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Reference request for equivalent Lipschitz smoothness conditions

For an open set $Z\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n$, let $f: Z\mapsto \mathbb{R}$ be a continuously differentiable function on $Z$, and let $L>0$ be fixed. Also, suppose that (a) $f$ is nonconvex and (b) $f$ ...
William Kong's user avatar
2 votes
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$L^p$ domination of mixed partial derivatives of the 3rd order by the unmixed ones?

Is it true that for each real $p>1$ there is some real $C_p$ such that for all smooth real-valued functions $u$ compactly supported on $S:=(0,1)^3$ one has $$\|D_1D_2D_3u\|_p\le C_p(\|D_1^3u\|_p+\|...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
2 votes
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$L^p$ domination of mixed partial derivatives by the unmixed ones?

Is it true that for each real $p\ge1$ there is some real $C_p$ such that for all smooth real-valued functions $u$ compactly supported on $S:=(0,1)^2$ one has $$\|D_1D_2u\|_p\le C_p(\|D_1^2u\|_p+\|D_2^...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
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Inequality for a weighted bilinear form in Fourier variables

Let $\phi:\Bbb R^d\setminus\{0\}\to [0,\infty)$ be a continuous and symmetric, i.e., $\phi(-\xi)=\phi(\xi)$. Let $F:\Bbb R\to[0,\infty)$ be increasing and $L-$Lipschitz with $F(0)=0$. Consider the ...
Guy Fsone's user avatar
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Closeness of a rational approximation

What is $$p_*:=\inf\big\{p\in\mathbb R\colon\,\inf_{n\in\mathbb N}n^p\,\inf_{k\in\mathbb N} |2\sqrt{3n}-9\pi/4-k\pi|>0\big\},$$ where $\mathbb N:=\{1,2,\dots\}$? In other words, I would like to ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
9 votes
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Asymptotics of a quadratic recursion

Consider the sequence defined by \begin{align} c_0 &{}= 1 \\ c_n &{}= 2\,n\,c_{n-1}-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{m=1}^{n-1}c_m\,c_{n-m}. \end{align} How can you prove that it has the following asymptotics ...
Matteo Beccaria's user avatar
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Absolute lower bound on derivative of generalized trigonometric polynomial at zeroes

By a generalized trigonometric polynomial, I shall mean a function $f:\mathbb R^+ \rightarrow \mathbb R$ given by an expression of the form $$f(x) := \sum_{j=1}^k a_j \cos(\alpha_j x) + b_j \sin(\...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
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Covering the surface below a convex function

Is it possible to find the smallest positive real number $c$ (or at least the smallest positive integer $c$) such that the following result holds for all functions $f$ satisfying some conditions? Let ...
jack's user avatar
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Divergence between random variables after transformation

Let $X$ and $Y$ be random variables with laws $\mu_X$, $\mu_Y$ and $d$ be some $f$-divergence (e.g. KL, total variation, Hellinger). Writing $d(X,Y)$ for the divergence between $\mu_X$ and $\mu_Y$, ...
user34500's user avatar
6 votes
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Need a reference for a trigonometric inequality

In my old high school notebook (20 years ago), the following inequality appears with its proof: $$1+\cos x + \frac{1}{2}\cos 2x + \cdots + \frac{1}{n}\cos nx \geq 0$$ for any real $x$ and positive ...
Vu Thanh Tung's user avatar
7 votes
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Tight upper bounds on trigonometric polynomials

According to D. Hajela's chapter in Open Problems in Communications and Computation the following question was open as of the late 1980s. I have been unable to find any references so any results or ...
kodlu's user avatar
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Convexity at a point and Jensen inequality

I am looking for a reference for the following claim: Let $\phi:\mathbb (a,b) \to \mathbb R$ be a continuous function, and let $c \in (a,b)$ be fixed. Suppose that "$\phi$ is convex at $c$". ...
Asaf Shachar's user avatar
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11 votes
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Does anyone recognize this inequality?

In some paper the authors make use of the following inequality without further explanation: Let $x\in\mathbb{R}^n$ with $x_1\le\cdots\le x_n$ and $\alpha\in[0,1]^n$ with $\sum_{i=1}^n \alpha_i=N\in\{1,...
Robert Rauch's user avatar
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A generalization of Chebyshev's sum inequality

From some my previous questions here and here and well-known rearrangement inequality. I pose an inequality as follows and I am looking for the proof or a reference. Inequality: Let $y=f(x,y)$ is ...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
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$\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{\sin kx}{k^\alpha} >0\quad\text{for all}\ n=1,2,3,\ldots\ \text{and}\ 0<x<\pi, \text{and}\ \alpha \ge 1$

The Fejer-Jackson inequality as follows: $$\sum_{k=1}^n\frac{\sin kx}k>0\quad\text{for all}\ n=1,2,3,\ldots\ \text{and}\ 0<x<\pi.$$ I conjecture that the inequality as follows holds: $$\sum_{...
Đào Thanh Oai's user avatar
7 votes
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Mixtures of log-convex functions are log-convex: a reference

A referee of a submitted paper requested details on the statement that $\int_0^a e^{-tx^2}\,dx$ is log-convex in real $t$, for each $a>0$. While there are a number of ways to prove this statement, ...
Iosif Pinelis's user avatar
14 votes
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Inequalities on elementary symmetric polynomials

I have recently come across the following result. Let $0 < d \leq n$. Given any vector $x \in \mathbb{R}^n$ that satisfies $e_{d-1}(x) = 0$, show that $$|x_1 \cdots x_d| \leq |e_d(x)|$$ where $...
Nick R's user avatar
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A logarithmic cotangent inequality

I must be a terrible googling searcher but I cannot find a reference to the following inequality: $$ \forall_{\phi\in(0;\frac \pi 4)}\ \ln(\cot(\phi)))\, <\, \cot(2\!\cdot\!\phi) $$ I have just ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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An elementary inequality: reference request

Consider the problem of minimizing $\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_{i}}$ under the constraints $\sum_{i=1}^{n}{x_{i}^{2}}=1$ and $x_{i} \geq 0$. Obviously the solution is given by the vector $(1,0,\ldots,0)$. Now ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
11 votes
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Proof of the "Neo-classical Inequality", a fractional extension of the binomial theorem

I came across the following inequality, dubbed the "Neoclassical Inequality" which holds uniformly in $p\geq 1$ and $n\in\mathbb N$: $$\frac{1}{p^2}\sum_{j=0}^n\frac{a^{\frac{j}p}b^{\frac{n-j}p}}{\...
Alex R.'s user avatar
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