Let $n \in \mathbb N$, let $p:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be a real polynomial, and let $\lambda_1< \lambda_2 <\dots < \lambda_n$. Now let $$ f \in \mathrm{span} \left \{ p(x - \lambda_k)e^{\lambda_k x} : k=1,\dots, n \right \}, \quad f \neq 0. $$ It is well-known that if $p =1$ then $f$ has at most $n-1$ distinct (real) zeros in $[0,1]$. What about the case where $p \neq 0$? Can I find assumptions on the $\lambda_j$'s so that $f$ has again at most $n-1$ distinct zeros in $[0,1]$? I'm in particular interested in the case where the $\lambda_k$'s are of the form $\lambda_k = C + \alpha k$ for some fixed $\alpha,C>0$.
Thank you for any help!