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Is the evolution family self-adjoint?

$ \newcommand{\bR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\diff}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}} \newcommand{\qtext}[1]{\quad\text{#1}} \newcommand{\qtextq}[1]{\quad\text{#1}\quad} $ I am reading Roland Schnaubelt's survey ...
Akira's user avatar
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Reference needed for powers of semi-group generators

Let $\mathcal{L}$ be the infinitesimal generator of a Markov semi-group. I am looking for references that study powers of $\mathcal{L}$; i.e. $\mathcal{L}^n$, for $n\in\mathbb{N}$. For example, if the ...
matilda's user avatar
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4 votes
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Reference request: Uniformly elliptic partial differential operator generates positivity preserving semigroup

I am looking for a reference of the following result: Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be be a bounded domain with smooth boundary. Let $$A = \sum_{i,j=1}^n \partial_i ( a_{ij} \partial_j) + \sum_{i=1}...
Peter Wacken's user avatar
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Reference/Help request for formula $[A,e^{-itB}]$ found in physics thread

I'm wondering if anyone has a rigorous reference or a proof of the formula (2) found in the main answer of this thread on the physics stack exchange. I want to use it but in the case where $A, B$ are ...
DerGalaxy's user avatar
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Existence for a nonlinear evolution equation with a monotone operator that is not maximal

We consider the nonlinear evolution equation $$ \dot{u}(t) + Bu(t) = 0, \quad u(0)=0 $$ with $$ A: \mathcal{C}(\Omega)\to \mathcal{M}(\Omega),\; p \mapsto \arg\min_{\mu\in\partial\chi_{\{||\...
ChocolateRain's user avatar
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Lumer-Phillips-type theorem for non-autonomous evolutions

The classical Lumer-Phillips theorem characterizes the generators of contraction semigroups. I am looking for a similar characterization or at least a sufficient condition for a family of unbounded, ...
Peter Wacken's user avatar
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Solution to $u_t = A(t)u + f(t)$ on bounded domain

I am dealing with the problem \begin{align}u_t &= \nabla \cdot (a(x,t) \nabla u) + f(x,t) &\text{ on } \Omega \times (0,T)\\ \partial_{\nu} u &= 0 &\text{ on } \partial \Omega \...
Maschadi's user avatar
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What's the name of this semi-group theorem?

I encountered this theorem, that for a bounded linear transform $L$ and a real parameter $t$ and initial data $u_0$, we have $$\frac{d}{dt} \exp(Lt)[u_0] = L \exp(Lt)[u_0].$$ What is the name of this ...
askquestions2's user avatar
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Uniformly continuous semigroups are analytic

Reposting from stackexchange. I know that every analytic $C_0$-semigroup is differentiable and then every differentiable semigroup is norm continuous. I want to know where uniform continuity fits in ...
Guest's user avatar
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Tauberian Theorem for 1-parameter groups of operators

The Wiener Tauberian Theorem gives condition on an $f\in L^1(\mathbb{R})$ such that the "induced 1-parameter family" $\{T_b(f)\}_{b\in \mathbb{R}}$ has a dense span in $L^1(\mathbb{R})$; ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Green function of symmetric stable process in dimension 1 and 2

Are the results in this paper on the Green function of a symmetric stable process available also in space dimension $d =1$ and $d=2$? The main theorems here are stated only for $d \ge 3$.
user173196's user avatar
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When is the heat semigroup Gibbs?

Defining the Laplacian on a region $Ω$ of $\mathbb{R}^d$ with Dirichlet boundary conditions, under what conditions on the region (or any other possible assumptions) is the semigroup it generates Gibbs,...
folouer of kaklas's user avatar
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Existence and uniqueness for fractional parabolic equation with transport term

Let us consider the problem \begin{equation} \begin{cases} u_t+(-\Delta)^{\sigma}u+\mathrm{div}(a(t,x)u) = 0 & \text{in } \mathbb{R}^n \times [0, T) \\ u(x,0)=u_0(x) & \text{in } \...
user173196's user avatar
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Holomorphic semigroups on $L^1$ spaces

Let $E$ be a locally compact metric space and $\mu$ a non-negative Radon measure on $E$ (we also assume that the support is $E$). I am concerned with holomorphic semigroups on $L^1(E,\mu)$. In ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Literature request: Schatten class difference of semigroups

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space and $A,B$ two operators on it (not necessarily self-adjoint) such that $A, A+B$ are generators of strongly continuous one parameter semigroups $e^{-tA},e^{-t(A+B)}$...
folouer of kaklas's user avatar
5 votes
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Equality in spectral inclusion theorem

I asked this question on Math SE but didn't receive any response. Let $(T_t)$ be a $C_0$-semigroup on a Banach space $X$ with generator $A.$ If $\lambda_0\in \mathbb{C}$ is such that $e^{\lambda_0 t}$...
Mark's user avatar
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Fractional powers of an operator

What is the large class of operators for which one can define fractional powers? For example, we can consider an operator $A: D(A) \subset X \rightarrow X$, generator of an analytic semigroup on a ...
Migalobe's user avatar
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Why we use Caputo fractional derivative in application?

I'm working on some papers which use Caputo fractional evolution equation (see on Wikipedia) as application for thier main result: For example: $$\left\{\begin{matrix} ^CD^{\sigma}_tx(t)+Ax(t)=&...
Motaka's user avatar
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Reference on semigroup theory and fractional heat equation

Consider the Dirichlet problem associated to the classical heat equation $\partial_t u - \Delta u = 0$ and to the fractional heat equation $\partial_t u + (- \Delta)^s u = 0$. Where can I find a ...
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Smoothing properties of analytic semigroups

Assume $A$ is a second order operator, generator of a positive analytic semigroup on the $L^p$-spaces with $p\in (1,\infty)$ and domain $D(A_p)=W^{2,p}$. Do we have regularity estimates $\|T_p(t)f\|_{...
MathManiac's user avatar
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Positivity of generalised heat kernels

Let $K_\alpha(t,x)$ be the (generalised or fractional) heat kernel which corresponds to the fractional heat equation (I'm not sure that's the right name) in $\mathbb R^n$ $$ u_t=(-\Delta)^\alpha u, \...
smyrlis's user avatar
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Short time $L^1$ bounds for semigroups obtained from elliptic operators

Let $\Omega$ be a domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$ with smooth boundary, and let $L$ be a negative definite second order elliptic differential operator defined with $\mathcal{D}(L) \subset H^2(\Omega)$, given ...
user95820's user avatar
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"Generalisation" of one-parameter semigroups

Let $(Y,\left\|\cdot\right\|_Y)$ be a Banach space and $A:D(A)\subset Y \to Y$ a closed operator. Studying dynamical systems of the form \begin{equation} u'=Au \end{equation} quickly leads to the ...
5th decile's user avatar
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Contraction semigroup on $L^2$

Let $(X, \mu)$ be a finite measure space and let $A$ be a non-negative self-adjoint operator which generates a contraction semigroup $e^{tA}$ on $L^2(X, \mu)$. If additionally, we have that $e^{tA}$ ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Lecture notes on semigroup theory for linear evolution equations

I am reading (or trying to read :)) "One parameter semigroups for Linear Evolution equations" by Klaus-Jochen Engel and Rainer Nagel. I was wondering if someone was aware of a good set of lecture ...
Marcos Rojo's user avatar
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Generator of a $C_0$-semigroup restricted to a subspace

Suppose we have a decreasing filtration of Banach spaces $(E_t)_{t\geq0}$, inclusions $V_{s+t,t}:E_{s+t}\to E_t$ and projections $P_{t,s+t}:E_t\to E_{s+t}$ such that $P_{t,s+t}V_{s+t,t}=I_{E_{s+t}}$. ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Reference on semigroup theory and parabolic PDEs

Recently started to study semigroup theory. My background is equivalent to the first three chapters of the Jack Hale's book "Asymptotic behavior of dissipative systems". Looking for a reference to an ...
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Extending state space to make a process Feller

Let $X$ be a locally compact Hausdorff space, and let $Y_t$ be a continuous Markov process on $X$ with transition function $P(t, x, \Gamma) := \mathbb{P}_x (Y_t \in \Gamma)$. Let $T_t$ be the ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
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Reference for weak*-semigroup

Let $X$ a dual Banach space (there exists a Banach space $Y$ such that $X=Y'$). A weak* semigroup on $X$ is a semigroup $(T_t)_{\geq 0}$ on $X$ such that, for all $x\in X$, we have $T_tx\to x$ in the ...
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