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Correspondence between fundamental group and geometric properties of $X$

At the time of studing some algebraic topology I was wondering about the following. Let $X$ be a topological space and $\pi_1(X)$ be its fundamental group. If we assume some algebraic property of $\...
KAK's user avatar
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English version of a paper by Gusarov

I am looking for the english translation of the paper in russian Variations of knotted graphs, geometric technique of n-equivalence, St. Petersburg Math. J. 12-4 (2001) by Gusarov. There is a .ps file ...
bd99's user avatar
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Smoothness of Minkowski functional is equivalent to smoothness of boundary

Let $C\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ be a convex body containing $0$ in its interior. I recently read that Minkowski functional of $C$, $$ f_C(x):=\inf\Big\{t>0:\frac1{t}\cdot x\in C\Big\}, $$ is $C^1$ ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Blaschke Condition for hyperbolic lattices

For $r$, $s$, small positive integers, do the complex numbers on the unit disc (without the hyperbolic metric) corresponding to the vertices of the hyperbolic tiling with Schläfli symbol $\{r,s\}$ ...
graveolensa's user avatar
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boundary homomorphism in the homotopy exact seqeunce of principal $SO(9)$ bundle over $S^8$

Consider principal $SO(9)$ bundles over $S^8$.They are in 1-1 correspondence with $$[S^8,BSO(9)]\cong \pi_7(SO(9))\cong \mathbb{Z}$$ Now pick up one such bundle $\xi$,we have the long exact sequence ...
user67150's user avatar
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Is every finitely generated classical Schottky group quasifuchsian?

$\DeclareMathOperator\PSL{PSL}$(Classical, finitely generated) Schottky groups are groups generated by finitely many hyperbolic elements of $A_i\in \PSL(2,\mathbb{C}), $ $i<n$ such that the ...
user6419's user avatar
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Complexity of recognizing equivalent translation surfaces

"A translation surface is a union of polygons with pairs of parallel edges identified by translation, up to cut and paste equivalence." I take that succinct (and not fully precise) definition from a ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Some general properties of arithmetic groups of simplest type

I'm working in the area of arithmetic Kleinian groups (as discrete groups of motions of hyperbolic 3-space). For the more general case of hyperbolic $n$-space, there is a particular class of ...
j0equ1nn's user avatar
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Meaning of " Open Book cannot be Stabilized Further"?

I'm going over some old notes on Giroux's theorem on the equivalence ( bijection, actually) between open books ( up to positive stabilization) for 3-manifolds and contact structures ( up to isotopy.) ...
Guest's user avatar
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Hopf reference sought

For a vector $w$, let $T_{w}$ be the translation by $w$. I was told that the following observation about subsets of the plane was due to H. Hopf: Let $X$ be a compact, path-connected subset of the ...
Andrew Clifford's user avatar
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References for the categories: DIFF PL LIP TOP

Is there any survey paper focusing on the study of DIFF PL LIP TOP categories?
J. GE's user avatar
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Surveys on unknotting number

Any knot diagram could be converted to an unknot by cross change. The unknotting number of a knot diagram is the minimal number of cross changes needed. A knot could have many different diagrams and ...
user8749's user avatar
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Maximum genus of an abstract "cycle complex"

Let us define an abstract "cycle complex" as the following combinatorial object: it is $(V, C)$, where $V$ is a set of $n$ nodes, $C$ is a set of $c$ cyclically ordered subsets of $V$, each ...
GMB's user avatar
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What are these compact sets called?

I'm wondering if a compact set $A\subset\mathbb{C}$ satisfying the properties that • $A$ and its complement have finitely many connected components • every connected component of $\partial A$ is the ...
Loïc Teyssier's user avatar
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Equivariant disk theorem in dimension 2

All groups I'll consider are finite. An important part of equivariant differential topology in dimension 3 is the equivariant disk theorem, which says that for a $G$-action on a compact $3$-manifold ...
Evan Scott's user avatar
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Stable homeomorphism theorem and the annulus theorem

Brown and Gluck [BG] proved in 1964 that the stable homeomorphism conjecture implies the annulus conjecture. Is the proof of this implication difficult? Is there any other place with the proof of ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
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Explicit S-duality map

$\DeclareMathOperator{\Th}{Th}$ The Thom space of a closed manifold $M$ ($\Th(M)$) is the $S$-dual to $M_+ (=M \cup \{pt\})$. Let $M$ be embedded in $\mathbf R^{n+k}$. I found the duality map from $S^...
Sagnik Biswas ma20d013's user avatar
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Connection between a function and its usage in geometry [closed]

I know nothing about geometry, but I found a function which seems to have something to do with geometry. This function is, $$f(x,y,z) = \dfrac{(x,y,z)}{\sqrt{1 + x^2 + y^2 + z^2}}$$ where $x,y,z$ is ...
En Poverty's user avatar
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Skein relation, Braids, and Hecke algebra

Many knot invariants (e.g. Alexander polynomial, Jones Polynomial,etc) admit a recursive algorithm based on the so-called skein relation But why the skein relation is a natural thing? People have been ...
user3435656's user avatar
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Theorem classifying fixed point sets of an isometry of the three sphere

Let $T:S^3\rightarrow S^3$ be an isometry of finite order. Then the set $S^T=\{x\in S^3|Tx=x\}$ of fixed points is either empty, or a pair of antipodal points, or a great circle, or a great sphere. ...
George K's user avatar
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Retracting to a bigger compact

Consider the topological spaces $X$ with the following property: For every compact $K\subseteq X$ there is a compact set $L$ such that $K\subseteq L\subseteq X$ and $L$ is a retract of $X$. Let ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Tubular neighbourhoods are unique up to ambient isotopy?

Let $M$ be a closed smooth submanifold of $N$. It is well known that tubular neigbourhoods of $M$ are diffeomorphic to the normal bundle of $M$ in $N$ and therefore to each other. Are they smoothly ...
mathquest's user avatar
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smooth structure on complete intersection

A complete intersection is an algebraic variety cut out by homogenous polynomials. Geometrically, this is the intersection of hypersurfaces in complex projective space. Below, let's confine to the ...
student's user avatar
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Connecting homomorphism in generalized cohomology theory

I have some compact manifold with boundary $(M,\partial M)$, and there is a long exact sequence $$\cdots\to KO^{-1}(\partial M)\xrightarrow{\partial} KO^{0}(M,\partial M)\to KO^0(M)\to KO^0(\partial ...
student's user avatar
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Gluing two diffeomorphisms and then smoothing

This question did not get an adequate answer on math.stackexchange. Let $M_1,M_2$ be two $n$-dimensional closed manifolds and suppose that $M_i=\bar{U}_i^+\cup \bar{U}_i^-$ where $\bar{U}_i^\pm$ are ...
foliations's user avatar
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Pure braid groups of the complement of a lattice in the complex plane: generators and relations

Where can I find a presentation (by `natural' generators and relations between them) of the pure braid groups $PB_n(S)$ (for $n>0$) of $S=\mathbb C\setminus (\mathbb Z\oplus i \mathbb Z)$? Thanks ...
Lucien's user avatar
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orbit space of $\mathbb{Z}_p$ action over complex projective space by permuting the homogeneous coordinates

$Z_p$:=cyclic group of order $p$. I want to understnd $H_\ast(\mathbb{C} P^{n}/Z_{n+1};Z)$ with $(n+1)$ being a prime number,and the action is given by permuting the homogeneous coordinates. For ...
user2015's user avatar
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need a reference (topological manifolds)

hello, I need a book where i can find the proof for the classification of 1-dimensional topological manifolds. (i already have Milnor's for the classification of 1-dimensional smooth manifolds) thank ...
jessica's user avatar
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Boundary components of a subsurface

Consider the following situation. Suppose we have a closed oriented Riemannian surface $ \Sigma $ and a connected open subset $ \Omega \subseteq \Sigma $ with a boundary, consisting of finitely many ...
Boggie Georgiev's user avatar
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Commutativity in the Fundamental Group and Knot Theory

Let $M$ be a connected $3$-manifold and let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be elements in $\pi_1(M)$. Then $\alpha$ and $\beta$ can be represented by two knots $a$ and $b$ in $M$. We may further require that ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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The moduli space of finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds?

By finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold, I do mean $M=\mathbb{H}^{3}/\Gamma$ where $\Gamma$ is a torsion-free Kleinian group such that the hyperbolic volume $Vol(M)<\infty$. I will call $$\mathcal{M}...
GSM's user avatar
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Can we compute the Tristram–Levine signatures of a knot in $S^3$ using Jacobian with Fox partial derivatives?

My question is in the tittle: Can we compute the Tristram–Levine signatures of a knot in $S^3$ using Jacobian with Fox partial derivatives? If the answer is yes, is there a reference for this.
Christian's user avatar
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Ratner theorem and dense geodesic planes in hyperbolic manifolds

Suppose we have a closed hyperbolic $3$-manifold $M$. For any $x\in M$ and plane $\pi$ in $T_xM$ we consider $P$ the geodesic plane exp$(\pi)$ originating from $\pi$. For any $p\in \pi$ we consider ...
user126154's user avatar
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Reference request and prerequisites for understanding the Sphere Theorem and the Loop Theorem in 3-manifold theory

As part of my directed studies project, my advisor has suggested that I completely understand the proof of the Sphere Theorem and the Loop Theorem in 3-manifold theory and explain it to him. I have ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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Liouville property of hyperbolic spaces

It seems classically known (and mentioned in several papers without reference) that there exist bounded non-constant harmonic functions on the hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^n, n \geq 2$. I am ...
SMS's user avatar
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Reference request for widely used theorem

I am looking for a reference to the theorem that any oriented closed surface of genus $g$ is a 2-fold cover of $S^2$ (branched over 2$g$+2 points).
John Rached's user avatar
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Dehn twist generators for mapping class group of a genus zero surface with boundary

Can you help me find a reference or explain how to find explicit Dehn twist generators for $MCG(S_{0,n})$, the mapping class group of a genus $0$ surface with $n$ boundary components, fixing the ...
braid rep's user avatar
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Addition of two homology classes is zero in construction of Poincare Sphere

I ask here the question since it hasn't been answered in Math Stack Exchange. I am working through Greenberg and Harper, Lecture notes on Algebraic Topology, and I am having trouble with one ...
D1811994's user avatar
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Terminology: Co-completion of Met?

In main-stream mathematical literature, the term metric space is reserved for $(X,d)$ where $X$ is a set and $d:X\times X\rightarrow [0,\infty)$ satisfies the usual properties of a metric. However, ...
ABIM's user avatar
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Jones polynomial of cable knots

Let $K_{p,q}$ be a $(p,q)$-cable of the non-trivial knot $K$ in $S^3$. Is there a closed formula for the Jones polynomial for $K_{p,q}$ as in the case of Alexander polynomial or Seifert matrices?
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Equivariant maps inducing isomorphism in integral cohomology

Consider the following statement. Suppose $X$, $Y$ are finite CW-complexes with free involution and $\mu:X\to Y$ is an equivariant map. If $\mu^*:H^i(Y;\mathbb{Z})\to H^i(X;\mathbb{Z})$ is an ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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Bridges between geometry and combinatorics

Geometry and combinatorics are two different branches of mathematics. Does there exist any connection between them? In many cases, mathematicians solve some geometric problems by reducing them to a ...
KAK's user avatar
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Uniqueness of collar neighborhoods for non-compact boundary case in smooth setting

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold and let $f_0, f_1 \colon [0, 1] \times \partial M \to M$ be two smooth embeddings that are the identity map on $\partial M \times\{0\} = \partial M$ . If $\partial M$ is ...
Someone's user avatar
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Reference for hyperplane arrangements

I am interested in the hyperplane arrangement in $\mathbb{C}^n$ defined by the polynomial $$ (x_i-x_j)(x_i+x_j) $$ for $1<i<j\leq n$. I vaguely recall that the completion of this arrangement ...
Igor Sikora's user avatar
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What does it mean for two natural numbers to be *approximately equal*?

This is related to this other question of mine about a paper of Colin and Honda. I'm trying to follow the proofs line by line. I found the following piece of notation that is not explained in the ...
Paul's user avatar
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Flows commuting with Anosov flows and further reference request

Hello respected members of Mathoverflow. I was reading the paper "Flots d’Anosov dont les feuilletages stables sont différentiables" by Etienne Ghys and there was a statement which he remarked was ...
hakunamatata's user avatar
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A proof of Edelstein and Kelly theorem

Edelstein and Kelly theorem states the following. Let $A$, $B$ and $C$ be $3$ nonempty finite subsets of points in $\mathbb{R}^n$ such that affine-span $(A \cup B \cup C)$ has dimension at least $4$ ...
Alexey Milovanov's user avatar
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Integer valued signature of $4n$ dimensional orbifolds

Let $M^{4n}$ be a smooth oriented $4n$-dimensional manifold without boundary. Then we have an intersection form in $H^{2n}(M^{4n},\mathbb R)$ and such a form has signature $(n_+, n_-)$. Question. I ...
aglearner's user avatar
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Homology of the subcomplexes of the "diamond shaped" sphere under 1-norm in $R^n$ as a simplicial complex

The 1-norm on $\mathbb{R}^n$ is defined by $\|v\| = |v_1| + |v_2| + \cdots + |v_n|$ for a vector $v = (v_1, \ldots, v_n) \in \mathbb R^n$. The unit sphere $S^{n-1}_1$ under the 1-norm is a simplicial ...
SorcererofDM's user avatar
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The fundamental group of the complement of codimension 2 submanifold

Suppose that $M^n$, $V^{n+2}$ are connected, compact smooth manifolds. Let $f\colon M^n\to V^{n+2}$ is a smooth embedding. Let $K_f$ be the kernel of the inclusion induced homomorphism $\pi_1(V-f(...
user283635's user avatar

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