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  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
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8 votes

distinguishing E(K)/E_0(K) groups of order 4

8 votes

Reference request: Diophantine equations

7 votes

Square root in number field

7 votes

Set of primes $p$ such that $\mathrm{Hom}(A, \mathbb{F}_p)=\emptyset$

7 votes

Is co-restriction in Galois cohomology in fact the norm map via Kummer isomorphism?

7 votes

Elementary proof of Riemann-Roch for compact Riemann surfaces

7 votes

Which quartic fields contain the 4th roots of unity in their Galois closure?

7 votes

Demystifying complex numbers

7 votes

How can we solve the following number theory problem?

6 votes

Reference request to proof that H$^2(\Gamma, \mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}) = 0$

6 votes

Quadratic twist of an elliptic curve given by non-Weierstrass model

6 votes

Rational solutions to x^3 + y^3 + z^3 - 3xyz = 1

6 votes

Non-rigorous reasoning in rigorous mathematics

6 votes

Does the expression $x^4 +y^4$ take on all values in $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$?

6 votes

Two queries on triangles, the sides of which have rational lengths

6 votes

Conic sections are to cones as quadric surfaces are to what?

5 votes

Singular models of K3 surfaces

5 votes

Possible $p$-torsion subgroup of $E(\mathbb{Q}_p)$, and if there is a theorem to say which case happens when?

5 votes

Sine and Archimedes' derivation of the area of the circle

5 votes

Is there an english translation of Delignes "La conjecture de Weil pour les surfaces K3."?

5 votes

First Galois cohomology of Weil restriction of $\mathbb{G}_m$

4 votes

Pythagorean number in Artin's theorem on nonnegative rational fractions

4 votes

Find the rational cases where ${t}^{2} - 4$ is a perfect square with height bound $|t| \le N$ for positive integer $N \ge 1$

4 votes

On the fixed point of automorphism of $\mathbb F_3[[T]]$

4 votes

Analogy between the nodal cubic curve $y^2=x^3+x^2$ and the ring $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-3}]$?

4 votes

Tweetable Mathematics

4 votes

A curve is proper iff the space of global sections is finite-dimensional

4 votes

Inequality with symmetric polynomials

4 votes

How to work with this power series?

3 votes

What is the state-of-the-art for solving polynomials systems over fields that are not algebraically closed?