I'm a pure mathematician with a career focused on bridging the gap between math research and education. As the Director of Hypothesis in NYC, I teach, design lessons, create games, and conduct research with accessibility in mind.
I've written and taught courses for Columbia University SPS, Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics, and Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth. Other prior outreach work: Chief of Math at MoMath, Quantitative Reasoning Fellow at Bronx Community College, adjunct math lecturer at Hunter College, math tutor at the Dolciani Mathematics Learning Center. Before my math career I was an independent artist.
My math specialization is the applications of algebraic number theory to geometric topology, especially creating new tools for studying manifolds and orbifolds using quaternion algebras. I received my PhD from the CUNY Graduate Center as a student of Abhijit Champanerkar, then was a postdoctoral researcher at the UNAM Instituto de Matemáticas, Unidad Cuernavaca, Mexico, where I worked under Alberto Verjovsky. My research publications thus far can be found here: https://arxiv.org/a/quinn_j_2.html