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R.P.'s user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
31 votes

Daunting papers/books and how to finally read them

25 votes

Is the Hasse principle a birational invariant?

20 votes

$P(x)=P(y)$ has infinitely many integer solutions

19 votes

Results that are widely accepted but no proof has appeared

18 votes

What to do after a pure math academic path?

17 votes

What are some ways to stay engaged with the mathematical community from outside academia?

17 votes

History of powers beyond squares and cubes

16 votes

reference request: rational points on the unit sphere

15 votes

Elliptic Curves over Rings?

14 votes

Is $e^p\in\mathbb{Q}_p$ known to be transcendental?

14 votes

Why does inconstructibility of $\sqrt[3]{2}$ imply impossibility of cube doubling?

14 votes

Nontrivial solutions for $\sum x_i = \sum x_i^3 = 0$

14 votes

Pressure to defend the relevance of one's area of mathematics

13 votes

Diophantine representation of the set of prime numbers of the form $n²+1$

13 votes

Finding $q(x)$ such that $p(q(x))$ is reducible over $\mathbb{Q}[x]$

13 votes

Find all rational solutions of this diophantine-equation?

12 votes

Demystifying complex numbers

12 votes

When is $f(a,b)=\frac{a^2+b^2}{1+ab}$ a perfect square rational number?

12 votes

Is being principal a local property?

12 votes

Brauer groups and field extensions

10 votes

Does this equation have any nonzero solutions

10 votes

Does GAGA hold over other topological fields?

9 votes

The boundedness of the rank of twists of a fixed curve

8 votes

Is any quadric birational to a product of Brauer-Severi varieties?

8 votes

Brauer group of projective space

8 votes

Textbook for Etale Cohomology

8 votes

Picard groups of quartic K3 surfaces

8 votes

$N_p := \text{card}\{(x, y, z, t) \in (\textbf{F}_p)^4 : ax^4 + by^4 + z^2 + t^2 = 0\}?$

8 votes

Obstructions for a group to be the multiplicative group of a field

8 votes

Rational points on open subsets of affine space