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Dylan Thurston's user avatar
Dylan Thurston's user avatar
Dylan Thurston
  • Member for 14 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
6 votes

Thickening graphs to get honest actions

6 votes

unordered configuration space of pointed space

6 votes

Approximation of topological dynamical systems?

6 votes

Tiling of genus 2 surface by 8 pentagons

6 votes

Converse to Wolpert's Lemma

5 votes

Is there a version of Seiberg-Witten-Floer or Heegard-Floer homology for 3-manifolds with boundary?

5 votes

Decomposition of a closed surface

5 votes

For a representation V of a finite group G, when is Hom(W, W⊗V) trivial for all irreps W?

5 votes

Connected components of space of maps between two manifolds

5 votes

Numeric problem when evaluating log of a pdf

5 votes

pseudo-Anosov maps on surfaces with boundary

4 votes

Is it reasonable to define `poset homotopy' as a `natural transformation of posets'?

4 votes

central extensions of Diff(S^1) and of the semigroup of annuli

4 votes

Unordered configuration space of $\mathbb{R}P^1$

3 votes

Conformal invariants of planar pairs of pants

3 votes

teichmuller geodesics and hyperbolic mapping torus

3 votes

Parameterizing rotations of a cube

3 votes

What are the applications of Voronoi diagrams in pure mathematics?

3 votes

Connectedness of the complements of the connected subsets

3 votes

Is the following two-dimensional graph likely to be globally rigid?

3 votes

Computing the hopf invariant (without integration or homology, as in Milnor) of the hopf map

3 votes

characterization of regular languages among (say) those computable in linear time

2 votes

Elementary functions with zeros only at the positive integers

2 votes

A special class of regular languages: "circular" languages. Is it known?

2 votes

The growthrate of the homology of $H_*(M^{\otimes_A n})$ for a DG-bimodule $M$

2 votes

Looking for an introduction to orbifolds

1 vote

Automorphism group of formally real Jordan algebras of hermitian matrices

1 vote

If the series Σ pᵃ⁽ʷ⁾·xᴵʷᴵ is rational, is Σ a(w)·xᴵʷᴵ also rational (summation over words w in a regular language)?

1 vote

Patching parametric integrals to degenerate properly

0 votes

continuity of length function $l: T(X) \times MF \to \mathbb R$