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Complexity of evaluation of analytic functions

Given an analytic function $f(x)$ (say as combination of elementary functions and operators), is it possible to compute $n$ first bits of the value of the function on the whole interval $[a, b]$ ...
roignoirewg's user avatar
-1 votes
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Best approximation of the modulus function

While there is extensive study regarding the best approximation of function with polynomial functions in the real domain, the study of approximation of complex variables becomes much sparse. See this ...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
4 votes
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Approximation for complex variables

Approximation theory, which aims to provide the optimal polynomial function approximating the target function in a given domain such as $x\in[-1,1]$, has been well-developed for real variables. In ...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
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Rational approximation for continuous function on curve $\Gamma$

Let $\Gamma \in C^{1,\lambda}$ be an oriented Jordan curve in complex plane $\mathbb{C} $, $\mathrm{R}(\Gamma)$ the set of all rational functions without poles on $\Gamma $. "$\mathrm{R}(\Gamma)$...
Yidong Luo's user avatar
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Mean values of polynomial and holomorphic matrices

Lemma. Assume $H: \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^{d \times d}$ is a polynomial of degree $m$, such that for all $x \in \mathbb{R}$, $H(x)$ is a symmetric semidefinite matrix. For all $n \geq 0$ and real ...
Sébastien Loisel's user avatar
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Carleman approximation for functions from $\mathbb R$ to (closed convex subset of) a Lie algebra

I am looking for an approximation result dealing with continuous functions of a real parameter with values in (some subset of) the unitary algebra. However, I wouldn't be surprised if the following ...
Frederik vom Ende's user avatar
8 votes
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A robust version of "a holomorphic function is determined by its modulus"

It is well known that if $f(z)$ and $g(z)$ are both holomorphic on a (path-)connected open set $C$ and $\lvert f(z)\rvert=\lvert g(z)\rvert$ on $C$ then $f(z)=cg(z)$ on $C$ for some constant $c$. Do ...
Lwins's user avatar
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Computing $\int^{4b}_0 {e^{-tx}\biggl(\frac{\sqrt{4bx-x^2}}{(2b-2c)^2+4cx}\biggr) dx}$

I am a PhD student working on complex analysis. After integrating over a keyhole contour to obtain the inverse of a particular Laplace transform, I ended up with the following integral: $$\frac{1}{\pi}...
Eduardo's user avatar
5 votes
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Smooth, non-analytic functions of non-normal matrices

My apologies if this isn't a well-enough-posed question, I think I'm partly unsure of what exact question to even ask. There are many different ways in which we can take a function of a matrix. We ...
Yonah Borns-Weil's user avatar
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Polynomial and rational approximation of continuous functions in $\mathbb{C}$

I am wondering what the state of the art is for polynomial and rational approximations to continuous/holomorphic functions in $\mathbb{C}$. The particular domains of interest are the closed unit ball $...
zjs's user avatar
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Walsh-Lebesgue type theorem in $\Bbb R^{2m}$ for $m>1$

Is someone aware of any analogue of the Walsh-Lebesgue theorem in $\mathbb{R}^{2m}$ for $m>1$ and dealing with polyharmonic polynomials? In this post, $\phi$ is said to be polyharmonic in $\mathbb{...
Pierre's user avatar
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How to find or approximate (e.g. using method of steepest descent ) integral?

Can you give any advice on how to find or approximate the following integral $$ F(t,y) = \int_{0}^{y}\frac{i e^{-\frac{3 t^2 \left(x^2+1\right)}{2 \left(9 x^2+1\right)}-i \frac{4 t^2 x}{9 x^2+1}}}{\...
InchyChyn's user avatar
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Approximation of analytic function by a fixed number of monomials

This question seems simple but I can't manage to disprove it. Let $N\in \mathbb{N}$. We know that by its analyticity that this precise linear combination of monomials $ \sum_{n=0}^K \frac1{n!} x^n $ ...
Catologist_who_flies_on_Monday's user avatar
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Rate of convergence of Padé approximants

Let $f$ be an entire function of order $1$. Two questions: 1) Can one assert that the diagonal Padé approximants converge to $f$ (pointwise or uniformly over compacts of $\mathbb C$)? 2) if yes, can ...
joaopa's user avatar
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Padé Approximants of Power Series with Natural Boundaries

Consider a power series $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}c_{n}z^{n}$ for which $c_{n}\in\left\{ 0,1\right\}$ for all $n$. One can write this as: $$\varsigma_{V}\left(z\right)\overset{\textrm{def}}{=}\sum_{v\in V}...
MCS's user avatar
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Proving that $\lim_{j \to i} Z_{ij} = [\ln(\frac{\Delta s_i}{2})-1]\Delta s_i$

If I have the following integral equation $$\phi(\vec{x})=\frac{1}{\pi}\int [\phi\frac{\partial (\ln r)}{\partial n} -\ln(r) \frac{\partial \phi}{\partial n}] ds$$ An approximate solution of $\phi$ ...
Mahmoud Hassan's user avatar
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Variation of steepest descent/Laplace methods for non-exponential integrands

I was wondering if versions of the Laplace/steepest descent methods exists for integrals of the type $$\int_C f(z) M(\lambda g(z)) dz$$ for $\lambda >>0$ functions $f(z), g(z): \mathbb C \...
Mr_3_7's user avatar
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Padé multipoint approximants of the exponential function

One says that a pair of polynomials $(P_m,Q_n)$ over $\mathbb C[z]$, with $\text{deg }P_m=m$, $\text{deg }Q_n=n$, is a "multipoint Padé approximant of the exponential function" if $P_m(z)e^z-Q_n(z)$ ...
joaopa's user avatar
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What are good ways to 'relax' a uniform approximation into independent saddle-point expressions once the uniform approach is no longer needed?

I am doing long-running project that involves asymptotic saddle-point estimation of integrals (for flavour, it's this sort of stuff) and I would like to ask if there are established ways in the ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
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How to choose contour for rational approximation

Let $f$ be an analytic function on $\Omega \subset \mathbb{C}$. The Hermite formula for interpolation at the points $a_k$, $k=1,\ldots,n$, using a rational function $r_n$ with poles at $b_k$, $k=1,\...
gTcV's user avatar
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How small (in modulus) can a polynomial get?

Question. If $f(z)\in\mathbb{C}[z]$ is a monic polynomial of degree $n$, is it true that $$\max\{\,\vert f(x)\vert: \, -1\leq x\leq 1\}\geq 2^{1-n} \,\, ?$$ Context. This came up while working on ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
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Generalisation of Chebyshev series to arbitrary sets

A Lipschitz continuous function $f : [-1,1] \to \mathbb{C}$ has a unique representation as a series in terms of the Chebyshev polynomials $T_k$, $$ f(x) = \sum_{k = 0}^\infty a_k \, T_k(x) \qquad \...
gTcV's user avatar
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approximation of rational functions

Suppose $\hat{p}/\hat{q}$ and $p/q$ are two rational functions where $p,q,\hat{p},\hat{q}$ are of degree $n$. Suppose they satisfy that $|p(z)/q(z) - \hat{p}(z)/\hat{q}(z)| < \epsilon$ for any $z$ ...
Alex Wenxin Xu's user avatar
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Explicit analytic function with modulus asymptotic to $\Re z+\Im z$

Is there a simple and explicit continuous function $f\colon[0,\infty)^2\to\mathbb C$ such that $f$ is analytic on $(0,\infty)^2$ and $|f(x+iy)|/(x+y)\to1$ as $x+y\to\infty$, where $(x,y)\in[0,\infty)^...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, polynomial interpolation, divided difference in complex plane

Setting: Let $\Gamma$ be a simple smooth($C^\infty$) curve in $\mathbb{C}$ parametrized by the injective map $\gamma:[0,1] \to \mathbb{C}$. Assume $f$ is a function defined on $\Gamma$ s.t. $f$ is ...
booksee's user avatar
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Generalized Schwarz Lemma for near-zeros

In approximation theory, it is classical to use a result that can be considered a generalization of the Schwarz Lemma: Let $f:[-1,1]\rightarrow\mathbb{C}$ be a function that is analytic in a domain $...
alext87's user avatar
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Are polynomials dense in holomorphic $L^p(\mathrm{Gauss})$ for $p < 1$?

Let $\mu$ be standard Gaussian measure on $\mathbb{C}^n$, i.e. $d\mu = \frac{1}{(2 \pi)^n} e^{-|z|^2/2}\,dz$, and fix $0 < p < 1$ (note carefully). Suppose $g$ is holomorphic on $\mathbb{C}^n$...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
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Polynomials are dense in $A_{B(0,1)}$

Let $D(0,1)$ be the disk of center 0 and radius 1 and call $A_{D(0,1)}= \{ f:\overline{D(0,1)} \rightarrow \mathbb{C} : f \text{ is continuous and } f|_{D(0,1)} \text{ is holomorphic} \}$. Can ...
Seasoned's user avatar
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Approximation Runge's Theorem

Let $X$ be a Riemann Surface and $K$ a compact subset of $X$. Every holomorphic function in $K$ be uniformly approximable on $K$ by holomorphic functions on $X$ if $X-K$ have no connected component ...
James's user avatar
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A question about the Beurling-Selberg majorant

Beurling's majorant is defined as the unique entire function $B(z)$ such that the Fourier transform of $B(x)$ is compactly supported in the interval $[-1;1]$, $B(x) \geq \text{sgn}(x)$ and $B(x)$ ...
boinkboink's user avatar
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approximation of holomorphic functions on a halfplane.

Let $\mathbb {C} _ + $ denote the right halfplane and $A$ the algebra $$ A = \{ f \in H^\infty({\mathbb C} _ +) \cap C(\overline{{\mathbb C} _ +}): \; |f(z)| \le M (1+|z|)^{-\epsilon} \text{ ...
Eric's user avatar
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methods for interpolating a function, holomorphic in the upper halfplane

Let $n,k\colon\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ be real functions such that function $N$ given by $N(x)=n(x)-ik(x)$ is a holomorphic function in the upper half-plane. Also I know some additional properties of ...
Fiktor's user avatar
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