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Properly embedded surfaces in handlebodies are compressible or boundary compressible?

I've read in a couple of different places (a paper and a blog) the following fact: if $F$ is a surface, properly embedded in a three-dimensional handlebody of genus at least two, then $F$ is either ...
luthien's user avatar
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Reference request and prerequisites for understanding the Sphere Theorem and the Loop Theorem in 3-manifold theory

As part of my directed studies project, my advisor has suggested that I completely understand the proof of the Sphere Theorem and the Loop Theorem in 3-manifold theory and explain it to him. I have ...
ZSMJ's user avatar
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3 votes
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Example of a non $\pi_1$-injective, degree one, self-map of a three-manifold

All manifolds will be assumed to be closed, oriented, and connected. Let $f\colon M\to M$ be a map of degree $\pm 1$. It is not hard to show that $\pi_1(f)$ is surjective. What is an example of a non ...
Random's user avatar
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8 votes
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Non-compact three-manifolds with the same proper homotopy type are homeomorphic?

I am looking for some literature with some (counter) examples of the following fact (though I don't know if the fact is true or not): Let $M, M'$ be two non-compact connected $3$-manifolds with the ...
Random's user avatar
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Homology of spherical $3$-manifold group

I have been studying $3$-manifolds recently and I got stuck in the following situation. For lens spaces the below fact is true. Let $G$ be a finite group acting freely and orthogonally on $S^3$ so ...
gola vat's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Dual surfaces of a first cohomology class of a 3-manifold

Let $M$ be closed 3-manifold and $\alpha\in H^1(M;\mathbb Z_2)$ an arbitrary element. (In my case we know that $M$ is non-orientable and $\alpha^3=0$.) It is well known that there is a closed 2-...
Andrey Ryabichev's user avatar
9 votes
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The works of González-Acuña and Duchon from 70s and 80s

I would like to access the following two works of González-Acuña from 1970: González-Acuña, F. Dehn’s construction on knots. Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana (2) 15 (1970), 58–79. and González-Acuña, F. On ...
Oğuz Şavk's user avatar
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Boundary of a $4$-manifold and the fundamental group

I am trying to learn $4$-manifolds with boundaries and I don't know much about this topic so these questions may be silly. Given a $4$-manifold $M$ with a boundary say $N$, Assume $\pi_1(N)$ is known,...
piper1967's user avatar
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7 votes
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Knots: locally flat, PL and smooth

In the classical dimension (knots in $S^3$), it is considered standard (I think?) that the following sets are in bijective correspondence: locally flat knots up to ambient isotopy; PL-knots up to PL ...
Anthony Conway's user avatar
14 votes
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Classification of 3-dimensional manifolds with boundary

It is well-known that every closed, connected and orientable 3-manifold $\mathcal{M}$ can uniquely be decomposed as $$\mathcal{M}=P_{1}\#\dots\# P_{n}$$ where $P_{i}$ are prime manifolds, i.e. ...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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3 votes
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Reference request: Stallings-Epstein-Waldhausen construction

I am looking for a reference for the Stallings-Epstein-Waldhausen construction (constructing an incompressible surface in a 3-manifold from a nontrivial splitting of the fundamental group). I know of ...
wandersam's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ambiguity in the unoriented knot connected sum

It is well known that there might be ambiguity in the unoriented knot connected sum if the knots concerned are not invertible. E.g., consider 8_17, the only knot with crossing number 8 which is non-...
user202107011110's user avatar
1 vote
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The moduli space of finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifolds?

By finite volume hyperbolic 3-manifold, I do mean $M=\mathbb{H}^{3}/\Gamma$ where $\Gamma$ is a torsion-free Kleinian group such that the hyperbolic volume $Vol(M)<\infty$. I will call $$\mathcal{M}...
GSM's user avatar
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6 votes
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"Well-known fact" that every irreducible 3-manifold with non-empty boundary has an incompressible surface

I have seen in several sources that this results holds, however none of them included the proof. Does anyone know where I can find one? Also, it would be great if someone could provide me with a ...
Haldot's user avatar
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11 votes
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Searching for a Thurston paper with egg / 3-manifold analogy?

I remember coming across some article of Bill Thurston’s where he describes a 3-manifold (with boundary?) as being like an egg. In my recollection the interior of the egg, the shell, and even the ...
Robbie Lyman's user avatar
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Two papers on surface diffeomorphisms

The following two papers appeared in the reference of a paper i was reading.It seems that neither is published formally.Is there a website where i could find them? A. Casson, Cobordism Invariants of ...
user122321's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference request: A knot is tame if and only if it has a tubular neighbourhood

Definitions: A knot is an embedding $\kappa:S^1\hookrightarrow S^3$ (we do not require smooth or polygonal). Two knots $\kappa,\,\lambda:S^1\hookrightarrow S^3$ are equivalent if one of the following ...
Lilalas's user avatar
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Reference request for wild 3-manifolds

I’m looking for a text on 3-manifolds that focuses on wild/pathological objects, similar to Bing’s work in the field. I know basic algebraic topology (homotopy, homology, cohomology) and have read ...
James Baxter's user avatar
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Can we compute the Tristram–Levine signatures of a knot in $S^3$ using Jacobian with Fox partial derivatives?

My question is in the tittle: Can we compute the Tristram–Levine signatures of a knot in $S^3$ using Jacobian with Fox partial derivatives? If the answer is yes, is there a reference for this.
Christian's user avatar
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Dehn twist generators for mapping class group of a genus zero surface with boundary

Can you help me find a reference or explain how to find explicit Dehn twist generators for $MCG(S_{0,n})$, the mapping class group of a genus $0$ surface with $n$ boundary components, fixing the ...
braid rep's user avatar
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4 votes
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Enumeration of three dimensional spherical good orbifolds covered by Nil, sol and E3

Is there in the literature a list of three dimensional spherical, good orbifolds covered by nil, Sol and E3, and their algebraic topological invariants? (Homology, orbifold fundamental group).
Nicolas Boerger's user avatar
3 votes
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hyperbolic 3-manifold of finite volume

Is there a complete description of hyperbolic 3-manifold of finite volume ? Or similarly a classification of finitely generated torsion free subgroups of $PSL(2,\mathbf{C})$ with finite covolume? ...
mathphys's user avatar
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Random links and $3$-manifolds

In Jeffrey Weeks book "The Shape of Space" he explaines at the end of Chapter 18 (on page 255) the following about the geometrization conjecture: A non-trivial connected sum $M_1\# M_2$ ...
Marc Kegel's user avatar
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18 votes
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Classification of knots by geometrization theorem

I read this interview with Ian Agol, where he says: "...I learned that Thurston’s geometrization theorem allowed a complete and practical classification of knots." My question is: How does this ...
Marc Kegel's user avatar
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10 votes
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3-manifolds with isomorphic fundamental groups

There are many non-homeomorphic 3-manifolds with isomorphic fundamental groups, for example the lens spaces $L(p,q_1)$ and $L(p,q_2)$ with $q_1 \ne \pm q_2^{\pm 1}\mod p$. Also, Seifert fibered spaces ...
Neil Hoffman's user avatar
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Did Milnor and Thurston write anything else about characteristic numbers for 3-manifolds?

In Characteristic numbers for 3-manifolds Milnor and Thurston define a characteristic number and this is cited in ch. 6 of Thurston's notes when discussing the Gromov approach to Mostow rigidity. The ...
Edgar A. Bering IV's user avatar
10 votes
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References about 3-manifolds

I am working on a subject of geometric group theory closely related to 3-manifolds, and in order to understand these links, I am seeking a good reference about 3-manifolds, as self-contained as ...
Seirios's user avatar
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Commutativity in the Fundamental Group and Knot Theory

Let $M$ be a connected $3$-manifold and let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be elements in $\pi_1(M)$. Then $\alpha$ and $\beta$ can be represented by two knots $a$ and $b$ in $M$. We may further require that ...
Zuriel's user avatar
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6 votes
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Geometrization & JSJ decomposition with boundary

Is there any paper where I can find a good explanation of the JSJ decomposition, the geometrization theorem and the relations between them when the manifold has nonempty (and non necessarily toroidal) ...
Antonio's user avatar
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19 votes
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The oriented homeomorphism problem for Haken 3-manifolds

Haken famously described an algorithm to solve the homeomorphism problem for the 3-manifolds that bear his name (fleshed out by many others, including Hemion and Matveev who fixed some gaps). But it'...
HJRW's user avatar
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Smooth structures on closed $3$-manifolds are unique up to diffeomorphism?

Hi! I'm using the theorem stated in the question, but so far, I haven't found a source that does explicitely state and prove it or at least give a proper citation. It must be me though, since the ...
Malte Muth's user avatar
5 votes
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Unknotting tunnels in surface bundles

Given a once-punctured surface $F$ and an orientation preserving self homeomorphism $\phi$, let $M_\phi$ be the bundle over $S^1$ with fiber $F$ and monodromy $\phi$. In Sakuma's survey article The ...
b b's user avatar
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Rotation part of short geodesics in hyperbolic mapping tori

Otal [Sur le nouage des géodésiques dans les variétés hyperboliques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 320 (1995), no. 7, 847--852.] showed that "short" simple closed geodesics in 3-dimensional ...
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