If $f$ is Lipschitz, then the following holds for the Hausdorff dimension: $$\dim_H f(A) \le \dim_H A.$$
Is the same true for the box counting dimension?
If $f$ is Lipschitz, then the following holds for the Hausdorff dimension: $$\dim_H f(A) \le \dim_H A.$$
Is the same true for the box counting dimension?
Of course this is still true, you simply map the covering using $f$. Let $L$ denote the Lipschitz constant for $f$. For a given $\epsilon$, suppose that $A$ can be covered by $N_A(\epsilon)$ sets of diameter at most $\epsilon$, and $N_A(\epsilon)$ is minimal. Then mapping each set in the cover using $f$ we get a cover of $f(A)$ that yields $N_{f(A)}(L \epsilon) \le N_A(\epsilon)$. The upper box counting dimension of $A$ is the limsup of $(\log N_A(\epsilon))/(-\log \epsilon)$ as $\epsilon \to 0$. Now $$(\log N_{f(A)}(L \epsilon))/(-\log (L\epsilon)) \le (\log N_A(\epsilon))/(-\log \epsilon) \cdot (\log (L\epsilon))/ (\log \epsilon).$$ Taking limsup gives the statement for upper box counting dimension, the proof for lower dimension is similar.