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Questions tagged [analytic-number-theory]

On the blending of real/complex analysis with number theory. The study involves distribution of prime numbers and other problems and helps giving asymptotic estimates to these.

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10 votes
1 answer

A basic estimate of exponential sums

Demeter in his book "Fourier Restriction, Decoupling, and Applications" (P287) used the following estimate: \begin{equation} \sup_{0\leq n\leq q}\bigg|\sum_{m=0}^n e^{2\pi i\frac{a}{q}m^2}\...
Dapao Zhang's user avatar
4 votes
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Question about a paper by Franca and LeClair in analytic number theory

I am reading an article "Transcendental equations satisfied by the individual zeros of Riemann $\zeta$, Dirichlet and modular L-functions" by G. Franca and A. LeClair (2015) see here. The ...
Williams's user avatar
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How to best approximate $1/\zeta(s)$ by a finite sum

I would like to approximate $1/\zeta(s)$ for $s=1+it$ by a finite sum: $$\frac{1}{\zeta(1+it)} = \sum_n \frac{\mu(n)}{n} \eta\left(\frac{n}{x}\right) + \epsilon(t)$$ with $\eta$ a function of compact ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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On the elementary proof of Dirichlet theorem on arithmetic progressions

In [Cassels, JWS, Rational quadratic forms, p. 333], the autor says: "In fact the elementary proof of Dirichlet's theorem [Selberg (1949)] makes essential use of the existence of genera". In ...
Leoncio Franco Fernández's user avatar
9 votes
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Best smoothing for the Prime Number Theorem?

There are plenty of proofs of the Prime Number Theorem with explicit error terms - it actually looks like a rather competitive field (see Remark 1.4 in Several ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Successive minima and the basis of lattice

I am able to prove the following two propositions: Recall that the $i$-th successive minimum of $L\in \mathcal L$, denoted $\lambda_i(L)$ is the infimum of the radii of the balls containing $i$-...
taylor's user avatar
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Optimizing a smoothing function with the Prime Number Theorem in mind

Let $f:[0,\infty)\to \mathbb{R}$ be a function with $f(x)=1$ for $0\leq x\leq 1$. Write $Mf$ for the Mellin transform of $f$. Let $c>0$, $T>10^6$ be constants. We are interested in minimizing ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Overall idea of estimating major arcs in Waring's problem

This is copied from math.SE after a kind comment's suggestion as I am sure people here are very well knowledged in this method :) I am currently reading Vaughan's "The Hardy-Littlewood Method&...
Gareth Ma's user avatar
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Estimating a sum with a fractional part

Is it possible to pick up the value $\log^2 x<y<x$ to get this expressions simultaneously $$\sum_{d\leq y}\left \{ \frac{x}{d} \right \}\leqslant \frac{y}{\log^{3} y}?$$
user493246's user avatar
1 vote
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Existence of a smooth function that approximates a characteristic function of an interval with certain property

Let $N$ be a large integer and $I = [aN, bN]$ for some $0 < a < b < 1$. Denote by $\chi_I(x) = 1$ if $x \in I$, $0$ otherwise. I was wondering if there exists a smooth function $w$ with the ...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Bounds for PNT from Wiener-Ikehara?

What sort of bounds on the error term in the Prime Number Theorem can one obtain through a Wiener-Ikehara approach? Same question, but for the Mertens function $M(x)=\sum_{n\leq x} \mu(n)$.
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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1 vote
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Robin's inequality for odd numbers

In this article (Theorem 1.2) there is a proof for Robin's inequality for odd numbers, $\sigma(n)/n< e^{\gamma}\log(\log(n))$ where $\gamma$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant and $\sigma(n)$ is the ...
Asanovic Tomas's user avatar
2 votes
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For $\Phi$ a majorant of $1_{[-1/2,1/2]}$, how small can the total variation of $\widehat\Phi$ be?

Let $\Phi:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a real-valued, symmetric, non-negative function such that $\Phi(t)\geq 1$ for $|t|\leq 1/2$. Assume furthermore that $\Phi$ and $\widehat\Phi$ are both in $L^1\...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Mean value of the divisor function over Piatetski-Shapiro sequences

Let $c>1$, $c\not\in\mathbb{Z}$ and consider the sum $$ \sum_{n\leq x} \tau(\lfloor n^c \rfloor), $$ where $\tau(n)$ is the number of divisors of $n$. I'm almost certain I've seen an evaluation of ...
Joshua Stucky's user avatar
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Equidistribution of lattice points on quadratic forms without certain values

I have recently been studying some results about equidistribution of lattice points on positive definite quadratic forms $Q$ with $3$ or more variables. Concretely the article Duke and Schulze-Pillot, ...
MathqA's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

An optimization problem: $\Phi(0)$, $\widehat{\Phi}(0)$, $\Phi$ a majorant

(This is a problem that arose from my own answer to Mean value theorem for Dirichlet series - optimize? ) Let $\Phi:\mathbb{R}\to \mathbb{R}$ be a real-valued, symmetric, non-negative function such ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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Mean value theorem for Dirichlet series of prime support?

Let $\{a_n\}_{1\leq n\geq N}$, $a_n\in \mathbb{C}$. Let $F(s) = \sum_{n=1}^N a_n n^{-s}$. By a mean-value theorem (Montgomery-Vaughan, 1973), $$\int_0^T |F(i t)|^2 = \sum_{n=1}^N |a_n|^2 (T + O(n)).$$ ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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7 votes
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What consequences would follow from the density hypothesis?

Let $N(\sigma,T)$ denote the number of zeros $\rho=\beta+\gamma i$ of the Riemann zeta function satisfying $\beta\ge \sigma$ and $0<\gamma\le T$, counted with multiplicity. Then the "Density ...
AfterMath's user avatar
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Rational solutions to Catalan's equation

Famous Catalan's conjecture, now a theorem proved by Mihăilescu, states that the only solution in the natural numbers of the equation $$ x^{a}-y^{b}=1. $$ for $a, b > 1$ and $x, y > 0$ is $x = 3,...
Bogdan Grechuk's user avatar
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Around similar inequalities than an inequality due to Nicolas, that involve products of consecutive Ramanujan primes

This is cross-posted (and this post is a version to ask just around the veracity of Conjecture 1) as the post with identifier 3594907 and same title), that I've edited on Mathematics Stack Exchange ...
user142929's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it true that the $\mathbb{F}_p$-rank of a linear combination of matrices is usually not smaller than its $\mathbb{Q}$-rank?

Consider fixed $3 \times 3$ integer matrices $A_1,A_2,A_3$ and the $\sim H^3$ linear combination matrices $A(\mathbf{h})=h_1A_1+h_2A_2+h_3A_3$ where $h_1,h_2,h_3$ are integers with $\vert h_i\vert \le ...
Christian Bernert's user avatar
1 vote
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On equations with arithmetic functions [closed]

Is this good topic for research: equations with arithmetic functions, for example equations like $\varphi(n)=\sigma(n)$ or $\varphi(n)+\sigma(n)=d(n)$ ? If Anyone here have an advise please tell me ...
Omega's user avatar
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A question regarding Lehmer-Pierce numbers for certain families of polynomials

Let $f(x)=x^n+a_{n-1} x^{n-1}+...+a_0\in\mathbb{Z}[x]$ be a monic, irreducible polynomial with integer coefficients and let $\alpha_1,...,\alpha_n\in\mathbb{C}$ be the complex roots of $f$, where we ...
Claudius's user avatar
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Bounded sums involving primes

I'm trying to generalize the Theorem 2.7.1 in [1] where they prove: $$\sum_{p \leq x} f(p) = \int_{2}^{x} \frac{f(t)}{\log{t}} dt + \epsilon(x)f(x) - \int_{2}^{x} \epsilon(t) f^{'}(t) dt $$ where $\...
Pierluigi's user avatar
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9 votes
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Closed form for ₄F₃(n,n,n,2n;1+n,1+n,1+n;−1)

For positive integer $n$ the following value of a hypergeometric function $$_4F_3(n,n,n,2n,1+n,1+n,1+n,-1)$$ based on the first few terms looks like $$ R_1(n) + R_2(n) \pi^2$$ where $R_{1,2}(n)$ are ...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
1 vote
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Large sieve inequality-like sum without the square

Let $S(\alpha) = \sum_{n\leq N} w(n) e^{2\pi i \alpha n}$ for some function $w$ defined on $\mathbb{R}$. Suppose $\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_R$ are real numbers that are $\delta$-spaced modulo $1$, for ...
SJY's user avatar
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Converse theorem for zeta universality

Voronin's Universality Theorem for $\zeta(s)$ is that the zeta function can uniformly approximate any non-vanishing holomorphic function to any degree of accuracy in the right-half of the critical ...
modperspec's user avatar
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On the upper bound estimation of $D(N)$ in Chen Jingrun's theorem

What are the current research results on the estimation of the upper bound of $D(N)$ in Chen Jingrun's theorem? Including but not limited to Chen Jingrun's improvement 7.8342 and Wu Jie's improvement ...
RL433's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Reference for zero sum estimates of Dirichlet L functions

Let $\chi$ be a primitive character mod $p$ (prime) and $\rho = \beta + i \gamma$ be a non-trivial zero of $L(s, \chi)$. I am reading a paper by Ihara and Murty where they use following estimate : $\...
User1326's user avatar
5 votes
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Sum of many squares modulo $n$

Let $n$ be a positive integer and $0 \leq i < n$. Define $$ N(i) = \# \left\{ (x_1,\dots, x_s) \in [1, n]^s: x_1^2 +\dots + x_s^2 \equiv i \mod n \right\}. $$ I am looking for a reference for ...
SJY's user avatar
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On $\sum_{\rho\in D} \text{dist}(\rho)=\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\partial{D}}\log \zeta(s)\ ds$

Let $D$ denote a closed two dimensional figure as: $D=2+iT\to 2\to 2-\delta\to 2-\delta+i(T-\delta)\to \frac{1}{2}+\epsilon+i(T-\delta)\to\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon\to\frac{1}{2}-\epsilon\to \frac{1}{2}-\...
Honor's user avatar
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What kind of points are left in the set with rationals subtracted, who contains all rationals and is null?

Let {$q_i$} be a list of all rationals, $U_{i,n}$ be an open interval centered at $q_i$ with length of $2^{-i}/n$. Then open set $\bigcup_{i}U_{i,n} $ has the length of $1/n$ and contains all ...
Michael's user avatar
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Reducing the number of terms in Waring-Goldbach problem by allowing exponents to vary

Assuming the Waring-Goldbach problem (see has a positive solution, can we reduce the number of terms $t$ to some value $t'$ by allowing ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
-1 votes
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Inversion shift of a Galois radius

Say a non negative $r$ is a Galois radius of $n$ of type $(a,b)$ if $n-r=p^a$ and $n+r=q^b$ with $p$ and $q$ prime and positive $a$ and $b$. If $a\neq b$, say $r$ is "unbalanced" and say $s$ ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
1 vote
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Distribution of $\alpha n^2/q$ modulo $1$?

Let $0 \neq \alpha \in [0,1]$ and $q$ a positive integer. Let $||.||$ denote the distance to the closest integer and define $$ N_i(q) = \sum_{ \substack{ -q/2 \leq n \leq q/2 \\ \frac{i}{q} \leq || \...
Johnny T.'s user avatar
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On improvements of the GPY sieve

When $\chi_\mathbb P(n)$ denotes the characteristic function of primes and $\mathcal H=\{h_1,h_2,\dots,h_k\}$ is some admissible $k$-tuple, the GPY sieve can be formulated as follows: $$ S(x)=\sum_{x&...
TravorLZH's user avatar
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(Explicit) Tauberian theorems: removing $(\log x/n)$

Say that $\{a_n\}_{n\geq 1}$, $|a_n|\leq 1$, are such that $$\left|\sum_{n\leq x} a_n \log \frac{x}{n}\right|\leq \epsilon x\quad\text{for all $x\geq x_0$.}$$ What sort of bound can we deduce on $S(x)=...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Square-free numbers in an interval

Is there an explicit estimate in the literature bounding from above the number of square-free numbers in a short interval $x<n\leq x y$? I can easily do this by means of the Selberg sieve, but I do ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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-10 votes
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Summatory functions for fractional parts

Notation: $$ \{x\}\ :=\ x-\lfloor x\rfloor $$ APF-functions $\ \tau(n)\ $ for $\ 2<n\in\mathbb N,\ $ and $\ \xi(n)\ $ for $\ 3<n\in\mathbb N,\ $ are defined as follows: $$ \tau(n)\ :=\ \sum_{k=...
Wlod AA's user avatar
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20 votes
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On the equation $\zeta(s) = F(s)+F(s+1)$

Define the function $F(s)$ as the Dirichlet series $$ F(s) = \sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{(n+1)n^{s-1}}, $$ which converges for $\operatorname{Re}(s)>1$. Has anyone seen/studied this function before? ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
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Upper bound on $\#\{p \leq B :\#E(\mathbb{F}_p) \equiv a \mod b\}$ for large $b$

Let $E$ be a fixed elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Is there a good upper bound on $\#\{p \leq B :\#E(\mathbb{F}_p) \equiv a \mod b\}$ when $b$ is large (maybe around $\sqrt{B}$)? I don't mind ...
johng23's user avatar
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Average of $\lambda(n+1)$ for $n$ smooth, or smooth-and-rough? What follows?

Let $\lambda$ be the Liouville function, i.e., $\lambda(p_1\dotsb p_k)=(-1)^k$ for $p_1,\dotsc,p_k$ not necessarily distinct. There is a conjecture (due to whom?) that there are infinitely many primes ...
H A Helfgott's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there a general relationship between definite integrals over functions involving the complete elliptic integral of the first kind and zeta values?

Background Let $\textbf{K}(k)$ be the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, where $k$ is its elliptic modulus [1]. Moreover, define $k' := \sqrt{1-k^{2}} $ as its complementary modulus. I've ...
Max Lonysa Muller's user avatar
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Upper bound on minimum number of prime factors in short intervals

Suppose that $H = H(X)$ is some quantity growing with $X$. Are there any bounds on $$F(X, H) = \min_{X < n\le X + H} \omega(n)?$$ It isn't hard to obtain a lower bound $\max_{x\sim X} F(X, H)\gg \...
Mayank Pandey's user avatar
1 vote
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About Omega prime function

Let $ω(n)$ be the number of distinct prime factors of $n$. Is the inequality $ω(n)\leq C\log\log(n)$ true and if so what is the value of the constant $C$ ?
Omega's user avatar
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How to use prime number theorem In such cases?

Let, $$A(x)=\sum_{p\leq x}f(p)$$ Where $p$ is a prime number. Under the Prime Number theorem we have that, $$\pi(x)=Li(x)+O\left(\frac{x}{e^{a\sqrt{\ln(x)}}}\right) $$ as $x$ approach infinity. Now, $$...
RAHUL 's user avatar
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Relevance of the deduction of similar theorems than Maier's theorem for other prime constellations

A year ago I asked this question on Mathematics Stack Exchange with identifier 4245823 and same title Relevance of the deduction of similar theorems than Maier's theorem for other constellations of ...
user142929's user avatar
3 votes
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On conjectures about the arithmetic function that counts the number of Sophie Germain primes

I've edited this post two years ago on Mathematics Stack Exchange, with identifier 3590406 and same title On conjectures about the arithmetic function that counts the number of Sophie Germain primes, ...
user142929's user avatar
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Explicit formula for zeta function with special type of weight

Consider the following line of thinking: $$\pi(x) = \operatorname{R}(x) - \sum_{\rho}\operatorname{R}(x^{\rho}) - \frac1{\ln x} + \frac1\pi \arctan \frac\pi{\ln x} $$ Here, $\operatorname{R}(x) = \...
TPC's user avatar
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Inequalities involving binary representation of integers

Let $N\geq 1$ be a positive integer and assume that $N=2^{n_1}+2^{n_2}+\cdots+2^{n_{p}}$, $n_{1}>n_{2}>\cdots>n_{p}\geq 0$, is the binary representation of $N$. I believe that the following ...
aleari1009's user avatar

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