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Extended adjoint of Volterra operator

Let $V$ be a Volterra operator on $L^2 [0,1]$. Does there exist a nonzero operator $X $ satisfying the following system $VX=XV^∗$, where $V^∗$ is the adjoint of the Volterra operator? $$ V(f) (x) =\...
Anas Abbas H.'s user avatar
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On a possible attempt to prove the invariant subspace problem

This question involves a possible method to prove the invariant subspace problem for (separable) infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces. The idea comes from various results on this topic; more precisely, ...
Manuel Norman's user avatar
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A strange convergence for a semigroup of operators

I am reading B. Simon's "Kato's inequality and the comparison of semigroups", and I am having troubles understanding a part of the proof of Theorem 1 therein, that goes as follows: Let $A,B$ ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Continuity of local spectral radius

Let $H$ be a complex Hilbert space and let $T \in \mathcal{B}(H)$ be a linear, bounded operator. Given $x \in H$ we define its local spectral radius as $$r_T(x) = \limsup\limits_{n\rightarrow\infty} \|...
javi1996's user avatar
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What is a $C^\infty$ diffeomorphism from $\ell_2\setminus\{0\}$ to $\ell_2$ which is the identity outside a ball?

Let $\ell_2:=\{x=(x_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}:\ \|x\|^2:=\sum_n|x_n|^2<\infty\}$ with its natural norm. According to Wikipedia and to other sources, it is ...
Mircea's user avatar
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Decomposition of $L^2(\Gamma \backslash H)$ into irreducible representations using the spectral theorem

I'm reading the introduction of An Introduction to the Trace Formula by James Arthur and wanted to understand something in the introduction. Let $H$ be a unimodular locally compact Hausdorff group, ...
D_S's user avatar
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Simple (?) question on inner product in reproducing kernel Hilbert space

I'm following the gentle introduction to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces From Zero to Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces in Twelve Pages or Less by Hal Daumé III. I believe the author fully ...
RMurphy's user avatar
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A question about a theorem in 'Quantum dynamical semigroups generated by noncommutative unbounded elliptic operators'

I have asked this question on MathSE and someone advised me to ask it here. The link is . I'm studying the paper Quantum dynamical semigroups generated by noncommutative unbounded elliptic operators ...
aeei.w.1995's user avatar
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Araki's proof of simple connectedness of the restricted orthogonal group

I am trying to understand Araki's proof of the statement that the restricted orthogonal group of a Hilbert space with a unitary structure is simply connected. This proof starts on page 114 of these ...
Peter's user avatar
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Inner Product on tensor product of Hilbert spaces is unique?

Given two Hilbert Spaces $H$ and $K$, a natural inner product on $H\otimes K$(= vector space tensor product of $H$ and $K$) is given by $\hspace{.5in}\langle h_1\otimes k_1,h_2\otimes k_2\rangle=\...
Manish Kumar's user avatar
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Defining a trace-class operator with a Bochner integral

I had asked this question previously on Math.StacheExchange but did not get an answer there in several months. This isn't strictly speaking research level mathematics but I hope it is sufficiently ...
Adomas Baliuka's user avatar
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Deleting "weak homeomorphism" in a Hilbert space

It is well-known that there exists a homeomorphism $h$ from an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space $H$ to $H\setminus\{0\}$. Does there exist a "weak homeomorphism" $g:H \to H\setminus\{0\}$, that is, $...
Ilnara's user avatar
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A question about open subsets of Hilbert space whose complements are compact sets

Let $H$ be an infinite-dimensional separable Hilbert space. Let $C$ be the intersection of a denumerably infinite sequence of sets, each of which is the complement of a compact subset of $H$. In other ...
Garabed Gulbenkian's user avatar
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Fredholmness of formal selfadjoint operator $AA^*$ and Fredholmenss of $A$

Let $X$ and $Y$ be Hilbert spaces with respective inner products $\langle , \rangle_{X,Y}$. Let $A:X \rightarrow Y$ be a bounded linear operator. Assume there is a non-degenerate sesquilinear product $...
inquisitor's user avatar
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Cesaro convergence implies weak convergence of a subsequence

Suppose a bounded sequence $(x_n)$ converges to $x$ in the Cesaro sense (i.e., $\frac{1}{n}(x_1 + x_2 + \dots + x_n)\rightarrow x$) in a separable Hilbert space $H$. How to prove that some subsequence ...
Kestutis Cesnavicius's user avatar
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Approximately complemented subspaces

Definition: Suppose $E$ is a subspace of normed space $X$. Then $E$ is approximately complemented in $X$ if for any compact subset $K$ of $E$ and any $\epsilon>0$ there is a continuous linear ...
R.N's user avatar
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Hilbert-irreducible Banach space

A Banach space $X$ is called Hilbert-irreducible if it satisfies the following condition: If a subspace $Y\subset X$ satisfies the parallelogram equality, then $Y$ is necessarilly a one ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Selfadjointness of hamiltonian with 1/x potential

Let us consider the Hilbert space $L^2([0,\infty))$ and operator $H=-\frac{d^2}{dx^2} + \frac{1}{x}$ on the domain of $C^{\infty}_0((0,\infty))$ (smooth functions with compact support away from $0$). ...
user72829's user avatar
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Is there a scalar product which makes orthonormal the family of complex functions $ (f_n)_{ n \geq 1 } $?

Let $ (f_n)_{ n \geq 1 } $ be a family of complex functions defined as follow, $ \forall n \geq 1 $, $$ f_n (z) = \dfrac{1}{n^{z}} $$ I would like to ask you if it is possible to construct a ( non-...
Angel65's user avatar
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LF or LB space that happens to be finite dimensional

Let $\{V_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ be a collection of finite dimensional vector subspaces of $L^2[0,1]$ such that $V_n \subset V_{n+1}$ and $\bigcup_{n=1}^\infty V_n$ is dense in $L^2[0,1]$. Suppose further ...
Isaac's user avatar
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Problem of convergence of the following sequence

Let $E$ be a complex Hilbert space, with inner product $\langle\cdot\;, \;\cdot\rangle$ and the norm $\|\cdot\|$. Let $T\in \mathcal{L}(E)$ be bounded linear operators from $E$ to $E$ and $M\in \...
Schüler's user avatar
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Subspaces of $C_0$ on which $p$-norm are equivalent?

I have a question concerning the generalization of the following fact. Let $E = C^0([0,1],\mathbb{R})$ endowed with the $\|.\|_\infty$ norm. One can show that if $F$ is a subspace of $E$ for which ...
Anthony's user avatar
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On spectral calculus and commutation of operators

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a Hilbert space, $B\in\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$ be bounded and self-adjoint and $A:\mathcal{D}(A)\to\mathcal{H}$ closed (but not necessarily self-adjoint or bounded). The ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Bounded operators leaving dense subspace invariant

Let $A$ be a C$^*$-algebra. A pre-Hilbert $A$-module $H$ is a right $A$ module with a $A$-valued inner product (which is linear in the second variable and conjugate linear in the first variable) such ...
heller's user avatar
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Eigenvalues and Compact Resolvent

For $A$ an unbounded (densely defined) operator on a separable Hilbert space, what conditions on its eigenvalues will show that, for $\lambda \notin $spec$(A)$, we have that $(A-\lambda)^{-1}$ is a ...
Juan Corrida's user avatar
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Decomposing bilinear forms in Hilbert spaces

You are given a complex Hilbert space $H$ with two equivalent Hilbert space structures $<,>$ and $<,>'$. Define $<,>''=<,> + <,>'$ to be the sum of our two scalar ...
Hammerhead's user avatar
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What do we get from an euclidian affine structure ?

Imagine you investigate a set of objects $\mathcal{E}$, and you just realize this that $\mathcal{E}$ possesses an affine structure with respect to some real vector space $\mathcal{V}$ having a scalar ...
Adrien Hardy's user avatar
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A continuous analogue of the notion of Hilbert basis

Let $X$ be a locally compact space, let $H$ be a Hilbert space and let $\beta:X\to H$ be a continuous function such that the linear subspace of $H$ spanned by $\beta(X)$ is dense in $H$. I would like ...
P. P. Tuong's user avatar
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Variation of concept of a Lusin space

Citing from Wikipedia, A Hausdorff topological space is a Lusin space if some stronger topology makes it into a Polish space. Is there a (previously studied) analogous concept of a Hausdorff (...
iolo's user avatar
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Reverse martingale convergence theorem in Banach spaces

In section 1.5 of a course given by Gilles Pisier, the author is claiming that in the excerpt below $\operatorname E[\varphi_i\mid\mathcal A_{-n}]\to\operatorname E[\varphi_i\mid\mathcal A_{-\infty}]$ ...
0xbadf00d's user avatar
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Estimate the metric entropy of unit ball in $L^2$ space

Let me clarify the setting I'm thinking. For any totally bounded metric space $(Y,d_Y)$ and $\varepsilon>0$, the $\textit{metric entropy}$ $N_M(\varepsilon,Y)$ is the smallest number of closed ...
S.Lim's user avatar
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Point spectrum of a positive invertible operator

Let $G$ be a l.c. group and $f$ belong to $C_c(G)$, the space of continuous functions with compact support. Define an operator$T_f$ on $L^2(G)$ by $T_f(g)=f*g$ (the convolution product). If $T_f$ is ...
MSMalekan's user avatar
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Norm of vector-valued holomorphic functions

Let $G$ be a connected simply connected domain in $\mathbb{C}^{n}$, let $H$ be a Hilbert space. Q1. Which functions $F:G\to(0,+\infty)$ are such that there is a holomorphic $f:G\to H\backslash ...
erz's user avatar
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The multiplier algebra of a Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space and its commutant

In my research in the theory of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces I was concerned with this topic which came up but I could not find a reference on: If $ \mathbb{H} $ is an RKHS and we denote the ...
Don John Prep's user avatar
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Quantum Field theory - integral notation

I have a problem with understanding how the resolution of the identity of an operator is presented in some literature for physicists. I'm a student of mathematics, and I understand the notion of a ...
Eric's user avatar
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Do unitary bijections act invariantly on irreducible representations?

Let $\mathcal{A}$ be a $C^*$ algebra. Let $(\pi, \mathcal{H})$ be a faithful, irreducible, unitary, Hilbert space representation of $\mathcal{A}$; i.e., $\pi:\mathcal{A}\rightarrow\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{...
soulphysics's user avatar
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A compact embedding claim

Let $U= (0,1)\times (0,1)$. Consider the weighted Sobolev spaces $H_1$ with the norms $$ \|u\|_{H_1}^2 = \int_0^1 (\int_0^1 x\,|u(x,y)|^2\,dx) \,dy$$ Let $H_2$ be the weighted Sobolev space with the ...
Ali's user avatar
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Geometry in Hilbert spaces / spheres in high dimensions

Let $H$ be a separable Hilbert space of infinite dimension and let $(e_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$ be an orthonormal basis of $H$. For a series $(\alpha_n)_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset \mathbb{R^+}$ we are ...
Ben Deitmar's user avatar
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Characterising closed range self-adjoint operators

Let $T:\mathrm{dom}(T) \subseteq H \to H$ be a densely defined, self-adjoint operator on a Hilbert spaces $𝐻$. In general the range of $T$ is not guaranteed to be closed. What tools are available to ...
Dave Shulman's user avatar
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A sequence of orthogonal projection in Hilbert space

Let $H$ be an infinite dimensional Hilbert space over $\mathbb{C}$ Let $\{v_n\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}} \subset H$ be a sequence of linearly independent vectors in $H$ such that $v_n \to u$ Let $\forall ...
Matey Math's user avatar
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Intersection of Hilbert spaces with basis equivalent to canonical basis for $\ell^2$

Let $X$ be a closed subspace of $\ell^2$ over $\mathbb{C}$ Let $\{x_m\}_{m \in \mathbb{N}}$ a basis for $X$ equivalent to canonical basis $\{e_m\}_{m \in \mathbb{N}}$ for $\ell^2$ I Would like to ...
Matey Math's user avatar
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Strongly Continuous Group Actions on the $ C^{\ast} $-Algebra of Compact Operators on a Hilbert Space

Let $ \mathcal{H} $ be a not-necessarily-separable Hilbert space. Let $ G $ be a locally compact Hausdorff group. It is easy to see that if $ U: G \to \mathbb{U}(\mathcal{H}) $ is a norm-continuous ...
Transcendental's user avatar
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Positive definite quadratic forms on Banach spaces

This is a question about characterizing Hilbert spaces in terms of quadratic forms. Let $X$ be a real Banach space and $E$ a bounded quadratic form on it, it is called positive definite if $E(x,x)\...
Conifold's user avatar
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Special form of unbounded operators on $L_2(\mathbb{R}_+, \mathcal{H})$

I have the following problem; Fix a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. Let $S \colon \mathrm{Dom}S \subset L_2(\mathbb{R}_+, \mathcal{H}) \rightarrow L_2(\mathbb{R}_+, \mathcal{H}) $ be a closed densely ...
Chidoru's user avatar
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Hilbert Schmidt operators

I don't know much about the theory of Hilbert spaces but a research project has me working with them a little bit. In particular requiring an operator to be Hilbert-Schmidt is a recurring condition. ...
solbap's user avatar
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Equivalent characterization of weak derivative in Bochner space

Let $H$ be a hilbert space. A function $v\in L_\text{loc}^1(0,T;H)$ is called the weak derivative of $u \in L_\text{loc}^1(0,T;H)$ iff $$ \int_0^T u(t) \varphi'(t) \, dt = -\int_0^T v(t) \varphi(t) \, ...
Mandelbrot's user avatar
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Lifting theorem for n operators

I am aware of the following statement of the lifting theorem. For $i\in \{1,2\}$ let $B_i$ be a contraction on a Hilbert space $H_i$ and let $A_i$, acting on the Hilbert space $K_i$, be the minimal ...
Bhawna Bansal's user avatar
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Can a bijection between function spaces be continuous if the space's domains are different?

It is well-known that any bijection $\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^2$ cannot be continuous. But suppose we have the two spaces $A = \{f(x):\mathbb{R^2}\rightarrow \mathbb{R} \}$ and $B = \{f(x):\...
Joe's user avatar
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tensor stability of block-positive matrices

Let $X_{AB}$ be an operator acting on the tensor-product Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_A \otimes \mathcal{H}_B$. Suppose that $X_{AB}$ is block positive, meaning that (in Dirac notation) $\langle \psi |...
Mark M. Wilde's user avatar
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Strongly continuous semigroup: continuous or continuous componentwise?

Let $T(t)_{t \ge 0}$ be a strongly continuous semigroup on a Hilbert space $H.$ Then, one can consider the function $f(t_1,t_2):= T(t_1)S T(t_2)x$ where $x$ is a fixed element of the Hilbert space ...
Sascha's user avatar
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