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Matthias Ludewig's user avatar
Matthias Ludewig
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
23 votes

Why differential forms are important?

16 votes

How to write popular mathematics well?

16 votes

Formal adjoint of the covariant derivative

14 votes

How does the work of a pure mathematician impact society?

11 votes

How to prove Liouville measure is invariant under geodesic flow?

10 votes

Relationship between Laplacian and Hessian on compact Lie groups

8 votes

What are "good" examples of spin manifolds?

6 votes

Making the identification $\tau M\approx TM\oplus (TM\odot TM)$

5 votes

Stochastic interpretation of heat kernel on fiber bundle

5 votes

What are all invariant polynomials on the space of algebraic curvature tensors?

5 votes

Is Riemannian integration sufficient in physics?

5 votes

Why are there so many smooth functions?

4 votes

Take contraction wrt a vector field twice and define kernel mod image. Does that give anything interesting?

4 votes

Generalized Hodge Decomposition on Manifolds with Boundary

4 votes

heat kernel on closed manifolds - error in Chavel's book?

3 votes

Dual connections for Information Geometry

3 votes

Calculation of the top Chern class of spinor bundle over $S^{2n}$

3 votes

The complex heat kernel on a Riemann manifold

3 votes

de Rahm Laplace operator on forms bounded

3 votes

Spectrum of Mathieu equation

3 votes

Approximation with continuous functions

3 votes

When does heat kernel have both Gaussian upper and lower bounds?

3 votes

Existence of Geodesics in continuous metrics

3 votes

The first eigenvalue of the Schrödinger operator is simple.

3 votes

Does every vector bundle allow a finite trivialization cover?

2 votes

Difference between spaces of integrable functions w.r.t Lebesgue measure and Borel measure

2 votes

is f a polynomial provided that it is "partially" smooth?

2 votes

When do curves exist in infinite-dimensional submanifolds?

2 votes

How to evaluate the wiener measure of sets?

2 votes

Can one hear the shape of a drum for operators?