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Questions tagged [noncommutative-algebra]

Non-commutative rings and algebras, non-associative algebras. Can be used in combination with ra.rings-and-algebras

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5 answers

Proof a Weyl Algebra isn't isomorphic to a matrix ring over a division ring

Can anyone prove that a Weyl Algebra is not isomorphic to a matrix ring over a division ring?
Casebash's user avatar
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radical of a certain ideal of sixteen variable polynomial ring, generated by the entries of certain matrices

Consider the polynomial ring $R=\mathbb C[x_1,x_2,...,x_{16}]$, and set $$X=\begin{pmatrix} x_1 &x_2&x_3 &x_4\\ x_5&x_6& x_7&x_8\\x_9&x_{10}&x_{11}&x_{12}\\x_{13}&...
user521337's user avatar
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Dimension of a module over a left-Ore domain

If $R$ is a domain, and $M$ a (left) $R$-module, what are the different notions of dimension of $M$ and their respective assets, what do they measure? I found out that if $\dim_RM$ is the cardinal of ...
Drike's user avatar
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3 answers

Various Cartan's Lemmata

I am a bit amazed by "Cartan's Lemma".. I have so far seen it in : Algebraic Geometry sources: Look at Proposition 2.9 of Freitag and Kiehl's Étale Cohomology where he used étale morphism to describe ...
Jose Capco's user avatar
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Lattices with trivial coinvariants for finite groups

Let $G$ be a finite group. A $\mathbb{Z}G$-lattice is a $\mathbb{Z}G$-module that is (as abelian group) a free abelian group of finite rank. Question: Is there a finite group $G$ and a $\mathbb{Z}...
tj_'s user avatar
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Embedding problems on quantum groups?

We work over the field of complex numbers. We have known that Lie algebra of type $A_2 $is a subalgebra of type $G_2$. However, when we consider their quantum groups, is this true i.e. does there ...
user11090426's user avatar
9 votes
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Must a finitely generated projective module over a group ring with vanishing coinvariants be trivial?

Let $G$ be a (possibly infinite) group. Let $\mathbb{Z}[G]$ be its integral group ring and let $P$ be a finitely generated projective module over $\mathbb{Z}[G]$. Suppose that the coinvariants of $P$ ...
KotelKanim's user avatar
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Any f.p. faithful simple module over a primitive group ring?

Recall that a ring $R$ is primitive if it has a faithful simple left module. Let $G$ be a countable discrete group and $R=\mathbb{k}G$, where $\mathbb{k}$ denotes some field or $\mathbb{Z}$. There ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Explicit description of a quaternion algebra with a prescribed set of ramified places

Let $k$ be an algebraic number field. I understand that given a finite set of non-complex places $S\subset V(k)$ of even cardinality, there exists a unique quaternion algebra $Q$ over $k$ such that $Q$...
anonymous's user avatar
13 votes
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Structure theorem for finite dimensional $C^*$-algebras and their representations

I would like a source for some Artin-Wedderburn type facts about these algebras which seem to have easy proofs, and are probably written somewhere. Let $\mathcal{A} \subset M_n(\mathbb{C})$ be an ...
J. E. Pascoe's user avatar
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15 votes
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Why does the Grothendieck group $K_0(R)$ of a ring not depend on our choice of using left modules instead of right modules?

I am under the impression that in the definition of the Grothendieck group $K_0(R)$ of a (non-commutative) ring it doesn't matter whether we apply the usual $K_0$ construction to the exact category of ...
Beren Sanders's user avatar
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Non-singular rings which are Rickart

A ring $R$ is said to be a right Rickart ring if the right annihilator of any element in $R$ is of the form $eR$ for some idempotent $e \in R$. It turns out that a ring $R$ is right Rickart iff every ...
Johan Öinert's user avatar
8 votes
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Dimension of commutative subalgebras of a central simple algebra

let $k$ be a field, and let $A$ be a central simple $k$-algebra over $k$. What is the maximal dimension of a commutative $k$-subalgebra of $A$? If $A=M_r(D)$, where $D$ is a central division $k$-...
GreginGre's user avatar
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Integrals in noncommutative graded algebras which are not necessarily Hopf

Let $\mathbf{k}$ be a field. Let $A$ be a finite dimensional $\mathbb{Z}_{\geq 0}$-graded $\mathbf{k}$-algebra such that $A^0=\mathbf{k}1$. Let $m$ be the maximal non-negative integer such that $A^m\...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

When should I expect a quiver with potential to be rigid?

This question is pretty technical, but there are some very smart people here. Fix a quiver Q, WITH oriented cycles. Let k[[Q]] be the completed path algebra. (Like the path algebra, but we allow ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Is a specific endomorphism of $A_1$ an automorphism?

Let $k$ be a field of characteristic zero, and let $A_1(k)$ be the first Weyl algebra, namely, the associative non-commutative $k$-algebra generated by $x$ and $y$ subject to the relation $yx-xy=1$. ...
user237522's user avatar
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Hochschild homology of upper triangular matrix algebra?

Let $K$ be a field and $A$ the associative unital $K$-algebra of all $n\times n$ upper triangular matrices with entries in $K$. What is $\dim_K$ of its hochschild homology $HH_k(A;A)$? Is there any ...
Leo's user avatar
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Differential operators and rules Ore polynomial

(I have posed this question over at but since there were no answers I hope it's okay to post here.) When dealing with (nonlinear) dynamical systems, one often deals with state space ...
emma's user avatar
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Compute Lie algebra cohomology

Is there a computer algebra system that is able to compute the Lie algebra cohomology in a given representation? What if the Lie algebra is finite dimensional? In my case I would like to be able to ...
Michele Torielli's user avatar
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Constructing a noncommutative algebra from a commutative algebra

I was told at a conference that one way to construct a noncommutative algebra from a commutative one is to "replace the product of finite spaces (which on the level of continuous functions corresponds ...
TerryL's user avatar
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Koszul complex for non-Koszul algebras

Let $A$ be a graded, connected, locally finite, quadratic algebra over a field $k$; that is, $A$ may be presented as $T(V)/I$, where $V = A_1$ is a finite dimensional $k$ vector space, and the ideal $...
Craig Westerland's user avatar
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If the sum of a right (principal) ideal with a left one contains an invertible element and the product is zero then do they contain idempotents?

I am trying to solve a problem on additive categories, that gives the following question on (non-commutative unital associative) rings: if for elements $a$ and $b$ of a ring $R$ we have $ab=0$ and $a+...
Mikhail Bondarko's user avatar
11 votes
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Are there any finitely generated artinian modules that are not Noetherian?

It is well known that for rings, Artinian implies Noetherian (the famous Hopkins–Levitzki theorem) and it is also well known that there are Artinian modules which are not Noetherian. A simple example ...
KotelKanim's user avatar
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Euclidean algorithm for differential operators

While perusing through the article "Algorithms for solving linear ordinary differential equations" by Winfried Fakler (a pdf can be found through a google search), I noticed Faker mentioning on page 2 ...
user119264's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Isomorphisms of quantum planes

Let $k$ be a field and $q\in k^{*}$. The quantum plane $k_{q}[x,y]$ is the algebra $k\langle x,y\rangle/\langle xy=qyx \rangle$ (i.e. the quotient of the free non-commutative $k$-algebra on two ...
Jan Grabowski's user avatar
6 votes
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Does there exist any massive proper $C^*$-subalgebra?

Definition 1: Suppose $B$ is a $C^* $-algebra. $A$ is massive $C^* $-subalgebra of $B$ iff 1. $A$ is a subalgebra of $B$; 2. for each irreducible representation $\pi$ of $B$ representation $\pi|_A$ is ...
Fiktor's user avatar
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Making a non-unital algebra the unique maximal one-sided ideal in a unital algebra

If $R$ is an algebra without a unit, then the standard unitisation $R^\sharp$ can have maximal one-sided ideals other than $R$. Thus, it is natural to ask about the following. Let $R$ be an algebra ...
princehall's user avatar
1 vote
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Morphisms of a simple sheaf over an algebra to its double dual

Given a smooth and projective surface $S$ over an algebraically closed field $k$ and a sheaf of Azumaya algebras $R$, i.e. $R$ is a locally free $O_S$-module of finite rank. Let $M$ be a coherent and ...
TonyS's user avatar
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Quantum Grassmannians?

In noncommutative algebraic geometry a commonly studied family of objects are quantum projective spaces. Theses are certain deformations of the homogeneous coordinate ring of $\mathbb{CP}^n$. For ...
Lars Pettersen's user avatar
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Splitting of central simple algebras in the Schur subgroup over residue fields of places

Recall that a valuation domain of ​a field extension ​$K/k$ is a $k$-subalgebra $V$ of $K$ ​not equal to $K$ ​such that for every $a\in K$ at least one of $a$ and $a^{-1}$ is in $V$. A​ ​place of $K/k$...
Fabian Meumertzheim's user avatar
11 votes
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Are all separable algebras Frobenius algebras?

Let $\mathcal C$ be a [added later: semi-simple] tensor category, and let $A=(A,m:A\otimes A\to A,i:1\to A)$ be an algebra object in $\mathcal C$. The algebra is... Separable if there is an $A$-$A$-...
André Henriques's user avatar
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reduced norm from degree 3 division algebra

Let $D$ be a degree $3$ division algebra over a field $k$ of char not 2 and 3. Any such division algebra is cyclic. I am interested in knowing the cases when the reduced norm map $Nrd : D^* \...
Anupam Singh's user avatar
4 votes
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Left- and right-sided principal ideals of quaternions have same index?

One fact about the Lipschitz integers (quaternions of the form $a + bi + cj + dk$ where $a, b, c, d$ are integers) is that the left-sided ideal generated by any element $Q$ has the same index in the ...
Sridhar Ramesh's user avatar
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Strongly finite projections in $*$-rings

Let $A$ be a $*$-ring. Let us have some points: i) We recall that a projection $p$ is a self-adjoint idempotent that is $p=p^*=p^2$. ii) On the set of projections, we write $p\leq q$ if $pq=p$. iii)...
ABB's user avatar
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Algebraic-closures of division rings

In what follows, $x$ is always taken to commute with the coefficient ring. This means that for any given polynomial, you can put the coefficients to the right or the left of $x$ as you please. This ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
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Closest generators for matrix algebra which is not semisimple

Given a collection of $n$ commuting $n \times n$ matrices $A_1, \dots, A_n \subset M_n (\mathbb{R})$ which generate a semisimple algebra $\mathcal{A}$, I am interested in finding matrices $E_1, \dots, ...
Eric's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Injective dimension of graded-injective modules

In "Existence theorems..." Van den Bergh proposes the following "pleasant excercise in homological algebra": Let $A$ be a connected graded noetherian $k$-algebra (that is, $\mathbb N$-graded with $...
Pablo Zadunaisky's user avatar
11 votes
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Determinants of octonionic hermitian matrices

For quaternionic hermitian matrices (i.e. quaternionic square matrices $(a_{ij})$ satisfying $a_{ji}=\bar a_{ij}$) there is a nice notion of (Moore) determinant which can be defined as follows. ...
asv's user avatar
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Monoidal structure on left dg-modules over a brace algebra

Relating to my other question: Modules over Hopf Algebras and $E_2$-algebras Preliminary: Let $A$ be an associative dg-algebra that is also an algebra over the brace operad. Let $M$ and $N$ be left ...
Matthew Levy's user avatar
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Computing noncommutative geometries

I find myself needing to construct some noncommutative geometries. I want to take various (algeba-) geometric objects and look at their noncommutative analogs. Is there a constructive way to do this? ...
user46348's user avatar
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Algebraic version of unilateral shift

It was confirmed that Wold-type decomposition can be extended from von Neumann algebras to Baer*-rings (see this paper). By algebraic tools the notion of unilateral shifts is successfully transmitted ...
ABB's user avatar
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Global dimensions of non-commutative rings

This is related to my previous question: When is a quantum affine space $\mathbb{A}^{n}$ Calabi-Yau? I now would like to know the global dimension of the ring $R=\mathbb{C}\langle x_1,\dots,x_n\rangle/...
user2013's user avatar
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$M$ is finitely generated as $A$-module iff $M/A_{>0}M$ is finitely generated as $A$ module?

Let $A$ be a nonnegatively graded algebra and $M$ a nonnegatively graded $A$-module. Then, $A_{>0}M$ is a graded $A$-submodule of $M$. (Here, given a nonnegatively graded algebra $A$, we've ...
Jakob W's user avatar
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Hochschild homology and Chern character quiver with potential

I am a beginner in quiver theory so this question might not be suitable for mathoverflow. Let $(Q,W)$ be a quiver with potential and let $\Gamma$ be the Ginzburg DG-algebra associated to $(Q,W)$. Is ...
Libli's user avatar
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About an algebraic construction of a sheaf of formal microdifferential operators

While reading these notes by Victor Ginzburg on $D$-modules I found a certain construction of Microlocailzation in the algebraic setting which unfortunately doesn't seem to be elaborated on a lot in ...
Saal Hardali's user avatar
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Graded Hopf algebras and H-spaces

Let $k$ denote an algebraically closed field of characteristic $0$. Suppose $K=\bigoplus_{i\geq 0}K(i)$ is a Hopf $k$-algebra which admits a connected Hopf-grading (that is, a grading which is both ...
Paul Gilmartin's user avatar
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Partially commutative elements in powers of augmentation ideal

Let $\vartheta$ a relation of parcial commutation over a set $X,$ and consider the respective free parcially commutative group $F(X, \vartheta).$ Let $K[F(X, \vartheta)]$ the parcially commutative ...
674123173797 - 4's user avatar
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Epimorphisms and free submodules

By inspecting the accepted answer to this question Are epimorphisms from a division ring isomorphisms ? one obtains the following necessary condition for epimorphisms: Let $R \le S$ be rings ...
tj_'s user avatar
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Are epimorphisms from a division ring isomorphisms ?

According to Corollary 1.2(3) of the paper Silver: Noncommutative Localizations and Applications. J. of Alg. 7(1964), 44-67: If $R$ is a (commutative) field and $\alpha: R \to S$ an epimorphism in ...
tj_'s user avatar
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From socle of quotients to socle of ring itself

Let $I_1, \dots , I_n$ be ideals of a ring $R$ with identity having zero intersection. Assume that for some $x\in R$, $x+I_ i$ is an element of the right socle of $R/I_ i$, for each $ i=1,\dots , n$....
karparvar's user avatar
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