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Martin Väth's user avatar
Martin Väth's user avatar
Martin Väth
  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
11 votes

What can be preserved in mathematics if all constructions are carried out in ZF?

9 votes

Finiteness of Hausdorff measure of balls

8 votes

Homotopy type of the Hausdorff metric

7 votes

Regarding a positive Lebesgue measure set in $\mathbb{R}^2$

7 votes

To show a set is a set of positive Lebesgue measure in $ \mathbb{R}$

6 votes

Radon-Nikodym property in Diestel & Uhl: a definition clarification

6 votes

A Hahn-Banach type extension problem for multiple functionals

6 votes

Disjoint union of closed sets

5 votes

Computing Bochner integrals with values in L^p-spaces by Lebesgue integrals?

5 votes

BCT equivalent to DC

5 votes

Continuity of the period for a periodic dynamical system

4 votes

Noteworthy, but not so famous conjectures resolved recent years

4 votes

What functions are equal to their symmetric decreasing rearrangement?

4 votes

Simpler proofs using the axiom of choice

3 votes

On the intersection of two Orlicz spaces

3 votes

Is this operator continuous?

3 votes

Why is Lebesgue measure theory asymmetric?

3 votes

Is there a standard way of defining the integral of an extended real function with respect to a finitely additive probability measure?

2 votes

Example when Kantorovich condition would not hold

2 votes

On a limit for the resolvent norm

2 votes

What do absolute neighborhood retracts look like?

2 votes

Noteworthy, but not so famous conjectures resolved recent years

2 votes

Generalized Schoenflies - formalizing step in proof?

2 votes

On strong convergence versus weak in operator topology and semi-continuity of the spectrum

2 votes

Definition of a $\psi$-Banach space

2 votes

Under what general conditions is the set $S := \left\{\int_{X}v(x)\pi(x)\,\mathrm{d}P(x) \mid \pi: X \to A\right\}$ closed?

2 votes

Standard models of N and R: An Alice/Bob approach

2 votes

Set invariance for differential inclusions applied to PDES?

2 votes

What is your favorite proof of Tychonoff's Theorem?

1 vote

Existence of a global solution to a differential inclusion that does not blow up