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Is it possible for all of the smooth/continuous curves in $R^3$ to form a Hilbert space? [closed]

Under which condition can it form a Hilbert space? Or what space can it form? You can write down certain condition to make it to be a Hilbert space, e.g., Let $$p(t)=[x(t),y(t),z(t)]^T\in \text{R}^3$$ ...
Nan Zhang's user avatar
3 votes
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$Aut(\mathbb{CP}^n)$ [..especially $n=1$ and $n=2$..]

I am confused and curious about the meaning of the $Aut(\mathbb{CP}^n)$. Is what is called the "linear automorphism group" of $\mathbb{CP}^n$ the same as $Aut(\mathbb{CP}^n)$? It somehow seems to me ...
Anirbit's user avatar
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If SO$(3,\mathbb C)$ is isomorphic to PGL$(2,\mathbb C)$, what objects do vectors in $\mathbb C^3$ represent in the context of Möbius geometry?

I hope this question isn't too basic or ambiguous for this site. The following is an explicit isomorphism from $\mathrm{PGL}(2,\mathbb C)$ to $\mathrm{SO}(3,\mathbb C)$: $$\left[\begin{matrix}p & ...
wlad's user avatar
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Example of a morphism of complex spaces or "nice schemes" that is not cohomologically flat in any point

Suppose that $f:X\rightarrow S$ is a proper, separated morphism of complex spaces (with $S$ reduced) and $\mathcal{F}$ a is $f$-flat coherent sheaf on $X$. From (well-)known results it is known that ...
Horstenson's user avatar
13 votes
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Is the exponential function the sole solution to these equations?

Let us take the exponential function $\lambda^z$ where $0 < \lambda < 1$. There are many great uniqueness conditions this holomorphic function satisfies. For example, it is the only function ...
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6 votes
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Practically calculating the domain of a power series for function of several complex variables

For simplicity, let us consider a function $f$ holomorphic on a domain $D \subseteq \mathbb{C}^2$. We may therefore write $f$ as a sum of power series $$f(z) = \sum_{\nu_1 \nu_2 =0}^{\infty} c_{\nu_1 \...
AmorFati's user avatar
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Explicit entire functions with infinitely many prescribed values

A set $S$ of entire functions $\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$ is called interpolating if for any sequence $a_1<a_2<\dots$ tending to infinity and any sequence $b_1, b_2, \dots$ there exists $f\in S$ ...
user176226's user avatar
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Infinitely many deformation equivalent Hodge diamonds

Let $S$ be a connected open complex manifold. Let $\phi:X\to S$ be a proper holomorphic submersion with connected fibers. Can the fibers of $\phi$ have infinitely many distinct Hodge diamonds? An ...
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Quasi-plurisubharmonic function with polynomial decay

Let $(M, \omega)$ be a compact Kähler manifold. An $\omega$-quasi-plurisubharmonic function on $M$ is an upper semi-continuous function $\varphi : M \to \mathbb{R} \cup \{ - \infty \}$ such that $\...
GradStudent's user avatar
4 votes
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Reference request: Oldest complex analysis books with (unsolved) exercises?

Per the title, what are some of the oldest complex analysis books out there with (unsolved) exercises? Maybe there are some hidden gems from before the 20th century out there. I am aware of the ...
Squid with Black Bean Sauce's user avatar
12 votes
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$\zeta^{(k)}(s) < 0$ for $s\in (0,1)$

A bit of plotting suggests that $\zeta^{(k)}(s) < 0$ for all $s\in (0,1)$ and all integers $k\geq 0$. (Or, what is the same: $\zeta^{(k)}(s)$ has no zeroes on $(0,1)$.) Is there a brief, clean ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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18 votes
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Cohomology of real analytic coherent sheaves

Let $M$ be a real analytic variety (if someone is concerned about distinction between "real analytic spaces" and "real analytic varieties" in real analytic geometry, let's assume that $M$ is both "...
Misha Verbitsky's user avatar
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Sequence unifomly bounded

Let $f(\lambda,z)$ be a continuous function on $\Bbb R^2$ such that I) For $n\in\Bbb N$ and $x\in\Bbb R^*_+$ we have : $f(n,x)=\cos(nx)+ x O\big(\frac{1}{n}\big)$ as $n\to\infty$ and $x\in[n^{-1}\...
Kacdima's user avatar
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Essential singularity [closed]

In shaum's outline complex analysis,definition of essential point is: An isolated singularity that is not pole or removable singularity is called essential singularity Now in the same book there is an ...
IBRAHIM ISLAM's user avatar
8 votes
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Applications of the Small and Great Theorems of Picard

I just presented the two famous theorems of Picard (Small and Great) in a graduate course, but I have not managed to discover a good number of interesting applications. List of applications (rather ...
smyrlis's user avatar
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More identities for the Lambert $W$ function

In view of Iosif Pinelis's question about $\sum_{k\in\Bbb Z}1/(1+W_k(x))$, I played a little with $S(x,j)=\sum_{k\in\Bbb Z}1/W_k(x)^j$. It seems that if $x$ is a rational number with small denominator,...
Henri Cohen's user avatar
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When is a holomorphic submersion with isomorphic fibers locally trivial?

A justly celebrated theorem by Ehresmann states that a proper smooth submersion $\pi: X\to S$ between smooth manifolds is locally trivial in the sense that every point $s\in S$ downstairs has a ...
Georges Elencwajg's user avatar
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Use of Invariant metric/distances to classify domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$

I am a graduate student in mathematics, who works usually in operator theory. Lately I had to read about about the Lempert’s theorem(a theorem regarding when some pseudometric/distances coincide) and ...
user534666's user avatar
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Minimal modulus over a set in $\mathbb C^d$

Suppose that $\mathbf a = (a_1,...,a_d)$ is a constant in $\mathbb R_{+}^d \setminus \{\mathbf 0\}$ (some $a_i$ can be $0$ but not all, all are $\ge 0$). Define the set $$S(\mathbf a) = \left\{\mathbf ...
lrnv's user avatar
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An entire function all whose forward orbits are bounded

Edit: I revise the question according to the comment of Gabe Conant. What is an example of a non constant entire function $f:\mathbb{C}\to \mathbb{C}$ which satisfy the following?: For every $...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Binomial transform of Dirchlet series (2)

Referring to this MO question, i managed to do the following : We denote by $J(k+1,z)$ the sum : $$J(n+1,z)=\sum_{k=0}^{n}(-1)^{k}\binom{n}{k}\frac{\theta(k+1)}{(k+1)^{z}}$$ and by $S(k+1,z)$ the sum :...
mohammad-83's user avatar
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3D similarities and quaternions?

As is well-known, in dimension 2, a linear map $f : \mathbb{R}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$ is a direct similarity if, once we identify $\mathbb{R}^2$ with $\mathbb{C}$, $f$ is of the form $$\forall z \...
Goulifet's user avatar
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On a certain inverse Mellin transform involving $\zeta$

Let $c \in (1/2,3/2)$. In my research I have encountered the inverse Mellin transform of $\zeta(s-1)/s$: $$f(x) = \frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{(c)} \frac{\zeta(s-1)}{s}x^{-s} ds.$$ Does it have a closed ...
Ofir Gorodetsky's user avatar
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Reference on boundary behavior of conformal maps

I am looking for some results on the boundary behavior of conformal maps between simply connected domains. In particular I am interested in conformal maps between $\mathbb{C}-\Delta$, where $\Delta$ ...
Luis Giraldo Gonzalez's user avatar
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Regular singular point of non-linear ODE: $\dot{x}(t) + t^{-1}Ax(t) = Q(x(t))$

Consider a system of ordinary differential equations of the form $$ \dot{x}(t) + \frac{1}{t}Ax(t) = Q(x(t)) $$ where $x(t) \in \mathbb{C}^n$, $A \in \mathrm{Mat}_{n\times n}(\mathbb{C})$ is a constant ...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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Does the Riemann Xi function possess the universality property?

Here is the question.   Does the Riemann Xi function possess the universality property,  or something similar to Voronin's universality property?  Here is why the answer to this question is important. ...
Cristian Dumitrescu's user avatar
11 votes
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Does this product have analytic continuation?

The product $$ F(s)=\prod_{p}\frac1{(1-p^{-s})^p}, $$ converges for $\mathrm{Re}(s)>2$, when $p$ runs over all primes. Does it admit analytic continuation beyond the line $\mathrm{Re}(s)=2$? Any ...
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Arranging the $k$ solutions of $r(z)=te^{i\theta}$ into $k$ continuous functions of $(t,\theta)$

I have originally opened this question on MSE, but I migrated here, since I realized this environment is more suitable. Let $r$ be a rational function, that is, quotient of two coprime polynomials $p,...
Joe's user avatar
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What are the holomorphic automorphism groups of unit ball, polydisc, and Hartogs domain in C^n ( n>1)? [closed]

What are the holomorphic automorphism groups of unit ball, polydisc, and Hartogs domain in $\mathbb{C}^n$ ($n>1$) ? I would be pleased if you tell me.
user135645's user avatar
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Mittag-Leffler for non-compact Riemann surfaces

Quote from Grauert & Remmert's Theory of Stein spaces: 'Behnke and Stein showed in 1948 that the Mittag-Leffier Partial Fraction Theorem and the Weierstrass Product Theorem (i.e. the Cousin ...
Ferran V.'s user avatar
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Inequality for generalized Laguerre polynomials

Please. Does anybody know a proof of this inequality $$\Big|\frac{n!\Gamma(\alpha+1)}{\Gamma(n+\alpha+1)} L^{\alpha}_n(x)\Big|\leq e^{\frac{x}{2}}$$ where $\alpha\geq0$ and $x\geq0$ and $L^{\alpha}_n$ ...
Kacdima's user avatar
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Volume of solution sets for polynomials in $\mathbb{C}[x]$

Denote $\pmb{a}=(a_1,\dots,a_d)\in\mathbb{R}^d$ and consider the set $$\mathcal{E}_d=\{\pmb{a}\in\mathbb{R}^d: \text{each root $\xi$ of $x^d+a_dx^{d-1}+\cdots+a_2x+a_1=0$ lies in $\vert\xi\vert<1$}\...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
17 votes
10 answers

What are the qualities of a good (math) teacher? [closed]

In forming your answer you may treat the qualifier math or maths as optional, since part of the question is whether there is anything peculiar to the subject of mathematics that demands anything ...
3 votes
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Holomorphic sectional curvature and Kobayashi hyperbolicity

Let $(M,g)$ be a compact Hermitian manifold. Let $\text{HSC}(g)$ denote the holomorphic sectional curvature of $g$. The implication $$\text{HSC}(g) < 0 \implies M \ \text{is Kobayashi hyperbolic}$$ ...
GradStudent's user avatar
21 votes
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Holomorphic vector fields acting on Dolbeault cohomology

The question. Let $(X, J)$ be a complex manifold and $u$ a holomorphic vector field, i.e. $L_uJ = 0$. The holomorphicity of $u$ implies that the Lie derivative $L_u$ on forms preserves the (p,q) ...
Joel Fine's user avatar
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An extension of Morera's Theorem

Morera's Theorem states that If $f$ is continuous in a region $D$ and satisfies $\oint_{\gamma} f = 0$ for any closed curve $\gamma$ in $D$, then $f$ is analytic in $D$. I have two questions: ...
booksee's user avatar
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Helgason's support theorem type result in 2 dimensions

I had posted this question in math stackexchange here. Let $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$ be an open domain with smooth boundary. Identifying $\mathbb{R}^2$ with $\mathbb{C},$ consider the following ...
Rahul Raju Pattar's user avatar
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A question about openness theorem

The openness theorem says that: If $\varphi$ be a negative plurisubharmonic function in the unit ball $B(0,1)$ in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$ satisfying $$ \intop_{B(0,1)}e^{-\varphi}<\infty, $$ then there ...
Haji's user avatar
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Jordan curve theorem for cylinders

Hello, I would like to know if the following result is true: Let $A,B$ be two embedded circles in $S^2$ which do not intersect and let $C$ be the $\textit{closed}$ region bounded by $A$ and $B$ (...
B Leraut's user avatar
27 votes
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References for "modern" proof of Newlander-Nirenberg Theorem

Hi, I'm starting to prepare a graduate topics course on Complex and Kahler manifolds for January 2011. I want to use this course as an excuse to teach the students some geometric analysis. In ...
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Real part of a holomorphic section of a vector bundle

Let $F\to M$ be a holomorphic vector bundle over a complex manifold $M$ and let $s:M\to F$ be a no-zero section. Let $E$ be the complexification of $F$, and suppose that $E$ admits a holomorphic ...
user158773's user avatar
14 votes
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Obstruction to the existence of global resolution of coherent sheaf

It is well known that any coherent sheaf on a complex manifold (or more generally on some complex spaces) admits locally a resolution with locally free sheaves. It is also well known that for non-...
Andrei Halanay's user avatar
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What is $\sum (x+\mathbb{Z})^{-2}$?

This is a simple question, but its been bugging me. Define the function $\gamma$ on $\mathbb{R}\backslash \mathbb{Z}$ by $$\gamma(x):=\sum_{i\in \mathbb{Z}}\frac{1}{(x+i)^2}$$ The sum converges ...
Greg Muller's user avatar
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When may function (meromorphic) be expanded as power series with coefficients of integers?

Let $F$ be meromorphic function. With what properties may it be expanded as power series with coefficients of integers in such a form $$ F=\sum_0^{\infty}a_i x^i,a_i\in \mathbb{N} \cup \{0\},\exists M ...
XL _At_Here_There's user avatar
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Restriction of holomorphic functions on $G$-invariant subspace

Let $X$ be a complex manifold with a holomorphic action of a complex reductive group $G$. Let $Y \subset X$ be a $G$-invariant reduced complex analytic subspace. Is the restriction $$ \mathcal{O}_X^G \...
Simon Parker's user avatar
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A possible generalization of Gauss Lucas theorem to higher dimension

A real half space in $\mathbb{C}^2$ is $$\{(z,w)\in \mathbb{C}^2\mid \phi(z,w) > \lambda\}$$ where $\lambda$ is a real number and $\phi$ is a $\mathbb{R}$- linear functional from $\mathbb{C}^2$ to $...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Conformal map onto a circle, from an identification space composed of five squares

I am looking to derive a conformal map for the problem illustrated in this image. I've read a bit about how to map a square onto a circle, but I'm struggling to extend the concepts for the domain at ...
niran90's user avatar
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Why do we study biholomorphically invariant pseudodistances/metrics

It is said that pseudodistances/metrics which are invariant under biholomorphic maps are used to determine whether domains in $\mathbb{C}^n$ are biholomorphically equivalent or not. Suppose $\Omega_1$ ...
Kbyshi's user avatar
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On the search for an explicit form of a particular integral

Let $f$ be integrable over the interval $(0, 1)$, and $$I_n = \int_0^{1} x^n f(x) \, \mathrm{d}x.$$ Suppose $f(x) = f(1-x)$; we can then show that $$I_n = \sum_{k=0}^{n} \binom{n}{k} (-1)^k \, I_{k}...
Brian's user avatar
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Holomorphic union of sets

Let $\mathbb{D}$ be the unit disk on the plane and let $U,V\subset \mathbb{D}$ be open and such that $U\cup V=\mathbb{D}$. Is there a holomorphic map $\varphi:\mathbb{D}\times \mathbb{D}\to \mathbb{...
erz's user avatar
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