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Andrey Rekalo's user avatar
Andrey Rekalo's user avatar
Andrey Rekalo
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
5 votes

Linear transformation takes a polygon to another one.

5 votes

Composite pairs of the form n!-1 and n!+1

5 votes

Birkhoff conjecture about integrable billiards

5 votes

Is there an intuitive explanation for an extremal property of Chebyshev polynomials?

5 votes

Quantitative questions about the size of a finite epsilon net

5 votes

Positive Derivative

5 votes

Equivalent definitions of Gaussian curvature

5 votes

Does the norm of a normed linear space determine the form of its dual spaces elements?

5 votes

Sets of divergence of Fourier series

4 votes

Example of noncomplete quotient of complete lcs mod closed subspace

4 votes

Can the "physical argument" for the existence of a solution to Dirichlet's problem be made into an actual proof?

4 votes

Introducing Cryptology to Undergraduates

4 votes

A formula for the Jacobian of a flow

4 votes

Regular borel measures on metric spaces

4 votes

A variation on "Hearing the shape of a drum" for polytopes.

4 votes

Intuitive "proof" or explanation of a result in Friedman's urn

4 votes

Ways to prove an inequality

4 votes

Trace space and Neumann boundary condition

4 votes

Optimal packing of spheres tangent to a central sphere

3 votes

Cartesian product of test function spaces

3 votes

Invertibility of the Laplacian

3 votes

Distributional derivative of non continuously differentiable functions

3 votes

Knaster-Kuratowski-Mazurkiewicz (KKM ) Thoerem

3 votes

Examples of inequality implied by equality.

3 votes

Why do Littlewood-Paley projections behave like iid random variables

2 votes

Approximation by analytic functions

2 votes

Determining a lower bound on the Hausdorff dimension of a set

2 votes

expected values over binomial distributions

2 votes

helmholtz zero in R^3

2 votes

Representing repeated structure in graphs