term

Let us consider the problem \begin{equation} \begin{cases} u_t+(-\Delta)^{\sigma}u+\mathrm{div}(a(t,x)u) = 0 & \text{in } \mathbb{R}^n \times [0, T) \\ u(x,0)=u_0(x) & \text{in } \...
user173196's user avatar
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On measurability of certain group actions on spaces of bounded measurable functions

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space equipped with a strongly continuous unitary representation of a locally compact group $G$. Denote by $\mathcal{L}^{\infty}(H)$ the space of the bounded ...
S.Z.'s user avatar
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On the boundary integral of Neumann eigenfunctions

Let $v$ be an eigenfunction corresponding to the first nonzero Neumann Laplacian eigenvalue on a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$. By definition, we know that $\int_{\Omega} v \, dx=0$. If $\Omega$...
student's user avatar
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Derivatives of measures of bounded variation on intervals

Investigating an abstract Cauchy problem on the space of measures with bounded variation I came up with the following space: Let $\operatorname{BV}[a,b]$ the space of all functions $f:[0, 1] \to \...
Adriano's user avatar
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Properties of the Fourier Transform of Countably Supported Functions on $[0,1)$

Identifying $\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ with the interval $\left[0,1\right)$, let $C_{\textrm{coun}}\left(\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\right)$ denote the set of all functions $f:\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}\rightarrow\...
MCS's user avatar
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Dimension dependence: boundedness result of the fractional Riesz integral

I am looking for the best known constant in the boundedness result of the fractional Riesz integral. In particular, I am interested in the dependence on the dimension $d$ and on the parameter $\alpha&...
user69642's user avatar
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Energy estimate for $\theta_t + H(\theta)_x = 0$ in $t>0, x >0$?

Consider the IBVP for $$\theta_t + H(\theta)_x = 0, \qquad t>0, \ x>0$$ with $$H(\theta) = \frac{1}{\pi} \text{pv}\int_{0}^\infty \frac{\theta(y)}{y-x} dy$$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions. ...
Zac's user avatar
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Metric transforms that preserve $\ell^1$ embeddability

Consider a function $f$ from reals to reals such that $f$, when applied to pairwise Manhattan distances between $n$ points, always results in a set of Manhattan distances. Work by Schoenberg and ...
Timothy Chu's user avatar
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Good source for Jordan Fréchet algebras

Is there any good source for Jordan Fréchet (or more generally, Jordan locally convex) algebras? I'm looking for something on the level similar to the level of the book "Banach and Locally Convex ...
Jaŭhien Piatlicki's user avatar
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Well-posedness of hyperbolic system with constant coefficients in finite domains

I'm studying the PDE $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} + A_x\frac{\partial u}{\partial x} + A_y\frac{\partial u}{\partial y} + A_z\frac{\partial u}{\partial z} = 0 $$ with $A_x, A_y, A_z$ being ...
viviaxenov's user avatar
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Moduli of continuity and Wasserstein differentiability of functions between measures

Let $X=\mathbb{R}^n$; I am also interested in the general case $X$ is a metric space but for simplicity let's focus on Euclidean space. Let $\mathcal{P}(X)$ denote the space of Borel probability ...
JeffHolder's user avatar
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Multivarate "RKHS" Examples

I've been reading about RKHSs and Hilbert spaces of functions these days a bit these days and I haven't yet come across an example of a hilbert space $H$ whose elements are all functions $f:\mathbb{R}^...
ABIM's user avatar
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Outer-regular product of $\tau$-additive measures

Due to the deficiencies of the simple product measure defined on measurable rectangles, there have been many different constructions of product measures in more specialized circumstances. Originally, ...
Cameron Zwarich's user avatar
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Is this a positive definite kernel?

Under which conditions on the function : \begin{array}{l|rcl} K : & \mathbb R^+ & \longrightarrow & (0, 1)\\ &t & \longmapsto & K(t) \end{array} is the symmetric ...
Abdeslam KOUBAA's user avatar
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Given a finite set of points, does there exist a linear function pass through a point and strictly below the other points for all the points?

I guess my question is a follow up question of this one: usul, Existence of a strictly convex function interpolating given gradients and values, version: 2019-04-13. In usul's question, the answer ...
Francis's user avatar
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"Global" topologies between compact convergence and uniform convergence

Let $X$ and $Y$ be locally compact (but not compact), second countable, Hausdorff spaces with $Y$ metric. It is easy to see that the topology of compact convergence is weaker than the topology of ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Standard definition: vector-valued essential support

Let $f \in L^p(\mathbb{R}^n,\mathbb{R}^m)$. If $m=1$ then the essential support of $f$ is a mainstream definition; see here for example. However, when $m>1$ is the following definition used? $$ \...
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