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Questions tagged [approximation-theory]

Approximation theory is concerned with how functions can best be approximated with simpler functions, and with quantitatively characterizing the errors introduced thereby.

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"Almost rational" irrational

This is a follow-up to an older question. Let $r\in \mathbb{R}\setminus\mathbb{Q}$, let $\mathbb{N}$ denote the set of non-negative integers and let $\mathbb{N}_+=\mathbb{N}\setminus\{0\}$. For $n\in\...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
8 votes
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Smooth approximation of Hölder functions "from below"

We assume that we have a $\alpha$-Hölder continuous function $f$ on an interval $[0,1].$ I am wondering if there exists an explicit construction of a sequence $f_{n} \in C_c^{\infty}(\mathbb R)$ such ...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Approximation of pseudogeometric progression

Let $f_n(x)=1+x+x^{\sqrt{2}}+x^{\sqrt{3}}+x^{\sqrt{4}}+\cdots+x^{\sqrt{n}}$ be a sequence of functions on the interval $[0, 1]$. Is there a good closed form approximation for such a function ( ...
Dmitri Scheglov's user avatar
5 votes
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Approximation of Hölder continuous functions "from below"

We assume that we have a $\alpha$-Hölder continuous function $f$ on an interval $[0,1]$ with $f(0)=0$. I am wondering if there exists an explicit construction of a sequence $f_{n} \in C_c^{\infty}(\...
António Borges Santos's user avatar
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How to prove approximation for fresnel integral converges

I was looking at the fresnel integral $S(x)=\int^x_0\sin(s^2)ds$. From reading I learned that this integral approaches $\frac{1}{2} \sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2}}$ as $x \rightarrow \infty$. Through messing ...
Chiraag Chakravarthy's user avatar
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Carleman approximation for functions from $\mathbb R$ to (closed convex subset of) a Lie algebra

I am looking for an approximation result dealing with continuous functions of a real parameter with values in (some subset of) the unitary algebra. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the following ...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
4 votes
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Explicit and fast error bounds for approximating continuous functions

Main Question This question is about finding explicit, calculable, and fast error bounds (no hidden constants) when approximating continuous functions with polynomials or simpler functions to a user-...
Peter O.'s user avatar
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Zeros in $[0,1]$ of functions $f \in \mathrm{span} \{ p(x - \lambda_k)e^{\lambda_k x} : k=1,\dots, n \}$

Let $n \in \mathbb N$, let $p:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be a real polynomial, and let $\lambda_1< \lambda_2 <\dots < \lambda_n$. Now let $$ f \in \mathrm{span} \left \{ p(x - \lambda_k)e^{\...
r_l's user avatar
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Measuring how "close" $\alpha\in[0,1]\setminus\mathbb{Q}$ is to being rational

Let $\mathbb{N}_+$ denote the set of positive integers and let $\mathbb{N}_0 = \mathbb{N}_+\cup\{0\}$. Fix $\alpha\in[0,1]\setminus \mathbb{Q}$. For $n\in\mathbb{N}_+$ we let the approximation radius ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Measurability of Brjuno numbers

A positive irrational number $\alpha\in{\mathbb R}\setminus {\mathbb Q}$ is said to be a Brjuno number if $$\sum_{i=1}^\infty\frac{\log q_{i+1}}{q_i} < \infty$$ where $q_i>0$ is the denominator ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
6 votes
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Optimal polynomial approximation of rational function $\frac{1}{1-x}$

I've been working on the following polynomial approximation problem. I want to find the optimal Chebyshev approximation of the rational function $\frac{1}{1-x}$ on the real interval $x\in[-\rho, \rho]$...
ljy's user avatar
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8 votes
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A robust version of "a holomorphic function is determined by its modulus"

It is well known that if $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ are both holomorphic on a (path-)connected open set $C$ and $\lvert f(z)\rvert=\lvert g(z)\rvert$ on $C$ then $f(z)=cg(z)$ on $C$ for some constant $c$. Do ...
Lwins's user avatar
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Is there an approximate formula for this summation function?

Consider the function $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{\cos(nx)}{n^r},$$ where $r\in\mathbb{N}$. Is there any approximate formula (closed form possibly avoiding this type of summation) for this function? I ...
user102868's user avatar
5 votes
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The relative error of approximating a binomial

Are there any good approximations for a binomial CDF that work well in terms of the relative error, as opposed to absolute? For the usual normal approximation, the absolute error is very well-studied ...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Interpolation on Sobolev space on $[0, 1]^d$ over finite meshes

Let $\Omega = [0, 1]^d$ and suppose that $f \colon \Omega \to \mathbb{R}$ lies in order $m > d/2$ Sobolev space; i.e., $$ \|f\|_{H^m(\Omega)}^2 = \sum_{|\alpha| \leq m} \|D^\alpha f\|_{L^2(\Omega)}^...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Error bounds for Sobolev space norm approximation on a finite grid

Suppose that $f : [0, 1] \to \mathbb{R}$ is an element of the order-$k$ Sobolev space, \begin{multline} f^{(k - 1)}~\text{is absolutely continuous},\quad \|f\|_{W^k}^2 := \int_0^1 f^{(k)}(x)^2 \, dx &...
Drew Brady's user avatar
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Finding the set of best approximation

Given $X$=$l^1$ and its dual space $X^*=l^\infty$. Now take $f=(1, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4,...) \in X^*$. Then clearly $\|f\|_\infty = 1$. I have found that $H=\ker f$ is a proximinal hyperplane in $X$. Note: A ...
PPB's user avatar
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Construction of the Lipschitz function with a given Lipschitz constant, given two values and with small Lipschitz norm

Let the function $f\colon [a,b] \to\mathbb{C}$ be Lipschitz and let $|f(a)| \geq c,$ $|f(b)| = c$ and $\varepsilon > 0.$ It is easy to see that if $\|f\|_{\infty}< \frac{\varepsilon}{2} =: \...
Hpela's user avatar
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Construction of the Lipschitz function with a given Lipschitz constant and given two values

Let the function $f\colon [a,b] \to\mathbb{C}$ be Lipschitz and let $|f(a)| \geq c$ and $|f(b)| = c$. Is there a Lipschitz function $g$ such that $|g| \geq c,$ $g(a)=f(a),$ $ g(b)=f(b)$ and Lipschitz ...
Hpela's user avatar
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Bounding the discrete $l^p$ norm by the continuous $L^p$ norm for trigonometric polynomials

Let $ X_N = \text{span} \{\cos(2\pi lx): l=0, \cdots, N-1 \} $ with $ x \in [0, 1] $ and $ Y_N = \{v =(v_0, \cdots, v_{N-1}): v_j \in \mathbb{C}\} = \mathbb{C}^N $. Then $ X_N $ is the space of ...
Chushamm's user avatar
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Generalization of the min-entropy that looks at the top $n$ probabilities

The min-entropy of a random variable $X$ can often be much easier to compute than the Shannon entropy. This is because the min-entropy is simply a function of the most probable value, and sometimes, ...
Mike Battaglia's user avatar
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Approximating a strictly increasing non-negative function on a non-negative domain by polynomials with non-negative coefficients

Let $f:[0,2]\rightarrow [0,\infty)$ be a strictly increasing smooth function. The Weierstrass approximation theorem says that we can uniformly approximate $f$ by polynomials. But my concern is ...
Jack's user avatar
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Can the second-order difference control the first-order difference for nowhere differentiable functions?

Suppose that $f$ is a continuous, nonconstant function on $[0,1]$. Fix some $0<a<1$. Is it possible to establish the following inequality $$ |f(x+h)-f(x)| \leq C \left[ |h|^a + |2f(x)-f(x+h)-f(x-...
Watheophy's user avatar
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Average as a constant approximation in $L^p$

Let $I=[0,1]$. For $p\in[1,\infty]$ define $C_p$ as the best constant such that for all $f\in L^p(I)$ $$ \left\|f-\int_If\,\right\|_{L^p(I)}\leq C_p\inf_{c\in\mathbb{R}}\left\|f-c\,\right\|_{L^p(I)}. $...
m7e's user avatar
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Rate of uniform approximation by piecewise constant functions

Definitions and Notation: Fix a positive constant $M>0$ with positive integers $m,n$ and the standard orthonormal basis $e_1,\dots,e_n$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$. For every positive integer $N$, define the ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Uniform norm bounds for linear approximation of 1-Lipschitz functions

This problem seems like it should be quite easy/standard, but I've not found a solution written down anywhere. Consider the set of 1-Lipschitz functions on the $[0,d]$ interval. Define the linear ...
user124784's user avatar
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Show that $\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n a_i \operatorname{erf} \left( \frac{b_i-x}{\sqrt{2}} \right) \to x$ for some sequence $\{a_n\}$ and $\{b_n\}$

Consider the following function \begin{align} f_n(x)=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n a_i \operatorname{erf} \left( \frac{b_i-x}{\sqrt{2}} \right) \end{align} where $\operatorname{erf} $ is the error ...
Boby's user avatar
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A function is of bounded variation if and only if the errors of its best approximation by trigonometric polynomials satisfy $\sum\frac{e_n}n<\infty$?

Let $\mathcal P_n$ be the set of trigonometric polynomials of degree less than or equal to $n$ and let $\lVert\cdot\rVert_\infty$ be the supremum norm. The error of the best approximation of $f$ of ...
Derivative's user avatar
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Under what conditions is the least-squares approximation bounded with the same Lipschitz gradient constants?

Let $f(x):\mathbb{R}^K\Longrightarrow \mathbb{R}^L$ denote a multivariate continuously differentiable function. All the partial derivatives of $f$ (all its Jacobian elements) are bounded from above ...
Yarden Levy's user avatar
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Approximation in Bochner spaces

Is there any result like the Bramble-Hilbert lemma for Bochner spaces? More specifically: let $H$ be a (e.g.) Hilbert space, $I\subset \mathbb R$ a bounded interval, and $L \in \mathcal L(H^k(I;H), Y)...
Lilla's user avatar
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Smooth approximation of the $\max\{0,x\}$ function with controlled derivatives

Motivation/Hand-Wavy Question: In this post, it was asked what the best local approximation of $f(x):=\max\{0,x\}$ is by a polynomial of a given degree; with the answer provided by Chebyshev's ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Chebyshev-like polynomials [closed]

In some approximation problems I'm working on, the errors turned out to be polynomials of various degrees whose graphs on the interval $[-1,1]$ look like this: As you can see, these things look a bit ...
bubba's user avatar
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Does a matrix product have an upper bound on the largest coefficient?

Let $A$ and $B$ be two $n\times n$ random matrices. Matrix $A$ has coefficients taken from a normal distribution $ \mathcal{N}(\mu_A,\sigma_A)$, and matrix $B$ has coefficients taken from $ \mathcal{N}...
Ron Banner's user avatar
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Numerically expanding a function in a rational-power "basis"

I have some scientific code which interfaces with a library which accepts real functions specified as any number of additive terms with exponential powers. For instance, it is capable of accepting ...
Anti Earth's user avatar
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Bounds on the expectation of a function of a hypergeometric random variable: A "Jensen gap"

Main Question Let $f:[0,1]\to [0,1]$ be continuous, let $B_n(f)$ be the $n$-th degree Bernstein polynomial of $f$, and let $r\ge 3$. Given certain assumptions on $f$, what is an explicit and tight ...
Peter O.'s user avatar
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Wavelet decomposition of $C^{k}$-functions on smooth manifolds

Background (compactly supported wavelet decomposition of $\mathbb{R}^n$): Fix compactly supported “mother and father wavelets” $\phi,\psi^{\epsilon}:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ where $\epsilon$...
ABIM's user avatar
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Functional approximation with derivatives

I am trying to solve a functional approximation problem. Consider a set of measurements of a d-dimensional state $\mathrm x \in \mathbb{R}^d$, together with velocities $\dot{\mathrm x}$ and ...
can't stop me now's user avatar
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A conjecture on consistent monotone sequences of polynomials in Bernstein form

A Conjecture In the following, a polynomial $P(x)$ is written in Bernstein form of degree $n$ if it is written as— $$P(x)=\sum_{k=0}^n a_k {n \choose k} x^k (1-x)^{n-k},$$ where $a_0, ..., a_n$ are ...
Peter O.'s user avatar
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Asymptotics in the Chebyshev-type optimization problem

Let $g(x)\colon [-2,2]\to \mathbb{R}$ be a continuous function. Let $f_n(x)$ be a polynomial of degree $n$ such that $\log |f_n(x)|\leqslant ng(x)$ for all $x\in [-2,2]$. Then the maximal possible ...
Fedor Petrov's user avatar
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Can we talk about approximation when the decision problem for solution existence is NP-Hard

I am wishing to design an approximation algorithm for an optimization problem where the existence of solution for corresponding decision problem is not guaranteed. Is it wise to find an approximation ...
Hemraj Raikwar's user avatar
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Approximating a smooth function under some restrictions

Let $C^{m,\alpha}_M([0,1])$ be a Holder ball consisting of real-valued functions $g$ on $[0,1]$ such that $$ \|g\|_{C^{m,\alpha}} := \max_{0\leq j \leq m } \sup_{x\in [0,1]} |g^{(j)}(x)| + \sup_{x,y\...
masala's user avatar
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Optimal regularity of polynomial interpolators

Definitions We define the "complexity" of any polynomial function $p:\mathbb{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbb{R}^m$ as $m\binom{n+\deg(p)}{n}$ (i.e the dimension of $\oplus_{i=1}^m\,\mathbb{R}[X_1,\...
ABIM's user avatar
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Approximating a probability density with a point set

Let $f$ be a "nice" probability density on $\mathbb{R}^2$, let $p=1/k$ for some fixed positive integer $k$, and let $\epsilon>0$. Are there any known statements of the following form? &...
Tom Solberg's user avatar
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Is there a continuous function with finitely many local extrema which is arbitrarily hard to approximate by (trigonometric) polynomials?

("Hard" in the same way that $\varphi=\frac{1+\sqrt 5}2$ is "hard to approximate by rationals".) I'll state the problem here and give the motivation below. Is there a continuous ...
Derivative's user avatar
17 votes
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Explicit and fast error bounds for polynomial approximation

Main Question This question is about finding explicit, calculable, and fast error bounds when approximating continuous functions with polynomials to a user-specified error tolerance. EDIT (Apr. 23): ...
Peter O.'s user avatar
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Weak lower semicontinuity of a sequence of Riemann sums

Let us have a sequence of functions $\{f^K\}_{K \in \mathbb{N}} \in C([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ which is uniformly bounded in $L^2((0,1))$. We observe a sequence of Riemann sums $$R^K=\frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=0}^{...
Marko Rajkovic's user avatar
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Are Chebyshev polynomials a Schauder basis of $\mathrm{Lip}[-1,1]$?

It is known that every Lipschitz function $f \colon [-1,1] \to \mathbb R$ can be expressed as a series in the Chebyshev polynomials $$f = \sum_{n = 0}^\infty a_n T_n $$ which is absolutely convergent ...
Emilio Ferrucci's user avatar
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Bound error in approximating $E_x [H(f(x))]$ with random $(1/n) \sum_{i=1}^n \Phi(f(x_i)/h)$ where $H$ is Heaviside function and $\Phi$ is normal CDF

Let $f:\mathbb R^d \to \mathbb R$ be a "sufficiently smooth" function. For simplicity, we may consider $f$ to be an affine function, i.e $f(x) \equiv b-x^\top w$, for some $(w,b) \in \mathbb ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Best approximation of L1 function by Lipschitz function

Fix constant $L,C>0$ and $k\geq 1$ and let $f\in W^{1,k}(\mathbb{R}^d,\mathbb{R}^n)$ with $\|f\|_{W^{1,k}}\leq C$. Is there a known estimate on the distance $$ \|f - \operatorname{Lip}_L(\mathbb{R}^...
ABIM's user avatar
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Relation between the local maxima and the local minima for approximating the generalized Laguerre polynomial

I have already asked my question in the link below: Minima approximation for Laguerre polynomials I have suggested to anyone to give me the approximations of the minima for the Laguerre polynomial, ...
Assinisa Hamidata's user avatar

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