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Type vs degree of a polarized abelian variety

Let $(A,L)$ be a polarized abelian variety. I know that the degree of the polarization is the Euler characteristic of $L$, so that $d = \chi(L) = \dim H^0(A,L)$ since $L$ is ample. I've read in a lot ...
TartagliaTriangle's user avatar
9 votes
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Reference request for indecomposable representations of $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p > 0$

Is there a good reference on the classification of indecomposable representations of the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}(2)$ over an algebraically closed field of characteristic $p > 0$ (of course, in ...
tyrese's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Albanese variety over non-perfect fields

It is a result of Serre (Morphismes universels et varietes d'albanese) that the Albanese (abelian) variety, i.e. an initial object for morphisms to (torsors over) abelian varieties, exists for any ...
Thomas Geisser's user avatar
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Polarization induces alternating pairing on homology

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$. We work up to isogeny (i.e., Hom sets are tensored with $\mathbb{Q}$). I am looking for a reference (and ideally, a short explanation) for ...
57Jimmy's user avatar
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Product of Abelian varieties with complex multiplication

We take Abelian varieties $A_1, A_2,\dotsc,A_n$ over a number field. If $A_1, A_2,\dotsc,A_n$ have complex multiplication, then does the product $A_1\times A_2 \times \dotsb \times A_n$ have complex ...
OOOOOO's user avatar
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8 votes
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Automorphisms over finite field that do not lift to an automorphism in characteristic zero

My main question is the following: is there an automorphism of the affine space $\mathbb{A}^n$ (automorphism of an algebraic variety) defined over a finite field which does not lift to an automorphism ...
Jérémy Blanc's user avatar
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Reference request: Radicial morphisms & Jacobson-Bourbaki correspondence

My name is Chemy (Przemysław). I am a PhD student at UvA (Amsterdam), and I work on projects related to foliations in algebraic geometry in positive characteristic. Therefore I am avidely reading two ...
P. Grabowski's user avatar
18 votes
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Embedding abelian varieties into projective spaces of small dimension

Given a (complex) abelian variety $A$ of a fixed dimension $g$, let $d(A)$ be the dimension of the smallest complex projective space it embeds into. Is $d(A)$ uniform over all abelian varieties of a ...
Kim's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Conceptual explanations of the class numbers for the first few $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{p})$ with odd conductor

It's known that the class number of $\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{p})$ is $1$ for all primes $p<229$. Question: What would it be like for conceptual explanations of $h(\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{p}))=1$ for the first ...
LeechLattice's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

What are supersingular varieties?

For varieties over a field of characteristic $p$, I saw people talking about supersingular varieties. I wanted to ask "why are supersingular varieties interesting". However, as I don't want to ask an ...
temp's user avatar
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p-torsion in the Picard group of a regular projective curve

Let $K$ be a field of characteristic $p>0$ and $C$ a regular projective geometrically integral curve over $K$. If $C$ is smooth, then the connected component ${\rm Pic}^0_C$ of the Picard scheme of ...
Arno Fehm's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Faltings height in short exact sequences

Let $K$ be a number field and $0 \rightarrow A \rightarrow B \rightarrow C \rightarrow 0$ a short exact sequence of abelian varieties over $K$. Let $h(A)$ denote the logarithmic Faltings height (...
Question Mark's user avatar
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𝔾ₘ extensions vs line bundles over abelian varieties

Given a complex polarized abelian variety $V$, we can define a map $$\operatorname{Ext}^1\left(V, \mathbb{G}_m\right) \to \operatorname{Pic}\left(V\right)$$ by viewing an extension as a $\mathbb{G}_m$-...
E. KOW's user avatar
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How to construct explicitly defining polynomials of an morphism between smooth irreducible curves?

Let $\phi\!: C_1 \to C_2$ be a separable morphism of smooth irreducible curves embedded as projectively normal models by invertible sheaves $\mathcal{L}_1$ and $\mathcal{L}_2$ respectively. Theorem 4....
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
9 votes
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A question about $p$-adic monodromy of abelian varieties

Let $S_0$ be a smooth (projective?) and (geometrically) connected scheme over a finite field of characteristic $p$ and let $S$ be its base change to an algebraic closure of the finite field. Let $\pi:...
Pol van Hoften's user avatar
8 votes
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Simultaneous rank jumping of elliptic curves over number fields

Here's something fun that I've been wondering about for a while out of curiosity. It has to do with the rank $\mathrm{rk}(E(K))$ of an elliptic curve $E$ over a number field $K$, and especially how it ...
Ariyan Javanpeykar's user avatar
3 votes
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Universal covering of abelian variety

Let $A$ be an abelian variety over a field $K$. It is shown that its $p$-adic Tate module $T_p(A)= \varprojlim_{n} A[p^n](\overline{K}) \cong Hom(\mathbb{Q}_p/\mathbb{Z}_p,A(\overline{K})= \...
Desunkid's user avatar
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35 votes
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In which ways can the isogeny theorem fail for local fields?

Fix a field $K$ with absolute Galois group $G$. By an isogeny theorem over $K$, I mean the statement that the map $\operatorname{Hom}(A,B)\otimes\mathbb{Z}_l \to \operatorname{Hom}_G(T_l A, T_l B)$ is ...
Felipe Voloch's user avatar
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Non-noetherian Cartier Isomorphism

A result in positive characteristic is that if $R/\mathbb{F}_p$ is a smooth ring, then we have a Cartier isomorphism $$\Omega_{R}^\bullet\cong H^\bullet(\Omega_R^\bullet)$$ which is essentially ...
curious math guy's user avatar
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Why is the Jacobian of a curve "irreducible" as a principally polarized abelian variety?

In J.P. Murre's "Reduction of the proof of the non-rationality of a non-singular cubic threefold to a result of mumford", in the proof of Theorem 3.11 he remarks that "the Jacobian of a ...
TCiur's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the correct notion of representation for abelian varieties?

Zeroth question - am I right that in the "ordinary" sense an abelian variety does not possess any representations at all? More precisely, a representation of an algebraic group $G$ (over an ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Finite, normal subgroups of reductive groups in positive characteristic

Consider the following statement about a connected, reductive group $G$ over a field $k$: Every finite, normal subgroup $N$ of $G$ is central. In characteristic $0$, this is true, and the proof is ...
LSpice's user avatar
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14 votes
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If it quacks like an abelian variety over a finite field

Consider smooth projective varieties over a finite field. If a curve "looks like" an elliptic curve (i.e. has genus $1$) then it can be made into an elliptic curve. Is there something ...
Nguyen's user avatar
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37 votes
4 answers

Finite extension of fields with no primitive element

What is an example of a finite field extension which is not generated by a single element? Background: A finite field extension E of F is generated by a primitive element if and only if there are a ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar
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The numbers of isomorphism classes of abelian variety over finite fields

It is known that there are only finitely many isomorphism classes of abelian variety over a finite field. I am curious about the exact number of these isomorphism classes. Explicitly, fix $g$, let $\...
Yuan Yang's user avatar
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Lifting $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-triples

Let $k$ be an algebraically closed field, $G$ a (smooth, connected) reductive algebraic group over $k$, $H$ a (smooth, connected) reductive group of semisimple rank 1, and $T$ a maximal torus in $H$. ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Do you know explicit examples of superelliptic curves $y^{\ell} = g(x)$ (for some prime $\ell > 3$) covering some elliptic curves?

For every elliptic curve $E$ Icart in $\S 2$ of the paper explicitly constructs a superelliptic curve $S\!: y^3 = f(x)$ and a cover $\varphi\!: S \to E$. Do you know explicit examples of superelliptic ...
Dimitri Koshelev's user avatar
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Characterization of an Abelian surface

I have a smooth projective surface $X$, and two flat family of elliptic curves on it: $E_{1,t}$ and $E_{2,t}$, (I don't know what either $t$ runs through!) such that (1), for any i={1,2}, the closed ...
Yuan Yang's user avatar
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3 votes
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Schur multiplier of finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras in positive characteristic

The Schur multipliers of finite simple groups are known and easily accessible: Moreover, as a consequence of the second Whitehead's Lemma, if ...
Rocky Smith's user avatar
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Endomorphisms ring of complex abelian variety under isogenies

I’m trying to understand if over $\mathbb{C}$ two abelian varieties have the same complex multiplication if and only if they are isogenous. Is it true? If it is true this means that if I consider $A$ ...
Martina Monti's user avatar
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The upper bound of number of the automorphism of principal polarization of abelian variety over algebraically closed field

I would like to find a upper bound of principal polarization of abelian variety in the following stiution: Suppose $A$ is an abelian variety over a $char=0$ algebraically closed field. And for any two ...
Pony Van's user avatar
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Exterior power of Hodge structures

Let $V$ be a $\mathbb{Q}$-vector space and suppose there is a decomposition of $V_{\mathbb{C}}:=V \otimes_{\mathbb{Q}} \mathbb{C}$ into two $\mathbb{C}$-sub-vector spaces i.e., $V_{\mathbb{C}} \cong V^...
Chen's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Some basic questions on quotient of group schemes

Let $S$ be a fixed base scheme and $G, H$ be group schemes over $S$. Since I am mainly interested in commutative group schemes over fields, we may assume that $G,H$ are commutative and $S$ is a field ...
Daebeom Choi's user avatar
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Picard and Rosati for elliptic curves

I would like to ask for confirmation whether the following argument is correct. We work over an algebraically closed field $k$ of characteristic $0$. For an elliptic curve $E$, the Picard variety, or ...
57Jimmy's user avatar
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19 votes
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Bhargava's work on the BSD conjecture

How much would Bhargava's results on BSD improve if finiteness of the Tate-Shafarevich group, or at least its $\ell$-primary torsion for every $\ell$, was known? Would they improve to the point of ...
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Monogenic function fields

Recall that a number field $K$ is said to be monogenic if its ring of integers is of the form $\mathbb{Z}[\alpha]$, or equivalently, if it has a power integral basis. There are many references one can ...
Andry's user avatar
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Semisimplicity of the étale cohomology mod $p$

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$. Then if $\ell\neq \text{char} k$, $k$ is finite, and $X$ is an abelian variety it was shown by Weil that the $\ell$-adic cohomology of $X_{k^{...
curious math guy's user avatar
6 votes
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On the moduli stack of abelian varieties without polarization

(I am especially interested in abelian surfaces and characteristic 0). How bad is the moduli stack of abelian varieties (with no polarization or level structure)? Is it an Artin stack? DM (Deligne-...
Asvin's user avatar
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How big are small inverse powers of 2 mod powers of 3?

Let $a \bmod b$ take value as an integer in $[0, b)$. For any $T \ge 1$, for what $R \in [0, 3^n)$ is $$\min \{2^{-t}\bmod 3^n: t =1, \dotsc, T\} := \min A_T > R?$$ When $T$ is fixed as $n$ ...
SorcererofDM's user avatar
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What direction does the derivation of an inseparable algebraic variable point in?

I've been thinking about the geometry of inseparable field extensions lately, since I'm studying smoothness in commutative rings in an advanced topics course this semester. I've generally come to the ...
Doron Grossman-Naples's user avatar
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Do we have Hodge symmetry for char $p$?

Let $X$ be a smooth projective variety over a field $k$. Let $h^{p,q}=dim_k H^q(X,\Omega_{X/k}^p)$ be the Hodge numbers. If $k$ is of char $0$, by Lefschetz principle, we always have Hodge symmetry, i....
Yuan Yang's user avatar
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Katz's proof of Cartier's (descent) theorem

I am trying to understand the proof of Cartier’s theorem on pages 370-371 (pages 17-18 of the PDF file) of Katz’s “Nilpotent connections and the monodromy theorem: applications of a result of ...
clarkkent's user avatar
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Characters of simple $\mathfrak{sl}_n$-modules in positive characteristic with subregular nilpotent central character

Consider representations of $\mathfrak{sl}_n$ in positive characteristic with a subregular nilpotent central character $\chi$ (i.e. $\chi$ is a nilpotent matrix whose Jordan normal form has two blocks ...
IntegrableSystemsEnthusiast's user avatar
16 votes
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Reconstruct a variety from its crystalline topos

Let $k$ be a perfect field of positive characteristic. Let $X$ be a smooth projective geometrically connected $k$-scheme with a $k$-point. Can we reconstruct $X$ from its small crystalline topos $((X/...
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18 votes
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A linear algebra problem in positive characteristic

Let $A$ be a symmetric square matrix with entries in $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}$ for a prime $p$ such that all of its diagonal entries are nonzero. Does there exists always a vector $x$ with all ...
Mostafa - Free Palestine's user avatar
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Frobenius endomorphism is not flat

I am actually going through "Twenty four hours of local cohomology". They discuss the Frobenius endomorphism in Chapter 21. Here is the Exercise 21.6 which I am finding hard to solve: Find a ...
dongrugose's user avatar
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Examples of semi-abelian schemes over a curve

Let $C$ be a nice curve, i.e. $C$ is a smooth, projective, geometrically integral scheme of dimension $1$ over a field $k$. For example, (assuming the characteristic of $k$ is neither 2 or 3) an ...
Z Wu's user avatar
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An Azumaya algebra from a vector bundle, and a construction of Belov-Kanel and Kontsevich

Let $S/k$ be a scheme over a perfect field $k$ of characteristic $p>0$. In Automorphisms of the Weyl Algebra, Belov-Kanel and Kontsevich write down the map $$\alpha: H^0(\Omega^1_{S/k}/d\mathcal O) ...
Joshua Mundinger's user avatar
27 votes
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Etale covers of the affine line

In characteristic p there are nontrivial etale covers of the affine line, such as those obtained by adjoining solutions to x^2 + x + f(t) = 0 for f(t) in k[t]. Using an etale cohomology computation ...
Tyler Lawson's user avatar
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Equivalent statements of the Riemann hypothesis in the Weil conjectures

In the cohomological incarnation, the Riemann hypothesis part of the Weil conjectures for a smooth proper scheme of finite type over a finite field with $q$ elements says that: the eigenvalues of ...
Brandon Levin's user avatar

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