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Integration of volume forms over manifolds with corners

Suppose that $M$ is a (compact, oriented, smooth) manifold with corners. Let $M_{\leq 1}$ the manifold with boundary of all points of index $\leq 1$ (following the notations here). This manifold is an ...
Phil-W's user avatar
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Almost Complex Structure extending to Complex Structure, aka "Integrable"

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold of (real) dimension $2n$. An almost complex structure $J$ on $M$ is a linear vector bundle isomorphism $J \colon TM\to TM$ on the tangent bundle $TM$ such that $J^2 = − 1 \...
user267839's user avatar
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Wedge of curvature and subsequent trace

I am currently reading More specifically, I am interested in understanding the equation $$i\partial\overline{\partial}\omega = \frac{\alpha'}{4}Tr(R\wedge R-F\wedge F)...
Mathematics enthusiast's user avatar
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Question on globally hyperbolic manifolds and coordinates

Consider a globally hyperbolic Lorentzian manifold $(M,g)$. Then, a well-known result of Bernal-Sánchez (see Theorem 1.1 in arXiv:gr-qc/0401112) states that it can globally be written as $$M=\mathbb{R}...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Explicit parallelization of an exotic sphere

I asked this question on MathStackExchange a week ago (see here), but, despite a few upvotes, I received no comments or answers. Ideally, I would love a detailed answer, but a yes/no would do the job! ...
User175a23's user avatar
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Linear combinations of smooth sections

I am dealing with smoothness issues for which I do not even know a successful approach, so any help or reference would be welcome. Let $M$ be a manifold, $E\to M$ a smooth vector bundle, and let $\...
CuriousUser's user avatar
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Randomly perturbed function has no accumulated critical point almost surely?

Given a smooth function $f$ and a smooth manifold $\mathcal{M}$ in $\mathbb{R}^d$, define the set $$ S(v):=\{x:{\rm Proj}_{T_x{\mathcal{M}}}(v)=\nabla_{\mathcal{M}}f(x)\}. $$ Is correct to say that $S(...
dkyopt's user avatar
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Pullback by surjective submersion is injective?

Denote by $\mathcal{D}'_X$ the sheaf of distributions on a smooth manifold $X$. Let $M$ and $N$ be smooth manifolds and $\Phi: M \to N$ a submersion. Then $\Phi$ defines a unique morphism of sheaves $\...
psl2Z's user avatar
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7 votes
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Lipschitz bounds and homotopy groups of diffeomorphism groups

Let $M$ denote a closed Riemannian manifold. Let $\mathrm{Diff}_0^L(M)$ denote the supspace of the identity component of the diffeomorphism group $\mathrm{Diff}_0(M)$ of diffeomorphisms with Lipschitz ...
ThorbenK's user avatar
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Property of a smooth function is true for almost every function

Consider a smooth function $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}$. We further assume $0$ is a regular value of $f$, thus $X=f^{-1}(0)$ is a smooth submanifold of dimension $n-1$. Consider the following ...
stratified's user avatar
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No analytic surjection $f:M \to N$ when $\dim(M) >\dim(N)$

Inspired by comment discussions in this MO post smooth version of splitting principle we ask: Are there two compact real analytic manifolds $M,N$ of dimension $m>n$ such that there is not any ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Smooth version of the splitting principle

Inspried by this MO question A manifold whose tangent space is a sum of line bundles and higher rank vector bundles we pose the following question as a possible smooth version of the splitting ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Slowly increasing smooth mappings with values in a Lie group?

Let $G$ be $l$-dimensional compact Lie group and consider any smooth $F : \mathbb{R}^n \to G$. Then, the first-order derivative of $F$ at each $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ can be regarded as a linear mapping $...
Isaac's user avatar
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Topological Properties of Subsets of $R^{m}$ induced by Smooth Manifolds in Matrix Spaces

We know that $M_{m \times n } $ is isomorphic to $R^{mn}$. Let's take a smooth manifold $\mathbb{M}$ in $R^{mn}$ and fix a point in $R^{n}$, say, $p$. Now realize the manifold $\mathbb{M}$ as a subset ...
Debu's user avatar
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Details of the proof of the inequality $ \int_{X}\left(2 r \mathrm{c}_{2}(E)-(r-1) \mathrm{c}_{1}^{2}(E)\right) \wedge \omega^{n-2} \geq 0.$

I'm trying to make sense of the following proof. Let $E$ be a holomorphic vector bundle of rank $r$ on a compact hermitian manifold $(X, g)$. If $E$ admits an Hermite-Einstein structure then $$ \int_{...
Nikolai's user avatar
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Finite dimensional manifolds as subspace of $\mathbb{R}^\mathbb{N}$

For embedded submanifold, specifically with ambient space being $\mathbb{R}^{n}$, there are many nice properties and results. Specifically there are many examples of matrix manifolds such as the ...
patchouli's user avatar
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A roof genus of high dimensional lens space

Let $p$ be a natural number, and for $i\in \{0, ..., p-1\}$, denote the irreducible rank one complex representation of $\mathbb{Z}/p$. by $\rho_{i}$. Let $a=(a_{1},\ldots a_{d}) $ ...
Nicolas Boerger's user avatar
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Unitary transformations of Vandermonde matrices forms a smooth manifold?

The space of all Vandermonde matrices $V$ with $r$ variables and degree $n$ (as below) forms an embedded submanifold of $\mathbb{R}^{(n+1) \times r}$ when $x_{i} \in \mathbb{R}$. It is naturally a ...
patchouli's user avatar
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The closure of the space of Riemannian metrics with a fixed isometry class

Let $M$ be a closed manifold, and let $\mathscr{M}$ be the space of all Riemannian metrics over $M$. It is known that this is a Fréchet manifold. Consider also $\mathscr{D}$ the diffeomorphisms group ...
MyShepherd's user avatar
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Ideals of functions whose zero locus is a submanifold

Let $M$ be a smooth $m$ dimensional manifold. Suppose that $f_1,\dots,f_k\in C^\infty(M)$ are smooth functions such that the zero locus $$N:=Z_f=\lbrace p\in M:\ f_i(p)=0,\ \forall i=1,2,\dots,k\...
Bence Racskó's user avatar
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Lower bound on injectivity radius at one point implies lower bound on injectivity radius for a closed manifold

I’m interested in a closed Riemannian manifold $(M^n,g)$ with $sec<0$ and $diam(M)\leq D$. My question is: If at some point $p\in M^n$, the injectivity radius $injrad(p)\geq1$, then can we get $...
Xin Qian's user avatar
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First examples of Lie-Rinehart algebras that are not coming from Lie algebroids

I heard the idea of a Lie-Rinehart algebra first time from an algebraist. I noticed there is a similarity between description of Lie algebroid on a manifold and the algebraic notion of Lie-Rinehart ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
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Is there a canonical smooth structure on tame Fréchet orbit type stratifications?

In finite dimension orbit type stratifications, it is known that the orbit space $M/G$ resulting from an action of a proper Lie Group $G$ on a smooth manifold $M$, satisfying a set of certain ...
MyShepherd's user avatar
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Condition to show $\{ U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}|\mathscr{A}(UU^{\top}) = b \}$ is (is not) a manifold

Consider $\mathscr{A}: S^{n\times n} \to \mathbb{R}^{m}$, $b \in \mathbb{R}^{m}$, I would like to know when $\mathscr{M}:=\{ U \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times p}|\mathscr{A}(UU^{\top}) = b \}$ is a manifold. ...
patchouli's user avatar
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Naturality of Lie bracket — alternate proof

Let $M$ and $N$ be smooth manifolds, and let $F: M \to N$ be a smooth map. Let $X$ and $Y$ be vector fields on $M$, and let $\tilde{X}$ and $\tilde{Y}$ be vector fields on $N$. We say that $X$ and $\...
Zhang Yuhan's user avatar
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Under what conditions principal directions define an integrable distribution?

Consider a hypersurface $M^n \subset \mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ which is compact without boundary. Assume that its second fundamental form $A$ has distinct eigenvalues $\lambda_1<\ldots<\lambda_k$ (with $...
Dorian's user avatar
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Metric of negative curvature on connected sum

Let $(M_1,g_1)$ and $(M_2,g_2)$ be two Riemannian manifolds of dimension $n\geq 2$. If we consider the connected sum $M=M_1\mathbin{\#}M_2$ of the two manifolds; can one get a smooth metric $g$ on $M$ ...
User5's user avatar
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Milnor’s smoothed corners technique for a product of manifolds with boundary and boundary defining functions

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold that we view as the interior of a compact manifold with boundary $\overline{M}$. Let $\rho$ be a boundary defining function for $\overline{M}$, i.e. $\rho$ is smooth, $\...
zarathustra's user avatar
-4 votes
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Does a coarser topology lead to a non-Hausdorff topological manifold? [closed]

Take a topological manifold $M$. Suppose one considers a strictly coarser topology than the manifold topology. Can such topology result in a non-Hausdorff topological manifold? NOTE: PLEASE avoid the ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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What is known about the "stickiness" of a smooth manifold to its tangent space?

Consider an $m$-dimensional smooth manifold $M$ embedded in $n$-dimensional real Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^n$ ($n>m$). Consider a point $x \in M$ of the manifold, and for simplicity, choose the ...
Smooth M's user avatar
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Disintegration measures and differential forms

Let $X$ and $Y$ be smooth oriented manifolds of dimension $m$ and $n$, and let $f\colon X\to Y$ a proper smooth map. There is a theorem called the "Disintegration Theorem" which says ...
Ben Webster's user avatar
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Clarifying a result of Klingenberg

I am looking for some clarification on a result of Klingenberg. For context, I have a complete Riemannian manifold for which I would like to compute a lower bound on the injectivity radius at each ...
E G's user avatar
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How to estimate the distance between geodesics and points for Riemannian manifold with positive sectional curvature

Assume that $ M $ is a complete Riemannian manifold and there exists $ k>0 $ such that $ K(q)\geq k $ for any $ q\in M $, where $ K $ is the sectional curvature of $ M $. Let $ \gamma $ be a closed ...
Luis Yanka Annalisc's user avatar
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Commutative/ symmetric second covariant derivative

Consider a smooth manifold $M$ together with an affine connection (or covariant derivative) $\nabla$ on the tangent bundle $TM$. Is it possible to have an affine connection, possibly with non-zero ...
Khaled T.'s user avatar
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Compactification of a product of manifolds

Let $M$ be a smooth manifold. We make the assumption that $M$ can be viewed as the interior of a compact manifold with boundary $\overline{M}$. In practice, for an explicit manifold, any ...
zarathustra's user avatar
14 votes
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Is a manifold Euclidean if its tangent bundle is Euclidean?

I'm wondering whether an $n$-dimensional manifold diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^n$ if its tangent bundle is diffeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$. Many thanks!
Felix's user avatar
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Why is this subset associated to a $2$-tensor dense?

Let $S$ be a symmetric $(0, 2)$ tensor on a Riemannian manifold $M$. Define $E_S : M \to \mathbb{Z}$ by $E_S(x) = \left(\text{the number of distinct eigenvalues of } S_x\right)$. I've seen the ...
Matheus Andrade's user avatar
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Cokernel of the Jacobian Matrix

For an algebraic variety $V = \mathcal{V}(f_1,\dots,f_m)\subset \mathbb{C}^n$, in smooth points $p$ there is a nice geometric interpretation of the Jacobian $(\partial f_i/\partial x_j)_{ij}\lvert_p$'...
Matthias Himmelmann's user avatar
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Elliptic equations and Fredholms alternative in the non-compact case

Let $M$ be a smooth Riemannian manifold and $E$ be a finite-rank vector bundle over $M$ equipped with a bundle metric $\langle\cdot,\cdot\rangle\in\Gamma^{\infty}(E^{\ast}\otimes E^{\ast})$, i.e. $\...
G. Blaickner's user avatar
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Diagonalization of symmetric matrices of functions

I asked this question some time ago in MSE but I didn't recieved any feedback. This problem arised ...
user1234567890's user avatar
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Compactly-supported harmonic tensors

Let $({M},g)$ be a connected and non-compact Riemannian manifold without boundary. If $L:\Gamma^{\infty}(E)\to \Gamma^{\infty}(E)$ is a linear second order elliptic operator on some smooth $\mathbb{R}$...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Difference between parallel transport and ambient projection

Consider a $d$-dimensional complete embedded Riemannian submanifold $(M,g)$ of a Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^D$ (The major examples we consider are sphere and Stiefel manifold). Assume the sectional ...
Jason Li's user avatar
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Proving the canonical form of a vector field near a regular point on the boundary [closed]

I'm trying to solve Theorem 9.35 of Lee's Introduction to smooth manifolds: Let $M$ be a smooth manifold with boundary and let $V$ be a smooth vector field on $M$ that is tangent to $\partial M$. If $...
Livetrack's user avatar
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Basic question on the de Rham theorem

There is a modern nice proof of the de Rham theorem based on sheaf theory. The de Rham theorem says that for a smooth manifold $M$ there is a canonical isomorphism $$H^i_{dR}(M,\mathbb{R})\simeq H^i_{...
asv's user avatar
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Hodge decomposition on non-compact manifolds

Let $(\mathcal{M},g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold without boundary. Then we have the well-known Hodge decomposition $$\Omega^{k}(\mathcal{M})\cong\mathcal{H}^{k}(\mathcal{M})\oplus\mathrm{ran}(\...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Existence of eigen basis for elliptic operator on compact manifold

Let $M$ be a compact Riemannian manifold. Let $E$ be a vector bundle over $M$ equipped with a Hermitian (or Euclidean) metric on its fibers. Let $D$ be a linear elliptic differential operator acting ...
asv's user avatar
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Hodge decomposition in elliptic complexes

EDIT: In the book "Principles of Algebraic Geometry" by Griffiths and Harris the authors prove the Hodge decomposition for the Dolbeault operator $\bar\partial$ on differential forms on a ...
asv's user avatar
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Poisson equation on manifolds

Let $(\mathcal{M},g)$ be a compact Riemannian manifold with Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$. It is well-known that the Poisson equation $$\Delta u=f$$ does have a solution on $C^{\infty}(\mathcal{M})$ ...
B.Hueber's user avatar
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Two different spin structures of the real projective space $\Bbb RP^3$

It is known that every orientable 3-manifold has a spin structure, because its tangent bundle is trivial. Also it is known that if a manifold $X$ has a spin structure, then the number of distinct spin ...
user302934's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for the union of two submanifolds to be a submanifold

I have two smoothly embedded orientable surfaces $S_1,S_2\subset S^3 \times [0,1]$ with boundary such that $(i)$ $S_1\cap S_2$ is a smoothly embedded surface without boundary and $(ii)$ $\overline{...
Euler Characteristic's user avatar

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