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Questions tagged [riemannian-geometry]

Riemannian Geometry is a subfield of Differential Geometry, which specifically studies "Riemannian Manifolds", manifolds with "Riemannian Metrics", which means that they are equipped with continuous inner products.

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5 votes
0 answers

Volume growth and visibility in hyperbolic spaces

I am interested in the following two questions for complex, quaternionic and octonionic hyperbolic spaces, equipped with their usual metrics and measures: For brevity, I will denote the volume of the ...
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2 answers

Can we convert any non-vanishing vector field into geodesic field by changing metric?

If $M$ is a smooth closed manifold together with a non-vanishing (maybe unit) vector field $X$. In what condition can we construct a Riemannian metric on $M$ s.t $X$ be the geodesic field of on $TM$?
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0 answers

Is the Lie derivative of a harmonic form also a harmonic form?

On Helgason's book "Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces" it is said that the Lie derivative along a left-invariant vector field of an harmonic form is again a harmonic form. This ...
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1 answer

Solutions of this system of PDE's

This question is related to the existence of Einstein metrics on tangent bundles where the metric is induced by the isotropic almost complex structures on the tangent bundle. I'm trying this on the ...
13 votes
4 answers

Calabi - Yau Manifolds

I just started reading about Calabi-Yau manifolds and most of the sources I came across defined Calabi-Yau manifold in a different way. I can see that some of them are just same and I can derive one ...
3 votes
1 answer

Bubbling example for harmonic maps

Let us consider, a closed Riemannian surface $(\Sigma,h)$ and a compact Riemannian manifold $(N,g)$ with dimension greater than $3$. If we are given a sequence of harmonic maps $u_n:(\Sigma,h) \...
5 votes
2 answers

Self-contained book on Ricci Flow/Geometric Analysis

Can someone please tell me whether there is any self-contained book on Geometric Analysis/Ricci Flow/analytic techniques used in Riemannian Geometry? By self-contained I mean it does not assume that ...
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1 answer

Ricci flow preserves holonomy

Could someone please give me a reference where I can find a complete proof of the result Ricci flow preserves holonomy? Is there any way to prove that Ricci flow preserves Kahler condition without ...
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1 answer

On generalized Tanaka connection

Many authors used the Tanaka connection in their papers such as [1] to define new Tanaka connection so-called Generalized Tanaka connection $^*\nabla$ on a contact Riemannian manifold $(M,\eta,\xi,\...
16 votes
1 answer

If all balls around two points are isometric... -- manifold version

This question is a natural follow-up of this other question, asked earlier today by wspin. Let's say that a metric space $(X,d)$ has two poles if: there are two distinct points $x$, $y$ such that ...
24 votes
5 answers

Curvature and Parallel Transport

Here is an updated formulation of the question, which is more precise and I think completely correct: Suppose $M$ is a Riemannian manifold. Pick a point $p$ in $M$ and let $U$ be a neighborhood of ...
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0 answers

Does uniform convergence of (Riemannian) distances implies convergence of conformal structures?

I don't know much about the Teichmüller space, so maybe the question I ask is well known; still I can not find the answer by myself... Let $\Sigma$ be a closed surface. Let $g_m$ be a sequence of (...
3 votes
1 answer

Estimates for radii of slices for proper Lie group actions

Let $G$ be a Lie group acting properly on a smooth manifold $M$, and equip $M$ with a Riemannian manifold that is adapted to the foliation by orbits. The celebrated theorem of Palais is that there ...
7 votes
2 answers

Gauss' theorem for null boundaries

Prenote: I have asked this question first on math stackexhange, but a user suggested that mathoverflow might be a better place for this question. Upon thinking about it I have agreed with him and copy-...
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1 answer

Isometric and conformally equivalent surfaces in $\mathbb R^d$ with the same boundary

Let $X$ be a compact smooth surface in $\mathbb R^d$ with smooth boundary $\partial X$. Is it possible to find another smooth surface $Y$ in $\mathbb R^d$ such that $\partial X = \partial Y$ and $Y$ ...
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2 answers

Limit space of a sequence of Riemannian manifolds with uniformly bounded below Ricci curvature

Let $\{M^n_i\}_{i=1}^\infty$ be a sequence of closed smooth Riemannian $n$-dimensional manifolds with uniformly bounded below Ricci curvature and uniformly bounded above diameter. The Gromov ...
11 votes
1 answer

Geometric interpretation of horizontal and vertical lift of vector field

In many References such as D.E. Blair, Riemannian Geometry of Contact and Symplectic Manifolds chapter 9, and Differential Geometric Structures By Walter A. Poor Page 54; the horizontal and vertical ...
8 votes
1 answer

Nice applications of Liouville's theorem

I need a big list of nice-looking and simple applications of Liouville's theorem on geodesic flow in Riemannian geometry. Please help. Examples: A Riemannian manifold with finite volume does not ...
2 votes
2 answers

The momentum constraints in the ADM formulation of general relativity

Suppose that the space-time has a time function. Let $g_{ij}$ be the Riemannian metrics of the time slices, and $K_{ij}$ be the second fundamental forms. It is by Codazzi equation that $$ D^{i}(K_{ij}...
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1 answer

The midpoint geodesic

Let $(M,g)$ be a complete simply connected Riemannian manifold with non-positive curvature. Because of the Hopf-Rinow theorem, any two points are connected by a geodesic segment. Pick three distinct ...
1 vote
0 answers

The Lie algebra of Harmonic functions

Is there a Riemannian metric $g$ on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ with corresponding volume form $\omega= \sqrt{det(g_{ij})} dx \wedge dy$ and the corresponding Laplace operator $\Delta$ such that the space ...
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1 answer

Umbilic points on Euclidean hypersurfaces

Every smooth embedding of $S^2$ into $\mathbb{R}^3$ has at least one umbilic point (in fact, the recent proof of the Caratheodory conjecture yields two such points). The usual proof of this is to use ...
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2 answers

Twisting Spinor Bundles with Line Bundles

In a paper I am reading, the following framework was given: Let $S$ be a spinor bundle, over a Riemannian manifold $M$, with Clifford action $$ c:S \otimes \Omega^1(M) \to S. $$ Moreover, let $E$ be ...
8 votes
2 answers

Chebyshev net in 3D

I would like to know the reasons why the existance of Chebyshev net in 3D-case is problematic. This question boils down to the PDE described below. (I do not know much about PDEs, so feel free to say ...
5 votes
1 answer

Does every smooth manifold admit a metric with bounded geometry and uniform growth?

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold, $g_M$ a Riemannian metric, and consider for $x\in M$ the volume growth function, $gr_x$ that maps $r>0$ to the volume $vol_{g_M}(B(x,r))$. My interest is to see ...
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1 answer

Does every Zoll metric on $\mathbb{S}^2$ arise from a perturbation of the round metric?

The introduction here states 'A formal perturbation argument of Funk later indicated that, modulo isometries and rescalings, the general Zoll metric on $\mathbb{S}^2$ depends on one odd function $f:\...
7 votes
1 answer

Comparison of angles in Alexandrov space

Let $X$ be a finite dimensional Alexandrov space with curvature bounded below. Let $p\in X$ be a fixed point. Is it true that for any $\varepsilon >0$ there exists $\delta>0$ such that for any $...
2 votes
0 answers

$L^2$-estimate for an elliptic equation

Given $(M, g)$ a compact Riemannian manifold of dimension $n \geq 3$, we consider the following equation for the function $\phi$: $$ -\Delta \phi + R \phi + \tau^2 \phi^{N-1} = \frac{A^2}{\phi^{N+1}} ...
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0 answers

First eigenvalue for strictly convex domains

Let $M^n$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with boundary, suppose 1). $Ric(M)\ge (n-1)$ and 2). the principle curvatures of the boundary is bounded from below by $h\ge 0$. Is there any results on the ...
14 votes
1 answer

Can a Riemannian metric be analytic in non-analytically different coordinates?

Suppose I have two coordinates on the same (subset of a) Riemannian manifold. If the metric tensor is analytic in both coordinates, is the change of variables between them necessarily analytic? In ...
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1 answer

Decomposition of pullback metric

Let $(M^3,g)$ be a complete riemannian manifold and $\Sigma ^2\subset M^3$ a embedded minimal compact surface. Consider the immersion $\phi: \Sigma \times [0,\varepsilon)\to M$ given by $$\phi(p,t)=\...
5 votes
1 answer

Question on Weil-Petersson metric on Teichmuller space

I'm reading Ahlfors' original articles about Weil-Petersson metric: "Some remarks on Teichmüller's space of Riemann surfaces" and "Curvature properties of Teichmüller's space". The tangent space at ...
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0 answers

Why is it easy to compute the first and fourth moments for random chord length in a convex solid?

Recently I was led to some considerations in geometric probability, a field pretty far from any specialization of mine. (Context: I was working with a collaborator on a question about mean escape ...
2 votes
1 answer

A connection on $Hom( E,E)$ whose parallel transport is compatible to parallel transport of $E$

According to the answer of Sebastan and previous edit of Ben McKay I revise my post as follows: Assume that $E$ is a vector bundle over a manifold $M$ with a connection $\nabla$. Is there a (...
4 votes
2 answers

Recover Embedding from Metric

Suppose that $M$ is an embedded sub-manifold of $D$-dimensional Euclidean space $E^D$, with embedding $\phi:M \hookrightarrow E^D$; the embedding is not explicitly known. And suppose that I know ...
25 votes
6 answers

Isometric embedding of SO(3) into an euclidean space

Consider $SO(3)$ with its bi-invariant metric and $R^n$ the euclidean space of dimension $n$. What is the minimal value of $n$ such that there exists an isometric embedding $f: SO(3) \to R^n$?
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0 answers

Is a G-invariant metric always Kähler-Einstein?

Suppose there is a Hermitian symmetric space of compact type $X$. It is realized in the following way: $X\hookrightarrow\mathbb{P}^N$ and equipped with the induced Fubini-Study metric $g$. What's ...
1 vote
0 answers

asymptotic behavior of Lipschitz constants of sectional curvature

I'm studying the paper "Measure Concentration and the Topology of Positively-Curved Riemannian Manifolds" ( and I have some problem in understanding the proof of ...
3 votes
1 answer

Reference: Finsler Derivative?

On the wikipedia page "Generalizations of derivative" the author mentions: " in Finsler geometry, one studies spaces which look locally like Banach spaces. Thus one might want a derivative with some ...
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0 answers

How do spectrums interact with bi-Lipschitz maps?

If it makes things simple, we can just stick to bi-Lipschitz maps from $S^k \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^d$ (w.r.t geodesic distance on the sphere with the standard round metric and the $2-$norm on the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Counting limit cycles via curvature in Riemannian geometry

In this post we would like to give a possible new approach to the second part of the Hilbert 16th problem First we give a short introduction: A quadratic system is a polynomial vector field on ...
5 votes
1 answer

The radially symmetric isoperimetric problem

A solution to the $l$-isoperimetric problem on a Riemannian surface $(M,g)$ is a smooth closed curve $\gamma \subset M$ of length $l$ which minimizes the isoperimetric constant: $$h(\gamma) = \frac{l}{...
3 votes
1 answer

An answer to this system of PDE's

Planning of the question: Let $(M,g)$ be a Riemannian manifold and $TM$ be its tangent bundle The isotropic almost complex structures $J_{\delta , \sigma}$ were introduced by Aguilar on the ...
10 votes
2 answers

Euler characteristic, Gauss-Bonnet, and a product formula

I know very little about the Pfaffian or how it works, and I'm new at Riemannian geometry in general. But I was wondering if there is some way to make this "intuitive" argument for the fact that a ...
30 votes
4 answers

Algebraic (semi-) Riemannian geometry ?

I hope these are not to vague questions for MO. Is there an analog of the concept of a Riemannian metric, in algebraic geometry? Of course, transporting things literally from the differential ...
3 votes
1 answer

Ricci curvature and killing form

Motivated by this question we ask: Is there any relation between the Ricci curvature of a Lie group and the killing form of its Lie algebra?Under what conditions, they are proportional to each ...
5 votes
1 answer

sequence of graphs converge in the sense of varifold to multiplicity 2 plane

Say in $R^3$, is there a sequence of smooth graphs $f_n$ over some plane P, such that the graphs as submanifolds in $R^3$ converge in the sense of varifold (as Radon measures on $R^3 \times Gr(2,3)$ ) ...
20 votes
3 answers

Curvature of a Lie group

Since a lie group is a manifold with the structure of a continuous group, then each point of the manifold [Edit: provided we fix a metric, for example an invariant or bi-invariant one] has some scalar ...
1 vote
0 answers

Existence of a brake geodesic on a non compact Riemannian mfd

I am interested how to find a geodesic (if it exists) on a Riemann manifold s.t. the geodesic connects 2 different points on the edge of the manifold the metric is positive definite everywhere on the ...
7 votes
1 answer

minimal surfaces in $S^n$

Thanks to Choi-Schoen theorem, we know that the space of embedded minimal surfaces into $S^3$ of fixed genus is compact. My question are simples: Can we remove the embeddness assumption? Can we ...

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