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Taylor $k$-differentiability of a real function at a point

I am interested in the standard name for the following weak form of $k$-differentiability. Definition. A function $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ is called Taylor $k$-differentiable at a point $x_0$ if ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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mollifier satisfying moment conditions

I wish to find a mollifier $\psi\in C_0^{d+1}(-1,1)$ such that $$ \int_{-1}^1 x^k \psi(x)dx = \begin{cases} 1, & k=0;\\ 0, & k=1,\dots,d. \end{cases} $$ This paper (https://home.cscamm....
user58955's user avatar
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bounds on derivatives of mollifiers/mollified functions

Consider the standard mollifier $$ \phi(x) = C\exp\left(-\frac{1}{1-x^2}\right), \quad -1<x<1. $$ such that $\int\phi(x) = 1$. Let $f(x) = |x|$ and consider the convolution $f\ast \phi$. I am ...
user58955's user avatar
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Reference for a theorem on subharmonic functions

I need a reference for a theorem that states: Let $D$ be a domain of $\mathbb{R}^{m}$ and let $K(x)= \log|x|$ if $m=2$, and $K(x)=|x|^{2-m}$ if $m>2$. Let $u$ be a subharmonic function on $D$. ...
M. Rahmat's user avatar
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Does the Legendre-Fenchel transform/convex conjugate of strongly convex functions have any desirable properties?

It is well known in convex analysis that when a closed, proper, function $f$ is Legendre-type, that is, essentially strictly convex and essentially smooth, the Legendre transform yields a dual ...
Concu Bine's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Is $\sum_{n=1}^\infty\frac{S(n)}{n!}$ an irrational, where $S(n)$ denotes the sum of remainders function?

For each integer $n\geq 1$ we consider the arithmetic function $$S(n)=\sum_{k=1}^n n\text{ mod }k,\tag{1}$$ the sum of remainders function, the arithmetic function A004125 from the OEIS. Example. We'...
user142929's user avatar
2 votes
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Reference request on Min-Max theorem

Consider the following min-max problem $$\inf_{x\in M} \sup_{y\in N} F(x,y),$$ where $F: M\times N\to\mathbb R$ is Lipschitz and $y\mapsto F(x,y)$ is concave for all $x\in M$. Could we derive $\...
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Properties of the topology of sequential convergence $\tau_\text{seq}$

Let $(X,\tau)$ be a Hausdorff space. Denote by $\tau_\text{seq}$ the topology on $X$ whose closed sets are the sequentially $\tau$-closed subsets of $X$. I have read that $\tau_\text{seq}$ has the ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Weak derivative under the integral sign

Let $\Omega$ be a bounded and regular open subset $\Omega$ of $\mathbb{R}^N$ and $u:[0,\infty)\times \Omega\to \mathbb{R}$ be a smooth function (for example a smooth solution to a PDE). Thus the ...
David Lingard's user avatar
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Product of sets with the Radon-Nikodym Property (RNP)

I have read that it is somewhat well-known that if two Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ have the Radon-Nikodym Property (RNP), then their product $X\times Y$ also has the RNP. Does the above result ...
BigbearZzz's user avatar
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Reference request for (weak*) metrizability of a bounded space of signed Radon measures on a compact set

I know the following is true and I know how to prove it (cf. exercise 50 on page 171 in Folland, Theorem 7.18 in Folland), but per my adviser's instructions, it would be better to find a source to ...
Ben Ciotti's user avatar
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A (surprising?) expression for $e$

I apologise if this is off topic. Consider the quantity $$ F(m,n,k)=\frac{(m)_k}{k!n^{k-1} } $$ where $m,n \in \mathbb{N}.$ For moderately large $n$, it seems that the approximation $$ \sum_{k=1}^{K} ...
kodlu's user avatar
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A conjecture concerning symmetric convex sets [closed]

Question: Let's suppose that $S \subset \mathbb{R}^n$ is convex and symmetric so: \begin{equation} x \in S \iff -x \in S \tag{1} \end{equation} Now, if we define the radius of $S$ as $R$ such that: \...
Aidan Rocke's user avatar
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Box counting dimension of a set and Lipschitz functions

If $f$ is Lipschitz, then the following holds for the Hausdorff dimension: $$\dim_H f(A) \le \dim_H A.$$ Is the same true for the box counting dimension?
Riku's user avatar
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Signed variant of the Flint Hills series

I asked my Calculus 2 students to come up with a series the convergence of which they are unable to decide. One of the students, Denis Zelent, invented a very interesting one: $$ \sum_{n = 1}^\infty \...
Mateusz Kwaśnicki's user avatar
3 votes
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Weak Lebesgue spaces and an estimate for BV functions

Let $u \in BV(\Omega \subset \mathbb R^N, \mathbb{R}^N)$. Is it true that there exists a function $f$ in the weak $L^1$ space such that $$|u(y)-u(x)| \le |x-y|\big|f(y) - f(x)\big|$$ holds for a.e. $...
Riku's user avatar
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Extending Green's theorem from very special regions to more general regions

Green's theorem Let $C$ be a positively oriented and consists of a finite union of disjoint,piecewise smooth simple closed curve in a plane, and let $D$ be the region bounded by $C$. If $P$ and $Q$ ...
Nemo's user avatar
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If the Hausforff dimension of the graph of a function $u$ is $N$ and $\tilde u = u$ a.e. then $\dim_H \mathrm{graph} \, \tilde u = N$ too

Let $\Omega$ be an open (non empty) set and $u:\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^M$ be a function such that the Hausdorff dimension of its graph is $N$. Let $\tilde u = u$ a.e. Is it true ...
Riku's user avatar
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Hausdorff dimension of the graph of a BV function

Let $u: \Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^M$ be a $BV$ function. Is the Hausdorff dimension of the graph of $u$ equal to $N$? How can we prove it? Update. In an answer to this post, it ...
Riku's user avatar
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9 votes
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Integration by parts formula for the double Riemann-Stieltjes integral

In my research the following integration by parts formula for the double Riemann-Stieltjes integral $$\int\limits_{[a,b]\times[c,d]}f(x,y)\,dg(x,y)=f(b,d)g(b,d)-f(a,d)g(a,d)-f(b,c)g(b,c)+f(a,c)g(a,c)...
user64494's user avatar
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Equivalent notion of approximate differentiability

Is it true that the definition of approximate differentiability presented here of a function $f: \mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}$ is equivalent to the following one? $$\lim_{r \to 0} \rlap{-}\!\!\int_{...
Riku's user avatar
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About infinite products and Euler Gamma functions [closed]

I am interested in knowing how to calculate infinite products like (or reading any reference about it): $$\prod_{j=1}^{\infty}\left( 1-\left( \frac{x}{a+j\pi} \right) ^2 \right)$$ Inserting it into ...
Juan Gustavo Wouchuk Schmidt's user avatar
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Reference request: Baire class 2 functions

There are many articles on Baire 1 functions, but not many on Baire 2 and above. Where can I find a nice comprehensive survey of them?
James Baxter's user avatar
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4 answers

Defining the value of a distribution at a point

Let $\omega\in D'(\mathbb R^n)$ be a distribution and $p\in \mathbb R^n$. If there is an open set $U\subset \mathbb R^n$ containing $p$ such that $\omega|_U$ is given by a continuous function $f\in C(...
B K's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Does anyone recognize this inequality?

In some paper the authors make use of the following inequality without further explanation: Let $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ with $x_1\le\cdots\le x_n$ and $\alpha\in[0,1]^n$ with $\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i=N\in\{1,...
Robert Rauch's user avatar
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system of Euler like ode's

I am interested in solving some linear elliptic system like $$ -\Delta \phi(x) + \frac{C_1 \psi(x)}{|x|^\beta} =f(x)$$ $$ -\Delta \psi(x) + \frac{C_2 \phi(x)}{|x|^\alpha} =g(x)$$ in $B_1$ (the ...
Math604's user avatar
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Feller semigroups and fractional operators

Have Feller semigroups been used to investigate the properties of the Cauchy problem associated with the fractional Laplacian (just like they have been used to study local degenerate second order ...
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27 votes
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Rademacher theorem

If $f:\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^m$ is of class $C^1$ and $\operatorname{rank} Df(x_o)=k$, then clearly $\operatorname{rank} Df\geq k$ in a neighborhood of $x_o$. It is not particularly difficult to ...
Piotr Hajlasz's user avatar
63 votes
6 answers

Why isn't integral defined as the area under the graph of function?

In order to define Lebesgue integral, we have to develop some measure theory. This takes some effort in the classroom, after which we need additional effort of defining Lebesgue integral (which also ...
user57888's user avatar
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Reference request: Functions of bounded variation in one real variable

Is there a good reference for facts and theorems about BV real valued functions? I’m looking for something with much more than say Stein and Shakarchi 3, or Evans and Gariepy. Thanks!
James Baxter's user avatar
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What “mild solution” means, and how to find it?

In this paper: Existence and uniqueness of a classical solution to a functional-differential abstract nonlocal Cauchy problem Byszewski studied this form of functional-differential nonlocal problem (1)...
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Anisotropic perimeter and regularity of anisotropic minimal surfaces

1. Introduction. By-now classical results assert that minimal surfaces (in $\mathbb R^n$) are generically "smooth" out of a "small" set. Question. What are the known regularity results for ...
Romeo's user avatar
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5 answers

Is this a known question about the expression of a function on $\Bbb R^2$ as an infinite sum of products?

The question below was posted on Mathematics Stack Exchange. It received no answer, and I do not expect any direct answer to it here. However, the question seems to me a natural one. Thus I wonder ...
John Bentin's user avatar
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An inequality involving $L^1$ and $L^\infty$ norms of a function of a real variable and its derivative

I got to the following inequality by a (hopefully correct) tortuous argument: If $F:[a,b] \to \mathbb{R}$ is a absolutely continuous monotone function then: $$ \|F'\|_1^2 \leq 4 \|F\|_1 \, \|F'\|...
Jairo Bochi's user avatar
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Difference quotient for functions of bounded variation

Let $u:\mathbb{R}^N \to \mathbb{R}^N$, $u \in BV(\mathbb{R}^N)$, be a function of bounded variation. We have that the following holds $$(\ast) \qquad \frac{1}{|B_r(0)|}\int_{B_r(0)} \frac{|u(x+z)-...
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10 votes
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Can a vector-function $v:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}^n$ be an eigenvector of its own Jacobian matrix?

Good morning, I've came across this question, which has been puzzling me for some days. Suppose we are given a vector-valued function $v:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}^n$, $v(x)=\left( v_1(x),\dots, v_n(...
Gil Sanders's user avatar
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A question on a special "metric"

Suppose we have a function $F: [a,b]^n \to \mathcal{M}_{n \times n }(\mathbb{R})$ where $\mathcal{M}_{n \times n }(\mathbb{R})$ is the space of $n \times n$ real matrices, a compact set $B \subset \...
Nen's user avatar
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Generalization of regularly varying functions

A continuous function $L :\mathbb{R}_+ \to \mathbb{R}_+$ is called regularly varying (at infinity) if for all $a > 0$, $$ \lim_{x\to \infty} \frac{L(ax)}{L(x)}= g(a) $$ for some function $g(a)&...
Raziel's user avatar
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Number defined by a recursive binary sequence

In a math column in Scientific American many years ago, I encountered a peculiar binary sequence I describe below. Unfortunately I can't find a reference on this, so I would be grateful for any ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
13 votes
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Reference request: Oldest calculus, real analysis books with exercises?

Per the title, what are some of the oldest calculus, real analysis books out there with exercises? Maybe there are some hidden gems from before the 20th century out there. Edit. Unsolved exercises ...
3 votes
1 answer

Chain rules for Dini Derivative

Could someone provides some references for the chain rule concerning Dini derivatives. For example, let $f(\cdot) \in \mathcal{C}^1\left( \mathbb{R} ; \mathbb{R}\right)$, and $g(\cdot) \in \mathcal{C}\...
Johannes's user avatar
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Divergence rate of geometric sum of random variables

Let $(X_n)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ be a sequence of strictly positive and identically distributed random variables and let $\beta\le 1$. I am trying to prove that $$ 0<\lim_{\beta\rightarrow 1}(1-\...
Marc's user avatar
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Giving Uniform Bound on Differences of Sums of Converging Polynomials

The title does not quite capture the essence of the difficulty, please allow me to be more explicit here. I thought of this question when I was trying out an open problem by Ovidiu Furdui(See problem ...
Yujia Yin's user avatar
12 votes
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Proof of Green's formula for rectifiable Jordan curves

$\newcommand{\Ga}{\Gamma}$ I am trying to find a proof of Green's formula for rectifiable Jordan curves $\Ga$ (and the corresponding interior regions $R$). There is a proof by Ridder, followed by ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
17 votes
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The Riemann hypothesis as a problem in analysis

The recent post("Long-standing conjectures in analysis ... often turn out to be false") prompted me to think about a question which I have not given much though before: to what extent the ...
Alex Gavrilov's user avatar
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Reference request for weak solutions of an Elliptic PDE

Edit : I just learned that all weak solutions are $C^\infty$, so this question, by Willie, seems more appropriate than the current one. I want to find weak, non trivial, continuous, solutions of $$\...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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31 votes
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Mathematical Evidence Backing $|\mathbb{R}|=\aleph_2$

The "true" size of the real line, $\mathbb{R}$, has been the subject of Hilbert's first problem. Due to the Goedel and Cohen's work on the inner and outer models of $\text{ZFC}$, it turned ...
Morteza Azad's user avatar
1 vote
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Generalizations of Pedal Coordinates

I recently "stumbled upon" the article Pedal coordinates, Dark Kepler and other force problems by Petr Blaschke from 2017; further search about Pedal Coordinates didn't bring up any other ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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A generalization of Chebyshev's sum inequality

From some my previous questions here and here and well-known rearrangement inequality. I pose an inequality as follows and I am looking for the proof or a reference. Inequality: Let $y=f(x,y)$ is ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
6 votes
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Reference request: A collection of topologies on $\mathbb{N}$ formed via series

First, some quick notation: for any series $\sum_{n=1}^\infty a_n$ whose terms are positive real numbers, and for any subset $M = \{m_1, m_2,...\} \subseteq \mathbb{N}$, we write $\sum_M a_n$ to mean ...
Jason DeVito - on hiatus's user avatar

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