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reference request: conditions for pointwise and operator-norm convergence of kernel projections

At a very high level, I’m interested in the following question. Suppose $X$ is a (separable) Hilbert space, and $T_n : X \rightarrow X$ is a sequence of finite rank self-adjoint maps that converges (...
Joe's user avatar
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Computing spectrum of very simple Schrödinger operator

I asked this question recently on a thread in math stack exchange, but with no real answers suggested. I think this is a relatively simple variation on the classical free Laplacian spectrum, so I ...
Keen-ameteur's user avatar
8 votes
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Reference request: Software for producing sounds of drums of specified shapes

Is there software that, when the input is the shape of a drum, will produce the corresponding audible sound?
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Spatially localised solution to the Schrödinger equation with potential is a combination of eigenfunctions

In this Terry Tao's blog post, he claims that if one has a solution to the Schrödinger equation $$i\,\partial_t u +\Delta u=Vu $$ with a "reasonably smooth and localised $V$", $u$ has ...
Earl Jones's user avatar
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Bourgain-Gamburd-like theorems in the non-algebraic case

For $\mu$ a Borel probability measure on the compact group $G=\operatorname{SU}(d)$, Bourgain-Gamburd prove that the spectral radius of the associated operator on $L^2(G)$ is strictly less than one, ...
John Rached's user avatar
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Why is the length spectrum called a spectrum?

Given a hyperbolic surface $X$, one considers the multiset of lengths of closed primitive geodesics. This multiset is called the length spectrum $\mathcal{L}(X)$. Question: is $\mathcal{L}(X)$ a ...
Andrey Ryabichev's user avatar
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Spectral density of symmetrized Haar matrix

Let $O$ be a random orthogonal matrix (according to Haar measure) of size $n$. I found by simulations that the spectral density of $O+O^\top$ is the arcsin law rescaled to the interval $[-2,2]$. I can'...
Pluviophile's user avatar
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the second largest eigenvalue of transfer operators

A Gauss map $T$ is mixing and satisfies Lasota-York inequalities. By Henon's theorem, we know that the transfer operator $\hat{T}$ associated with $T$ has a spectral gap. This means there exists a ...
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Reference on spectral theory of self-adjoint operators

I am reading this paper on comparing different moments of independent random variables. A initial step in their approach is designing an operator $L$ over smooth functions (and extended to an self ...
listener's user avatar
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Reference request: trace norm estimate

In a paper I am currently reading, the author uses that if $T$ is an operator given by the kernel $$T(x,y) = \int_{\mathbb R} p(x,z) q(z,y) dz,$$ then $$\lvert \operatorname{tr} T \rvert \leq \lVert T ...
Staki42's user avatar
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Subleading terms in Weyl's Law

The two term Weyl's conjecture states that $$N(\lambda)\sim\frac{\operatorname{area}(\Omega)}{4\pi}\lambda-\frac{\operatorname{perimeter}(\partial\Omega)}{4\pi}\sqrt\lambda$$ where $\Omega$ is a ...
antrep1234's user avatar
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Multiplicity of Laplace eigenvalues and symmetry

Let $S$ be a smooth closed connected hyperbolic surface. On $S$ we have the Laplace operator $\Delta$, whose eigenvalues form a discrete sequence \begin{equation} 0=\lambda_0<\lambda_1\leq \...
Claudius's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition of $\Gamma\backslash X$

Let $X$ be a reasonable manifold of non-positive curvature (could be $\mathbb{H}^n$, symmetric or locally symmetric space, homogeneous Hadamard manifold etc.), and let $\Gamma$ be a reasonable group ...
SKNEE's user avatar
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Spectrum near zero of $-\partial^2_x + V : L^2(\mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$, where $V = O(|x|^{-2 - \delta})$

Let $H = -\partial^2_x + V(x) : L^2(\mathbb{R}) \to L^2(\mathbb{R})$ be a one dimensional Schrödinger operator, where the potential $V$ is real-valued, belongs to $L^\infty(\mathbb{R})$, and, as $|x| \...
JZS's user avatar
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Hölder continuity of spectrum of matrices

Endow $\mathbb{C}^{d \times d}$ with the norm induced by the Euclidean norm on $\mathbb{C}^d$. It is well-known (to those who know it well, I guess) that the spectrum $\sigma(A)$ of a matrix $A \in \...
Jochen Glueck's user avatar
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Regularity of eigenfunctions of a self-adjoint differential operator in Gilbarg-Trudinger

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded smooth domain, $Lu = D_i \left( a^{ij} (x) D_ju \right)$, and two constants $\lambda, \Lambda > 0$. Suppose the coefficient $a$ is measurable, symmetric, and satisfies $$ ...
Yams's user avatar
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Spectral perturbation theory of discrete spectra in presence of continuous spectrum

This is a 2 part question: 1). I am looking for a (hopefully accessible to beginning grad student who knows matrix perturbation theory) reference for doing concrete calculations of perturbed discrete ...
Piyush Grover's user avatar
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Why and how is a representation "continuously decomposable"?

What I am asking may apply to a much more general setting and I am interested in the underlying level of generality of these statements, mostly with canonical references. However I state the question ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Graph energy and spectral radius

Suppose $G$ is a simple graph of order $n$ with eigenvalues $\lambda_1\geq \cdots\geq \lambda_n$. I've encountered the quantity $L=\big\vert |\lambda_1|-|\lambda_2|-\cdots-|\lambda_n|\big\vert$. Note ...
Angel's user avatar
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Spectral theory of infinite volume hyperbolic manifolds

I have a question about the discrete spectrum of the Laplace operator on hyperbolic manifolds with infinite volume. I understand the case of infinite area surfaces: see Chapter 7 (Sections 1 and 2) of ...
SMS's user avatar
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The definition of essential spectrum for general closed operators

I've asked this problem in MSE several days ago, see here. But there is no reply up until now. Maybe I wrote things too complicated there and so I'll write a very clean problem here. For background ...
W. Fan's user avatar
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Resource on spectral theory for differential operators with symmetry groups

In Methods of Mathematical Physics IV by Reed and Simon, the authors cover Floquet theory in detail in Section XIII.16. On page 280, they note that "A part of the analysis of [the periodic ...
Yonah Borns-Weil's user avatar
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Reference request for spectral theory of elliptic operators [closed]

I want to learn the spectral theory of linear elliptic operators in bounded and unbounded domains in $R^n$, in particular for Laplacian and Schrodinger operators. Please suggest me some reference. I ...
Hemant Bansal's user avatar
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uniform convergence of $H^r$ projectors on compact sets?

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb R^d$ be a smooth, bounded domain. Let $(e_n)_{n\geq 0}\subset L^2(\Omega)$ be the Hilbert basis generated by the Dirichlet-Laplacian eigenfunctions, i-e $-\Delta e_n=\...
leo monsaingeon's user avatar
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Counting number of distinct eigenvalues

Let $\Omega$ be a Lipschitz domain in $\mathbb{R}^n$, and let $N(\lambda)$ be the number of Dirichlet Laplacian eigenvalues less than or equal to $\lambda$. The famous Weyl's law says that as $\...
student's user avatar
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Are Weyl sequences polynomially bounded?

Look at the Hilbert space $l^2( \mathbb{Z}) $ and let $A$ be a translation invariant band operator. I.e. if $\{ e_n \}_{n \in \mathbb Z} $ is the standard basis for $l^2( \mathbb{Z}) $ then it holds ...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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Spectral decomposition of idele class group $L^2(\mathbb{I}_F/ F^{\times})$

Let $F$ be a number field. Let $\mathbb{A}_F$ be the ring of adeles. The group of units of $\mathbb{A}_F$ is called the group of ideles $\mathbb{I}_F=\mathbb{A}_F^{\times}= GL_1(\mathbb{A}_F)$. The ...
JACK's user avatar
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Sum of positive self-adjoint operator and an imaginary "potential": literature request

To keep things simple, let us consider the following: $L$ is a positive, unbounded S.A. operator on $L_2(\mathbb{R},f(x))$, where $f(x)$ is a Gaussian. Assume that we know the spectrum and ...
justin123's user avatar
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On the boundary integral of Neumann eigenfunctions

Let $v$ be an eigenfunction corresponding to the first nonzero Neumann Laplacian eigenvalue on a domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^2$. By definition, we know that $\int_{\Omega} v \, dx=0$. If $\Omega$...
student's user avatar
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Essential spectrum of multiplication operator

Let $a\in \mathcal{L}(L^2([0, 1], \mathbb{R}))$ be a multiplication operator. I wonder whether there is any work on calculating its essential spectrum. Is there any way to explicitly compute its ...
potionowner's user avatar
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Laplace eigenfunction on a polygonal domain symmetric about an axis

Consider a polygon $\Omega \subseteq \mathbb{R}^2$, and let us consider the usual Laplacian operator $\Delta = \partial_x^2 + \partial_y^2$, with Dirichlet boundary conditions. My question comes from ...
user170399's user avatar
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References on discrete Sturm-Liouville eigenvectors convergence

Let $ L : u_n \mapsto a_n u_{n + 1} + b_n u_n + a_{n - 1} u_{n -1} = \nabla ( a_n \Delta u_n ) + (b_n + a_n + a_{n - 1}) u_n $ be a discrete Sturm-Liouville operator, with $ \nabla u_n := u_{n + 1} - ...
Synia's user avatar
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Isolated points of the spectra of self-adjoint operators on Hilbert spaces

Let $T$ be a (everywhere defined) self-adjoint operator on a complex Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. I am interested in results that give (non-trivial, possibly mild) sufficient conditions on $T$ to ...
Maurizio Moreschi's user avatar
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Finding approximate eigenvectors: quantitative results

Let $X$ be a complex Banach space and $T \colon X \to X$ be a bounded operator. For every $x \in X \setminus \{0\}$, denote by $Y_x$ the smallest closed $T$-invariant subspace of $X$ containing $x$. ...
N. de Rancourt's user avatar
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Reference for "the algebra of multiplication by all measurable bounded functions acts in Hilbert space in a unique manner"

I read a paper of Alain Connes on "Duality between shapes and spectra" and in page 4, he says Due to a theorem of von Neumann the algebra of multiplication by all measurable bounded ...
dohmatob's user avatar
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Spectrum of Laplace-Beltrami with piecewise constant coefficients

By the Laplace-Beltrami with piecewise constant coefficients I means the operator $-div (f\, \nabla .)$ in the 2-sphere. Where $f$ is a piecewise constant function that takes two values $1$ and $a>...
rihani's user avatar
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When does a one-dimensional Schrödinger operator have a threshold resonance?

Consider the operator $$ L = -\partial_x^2 + V(x),$$ for some bounded, decaying potential, i.e. $V(x)\to 0$ as $x\to \pm \infty$. I'm interested in the $L^2(\mathbb R)$ spectrum of $L$. We know that $...
user's user avatar
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What is known about the density of states for the Anderson Model?

The Anderson Model is given by the random Hamiltonian (as an operator on $l^2(\mathbb{Z}^d)$) $$ H_\omega = - \triangle + V(\omega) $$ where $V(\omega) \mid x \rangle = \omega(x) \mid x \rangle$ ...
Frederik Ravn Klausen's user avatar
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Angular excitations and Schrodinger operators with radial potential in N-dimensions

Can someone please explain the following in mathematical language? "First of all, angular excitations only push the energy up, never down, so it is enough to analyze spherically symmetric s-waves....
user2002's user avatar
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Fourier mode decomposition and eigenvalues of Schroedinger operators with radial potential in N-dimensions

In the study the stability of minimal hipersurfaces $\Sigma \subset \mathbb{R}^{N+1}$ one is lead to study the Morse index of a Schroedinger operator $J := - \Delta_g + |A|^2$ (usually called Jacobi ...
user2002's user avatar
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Connections between spectral geometry and critical point/Morse theory

I am researching electrostatic knot theory, which is essentially the theory of harmonic functions on knot complements. I want to understand the number of critical points of the electric potential, ...
maxematician's user avatar
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Spectral properties of operators mapped to zero by some polynomial

Let $T$ be a bounded operator on a Banach space $X$ and suppose that there is a non-constant polynomial $p$ such that $p(T) = 0$. It seems to be well known that the spectrum of such an operator ...
Yaddle's user avatar
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Eigenvalue and eigenfunction convergence

Consider a bounded Euclidean domain $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ (for simplicity, let's say, $\Omega$ has smooth boundary and is simply connected). Let $p \in \Omega$ be a point, and call $\Omega_n = ...
user153038's user avatar
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Sturm-Liouville-like Eigenproblem

Consider the piecewise-deterministic Markov process on $\mathbf{R}$ which moves according to the vector field $\phi (x) = 1$, experiences events at rate $\lambda(x) = 1$, and at events, jumps ...
πr8's user avatar
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Weyl law for (non-semiclassical) Schrodinger operator

The Weyl law for a semiclassical Schrodinger operator $$ A_h\ := \ -h^2\Delta+V(x) $$ on an $d$-dimensional complete Riemannian manifold $M$ says that the number $N(A_h,1)$ of eigenvalues of $A_h$ ...
Maxim Braverman's user avatar
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Spectrum of the Magnetic Stark Hamiltonians $H(\mu,\epsilon)$

I am looking for a document where I can find a proof the spectrum of the of the Magnetic Stark Hamiltonians $H(\mu,\epsilon)=\big(D_x-\mu y)^2+D^2_y+\epsilon x+V(x,y)$ cited on the article below for $\...
Kacdima's user avatar
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Resolvent estimate of compact perturbation of self-adjoint operator

Let $T$ be a selfadjoint operator on Hilbert space $H$. Then we know that there is a resolvent estimation $$\left\lVert (\lambda-T)^{-1}\right\rVert = \frac{1}{dist(\lambda,\sigma(T))}, \ \lambda \in \...
Bowen's user avatar
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Laplace Beltrami eigenvalues on surface of polytopes

The recently posted arxiv paper Spectrum of the Laplacian on Regular Polyhedra by Evan Greif, Daniel Kaplan, Robert S. Strichartz, and Samuel C. Wiese, collects numerical evidence for conjectured ...
Josiah Park's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of Laplace-Beltrami on half sphere

Let $ \Delta_\theta$ denote the Laplace-Beltrami operator on $S^{N-1}$. The eigenvalues of this are well known. I assume the same is the case of this operator on the upperhalf sphere; say $ S^{N-...
Math604's user avatar
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iid random operator and its spectrum

consider an insteresting question: given Banach Space $ \mathcal{B}$, independent identical distribution random operator on $ \mathcal{B}$: $ (T_i)_{i \ge 1} $, where operator space is endowed with ...
jason's user avatar
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