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strict topology on multiplier algebras

Suppose $A$ is a $C^*$ algebra,$M(A)$ is the multiplier algebra.If $S$ is a subset of $M(A)$ which is compact for the strict topology on $M(A)$,is $S$ also a subset of $M(M(A))$ which is compact for ...
math112358's user avatar
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$\sup_{f} \inf_{z\in D} [f_x^2(z)+f_y^2(z)]$ for $|f|\leq1$ on a unit disk

Let $f:\mathbb{R^2}\mapsto\mathbb{R}$ be continuous and have partial derivatives in $D=\{(x,y):x^2+y^2\leq1\}$, and let $\mathscr{H}$ the set of such functions for which $\sup_D |f|\leq1$. Could ...
Chennes's user avatar
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Convergence of self-adjoint elements in $\sigma$-weak topology

In a von Neumann algebra, if $A_{\alpha}$ converges to $0$ in the $\sigma$-weak topology, do the positive parts $(A_{\alpha})_{+}$ necessarily converge to $0$ in the $\sigma$-weak topology?
condexp's user avatar
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$f_n$ is bounded in $C(0,T;H^2(0,L))$ so is $f_n^p$?

Let $1<p<\infty$, and $f_n$ be a bounded sequence in $C(0,T;H^2(0,L))$. It looks obvious to me that $f_n^p$ is also bounded in $C(0,T;H^2(0,L))$. When we take the derivative of $f^p(t)$ twice we ...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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Covergent net in $\mathcal{E}'(\mathbb{R})$ implies bounded?

Let $\mathcal{E}(\mathbb{R})$ be the space of all $C^\infty$ functions on $\mathbb{R}$ with its usual topology, and $\mathcal{E}'(\mathbb{R})$ be the dual space with the weak* topology. Let $(T_i)_{...
Sara's user avatar
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Continuity of maps in which preimage preserves compactness

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Hausdorff spaces and suppose that $Y$ is locally compact. Let $f:X\to Y$ be a surjective map such that for any compact subset $K \subset Y$ the pre-image $$f^{-1}(K)=\{x\in X: f(x)\...
André Porto's user avatar
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Does point-wise weak convergence give weak convergence in $L^2(I;X)$?

Let $X$ be a separable reflexive Banach space, $F$ be a locally Lipschitz nonlinear operator on $X$ that is weakly continuous on $X$, and $u_n$ are $u_n$ weakly converges to $u$ on $L^2(0,T;X)$. Now, ...
Saj_Eda's user avatar
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Well-posedness for equations of the form $u_t = grad[V(u)]$ and $u_{tt}=grad[V(u)]$?

Let $V \in C^{1}(\mathbb{R}^n, \mathbb{R})$ consider the following PDE: $$u_t = grad[V(u)]$$ For $u \in C^{1}([0,1]^n\times [0,T),\mathbb{R}^n)$, with boundary conditions specified on the $n$-...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Does there always exists a path $g:[0,1] \rightarrow X$ from $f(0)$ to $f(1)$ that has the same image as $f$ and …?

Suppose $(X,d)$ is a metric space and $f:[0,1] \rightarrow X$ is a path in $X$ with non-zero finite length $L$. Then, does there always exist a path $g:[0,1] \rightarrow X$ from $f(0)$ to $f(1)$ that ...
MathMan's user avatar
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Semifinite measure and spectral theorem

Let $H$ be a complex Hilbert space (not necessary separable). Spectral Theorem: Let $A_1$ and $A_2$ be two commuting normal operators, then there exists a measure space $(X,\mathcal{E},\mu)$, two ...
Student's user avatar
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Doubt in proof of $\lim_{n \to \infty} [\lambda R(\lambda, A)]^n = P.$

I have a doubt in proof of Lemma $4.7$ of this paper. Lemma: Let $A$ be a closed operator on a complex Banach space $E$ and assume that $0$ is an eigenvalue of $A$ and a pole of the resolvent $R(\...
Mark's user avatar
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Projective tensor product

Let $A$ and $B$ be Banach algebras. Then the map $\phi:(A\widehat\otimes A) \oplus_\infty (B\widehat\otimes B) \to (A\oplus_\infty B)\widehat\otimes(A\oplus_\infty B)$ is a contractive embedding. Can ...
Albert harold's user avatar
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Converting a bounded metric into an unbounded metric

Suppose $d$ is a bounded metric on $X$, i.e. $d(x,y)< K<\infty$ for all $x,y\in X$. Is there a standard way to convert $d$ into another metric $\widetilde{d}$ on $X$ with the property that $\...
JohnA's user avatar
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Is there a $\sigma$-metacompact space which is not metacompact?

Recall that a space $X$ is metaLindelof if every open cover of $X$ has a point-countable open refinement. A space $X$ is metacompact if every open cover of $X$ has a point-finite open refinement....
Paul's user avatar
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Spectral Theorem, $AB = BA \implies B\Phi(f) = \Phi(f)B$

I'm studying the spectral theorem as appears in Reed and Simon's Functional Analysis. Assume we have constructed the continuous functional calculus for a self adjoint bounded operator $A$ on a ...
Mariah's user avatar
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Is there an example of a one to one and onto mapping between these two spaces?

Let $\Omega$ be a convex open subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$ with a smooth boundary. Is there an example of a one to one and onto mapping of the form $$L^{d+1}(\Omega) \to W^{1,d+1}(\Omega)$$
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Continuous orthogonal preserving maps between projective space

Is there a continuous map $f:\mathbb{C}P^n \to \mathbb{C}P^m$, for some $n>m$ which preserve orthogonality?Namely $x\perp y \implies f(x) \perp f(y) $? If yes, are there two non homotopic ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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A possible proof of the Borsuk Ulam theorem without "Homology-Cohomology"

Assume that $n>1$. The configuration space of $S^n$ is defined as follows $$M_n=\{(x,y)\in S^n\times S^n\mid x \neq y\}$$ We have two questions: 1.Is there a continuous function $f:M_n ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Refining ultraconnected spaces to connected $T_2$ spaces

Let $X$ be an infinite set and suppose $\tau$ is an ultraconnected topology on $X$ without isolated points. Is there a topology $\sigma\supseteq \tau$ such that $(X,\sigma)$ is a connected $T_2$-space?...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Approximation of a $C^{\infty}_c$ function with tensor products of a constant tensor rank

I asked the following question a few days ago: Approximation of a $C^{\infty}_c$ function by tensor products However, I then realised that I actually need a stronger result in my proof. As in the ...
Richard's user avatar
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Why do the eigenfunctions of a 1D Schroedinger operator with even potential alternate in parity?

Let $\mathcal L$ be a Schroedinger operator on the real line of the form $\mathcal L = -\frac {d^2} {dx^2} + V(x),$ where $V$ is an even, smooth function. I am interested in the case where $V(x)\to ...
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About density of some subsets of infinitely differentiable functions in $C[0,1]$

Let $x_1,...,x_m$ be fixed numbers from $[0,1]$ and let $k_1,..., k_m$ be fixed natural numbers ($\geq 1$). Is the set $$\{f\in C^\infty[0,1]: f^{(k_1)}(x_1)=0,...,f^{(k_m)}(x_m)=0 \}$$a dense subset ...
user555's user avatar
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Fourier Transform of sub-Gaussian distributions

The high level question is: Just as the Fourier transform of a Gaussian is a Gaussian, is the Fourier Transform of a sub-Gaussian also a sub-Gaussian? Let $x \in \mathbf{R}^n$ denote some sub-...
Lior Eldar's user avatar
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Extracting a subsequence for which $\sup_j \left\vert \text{supp}(x_{n_j}) \right\vert < \infty$

Let $X$ be a Banach space with basis $(e_n)_{n=1}^\infty$, and suppose that $(x_i)_{i=1}^\infty$ is a normalized block basic sequence of $(e_n)_{n=1}^\infty$. In addition assume that $(x_i)_{i=1}^\...
ragrigg's user avatar
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Exists $C = C(\epsilon, q)$ such that $\|u\|_{L^p(0, 1)} \le \epsilon \|u'\|_{L^1(0, 1)} + C\|u\|_{L^1(0, 1)}$ for all $W^{1, 1}(0, 1)$? [closed]

Let $1 \le p < \infty$. For all $\epsilon > 0$, does there exist $C = C(\epsilon, q)$ such that$$\|u\|_{L^p(0, 1)} \le \epsilon \|u'\|_{L^1(0, 1)} + C\|u\|_{L^1(0, 1)} \text{ for all }u \in W^{1,...
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the double dual of "little l one" sequence space

I remember a professor remarking a while back that the double dual of the sequence space $l_1^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$ is a very complicated space. I understand it must contain a copy of the original ...
Joe's user avatar
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On the Riesz representation theorem II

I have a follow-up question to On the Riesz representation theorem . Let $V$ be a subspace of a Hilbert space, and let $V^\times$ be the space of all antilinear functionals on $V$, equipped with the ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
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$T_2$-spaces such that the lattices of open sets can be embedded into each other

Let $(X,\tau), (Y,\sigma)$ be $T_2$-spaces such that there are injective lattice homomorphisms $f: \tau\to \sigma$ and $g:\sigma\to \tau$. Does this imply that $(X,\tau)\cong (Y,\sigma)$?
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About weak derivatives [closed]

I have a question about weak derivatives. Let $u,v \in L^{1}_{loc}(U)$ (the space of locally integrable functions) for some open set $\emptyset \neq U \in \mathbb{R}^{n}$. We often say that $v$ is ...
sharpe's user avatar
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Continuity of Functional Represented by Surface Integral

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be open and bounded and let $S \subset \Omega$ be a hypersurface in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Let further be $C_0(\Omega)$ the space of all continuous functions with compact ...
Wizard's user avatar
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Densely-defined unbounded operators with large support

Most densely-defined unbounded linear operators on Hilbert spaces have a very large domain. In fact, for a lot of natural operators the intersection of their domains are still dense. Let us consider ...
shuhalo's user avatar
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Want to show $\lim_{\epsilon \to 0}\frac{1}{\epsilon} \int_0^T \langle u_t(t), T_\epsilon(u(t)) \rangle = \int_\Omega |u(T)| - \int_\Omega |u(0)|$

Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ be a bounded domain and let $u \in L^2(0,T;H^1(\Omega))$ with $u_t \in L^2(0,T;H^{-1}(\Omega))$. Define the truncation function$$T_\epsilon(x) = \begin{cases} -\...
riem's user avatar
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Heisenberg group acts on the circle

Let $H$ be a Heisenberg group, i.e. $$ H=\left\langle a,b,c |[a,b]=c,[a,c]=[b,c]=1\right\rangle. $$ $H$ acts on the circle by homeomorphism which preserves the orientation. If the rotation number of $...
user50402's user avatar
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Can we expect $\left\||f|^{2}f-|g|^{2}g\right\|\leq C ||f-g||$ in the Banach algebra $A(\mathbb T)$ ?

Let $f\in L^{1}(\mathbb T)$ and define the Fourier coefficient of $f$ : $\hat{f}(n)=\frac{1}{2\pi} \int _{-\pi}^{\pi} f(t) e^{-int} dt; (n\in \mathbb Z)$.Consider the space, $$A(\mathbb T):= \{f\in L^...
Inquisitive's user avatar
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Isomorphism theorem for subfactors?

It's about the existence of a generalization of the first isomorphism theorem for groups, for subfactors : Let $(N \subset M)$ and $(N' \subset M')$ be irreducible inclusions of hyperfinite $II_1$ ...
Sebastien Palcoux's user avatar
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Two different products of filters

By filters I will mean filters on some set $\mho$. I define product of an infinite family of filters in two ways. I feel (by analogy with properties of Tychonoff product vs box product of topological ...
porton's user avatar
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How to see such space is Lindelof?

Let $R$ denote the set of all real numbers. $B$ is any Bernstein set of $R$. Bernstein Set: A subset of the real line that meets every uncountable closed subset of the real line but that contains ...
Paul's user avatar
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Zero-dimensional space

Let $X$ be a topological space with the following property: for any open subset $A$ of $X$ there is a collection of clopen subsets $\{A_{\alpha} : \alpha\in S\}$ such that $\overline{A}=\overline{\...
Ali 's user avatar
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Positive definite Hermitian matrices of countable rank

Say that a $\omega\times \omega$ Hermitian matrix $A$ is positive semidefinite of rank $n$ if there exists a $\omega\times n$ complex matrix $B$ such that $A=B B^\dagger$ where $^\dagger$ denotes the ...
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Sequences satisfying $x_{n+1} \geq \alpha (x_1+\ldots{} +x_{n})$ for $\alpha<1$

Consider a positive sequence $x_n >0$ that satisfy the condition that there exists a constant $0<\alpha<1$ such that $x_{n+1} \geq \alpha (x_1+\ldots{} +x_{n})$. What can be said about the ...
Euplio M.'s user avatar
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Double duals characteristic [closed]

Recall that (for $1\le p<\infty$), $\ell^p = \{\{a_n\}_{n=1}^\infty:\sum\limits_{i=1}^\infty|a_i|\lt\infty\}$, with norm $||\{a_n\}||=(\sum\limits_{i=1}^\infty|a_i|^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}$. It is well ...
student's user avatar
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Dissipative operator

Let $A$ a linear operator from his domaine $D(A)\subset H$ to $H$, with $H$ is a Hilbert space, such that $A$ is dissipative. is it true that : if $\|y\|\leq \|z\|$ then $\|Ay\|\leq \|Az\|$? Thank ...
khalid's user avatar
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Ultraweak closure inside a closed ball

Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, and $S\subseteq \mathcal{B}(H)$. We denote $\bar S$ the ultraweak closure of $S$, and $B_r$ the closed ball of center 0 and radius $r>0$ of the normed space $\mathcal{...
Michael's user avatar
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Calculating a distributional derivative

Suppose that we have a sequence of functions $u_j$ that are in $L^{\infty}(0,1)$. Then the sequence of maps $N_j(s) := \|u_j(s)\|^2$ are also in $L^{\infty}(0,1)$. Hence they give rise to ...
dcs24's user avatar
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Weak versus strong convergence

This is my first time posting. I am well aware that an $L^2$ weakly converging sequence is not convergent in the corresponding strong topology. However, my question is as follows, do the sequence of ...
dcs24's user avatar
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On the compactness of a certain chain topology [closed]

Let $X$ be a non-empty set and $I$ a collection of some nested subsets of $X$ indexed by a linearly ordered set $(\Lambda,\le)$ such that $I$ always contains the void set $\emptyset$ and the whole set ...
K A Khan's user avatar
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Irreducible subspaces of separable Hilbert space

A question about definition: Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a separable Hilbert space over $\mathbb{C}$, with $B(\mathcal{H})$ the bounded linear operators on it. What does it mean to have an irreducible ...
magya_bloom's user avatar
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Is this set of functions compact?

Let $\mathcal{F}$ be the set of continuous functions $\varphi$ from $\mathbb{C}$ to $[0,1]$ that satisfy $\begin{align}\varphi(z)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{0}^{2\pi}\varphi(z+e^{i\theta})d\theta\end{align}$ ...
NTT's user avatar
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products in the category of banach spaces

Let $\{X_{\alpha} \}_{\alpha \in A}$ be a collection of Banach spaces. It is easy to show that $ P = \{(x_{\alpha}) : {\rm sup}_{\alpha} \|x_{\alpha} \| < \infty \} $ with $\| (x_{\alpha} ) \| = {\...
Daniel Barter's user avatar
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separability of a certain space of continuous functions

Let $O$ be an open subset of the separable Hilbert space $H.$ Let $E$ be a separable Banach space. Is it true that $C^0_b(O;E),$ the space of bounded continuous maps $O\rightarrow E$, endowed with ...
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