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Results in an article by Siegel

Studying the Eisenstein cocycle by Sczech, I noticed that to understand its connection with the values at negative integers with zeta functions it is necessary to understand the resuts by Siegel in ...
efs's user avatar
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On the equation that involves the Dedekind psi function $\psi(x)=n$ with unique solution $x$, for a fixed integer $n\geq 1$

The Dedekind psi function is defined for a positive integer $m>1$ as $$\psi(m)=m\prod_{\substack{p\mid m\\p\text{ prime}}}\left(1+\frac{1}{p}\right)\tag{1}$$ with the definition $\psi(1)=1$. See ...
user142929's user avatar
11 votes
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Most dense subset of numbers that avoids arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions

The famous Green-Tao theorem says that there exist arbitrarily long sequences of primes in arithmetic progression. I am wondering: How dense can a subset $S \subset \mathbb{N}$ be and still avoid ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
6 votes
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Provoking involutions further

Let $\mathfrak{S}_n$ denote the permutation group, and $I_0(n)=\sum_{j\geq0}\binom{n}{2j}\frac{(2j)!}{2^jj!}$ stand for involutions see A000085 for more interpretations. There is also these numbers $...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
9 votes
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Counting monomials in cyclotomic polynomials

Let $\Phi_n(x)$ denote the $n$-th cyclotomic polynomial. There are numerous properties and utilities of these polynomials. My interest is more basic and in the spirit of Tewodros Amdeberhan and ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
3 votes
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Is this line of thought (using linear algebra to get number theoretic results) already being pursued in the literature?

Let $Log(n) = \sum_{i=1}^r \alpha_i \cdot e_i$, where $n = \prod_{i=1}^r p_i^{\alpha_i}$ and $p_i$ is the $i$-th prime, $\alpha_i \ge 0$, $e_i$ is the $i$-th standard basis vector. For example $6 = 2\...
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9 votes
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A weak form of the Erdős-Turán conjecture

This question is motivated by the answer of Gowers to the question Erdos Conjecture on arithmetic progressions. Question. (1)-Suppose $A \subset \mathbb{N}$ is such that Lim$_n$ $log(n) \cdot |A \...
Mohammad Golshani's user avatar
3 votes
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On odd perfect numbers and a GCD

(Note: This question is closely related to this other one in MSE.) Let $N = q^k n^2$ be an odd perfect number. From this paper in NNTDM, we have the equation $$i(q) := \frac{\sigma(n^2)}{q^k}=\frac{...
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris's user avatar
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Is there any good reference on the Bayesian view that can be helpful for reading papers on the number theory using heuristic arguments?

Nowadays there are many papers on the number theory using heuristics. I have read some of them. But I have no clear understanding of the Bayesian Probability(subjective probability). The concept of ...
gualterio's user avatar
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17 votes
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Is $x^{n}-x-1$ irreducible?

Is it true that for every $n \in \mathbb{N}$, $x^{n}-x-1$ is irreducible in $\mathbb{Z}[x]$? The standard irreducibility criteria seem to fail.
Pablo's user avatar
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10 votes
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Algebraic independence of exponentials

First of all, a happy new year. Be it better than 2015, healthy, wealthy, fruitful and cross-fertilizing for you, familly and friends. In order to cope with families of solutions of evolution ...
Duchamp Gérard H. E.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Non-asymptotic results in probabilistic number theory

I'm a beginner. When I searched for results in probabilistic number theory most of the results were asymptotic in nature. Are there any results like with probability 1-$\epsilon$ (w.h.p) some property ...
user221985's user avatar
3 votes
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Subexponential algorithms that apply only one of factoring and discrete logarithm?

Shor (quantum polynomial), Number Field Sieve (subexponential), Pollard rho (square root) all have both factoring and discrete logarithm over $\mathbb F_p^*$ variants. What are the subexponential ...
Turbo's user avatar
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A diagonal generating function for Fibonacci: Part II

In my earlier MO question, I mentioned although we have for the Fibonacci numbers that $$F_n=[x^n]\left(\frac1{1-x-x^2}\right),$$ is there a function $F(x)$ such that $F_n=[x^n]\left(F(x)\right)^n$? ...
T. Amdeberhan's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Interactions of number theoretic conjectures and other fields of mathematics

There are many interesting open conjectures in number theory. My question is not about partial results or possible ways to prove them. It is about their interactions with the other fields of ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can every finite graph be represented by an arithmetic sequence of natural numbers?

(This is a follow-up to my previous questions Natural models of graphs?.) Erdös in The Representation of a Graph by Set Intersections (1966) states: Theorem. Let $G$ be an arbitrary graph. Then there ...
Hans-Peter Stricker's user avatar
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Reference: Asymptotic bit-complexity of algebraic operations and transcendental functions

This question is a reference request. Does anyone know of a reference that lists the asymptotic bit-complexity of algebraic operations and transcendental functions implemented on a Turing machine that ...
Eric Inclan's user avatar
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Dirichlet series of powers of the prime omega function

Let $\omega(n)$ denote the number of distinct prime factors of a positive integer $n$. I was wondering what is known about the dirichlet series $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{\omega(n)^k}{n^s},$$ in ...
bryanjaeho's user avatar
17 votes
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Is there an analog of the Birch/Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture for abelian varieties in higher dimensions?

I am wondering if there is a multi-dimensional analog of the Birch/Swinnerton-Dyer (BSD) conjecture. The recent famous result inching toward resolution of that conjecture is: Bhargava, Manjul, and ...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
11 votes
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Critical points of Dirichlet L functions

Let $L(s,\chi)$ denote a Dirichlet $L$-function for a real-valued non-principal character $\chi$. This has limiting value $L(\infty,\chi) = 1$ and we are interested in how this limit is approached ...
user2052's user avatar
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The Correlation of the Möbius Function and Dirichlet Characters

Let $\chi$ be a Dirichlet character, and define $\phi_\chi (n)$ so that it satisfies $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \phi_\chi (n)n^{-s}=\frac{\zeta(s-1)}{L(s,\chi)}.$$ In other words $$\phi_{\chi}(n)=\sum_{d|...
Eric Naslund's user avatar
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14 votes
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Deligne's letter to Piatetskii-Shapiro from 1973

Could anyone point me to a place where I could find Deligne's letter to Piatetskii-Shapiro from 1973? It is cited for example in Berkovich's "Vanishing cycles for formal schemes II".
12 votes
2 answers

Dihedral extensions and the Ankeny–Artin–Chowla conjecture

Jensen and Yui (Polynomials with $D_p$ as Galois group J. Number Theory 15, 347–375 (1982)) proved that if $p = 4n+1$ is a regular prime, then there is no normal extension of the rationals with Galois ...
Franz Lemmermeyer's user avatar
4 votes
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Reference for inequality for $\sum\limits_{d \mid n}\frac{\log d}{d}.$

Let $f(n)=\sum\limits_{d \mid n}\frac{\log d}{d}.$ It is not hard to see that $f(n)\ll(\log\log n)^2$. Is there any reference for this inequality? EDT 1: A possible answer is Analysis of the ...
Alexey Ustinov's user avatar
-1 votes
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If $p_n(a,b)$ is a rational number (or integer) for 3 consecutive values of $n$ then every $p_n(a,b)$ is

Let $a$ and $b$ be two real numbers and $p_n(x,y)$ the polynomial: $$p_n(x,y)=\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}x^{n-1-i}y^{i},$$ where $n$ is a positive integer. In a previous post I asked if $p_n(a,b)$ was a ...
jack's user avatar
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Sufficient condition for the absolute convergence of Fourier series of a function on the adele quotient $\mathbb A_k/k$

Let $G$ be a compact abelian group. The unitary characters of $G$ form an orthonormal basis of $L^2(G)$, so every square integrable function $f: G \rightarrow \mathbb C$ admits a Fourier expansion $$...
D_S's user avatar
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Weisinger's thesis

I am currently reading Atkin and Li's paper on Twists of newforms and Atkin-Lehner pseudo eigenvalues and one of the references there is to Weisinger's thesis: Weisinger J., Some results on classical ...
MichalisN's user avatar
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Request for resources or techniques for bounding the infinity norm of an infinite product convolved with a simple function

I'm attempting to bound an expression of the form. $$ \lVert(\prod_{i=1}^{\infty} \phi_i) * s \rVert_{\infty} $$ Where $\phi_i$ are bounded periodic step functions which can be replaced by smoothed ...
G G's user avatar
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Gauss-Manin and Hilbert modular forms

There is a geometric formulation of Hilbert modular forms (HMFs) that parallels that for classical modular forms (sections of a line bundle over the moduli space of Hilbert-Blumenthal Abelian ...
Jon Aycock's user avatar
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Good books on arithmetic functions?

As I was studying the Möbius $\mu$ function and Gram series, I got myself some pretty nice books: Ribenboim - The New Book of Prime Number Records Apostol - Introduction to Analytic Number Theory ...
Roupam Ghosh's user avatar
15 votes
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A p-adic analogue for a formula of Riemann?

This might be naive question but I was wondering whether a p-adic analogue of the following (shockingly) beautiful formula $$\zeta(s)\Gamma(s) = \int_0^\infty \frac{t^{s-1}}{e^t-1} dt$$ (vaild for $\...
user5831's user avatar
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Image of Frobenius element under irreducible representation is diagonalizable

Let $K/ \mathbb Q$ be a Galois extension, and $\rho$ be an irreducible representation of the Galois group $Gal(K/ \mathbb Q)$. Consider an integer prime $p$ which doesn't ramify in $K$, and let $\...
asrxiiviii's user avatar
-1 votes
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BV analogue with well-factorable function. (Primes in arithmetic progression)

Is this special case known? For $\lambda(q)$ -- well-factorable function and $q|P(z)$, $\pi(x;q,a)$ $a=1$. $\displaystyle \sum_{q\leq x^{1-\epsilon}} \lambda(q) ( \pi (x;q,1)-\frac{\pi(x)}{\varphi (q)}...
user155294's user avatar
12 votes
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Minimal possible cardinality of a $(a_1, ..., a_k)$-distributable multiset

Suppose we have a multiset $M$ of positive rational numbers. Sum of $M$ equals $1$. We'll call this multiset $n$-distributable for some $n\in \mathbb{N}$, if there exists a partition $M_1 \sqcup ... \...
Glinka's user avatar
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Differential Galois number theory

Following, I vainly tried to find ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
7 votes
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If the natural density (relative to the primes) exists, then the Dirichlet density also exists, and the two are equal

On p. 76 of the 1996 edition of Serre's A Course in Arithmetic, one reads the following (inline) remark: One can prove that, if $A$ has natural density $k$, the analytic density of $A$ exists and ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
6 votes
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Books building up to the Gross-Zagier formula

I am an undergrad extremely interested in some applications of the Gross-Zagier formula for elliptic curves. I have a strong foundation in group theory and abstract algebra, and an understanding of ...
TeaFor2's user avatar
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20 votes
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When complex conjugation lies in the center of a Galois group

Let $K \subseteq \mathbb{C}$ be a number field (I'm fixing an embedding), and assume $K/\mathbb{Q}$ is Galois with Galois group $G$. Let $\tau \in G$ denote complex conjugation. This question ...
Bobby Grizzard's user avatar
12 votes
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Growth of dimension of fixed spaces in $GL_n(\mathbb{Q}_p)$-representations

Let $\pi$ be a generic irreducible admissible representation of $GL_n(L)$, where $L$ is a $p$-adic field, $R$ is its ring of integers, and $\mathfrak{p}$ is its prime ideal. The conductor of $\pi$ ...
John Binder's user avatar
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8 votes
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Numerical evaluation of the Petersson product of elliptic modular forms

It is known how to compute the Fourier expansion of elliptic modular forms using modular symbols, and it is known how to get numerical evaluations of $L$-functions of various type ; it's possible to ...
3 votes
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Turan Inequalities

A real entire function $$\psi(x)=\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \gamma_k\frac{x^k}{k!}$$ is said to be in the Laguerre-Polya class, denoted $\psi(x) \in \mathcal{LP}$, if it can be represented in the form \...
Dennis Jia's user avatar
16 votes
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On (a generalization of) the Gauss Circle Problem

Most (if not all) references I read about the Gauss Circle Problem that proves a bound below $O(R^{2/3})$ reduces the GCP to the Dirichlet Divisor Problem by the well known expression of $r_2(n)$, the ...
Fan Zheng's user avatar
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9 votes
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What is the density of integers of the form $a^2+nb^2$?

Landau proved that the mean density of integers of the form $a^2+b^2$ up to $x$ is $K\frac{x}{\sqrt{\log x}} (1+o(1))$, where $K$ is an explicit constant. One proof is based on the fact that a prime $...
Lior Bary-Soroker's user avatar
4 votes
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Fricke groups and Fricke curves

The congruence subgroup $\Gamma_{0}(n) \subset PSL_{2}(\mathbb{Z})$ is normalized by the Fricke involution $F_n: z \mapsto -1/nz$ and so we may form the Fricke modular group $\Gamma_{0}^{+}(n)\langle \...
Chris Brav's user avatar
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Redundancy of the Cantor enumeration of the rationals

What is the cardinality of the set of values corresponding to the first $n$ rationals generated in Cantor's enumeration scheme for proving their countability? Edit: following the suggestion of Todd, ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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On sets of coprime integers in intervals

Briefly, Question: Is it "good enough" to use least prime factor in choosing a maximal set of coprime integers in an interval? The post title comes from a 1993 paper of Erdos and Sarkozy. They ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
2 votes
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A good introduction to the study of the Thue Equation

Hi, I am interested in studying the Thue equation, where we are concerned with a binary form $F(x,y) = a_0 x^r + a_1 x^{r-1}y + \cdots + a_r y^r$ and solutions of the form $$F(x,y) = h$$ for some ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
7 votes
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Basics on anabelian geometry and Grothendieck's section conjecture

Even I can find similar questions and some answers on that questions, most of them are not quite unsatisfactory to me. Maybe this is a very stupid question, but there is no other place that I can ask ...
Kevin.lijh's user avatar
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Different solution of power Diophantine equation based on constant term

Let us define a power Diophantine equation by 2 algebraic functions $f,g$ (having different degree) and by integers $k, l >0$ where, there are finite solutions for $f(x)+k=g(y)$, but there exists $...
Michael's user avatar
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Does the set of Diophantine $m$-tuples has full measure?

We say that an $m$-tuple $\omega=(\omega_1,\ldots,\omega_m)$ satisfies the Diophantine condition of order $\nu \geq 0$ if there is a constant $C>0$ such that for all natural $q$ and integer $p_1,\...
demolishka's user avatar

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