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Where can I find the classification of groups of order 16p? [closed]

I need to classify the groups of order $16p$ by their generators and relations between the generators. Can I find this classification anywhere?
user48652's user avatar
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F.p. groups where all elements of the same order are conjugate

The question I want to ask is related to the Boone-Higman conjecture (see Embedding in f.p. simple groups for the details). We discussed recently with Ievgen Bondarenko this conjecture and he ...
Victor's user avatar
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7 votes
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Uncertainty principle for non-commutative groups

Is it true that for every group $G$ and $f\in \mathbb C[G]$ it holds that $$\dim(\mathbb C[G]*f)\mathop{supp}(f)\geq |G| ?$$ Here, $\mathbb C[G]$ is the group algebra, and by $\mathbb C[G]*f$ I ...
Klim Efremenko's user avatar
3 votes
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Naturality of the transfer in group cohomology

Let $G$ be a (discrete) group and $H\le G$ a subgroup of finite index. Then there is a transfer map $$tr\colon\thinspace H^\ast(H;M)\to H^\ast(G;M) $$ in group cohomology, where $M$ is any $G$-module ...
Mark Grant's user avatar
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Reference on elements of finite order in principal congruence subgroups of symplectic groups

We should start with the definition of the symplectic group for an arbitrary ring $R$. The symplectic group $Sp(g,R)$ is the subgroup of $SL(2g,R)$ such that all elements satisfy $M=J_g^t M J_g$ with $...
Tom's user avatar
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Abelian centralizer groups (CA-groups)

I am searching for all information about CA-groups [abelian centralizer groups] and i just found a German book [Huppert] and Nilpotent Centralizer group of Suzuki in 44 pages and Group theory book of ...
Reza Sheikhi 's user avatar
2 votes
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Classification of Automorphism set of a Regular graph

Let $A$ be the adjacency matrix of an $r$-regular graph $G$ with $n$ vertices (Not complete or cycle graph) . Also, let $Aut(G)$ be the set of all its automorphisms (i.e. set of permutation matrices)....
Michael's user avatar
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Why are all involutions conjugate in the special linear group of degree 2?

It appears to be standard that the set of non-identity involutions in $SL(2, 2^n) = PSL(2, 2^n)$ forms a single conjugacy class. What is the best reference for this? I note that https://math....
user94741's user avatar
8 votes
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Who proved that a group of polynomial growth has growth exactly polynomial?

I need to put a reference about the classical result that a f.g. group of polynomial growth has growth which is exactly polynomial. Talking personally with people and also here in A question about ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
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Have locally principal crossed homomorphisms been studied?

Take a (multiplicative finite) group $H$ acting on the left (by automorphisms) on an (additive finite) abelian group $A$, and recall that the abelian (additive) group of crossed homomorphisms from $H$ ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Amenability of Thompson's group looking at a 4-manifold having it as the fundamental group

Just for curiosity I have done a quick web-search and I have seen that some people are studying manifolds with amenable fundamental group. On the other hand, any finitely presented group and then, in ...
Valerio Capraro's user avatar
8 votes
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Radical of $F_p[SL(2,p)]$

Let $G=SL(2,p)$. Does anyone know what is the radical of the group algebra $F_p[G]$? Does there exists any book/paper where it is calculated? By radical here I mean maximal ideal I of $F_p[G]$ such ...
Klim Efremenko's user avatar
4 votes
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Estimates for simple random walks in groups of intermediate growth

I'm looking for references for the rate of escape and return probability for a group of intermediate growth. Let $0<\alpha < 1$. If the volume growth is $\succeq \mathrm{exp}(n^\alpha)$, then (...
ARG's user avatar
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Non-split groups

I am looking for a reference with definitions on what it means for an algebraic group to be split, quasi-split, and non-split. I would like to see some examples of the different "types". Thanks, Tom
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resources in surjunctive groups

Are there any free available resources on surjunctive groups which are available to say: a graduate level student? A textbook would be fine also. Regards.
Gorka's user avatar
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Idempotent measures on the free binary system?

Let $(S,*)$ be the free (non associative) binary system on one generator (so $S$ is just the set of terms in $*$ and $1$). There is an extension of $*$ to the space $P(S)$ of finitely additive ...
Justin Moore's user avatar
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Fundamental inequality of entropy in random walks

I'm looking for a reference for an inequality related to the "fundamental inequality" about entropy and rate of escape of random walks (on the Cayley graph of a group). Namely, $\textbf{Question}$: ...
ARG's user avatar
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Growth of the number of generators in hyperbolic groups

Let $G$ be an infinite hyperbolic group, and let us further assume that it is residually finite (or even LERF/GFERF) so that we have plenty of subgroups of finite index. I would like to know if one ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Equations and random subgroups in compact groups

EDIT: Here is a more specific question. Let $G$ be a compact group and let $w$ be a word in $d$ variables. Then the solution set $S$ of the equation of $w=1$ is a closed subset of the product $G^d$ ...
Colin Reid's user avatar
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A non-surjective coboundary map induced by a central extension

Let $k$ be a number field and $$ 1\to A \to B \to C \to 1$$ be a central extension of finite groups over $\mathcal{O}_k$ (the ring of integers of $k$), with $B$ non-commutative. Consider the induced ...
Coquelicot's user avatar
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Groups with special automorphism group

I am looking for all finite groups $G$ such that for each subgroup $H$ of $G$ and each automorphism $\sigma$ of $H$ there exists an automorphism $\psi$ of $G$ whose restriction to $H$ is $\sigma$. Is ...
majid arezoomand's user avatar
14 votes
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Who conjectured that a transitive projective plane is Desarguesian?

The only known finite projective plane with a transitive automorphism group is the Desarguesian plane $PG(2,q)$ and it seems likely that there are no others, although this is not (quite) proved. ...
Gordon Royle's user avatar
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torsion free for the 2nd cohomology group?

Let $G$ denotes an infinite coutable discrete group with Kazhdan's property (T), My question is: is it known that the 2nd cohomology group $H^2(G,\mathbb{Z}G)$ is torsion free? Thanks in advance! ...
Jiang's user avatar
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Normal subgroups of projective special linear group over a ring

What are the normal subgroups of $PSL_2(\mathbb{Z}/p^n \mathbb{Z})$?
Adam Harris's user avatar
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Is the automorphism group of a homogeneous (locally finite) tree unimodular?

I have seen somewhere (that I don't remember now) that the (full) automorphism group of a k-regular tree is unimodular. I assume a k-regular tree is the same thing as the homogeneous tree of degree k (...
user avatar
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Structure of abelian connected complex linear algebraic groups?

Let $G$ be an abelian connected complex linear algebraic group. Is it true that $G$ is isomorphic to $(\mathbb{G}_m)^k\times (\mathbb{G}_a)^\ell$, where the nonnegative exponents denote repeated ...
bapike's user avatar
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On the divisibility of the special linear group of degree $n$ over an algebraically closed field

Let $n$ be a positive integer, $p$ a (positive rational) prime, and $\mathbb K$ an algebraically closed field. If ${\rm char}(\mathbb K) = 0$ then ${\rm GL}_n(\mathbb K)$ is divisible (see here). But ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Doubly covering an even lattice

I have read that there is a way to construct a group which is a double cover of an even lattice. The very tantalizing thing about this is that if the even lattice is chosen to be the Leech lattice, ...
DavidLHarden's user avatar
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On groups satisfying a law

We say that a group $G$ satisfies a law if there exists a (nontrivial) word $w \in \mathbb{F}_n$ such that $w(g_1,\dots,g_n)=1$ for every $g_1,\dots, g_n \in G$. For example, any abelian group ...
Seirios's user avatar
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description of functions of conditionally negative type on a group

Recall that a kernel conditionaly of negative type on a set $X$ is a map $\psi:X\times X\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ with the following properties: 1) $\psi(x,x)=0$ 2) $\psi(y,x)=\psi(x,y)$ 3) for any ...
BigBill's user avatar
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Reference on calculation of 2nd cohomology group

Let $G$ be a finitely generated, infinite, countable discrete nonamenable group with zero first Betti number, I.e., $H^1(G, \ell^2(G))=0$, e.g., $G=F_2\times F_2$, the product of free groups of two ...
Jiang's user avatar
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On a problem of Berkovich

What is the real history of the following problem proposed by Berkovich [Y. Berkovich, Z.Janko, Groups of prime power order. Volume 2, Expositions in Mathematics, 56, Walter de Gruyter, New York, 2011]...
S. Mohsen Ghoraishi's user avatar
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The symmetry group of $\mathbb Z^d$

Let $d \ge 1$, and consider the integer lattice $\mathbb Z^d$. This is a homogeneous space, in the manner of the Erlangan Programm. I would like to write $\mathbb Z^d = G / H$, where $G$ is the ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Thin profinite groups - nonabelian analogues of p-adic integers

Let $p$ be a prime number, $S = C_p$ a cyclic group of order $p$, $G = \mathbb{Z}_p$ the profinite additive group of $p$-adic integers. It is well known that all the closed nontrivial subgroups of $G$ ...
Pablo's user avatar
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Copies of ax+b inside the AN part of an Iwasawa decomposition?

As a relative novice to the structure theory of Lie algebras and Lie groups, the following is what I can gather from reading parts of Helgason's book DG, Lie groups and symmetric spaces and Knapp's ...
Yemon Choi's user avatar
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Parshin's buildings for higher local fields

What is the status of the theory of buildings for higher local fields? I know that there are some papers of Parshin, in which he describes some examples, like $PGL_2$ and $PGL_3$ over two-...
Matthias Wendt's user avatar
15 votes
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Relation Between Truncated Braid Groups and Regular Tilings of the Complex and Hyperbolic Plane

This is perhaps a vague question, but hopefully there exists literature on the subject. The question is motivated by an answer I gave to this question on math.SE. There exists a rather remarkable ...
Dan Rust's user avatar
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Some questions about the Lévy monoid of certain densities

Let $\bf H$ be a set, $f: \mathcal P({\bf H}) \rightharpoonup \bf R$ a partial function, and $\mathcal{D}$ the domain of $f$. Next, denote by $\mathcal M(f)$ the set of all (total) functions $\theta: ...
Salvo Tringali's user avatar
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Character theory of $2$-Frobenius groups.

This is a crosspost of my (slightly longer) question on MSE since I'm not getting any responses there. Definition. Let $G$ be a finite group and $F_1=\text{Fit}\,G$ and $F_2/F=\text{Fit}\left(G/...
Alexander Gruber's user avatar
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Reference for a proof of the Dehn presentation

I would like a reference for a proof that the Dehn presentation is a presentation of the fundamental group of the knot complement in $\mathbb{S}^{3} $.
dwjo8d's user avatar
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Improvements of the Reidemeister-Schreier index formula for particular classes of groups

I have a couple of questions regarding possible improvements of the Reidemeister-Schreier index formula: let $G$ be a $d$-generated group and let $H$ be a subgroup of $G$, then $$d(H) \le (d-1) \...
Matteo Vannacci's user avatar
11 votes
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Analysis and finitely generated groups

Dear all, this is perhaps a bit a vague question, but some references would already be very helpfull. So let $G$ be a finitely generated group and choose some finite set of generators. This allows to ...
Stefan Waldmann's user avatar
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Posets of cosets and contractibility

For this question let $G$ be a group, perhaps infinite, and let $H_i$ for $i\in I$ be a (finite) family of subgroups closed under taking intersections. I am interested in the coset poset $\mathcal{C}(...
James Griffin's user avatar
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Localized at $p$ integral representations of finite elementary $p$-groups

Let $C_p$ be a cyclic group of prime order $p$. Let $F=C_p^n=C_p\times\dots\times C_p$ ($n$ times). I would like to to classify finite dimensional representations of $F$ over ${\mathbb{Z}}$. However, ...
Mikhail Borovoi's user avatar
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Subgroup structure of orthogonal groups of small dimension over finite fields

How much is known about the subgroup structure of the orthogonal groups (of dimension n<=7, say) over finite fields? Can anyone point me in the direction of a good reference? I'm aware of a book by ...
MRD1729's user avatar
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Reference request: A theorem by S. Garrison

A theorem by S. Garrison states that if $G$ is a finite solvable group and $|cd(G)| = 4$ then $dl(G)\leq |cd(G)|$ (the Taketa inequality, which is conjectured to hold for all finite solvable groups). ...
Tobias Kildetoft's user avatar
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Counting Nearest Neighbors that Stay Nearest Neighbors after Random Rearrangements

Imagine we are making necklaces with $n$ beads, each bead is a different color from all others. Let's say we make one necklace. If we make another necklace with the same $n$ differently colored ...
Jesse W. Collins's user avatar
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Natural actions of quotients of automorphism groups

I've stumbled upon a construction which seems to be very much classical, and yet I found nothing definite about it so far in available sources. Let $\Lambda$ be a normal subgroup of the automorphism ...
Olod's user avatar
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Decomposition of an induced representation

If there is a finite group $G$ with a cyclic normal subgroup $C_n$, one can describe the indecomposable representations of $G$ through induction. How does $Ind_{C_n}^G$ decompose? For representations ...
user30594's user avatar
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List of commutator identities and equivalences

Let $G$ be a group and let $[a,b]=a^{-1}b^{-1}ab$ be the commutator of $a$ and $b$ in $G$. There are several well-known commutator identities such as $[x, z y] = [x, y]\cdot [x, z]^y$ and $[[x, y^{-...
Zuriel's user avatar
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